Friday, February 8, 2008

[Free_eContent] Digest Number 2327

Messages In This Digest (7 Messages)



How to Build Healthy Optimism and Lasting Resilience - Part Two

Posted by: "Bruce Elkin"   article_distribution

Thu Feb 7, 2008 7:00 am (PST)

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Article Title:

How to Build Healthy Optimism and Lasting Resilience - Part Two

Article Description:

We face more adversity every day. So do our kids. But some of
us thrive, while others drop into dperession, or worse. What
accounts for that difference? Adversity, by itself, does not
cause depression. Many of us make adversity worse by taking a
pessimistic stance toward it. We dwell on the worst aspects of
what happens to us.

Additional Article Information:

1126 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2008-02-07 10:00:00

Written By: Bruce Elkin
Copyright: 2007-2008
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How to Build Healthy Optimism and Lasting Resilience - Part Two
Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Bruce Elkin
Personal Life Coaching Services

NOTE: This is the second part of a two-part series. This is:
Part 2 of Depression Proof Yourself---and Your Kids!
Read Part 1 online at:

We face more adversity every day. So do our kids.

But some of us thrive, while others drop into dperession, or

What accounts for that difference?

Adversity, by itself, does not cause depression. Many of us make

adversity worse by taking a pessimistic stance toward it. We
dwell on the worst aspects of what happens to us.

* We think it is PERMANENT ("This is going to last

* We think it is PERVASIVE ("It is going to ruin my whole

* We think it is PERSONAL ("It's all my fault!").

As well as contributing to an overwhelming sense of helplessness

("I can't do anything about this"), such pessimism can lead to

low moods, low achievement, apathy, and poor health. Left
unchecked, helplessness can spiral down into hopelessness ("Why

do anything about anything?). Hopelessness is the prime cause
of suicide.

Pessimism is 50% genetic and 50% learned. We cannot do much about

our gentics, but we can do a lot with the 50% we learned. So
learning how to be more optimistic can make a huge difference in

our lives-and in our kids lives.

Dr. Martin Seligman says we can "immunize" ourselves and our
against depression. The key to depression-proof yourself and
your kids, he says, is twofold:

1) develop "masterful action" (on our own, and in our
youngsters), and

2) develop a flexible, optimistic "explanatory style."

Doing both can result in emotional mastery and an an upward
spirtal of healthy optimism, and increasing resilence.

Masterful Action

Masterful action--the habit of persisting and overcoming
challenges--begins in the crib and can be reinforced throughout
childhood. When, for example, toddlers struggle try to climb up

on a couch, let them figure out their own way to do so.

Don't interfere, except for safety.

"For your child to experience mastery," says Seligman, "it is

necessary for him to fail, to feel bad, and to try again
repeatedly until success occurs."

My father used to tell me, "If you can't do something right, do

not do it!" Then he'd snatch away my tools and finish my
for me. I felt stupid and inept.

As well, when I couldn't finish a project on the solar system on

time (because I feared I wouldn't "do it right"), my mother
the paper machÈ planets for me.

Both thought they were helping. But they weren't; not in the

Fifty years later, I still feel inept when it comes to making or

fixing things. As well, I failed to develop the sense of mastery

that would have come from faling, doing it again, learning, and

Seligman says kids need to feel bad, learn from mistakes, and try

again until they achieve mastery many times before they become
teenagers. If they do not learn to accept diffuciulties and rise

above bad feelings when they are young, they become prime
candidates for depression in their are teens.

"Failure and feeling bad," Seligman says, "are necessary
blocks for ultimate success and feeling good."

True self-esteem-in kids and ourselves-comes from feeling good
about doing well at things that matter s. It also comes from
developing a realistically optimistic way of explaining what
happens to us.

Explanatory Style

Explanatory Style is a great predictor of failure or success in
life. It predicts who will become stressed, anxious or depressed

when faced with adversity, and who will sail smoothly through
troubled waters to the rewards on the other side.

Kids pick up their explanatory style from their primary care
giver, ususally mom. So, changing how you explain things to
yourself can help you and your kids take a more realistically
optimistic approach towards what happens.

Realistic optimists rarely suffer from emotional disorders such
as depression.

