Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1.
- Hannah Montana Concert Tickets Sell High From: Mike Brown
- 2.
- The Foundation To Successful Weight Loss - A Healthy Diet And Lifest From: Jeffrey Wearstler
- 3.
- RV Lifestyles: How To Get The Most From Free Bush Campsites From: Bill Revill
- 4.
- Know All About Russian Silver And Enamel From: Anita Satin Choudhary
- 5.
- Living With Diabetes From: Herschel Lawhorn
- 6.
- Commercial Real Estate: Tips For Saving Wealth From: Tom Beaty
- 7.
- So You Want A Havanese Puppy? From: Fiona A Kelly
- 8.
- Finding Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale That Doesn't Support Puppy Mil From: Rebecca A Simpson
- 9.
- Affordable Beagle Puppies For Sale From: Michelle A Adams
- 10.
- 3 Big Mistakes Readers of The Science of Getting Rich Make From: articleannounce
- 11.
- Siberian Huskies: Extreme Attitude From: A Preston
- 12.
- Rottweiler Breeder Information You Need From: Sharon A Davies
- 13.
- Pomeranian Personalities From: Rosie A Allan
- 14.
- German Shepherd Breeders To Avoid From: Jan A Ryan
- 15.
- Helpful Advice On Which Chihuahua Breeders To Avoid From: Sandra A Dean
- 16.
- 3 Powerful Tips for Making 2008 Your Best Year Ever From: articleannounce
- 17.
- Shar Pei Personality Types From: Melissa A Coleman
- 18.
- Don't Be Afraid Of The Yorkshire Terrier Breed Standard From: Susan A Bailey
- 19.
- Marketing To Your Online Customers Las Vegas Style From: Ted Cantu
- 20.
- What Is A Mortgage Lender? From: Michael Sterios
- 21.
- Children Who Suffer Whiplash Injury - The Forgotten Injured. From: Nick Jervis
- 22.
- 3 Powerful Weight Loss Tips From: articleannounce
- 23.
- Autoresponders - Can They Really Make You Money? From: Don Schnure
- 24.
- A Review Of The Email Aces Autoresponder Service From: Brian Garvin
- 25.
- Making Change: Hard Or Easy? From: Wendy N. Lapidus-Saltz
- 1.
Hannah Montana Concert Tickets Sell High
Posted by: "Mike Brown" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 6:11 pm (PST)
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Mike Brown
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Article Title: Hannah Montana Concert Tickets Sell High
Author: Mike Brown
Word Count: 594
Article URL: 221465&ca= Entertainment
Format: 64cpl
Contact The Author: aid=221465
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Unless you've been living under a rock for the past year you
know who Hannah Montana is. Miley Cyrus, star of the Disney
channel series hit, "Hannah Montana". Miley, is the daughter of
country music singer Billy Ray Cyrus, and she plays a high
school student, Miley Stewart, who lives a secret double life as
a famous pop star, Hannah Montana. The show is very popular, as
a matter of fact, it reaches five million viewers a week.
You also know that people are going to great lengths to get her
concert tickets. How great you might ask. Let me tell you.
Let's start with this little tidbit I read about. On January
3rd, country station Y-108 held a contest of a different sort.
First it was held in a mall. It was designed for dads of little
girls. These dads were required to wear a blond Hannah wig, a
black dress and 2-inch heels while running through the mall
doing some wild things. All this to win tickets to a Hannah
Montana concert!
And let's not forget the infamous essay contest that was held.
According to sources a mother/daughter duo entered the writing
contest in hopes of winning the concert tickets. The essay
stated that the little girl's father died in Iraq in a roadside
bombing. It was later learned that the little girl's father did
not die in Iraq, in fact he's not a soldier. The mother stated
that she and her six-year-old daughter wanted to see Hannah
Montana in concert and the essay was what they did to try to win
the tickets. Officials announced that that mother/daughter duo
would not be receiving the grand prize.
What would prompt such behavior in grown men and women you
might ask. Let me give you some background. Tickets for Hannah's
concerts have been known to sell out in as little as four
minutes. That is not a misprint or a typo, four minutes.
Scalpers across the nation have had a field day with this. They
are getting four to five times the face value of the tickets.
According to one source, a single ticket for the show in
Charlotte, N.C., sold for $2,565. The original cost of the
tickets between $26 and $66.