They see adversity as TEMPORARY ("This won't last").

They see it as SPECIFIC ("Just part of my life is

They see it as external ("It's not all my fault).

As a result, they are more resilient than pessimists.

They realize they have control over adversity and its outcomes-if

only their responses. They limit adversity's reach into their
lives. Moreover, they know that the adversity will not endure

Dr. Paul Stoltz, author of Adversity Quotient has shown
ownership-being accountable for the results you want, regardless

of what happens, or who is at fault-helps you persevere, and
create what matters. Those who score high on ownership persist
where others quit. They succeed where others fail.

Changing Your Explanatory Style

Changing your response to what happens can help your children
change theirs.

A first step is listen to your own self-talk-the stream of
thoughts, beliefs, stories, judgments, and conclusions that
runs through your mind.

We usually don't know we do it, or that it affects our moods and

behaviors, but we constantly comment to ourselves on our lives,
our actions, other people and their actions. We pass judgment
on what happens to us, and why. Too often, we indulge in self-
defeating, "shoulda, coulda, and woulda" thinking.

Unfortunately, this constant nattering affects our moods and
emotions. "Emote," means, "to move". Our emotions give rise

to our actions, and our results.

Unnoticed, self-talk and the emotions it generates, can move us
in ways we don't want to move. Much self-created grief is, for

example, caused by "shoulding" on ourselves, others, and the

"I should have know better." "It should have happened like
this." "I should be smarter (or prettier, or thinner, or

But, simply changing "I should have..." to "Next time I
for example, can have an amazing effect on both your emotions and


Another way to change explanatory style is note the differences
between a pessimistic style and a realistically optimistic one.
Practice using the optimistic style to explain what happens. I
am sure you will discover that both your moods and the results
you create improve.

Together with masterful action (learning to create what matters
most-with whatever life gives you), developing a more optimistic

way of explaining what happens will help you and your kids
develop optimism,resilience, and persistence in the face of

It will help you regain that spark of vitality. It will give you

energy to do what matters. It will make life worth living

Masterful action and explanatory style are true basics. They are

critical life skills we and our kids need to thrive in
challenging times. The time to start working on them is now.

* For more information about depression, it's treatment and
prevention see: The Optimistic Child (HarperPerennial, 1995)
by Martin Seligman; and Emotional Mastery: Manage Your Moods
and Create What Matters Most-With Whatever Life Gives You
(eBook), by Bruce Elkin.

Bruce Elkin is a writer, coach, and consultant who helps
individuals and organizations create what matters most-in spite
of problems, circumstances, and adversity. His ebook Emotional
Mastery: Manage Your Moods and Create What Matters Most-With
Whatever Life Gives You is available on his website at:


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When the 'Blues' Last For Weeks - Part One

Posted by: "Bruce Elkin"   article_distribution

Thu Feb 7, 2008 7:01 am (PST)

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Bruce Elkin
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Article Title:

When the 'Blues' Last For Weeks - Part One

Article Description:

Do you feel tired too much of the time. Or sad, empty? Has life
lost its spark? Does your body have the blues? Have you felt
this way for more than a few weeks? Do you wonder, "Am I
depressed? Or just out of sorts?" These days, many wonder if
they are depressed. And with good reason.

Additional Article Information:

1067 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2008-02-07 10:01:00

Written By: Bruce Elkin
Copyright: 2006-2008
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Bruce Elkin's Picture URL:

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When the 'Blues' Last For Weeks - Part One
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Bruce Elkin
Personal Life Coaching Services

Do you feel tired too much of the time. Or sad, empty? Has life

lost its spark? Does your body have the blues? Have you felt
this way for more than a few weeks?

Do you wonder, "Am I depressed? Or just out of sorts?"

These days, many wonder if they are depressed. And with good

"More ... people die of depression than of AIDS, heart disease,

pneumonia, cancer and strokes put together," writes Gerrard
in a Guardian review of Andrew Solomon's book The Noonday Demon:

An Atlas of Depression.

"One in 10 people in America is on drugs to help their moods.
Five percent of its teenagers are clinically depressed. Fifteen

percent of people who are depressed eventually kill

Recent Statistics Canada reports indicate the situation might be

worse. One in three Canadians, they say, suffer from

And it is not just grown-ups; it is also our kids.

Consider this scenario: Johnny's seems sad and listless, easily

irritated. He's not interested in regular activities. He drags

himself around the house complaining he's "bored."

His mom worries he is depressed. His dad disagrees.

"It is just got a case of the blues. It will blow over."

He tells Johnny to "pull himself together."

Is Johnny depressed? Or just temporarily down?

Twenty years ago, Dad might have been right. Now, Mom is likely


Depression in teens, says Dr. Martin Seligman, past president of

the American Psychological Society and author of The Optimistic
Child, has reached "epidemic" proportions. Suicide, often
related to depression, is the number two killer of teens in
Canada. Moreover, depression strikes earlier in life than ever

So, how do you know if you--or--your child is depressed?

There are three types of depression. Major depression, chronic
low-level depression, and manic-depression (bipolar disorder).
I'll focus on the first two.

Symptoms of major depression are much the same in children as
in adults:

* Sadness, anxiety, or "empty" feelings

* Decreased energy, fatigue, being "slowed down"

* Loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities

* Sleep disturbances (insomnia, oversleeping, waking much
earlier than usual)

* Appetite or weight changes (loss or gain)

* Difficulty concentrating, making decisions, or remembering

* Irritability or excessive crying

* Feelings of hopelessness, guilt, and worthlessness

* Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts

* Chronic aches and pains not explained by another physical

It's normal for us and our kids to be down from time to time.

However, if you or your child show five or more of the symptoms
of major depression and they last for two or more weeks, you
should get help from a mental help professional.

A less intense version of depression (dysthymia) involves long-
term, chronic, but less severe symptoms that can nevertheless
keep you or your child from functioning fully or feeling well.

The U.S. National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) says
dysthymia is diagnosed when a person suffers from at least two of

the depressive symptoms above, and their depressed mood lasts for

at least two years in adults, or one year in children or

While dysthymia is not as serious as major depression, the NIMH
warns that many people with dysthymic disorder also experience
major depressive episodes.

Unfortunately, it's not always easy to diagonose ourselves, or
see symptoms in children. When they feel bad for long periods,
many blame themselves, or circumstances, and fail to reach out
for understanding, and help.

Do not blame yourself. If you think you might be depressed,
talk to someone. A friend, family, priest, rabbi, pastor,
or spiritual advisor, your doctor, a school nurse or

Talking with others who understand is the first step to
recognizing depression. It also helps you develop the
emotional mastery you need to rise above it.

Kids can't always explain how they feel, and they express
symptoms differently at different ages. Instead of telling
you they feel "worthless" or "hopeless," they may act out
or be irritable. Other signs to be on the lookout for are:

* A drop in school attendance or grades

* Talk of running away from home

* Alcohol or other drug use/abuse

* Reckless, risky behavior

* Difficulty with relationships

* Extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure

* Outbursts of shouting, complaining, unexplained irritability,

or crying.

Teens are more at risk for depression than children.

Moreover, children, says Dr. Seligman, "do not become
They rarely commit suicide.

But early-onset depression and chronic low-level depression are
serious. They can put your child at risk for major depression
later in life.

If you suspect a child is suffering from depression, try gently
talking with them. Listen carefully and respectfully; stay aware

of their feelings. Sometimes just being there for them can make

a dramatic difference.

If in doubt about yourself or your child, do seek professional
help. Talk to your doctor. Contact your community health
services or the local Mental Health office. Most phone books
have Crisis Lines listed in the front. They will direct you to
appropriate help.

Don't worry, for now, about what caused the depression. The key

is to get help for yourself and/or your child sooner rather than

later. Depression can be successfully treated, often without the

use of drugs.

The best treatment for depression is cognitive-behavioral therapy

(CBT). A time-limited therapy (6 to 12 weeks), CBT helps
sufferers identify--and change--the pessimistic views of
themselves and their future that give rise to negative emotions
and behaviors.

Although medication can be useful in some cases of major
depression, it is often prescribed indpendent of counselling.
I don't recommend that. Drugs mask the symptoms. To rise above

symptoms and develop effective behaviors, it is important to also

get counselling such as CBT.