Times have changed and technology has advanced and so we are
seeing changes in the way scalpers operate. They no longer hold
up tickets outside the arena. Those days are gone. Now you'll
find them behind a computer screen selling tickets online. Most
states do not have restrictions on reselling tickets.
It's been suggested ticket prices (through scalpers) may lessen
as the concert date gets closer. However, scalpers will continue
to be an issue as Hannah Montana concert tickets are so
difficult to get and many people are willing to pay those
outrageous prices to have the opportunity to attend her concert.
You may be wondering how to protect yourself from getting
gauged when purchasing your concert tickets. Try to buy a ticket
as quickly as possible. Though it's not likely you will get one
in the first four minutes that they go on sale, be at your phone
ready to place your order. If you miss out on that, check
listings on ebay and craigslist. Perhaps someone has a ticket
that they cannot use for some reason. And finally, wait until
close to the date of the concert and buy your ticket as cheaply
as possible.
About The Author: Mike Brown - Check out more Hannah Montana
Resources Below. http://hannah-montana-mp3. blogspot. com/
http://hannah-montana-mp3. blogspot. com/2008/ 01/hannah- montana-concert- tickets.html
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- 2.
The Foundation To Successful Weight Loss - A Healthy Diet And Lifest
Posted by: "Jeffrey Wearstler" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 6:11 pm (PST)
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Jeffrey Wearstler
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Article Title: The Foundation To Successful Weight Loss - A
Healthy Diet And Lifestyle
Author: Jeffrey Wearstler
Word Count: 561
Article URL: 221543&ca= Wellness% 2C+Fitness+ and+Diet
Format: 64cpl
Contact The Author: aid=221543
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We've all been tempted by quick fix diets, weight loss
inventions and other quick, easy weight loss schemes. I know I
have. The truth is, the foundation to successful weight watching
is a healthy diet and lifestyle, combined with exercise.
This is easier said than done with today's fast paced,
constantly on the go lifestyle that most of us live. It sure
seems easier to run through a fast food drive through for lunch
or grab a mocha latte for a pick me up. I'm guilty of doing this
myself. But in the long run, you'll save time and energy by
simply having a healthy diet and lifestyle plus exercising 30
minutes a day.
The pants tell the truth. How many of you are in the same size
you were a year or two ago? Many of us aren't. The statistics
about obesity in America are staggering. Six out of 10 adults
Americans are over weight and 17% of our children are overweight
or obese.
We need to make real, long term lifestyle changes to win the
battle against the bulging waistline.
So how do you make changes to your lifestyle that will result
in healthy living? Here are 7 simple tips to watch your
1. Enjoy healthier foods - reach for fruits, veggies and
balanced meals rather than the fast food value meal of a mocha
latte. These are high in fat, sugar and calories, but low in
nutritional value and can quickly add inches to your waistline.
2. Be patient - we all want instant results, but the reality is
that watching your waistline takes work and time. Recognize the
small achievements. They will add up over time.
3. Be consistent with eating and exercise choices - consistency
is the key to getting the results you want. To keep your body at
the weight you want, you'll need to eat better and be more
active for your whole life.
4. Get active, stay active - exercise is critical to
maintaining a healthy weight. Strive for a balance between a
healthy diet and lifestyle plus physical activity. Your
waistline and your energy levels will both thank you.
5. Change your lifestyle - take it slow and smart. Make subtle
changes rather than drastic ones. An all or nothing approach may
work short term, but you'll end up frustrating yourself and make
it more difficult to stay with a healthy lifestyle.
6. Eat a good breakfast everyday - your body needs the fuel a
good breakfast will deliver the first thing in the morning. Then
eat small portions at regular intervals throughout the day.
Did you know - skipping breakfast is a recipe for overeating
with late night snacks (I'm guilty on this one)
7. Eat more fruit - fruit is good for you, despite some of the
rumors the fad diets have spread. In fact, you should eat fruit
everyday, for every snack of with every meal you can.
There you are. Seven little tips to get you started leading a
healthy diet and lifestyle.
Remember, the foundation to successful weight watching is a
healthy diet and lifestyle, combined with exercise. If you can
do that and stick to it, you will be well on your way to a
healthier, happier life.
About The Author: Visit http://www.healthydietandlife. fororg
more diet and weight loss information.
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- 3.