Moreover, because it is skill-based, CBT works better than drugs.

You do not have to go off it. Once learned, you can use its
emotional mastery skills for ever.

Perhaps more important than its role in treatment is the fact
that CBT principles are the best tools for preventing depression

and emotional discorders such as anxiety, panic, and burn-out.

CBT principles such as "explanatory style" provide you with
to depression-proofing yourself-and your kids! We will look at

prevention and tools for emotional mastery in part 2 of this
article-Building Healthy Optimism and Lasting Resilience.

* For more information about depression, it's treatment and
prevention see: The Optimistic Child (HarperPerennial, 1995)
by Martin Seligman; and Emotional Mastery: Manage Your Moods
and Create What Matters Most-With Whatever Life Gives You!
(eBook, 2006), by Bruce Elkin.

Bruce Elkin is a writer, coach, and consultant who helps
individuals and organizations create what matters most-in spite
of problems, circumstances, and adversity. His ebook Emotional
Mastery: Manage Your Moods and Create What Matters Most-With
Whatever Life Gives You is available on his website at:


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Energy Costs May Cost You Your Youtube And Your Flowers, Too

Posted by: "Wesley Berry. AAF"   article_distribution

Thu Feb 7, 2008 7:12 am (PST)

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Wesley Berry, AAF
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Article Title:

Energy Costs May Cost You Your Youtube And Your Flowers, Too

Article Description:

We're all struggling with rising energy costs. For some, that
could mean giving up the luxuries we enjoy, like the Internet
connection that allows us to use YouTube. But, for people in the
flower business, the cost could be even higher.

Additional Article Information:

386 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2008-02-07 10:12:00

Written By: Wesley Berry, AAF
Copyright: 2006-2008
Contact Email:

For more free-reprint articles by Wesley Berry, AAF, please visit:,-aaf.html

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Energy Costs May Cost You Your Youtube And Your Flowers, Too
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Wesley Berry, AAF
Wesley Berry Flowers

We're all struggling with rising energy costs. For some,
that could mean giving up the luxuries we enjoy, like the
Internet connection that allows us to use YouTube. But, for
people in the flower business, the cost could be even

Increasing energy costs are having an enormous impact on the
floral industry. Running a greenhouse requires a great deal
of energy for heating and other operations. Unfortunately,
those costs have to be passed on to the consumer. And, since
consumers are also struggling to pay their own energy bills,
they have less money left over to purchase flowers.

According to the Floriculture and Nursery Crops Outlook
report that was released on September 22, 2006, rising
energy costs are having a similar affect on the flower
industry as they are on the food industry. Alberto Jerardo,
author of the report, wrote, "In 2005 and 2006, higher
petroleum prices led to greater price inflation in the food
and agriculture sector as costs rose for fertilizer,
storage, processing, and transport, among others. Thus, as
in 2005, demand in 2006 will be subdued despite abundant
floral and nursery crops. As a result, prices of greenhouse
and nursery crops will again be unable to rise enough to
offset their higher production costs."

Other findings disclosed in the report are:

* The value of imported fresh cut flowers is more than
double the value of domestic fresh cut flowers sold.
Domestic flowers had a value of about $385 million while
imports had a $750 million value.
* Flower growers in the Southern parts of the U.S. are
enjoying the fastest sales growth, while those in the
Midwest also experienced some increased sales. On the other
hand, growers in the West and Northeast saw a decrease in
* Lilies are the most popular of major cut flowers. They
have the highest per household consumption at 66 cents in
2006 compared to 34 cents for roses and tulips.
* Domestically grown lilies, alstroemeria, and carnations
had price increases this year, while imported cut flowers
had no price increase.

Flowers have become such an important part of American
culture that we can only hope rising energy costs won't
result in people having to forgo the positive aspects
flowers add to our lives. After all, for most of us, flowers
would be a much greater loss than YouTube.

Wesley Berry is member of the American Academy of Floriculture
(AAF) and President of Wesley Berry Flowers, a successful
multi-million dollar floral business that was established in
1946. As a major sponsor of and , Wesley Berry has worked hard
on behalf of improving literacy. Visit Wesley Berry Flowers
on the web at .