RV Lifestyles: How To Get The Most From Free Bush Campsites
Posted by: "Bill Revill" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 6:11 pm (PST)
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Bill Revill
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Article Title: RV Lifestyles: How To Get The Most From Free
Bush Campsites
Author: Bill Revill
Word Count: 1772
Article URL: 221474&ca= Recreation
Format: 64cpl
Contact The Author: aid=221474
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The ever-spiraling cost of RV lifestyles -- plus those
increasingly crowded tourist parks -- is prompting many RV
travelers to consider overnighting on free bush sites. Sure, no
real surprise there, but paradoxically, very few of our fellow
travelers actually follow through on the idea.
And that's a pity. After all, those who for valid and various
reasons choose to remain with mainstream RVing miss out on much
that this lifestyle has to offer. That's certainly true in terms
of outdoor enjoyment, and the sense of freedom that comes with a
night or two of self-reliance.
As it happens, help is at hand: Not only can RV bush camping be
a safe, hassle-free experience, the extra gear required is
negligible. Indeed, getting onto a site deep in the backblocks
can be far easier than squeezing your caravan or motorhome into
a crowded tourist park. And depending on how adventurous you
choose to become, you probably already carry the equipment
that's needed.
So, if we press ahead with the notion that bush camping might
at least be worth a try, your earliest thoughts are likely to
focus on how to assess the suitability of any potential free
site that you chance upon during your travels.
Checking potential bush sites
Given that safety and comfort are high priorities for all of
us, the most important step in utilizing a bush site is to have
a careful look over it while there's still plenty of daylight.
This upfront assessment should include (1) the condition of the
track going in, (2) the overall practicality of the site, and
(3) whether you'll be able to get your RV out of there in the
event the track peters out, or if rain sets in later. In the
majority of cases, the best method of weighing it all up is to
check it out on foot -- before you commit to an unknown
If your tow vehicle is 4x4, one or two track deficiencies
should present no problem, but with conventional transport extra
caution might be wise. Be absolutely certain, for instance, that
the track is wide enough for both vehicle and caravan/trailer,
keeping in mind extended mirrors, tight bends, and close trees
or overhanging branches. Is there sufficient clearance
underneath the RV? Are wheel-ruts in the track likely to result
in dragging the bottom? Any mud, rocks, or steep sections? Could
the drive in be made easier with some minor track repairs?
If you do locate a viable site, what's it like overall? For
example: Is it fairly level? Is there enough room to maneuver
and turn your outfit around? Does it appear to be the local
gathering place for motorized sleazoids? Is the site polluted
beyond easy clean-up? Are there fences close by, or farmhouses
within earshot? Is it far enough from passing traffic? Look up:
Is there sufficient clear space to avoid parking the RV beneath
overhanging branches? And if you're set up for solar power, will
panels receive enough sun? In forested areas, what's the current
fire danger status? Is the site adequate considering the length
of stay you have in mind?
Yes, that's quite a raft of questions. In fact, in your early
days of bush camping a pocket checklist is not a bad idea. After
a while, though, this whole `assessment' process won't take much
longer than the walk in. Negatives tend to leap out at you!
Getting onto the site
OK. Everything looks pretty good so you decide to drive in.
Next rule: Take it slowly. If possible, have someone walking
alongside to watch for any nasty surprises. Decide in advance
what hand signals and yelling are meant to indicate.
Nonetheless, the driver is the person in the hot seat, so tricky
decisions are, ultimately, his or her call -- within reason, of
As you negotiate a bush track in an RV, try to think in four
dimensions: above, below, left and right. Visualise where the
wheels are going -- or where you want them to go -- and what the
rear of the RV is likely to do. Take the corners as widely as
surrounding vegetation permits. If potentially damaging branches
obstruct your path, get someone to hold them aside or, as a last
resort, remove them.
Despite all this caution, if you get boxed in, don't panic.
Back up if possible, very carefully, and under the watchful eye
of your outside guide. A caravanner's worst-case scenario might
involve unhitching, then re-hitching at an acute angle, with the
vehicle now facing the preferred direction of travel. Not a lot
of fun, but a long way short of dangerous. Besides, it's all
part of bush camping in an RV!
Setting up camp
Without doubt, you could strike one or two potential hazards,
but most often you'll reach the site without drama.
Nevertheless, once you're in there, still more decisions
confront you! After checking once again for overhanging
branches, where's the best spot for the RV? If you want to use
an awning, will it fit in the space available? With privacy in
mind (ie, visibility from passing traffic), which direction
should the outfit face? Does the site provide natural run-off in
the event of heavy rain? Where might a campfire be set up to
avoid filling the RV with smoke? Should RV or vehicle be
positioned to form a windbreak?