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Posted by: "Bronwyn NobleStar"   article_distribution

Thu Feb 7, 2008 7:36 am (PST)

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Did you start your day with Love or Hate? Discover how to improve
the quality of your life by asking this one simple question

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930 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2008-02-07 10:36:00

Written By: Bronwyn NobleStar
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Copyright (c) 2008 Bronwyn NobleStar
Joyfully Receive Money

Did you start your day with Love or Hate? Discover how to improve
the quality of your life by asking this one simple question



It had been three days since he had gotten separated from the
rest of his commando team, and he was deep in the heart of the
Norwegian mountains struggling through a blinding snowstorm,
praying that he would find his way out of it.

The time was World War II and all he knew, was that if he didn't
find shelter or help soon he would lose his feet. They were
already so frozen that he had taken off his army boots and slung
them over his shoulders. Now, he was trudging through the deep
snow barefooted and unable to feel his feet.

Strong feelings of fear that he might not survive made him feel
panicky inside. He needed a miracle desperately. But it seemed
his prayers had gone unheard, as three days had already gone by.
His rations were gone and so was his hope. But his desire to
survive to tell the tale was excruciatingly intense.

As Tony recounted his story to me, I wondered why he said that he
had lost his faith and belief in God wjhen here he was, some
forty years later, telling me what had happened to him.

It seemed that as he had fought against the snowstorm and
freezing cold, he also had fought against an inner foe that he
could not see but one that he could only feel. The inner enemy
gripped him with intense feelings of fear, despair, rage, grief,
self-pity, helplessness and hopelessness. He lamented to me that
he wondered at the time,

"Why is this happening to me? Why has God abandoned me?"

When I asked Tony how he managed to survive, he said that he had
unexpectedly stumbled out of the mountains and appeared at the
edge of a small village. What a spectacle he must have made as he
stepped out of the blinding snow, in his barefeet, with his boots
drapped over his shoulders and his rifle in his hands. The
miracle he desired had happened! He had found his way to a
community of people who helped him to physically heal and
recover. But he had not recovered and healed emotionally because
he was still feeling that God had abandoned him.

My question to Tony, was,

" If you could have seen the bigger picture would you have only
believed in what your five senses were telling you?"

Maybe you weren't abandoned by God. Maybe the real problem you
had was that there were major gaps in your data base as to how to
recognize and deal with your real enemy...your emotions!

Don't get me wrong. A snowstorm is a snowstorm. But our feelings
about what is going on outside of us also contribute greatly to
how we handle the external events.

My question to you is this.

Do you find yourself in overwhelming situations where there seems
to be no way out?

Your story may not be under the harsh conditions Tony
encountered, but the reality is that anytime the emotions rule
you, you've already lost the battle! Berating or belittling
yourself only adds to your already damaged belief system that you
should have done better. Shutting them down (stuffing or denying
them) only prolongs your misery or life difficulties.

One of the secrets is to come to the realization that it is never
you who has the problem! I'll repeat this. It is never you who
has the problem!!! It is your data base - the thoughts and
feelings held in your computer (your mind, heart, cells of your
body - your subconscious belief patterns) that is missing some
essential information you require for you to make a different

Understand that you are not to blame.

YOU are O.K.

Your behaviors may not have been the best but you are O.K. This
does not mean that I am condoning past harmful behaviors. I am
only acknowledging that if you had known differently, you would
have done differently!

When you come to grips with the fact that you are OK, along with
the idea that if you had more data, you would have made different
choices, you will then truly be on the first step in your journey
to emotional freedom!

At this moment, you may be feeling just the opposite. As well,
your life may not continue to be the way you want it to be.
However, when you reflect on the above idea, that you are O.K.,
and can accept this fact, then you will experience an inner
peacefulness! You will know that you did the best you could at
the time and will be able to truly feel in your heart (emotions)
that you now have the freedom to make different choices. Choices
that you may have never felt you had before.. Additionally, your
behaviors will begin to reveal your new found freedom and inner
peace. In fact, the quality of your life will improve.

To-day, will you give yourself permission to realize that you
are not to blame?