Well, finally, you have the rig in position! However, if you
need to get it level -- for optimum performance of LPGas
refrigeration -- first check its side-to-side attitude (using a
spirit level). If it needs to come up on one side, the quick
solution is to drive (or tow) it onto suitable blocks of wood.
Having double-checked side-to-side, now check for level
front-to-rear. To get this right, caravanners may need to resort
to anything from complete unhitching, to minor elevation of the
tow hitch using the jockey wheel (after setting van and vehicle
The point is, bush sites aren't tourist parks. The job of
leveling an RV may take a little time but is worth the trouble,
not just for the fridge, but for your general comfort, too.
Finally, lower the stabilizers firmly onto (more!) blocks,
chock the wheels if the site is sloping, and drop the step (if
necessary). Now it's time to take a well-earned break!
Getting comfy
Once you've recovered from the adrenalin surge, you might give
some thought to making the camp comfortable. Most often, top of
the list is an awning -- and with an outside shelter in place,
you'll really start to feel at home. (By the way, on bush sites
a full caravan annexe is rarely an option, no matter how good
the site may be.)
A small garden rake is handy about now so that the area beneath
the awning can be cleaned up a little, perhaps in preparation
for some type of `floor', such as a section of shade cloth.
Obviously, for a stay of only one or two nights, you probably
won't bother. But with a floor down and a bit of camp furniture
set up you can get yourself quite comfy.
Another job you might have to think about is the sullage outlet
hose. A single-night stay presents no problem, but beyond that
you don't want kitchen water (and food particles) accumulating
beneath the RV, attracting every ant and critter from miles
around. It's best to run the hose to a small pit covered with
leaves or grass to give water a chance to soak away -- while the
flies are kept at bay.
Some other improvements to consider (though also
time-dependent) might be:
· Establishing a bush toilet (and an obstacle-free path to it).
· Positioning a bush shower.
· Where to string a clothesline.
· Location for the generator.
· TV antenna.
· A campfire and firewood.
· Barbecue or outdoor kitchen.
· Rubbish container for non-burnables.
· Door mats (inside and out).
· Ant deterrents (plus removal of branches resting against the
Other issues
In some parts of the country it is entirely possible to set up
your RV for quite lengthy stays on bush sites. But there are a
few issues that, while hardly worth considering for just a night
or two, do increase in probability with the passage of time. No
doubt the two of concern to most travelers are security and bad
Security. Provided the site is reasonably concealed from
passing traffic, and appears to hold little interest for others,
all should be well. In any case, you might prefer to remain in
`departure mode' for the first night, avoiding the use of jacks,
awnings, and so on. Also, if the main road is close by, keep
lights and fires to a minimum, while maintaining a low profile
but high awareness. Of course many travellers continue to rely
on their trusty canine friend. Nevertheless, keep in mind that,
in the bush, you are probably far safer than you ever were back
Bad weather. If you prepare for extreme weather before leaving
home, you already have it beaten. By rigging awnings with
adequate guy ropes, pegs and tensioners, having extra tarps on
hand to cover anything stored outside, and by keeping a small
mattock or shovel handy to redirect any pooling rainwater,
inconvenience will be minor. Of course it does pay to keep up
with local weather reports in an effort to stay one step ahead
of these particular gremlins. And if the exit track becomes a
little shabby, early departure may be the smartest option when
foul weather sets in.
Like most bush campers, you'll no doubt find that the first
time is the hardest; so much to think about, so many minor
concerns buzzing around in your head! Next morning, though, as
the sun peeks through the trees, warming this private piece of
real estate, I can guarantee that you'll feel much better about
the decision you made the night before.
From that point on, each bush camp just gets easier.
About The Author: Bill Revill is an Australian freelance
writer, fulltime RV traveller, and remote lifestyle expert. For
further information go to: Copyright 2007 by W.V.l
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- 4.
Know All About Russian Silver And Enamel
Posted by: "Anita Satin Choudhary" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 6:12 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Know All About Russian Silver And Enamel
Author: Anita Satin Choudhary
Word Count: 534
Article URL: 221443&ca= Arts+and+ Crafts
Format: 64cpl
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Russia has a rich and compelling history in the production of
some of the world's finest works of art and crafts. There aren't
too many Russian crafts as impressive as the work the nation has
done with Silver and Enamel.