Will you take ownership for your feel them, deal
with them and heal from their ongoing e-motional sabotage?

Or, will you continue to let your life get so out of control,
that you will want to give up and just let the chips fall where
they may?

The choice is yours!

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Written by: Bronwyn NobleStar
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A Career Alternative

Posted by: "Lisa Mazurka"   article_distribution

Thu Feb 7, 2008 7:48 am (PST)

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Article Title:

A Career Alternative

Article Description:

With the increasing demands in nursing today, many nurse
practitioners are seeking alternative careers to utilize and
compliment their current degrees. Numerous nurses are pursuing
career alternatives as Clinical Research Coordinators;
individuals who aid in the coordination, management and conduct
of clinical research under the supervision of a designated

Additional Article Information:

843 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2008-02-07 10:48:00

Written By: Lisa Mazurka
Copyright: 2008
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A Career Alternative
Copyright (c) 2008 Lisa Mazurka
Clinical Research Consulting, Inc.

The clinical research industry is a rapidly growing field. One
can't turn on the television or read the newspaper without
hearing about the latest and greatest drug approved by the FDA.
With this growth, come new and exciting job opportunities for the
healthcare industry.

The clinical research industry has been responsible for bringing
numerous careers to the forefront for healthcare professionals.
One profession in particular, has been greatly impacted by this
new growing enterprise; nurses.

Particularly, nurses involved in direct patient care are taking
the opportunity to transition from standard clinical care to
roles within the clinical research industry, especially given the
demands on nurses have become greater due to nursing shortages
and numerous healthcare policy changes.

The clinical research coordinator role has become a popular and
sought after career alternative for nurses. Clinical research
coordinators serve to aid in the coordination, management and
conduct of clinical research under the supervision of a
designated physician/investigator. Despite the interest and
eagerness of nurses to leap into this alternative career, it is
not always an easy transition. At least two major obstacles are
often hurdled by nurses; 1) lack of a clear, defined job position
of the clinical research coordinator and 2) lack of education and
training to perform the responsibilities in this new occupation.

A concrete, defined role for the clinical research coordinator is
not well defined in the industry literature. In fact, the ICH GCP
guidelines do not even include a definition for clinical research
coordinator in the definitions section (although you will find
the role of the investigator defined). In a study conducted by
Spilsbury, et. al., 1 the roles, responsibilities and
contributions of clinical research nurses were evaluated.
Findings reported that the clinical research nurse's role can
influence the quality of the research; however the scope of this
role was poorly defined. Further, they analyzed the transition
process from a clinical care nurse to a clinical research
nurse's role through a nursing focus group, and found that the
clinical research nurses reported lack of confidence, role
conflict, challenges in gaining the cooperation of the global
nursing staff, and difficulties maintaining motivation within
their newly defined role.

The second hurdle facing nurses in this new role is lack of
clear, defined responsibilities which can lead to confusion and
misinterpretation. Further, nurses are often not familiar with or
have not been exposed to the specific knowledge or background
required to perform within the function of this position.

To help ease this career transition process and avoid many of the
issues cited by Spilsbury and his colleagues, education and
training is a key factor for a successful career transition.
Without the proper training and education prior to and during
this transition, nurses (and often the physicians supervising the
research and their designated role) are unaware that among
specific job requirements and responsibilities, there are also
federal regulations which they must abide by in the conduct of
clinical research. Further, they are often unaware that there are
specific guidelines (Good Clinical Practice guidelines) which
should be followed. Often, this inexperience results in a naïve
but true noncompliance with the law. Often times, federal
violations resulting from lack of education and training are
found during FDA audits through the FDA's Bioresearch Monitoring

Despite the importance and growing interest in the clinical
research coordinator role we continue to face challenges and
resistance in supporting education and training for clinical
research coordinators. Bakker, et. al., 2 evaluated a group of
oncology nurses and their perception of research. The study
concluded that the respondents valued research and perceived a
role for nurses in the clinical research industry, however they
did not perceive that there is a strong administrative and
collegial support for their involvement. Many nurses who
transition into this role attempt to seek training and education
from supervisors and senior management but are declined for
various reasons.

Despite the importance to train and educate new clinical research
coordinators, there is no standard requirement for training and
education within the clinical research industry. As nurses
undergo education, training and licensure to practice clinically,
there is no standard requirement when they transition into the
clinical research arena. Until the industry considers education
and training a priority or it becomes a standard job
prerequisite, coordinators will continue to struggle in their
roles and unfortunately not have the ability to function to their
full capacity.

In conclusion, the clinical research industry offers a unique and
stimulating career transitions for nurses. Nurses considering
this transition should first research the roles of the clinical
research coordinator and seek education and training to fulfill
this new occupation. In addition, other suggestions for support
include: membership and involvement in professional clinical
research organizations, peer focus groups and a mentoring


Bakker DA, Trottier T, McChesney C, "Clinical Oncology Nurses'
Perception of Research", Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 7
(3): 150-161 (1997)

Spilsbury K, Petherick E, Cullum N, Nelson A, Nixon J, Mason S,
"The Role and Potential Contribution of Clinical Research Nurses
of Clinical Research Nurses to Clinical Trials", Journal of
Clinical Nursing, April 5 (2007

Lisa Mazurka is Founder and President of Clinical Research
Consulting, Inc.,
a full service clinical monitoring, project management, training,
and educational service organization committed to raising
standards within the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Lisa is an avid clinical educator and has delivered hundreds of educational programs for hospitals, academia and biotech
start-ups to leading pharmaceutical companies. She has also
taught for the Boston University School of Medicine and
The Massachusetts Biotechnology Council.


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How I Lost 50 Pounds in Two Weeks and Gained a New Living Room!

Posted by: "Pamela Cole Harris"   article_distribution

Thu Feb 7, 2008 8:00 am (PST)

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Article Title:

How I Lost 50 Pounds in Two Weeks and Gained a New Living Room!

Article Description:

OK...I was spilling over, outgrowing everything, the beautiful
bits hidden under mounds of muddle and it was time – past time –
to lose it! I thought about using dynamite to blast it away, but
that was too messy and probably illegal!

Additional Article Information:

587 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2008-02-07 11:00:00

Written By: Pamela Cole Harris
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How I Lost 50 Pounds in Two Weeks and Gained a New Living Room!
Copyright (c) 2008 Pamela Cole Harris
Home And Garden Makeover

OK...I was spilling over, outgrowing everything, the beautiful
bits hidden under mounds of muddle and it was time – past time –
to lose it! I thought about using dynamite to blast it away, but
that was too messy and probably illegal! I thought of calling a
small third world county and telling them I had more than enough
if they could use some extra – but that would probably cause an
international crisis. So I decided to do it the hard way – one
step at a time. Yes, it was time to de-clutter my living room!
And lest you think this a small task, let me tell you that we are
talking clutter with a capital "C!"

I began by sorting through my stacks of books until I came to a
book on "How to De-Clutter Your Home," which had been hidden
under a book on streamlining your life and another on losing 5
pounds overnight. Armed with the book's list of suggested steps,
I sat on a stack of magazines and began to read.

1. Start with three boxes – one labeled "keep," one labeled
"trash," and another labeled "give away."

- Now right away we have a problem. If I could put all my stuff
into these three little boxes, I wouldn't HAVE a clutter
problem! So I got out my industrial-sized box of trash bags,
skipped the labels and with applause from my husband ( who
immediately ducked to miss the flying copy of "How to Declutter
Your Home" and fled a hasty retreat), I began to stuff.

2. If possible, move everything out of the room. Move back in
only the items you want to keep.

- When I called my husband to help, pointing to the next item on
the list from "How to Declutter Your Home," he dissolved into
gales of laughter and said, "You want to put what, WHERE?" I
muttered something about "where the sun don't shine," handed
him a hankie to wipe his eyes, picked up the nearest pile and
began to move.

3. If you are unsure about whether or not to keep items, put them
in a box for 6 months. If you still haven't opened the box after
six months, take it directly to a thrift store.

- Now THIS made sense - box up all my junk and put it in my
husband's space and let HIM deal with it! When my husband
realized - on my third trip to the garage – that I was moving all
my possessions, lock, stock, and silk flower arrangments to live
amongst the tools, "valuable stuff," and "they don't make
'em like that anymore" treasure in his space, he – well, let's
put it in a less explosive term – "freaked!" My copy of "How
to Declutter Your Home" landed in my neighbor's yard amongst
the begonias, scaring the cat and causing every dog in the
neighborhood to begin a new game of "My bark is louder than your

It took two weeks, 10 trash bags, 9 boxes, two extra-large
pepperoni pizzas for my husband and the dogged determination of
yours truly, but I got a new, uncluttered and streamlined living
room. And the 50 pounds? More than 50 pounds of "irreplaceable
treasure" went to the thrift store or trash bin in the two weeks
of decluttering! So I am back to my old svelte self! Now, if
only I could get up enough courage to open that hall closet, I
might lose another 20!

Pamela Cole Harris has been a writer and decor recycler for over
30 years (Yikes! Has it been that long?) - and as for food
experience - she has eaten every single day for over 50 years!
Visit her websites: and for more of her irreverent
humor and style - making you laugh about "serious" things such
as design and cooking!


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Father's Day Flowers Fit For Any Dad

Posted by: "Wesley Berry. AAF"   article_distribution

Thu Feb 7, 2008 10:24 am (PST)

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Article Title:

Father's Day Flowers Fit For Any Dad

Article Description:

Father's Day is approaching fast and you still have no idea what
to get your dad, do you? Well, you could buy him yet another tie
with his favorite cartoon character, loud stripes, or polka dots
on it. But...

Additional Article Information:

438 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2008-02-07 13:24:00

Written By: Wesley Berry, AAF
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Father's Day Flowers Fit For Any Dad
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Wesley Berry, AAF
Wesley Berry Flowers

Father's Day is approaching fast and you still have no idea what
to get your dad, do you? Well, you could buy him yet another tie
with his favorite cartoon character, loud stripes, or polka dots
on it. But, since you've been getting him a tie every year since
you were just a little kid, he probably has more ties than he
could ever wear. Or, you could get him another bottle of cologne
to add to the dusty collection already in his bathroom cabinet.
Hmmm...doesn't sound promising, does it? Well, I've got the
perfect solution that will fit any dad's style-flowers!

Flowers are surely a gift he won't be expecting, and
furthermore, you can personalize them to fit your dad, no matter
what his interests. Your florist can help you make the perfect
floral arrangement that your dad is sure to love, and can make
the gift fit virtually any hobby. Wondering how your florist
could create a floral gift that your motorcycle enthusiast, grill
master, fishing "expert," woodworker, or computer fanatic dad
would love? Keep reading!

* Motorcycle Enthusiast: Provide your florist with a small model
motorcycle, new motorcycle gloves, or some other riding accessory
and have it built into the floral arrangement. You could even
have an arrangement made in a helmet!

* Grill Master: Have your florist create a colorful gift of
flowers to match a set of grilling spices. Or, make up a box or
basket containing flowers in one side and some grilling
accessories (tongs, turner, meat fork, mitt, apron, etc.) in the

* Fishing Expert: For the dad who loves to fish, bring in some
new fishing lures and ask your florist to work them into the
arrangement. You could also have a floral arrangement created in
a new tackle box.

* Woodworker: Your florist can create an arrangement using some
new tools, such as wood files or clamps. He or she can also
incorporate plans for a new project or popular woodworking

* Computer Fanatic: For the dad who spends his day pointing and
clicking, how about a floral arrangement with a new mouse pad,
mouse, software, or discs?

Even hobbies that are the most seemingly incompatible with a gift
of flowers can be incorporated into a flower arrangement for
Father's Day. I've presented a few ideas for many of the dad's
out there, but if your dad doesn't fit into any of the above,
your local florist is sure to have even more great ideas. The
important thing here is to be creative and think from your heart.
Your dad is special, make his day special with a gift of
personalized flowers.

Wesley Berry is member of the American Academy of
Floriculture (AAF) and President of Wesley Berry Flowers,
a successful multi-million dollar floral business that
was established in 1946. He is also the Headmaster of the
Professional Florists' Institute, a floral design school
located in Michigan. Visit Wesley Berry Flowers on the web
at .


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