Faberge used a system of layering enamel to form an egg shape,
and then encrusted it with precious gem stones and metals, such
as silver.
Russian enamel uses a copper plate, known as a 'finift', as its
base. Silver was often used to surround intricate enamel
designs, complementing the delicate work with its expensive
One Russian town, Rostov, is world famous for its production of
enamel and silver pieces.
Russia has a rich and compelling history in the production of
some of the world's finest works of art and crafts. There aren't
too many Russian crafts as impressive as the work the nation has
done with Silver and Enamel.
There were a great many silversmiths operating during the
Czarist era of Russian history - the most well known of which
must be Peter Carl Faberge, who crafted his intricate and world
famous eggs during the late 18th Century. Faberge used a system
of layering enamel to form an egg shape, and then encrusted it
with precious gem stones and metals, such as silver.
The magnificent work of Faberge was what stole most of the
attention during Russia's Czarist era; however the numerous
other silversmith firms were working just as hard to craft some
of the most intricate designs the world has ever seen.
Russian silver and enamel is renowned for its use in the
creation of sought after items such as (the most obvious first)
Faberge eggs, spoons, bowls, bracelets, beakers and many more.
Russian silversmiths would use a technique known as filigree to
create the delicate designs on items such as bracelets. This
method entails using very thin wires of the precious metal (in
this case, silver) to intertwine with others and create highly
detailed patterning on jewellery and other ornamental pieces.
Russian enamel uses a copper plate, known as a 'finift', as its
base. Layers of enamel powder are then placed onto the copper
base, compressed and fired. This is repeated an appropriate
number of times before the craftsman will inset various precious
stones or gems, depending on the design. Silver was often used
to surround intricate enamel designs, complementing the delicate
work with its expensive look.
One Russian town, Rostov, is world famous for its production of
enamel and silver pieces. For two centuries the craftsmen of the
town have been crafting miniatures and other ornamental pieces,
many of which have become very collectible to those in the
antiques trade. Rostov enamels have a theme running throughout
their range - the celebration and display of pride in both their
town and country.
Many works of art have been created in Rostov, such as
portraits and landscapes - all in the traditional enamel medium.
These masterpieces were often modeled after the work of Western
European and Russian artists. Silver is frequently used as a
surround for these beautiful works of art.
About The Author: Anita Satin Choudhary writes for Ivory and
Art Gallery. Browse the gallery for unique collection of
artifacts ranging from Russian Silver
to Enamel inlay objects.
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- 5.
Living With Diabetes
Posted by: "Herschel Lawhorn" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 7:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Living With Diabetes
Author: Herschel Lawhorn
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I have been living with diabetes now for over forty years.
Sometimes it is hard. But most of the time not too bad. I don't
always eat like I should because I simply like to eat. That
makes it hard to always eat what you should and the amount you
With diabetes, if you stay at home it is a lot easier to do
what you should do. It is when you go out that the problems
begin. Every thing is either fried or soaked in grease. Also,
they give you twice the size portions that you need. My mother
always told me to take what I wanted but to eat what I took. I
have always lived by her rule. At least that is what I blame it
on when I over eat.
But with diabetes, the diabetic diet does not have to be all
that bad. There are a lot of good food you can eat that will not
increase you glucose level. If fact, most of the food that we
should eat is not that bad on the sugar level. It is the junk
food that we Americans have become addicted to that is so bad
for us in almost every way including glucose levels. In fact, I
believe that the junk food industry is partly to blame for the
rise in diabetes in this country.
My wife has also been a big help in my controlling my diabetes.
She tries really hard to see that I eat right. She doesn't
always succeed, but she does a great job of trying to make me do
what I should.
Adult diabetes or Type 2 diabetes can often be controlled with
diet. In fact I did that for several years, but it finally got
to the point that I was not doing too well with the diet and had
to go on pills. I have taken most of the different pills out
there. They all worked to some degree. But again after several
years they lost their effectiveness. What now. The DREADED
Well let me tell you don't ever be afraid of going on insulin.
If I had known what I know now. I would have gone on the shots a
lot sooner. I thought they would hurt. They don't. Pricking your
finger to test your blood sugar level is a lot more painful. And
if your glucose level has gotten out of control, you will feel a
lot better when you start the insulin.
However, there is one big problem with insulin. Insulin makes
you hungry. You eat more food. You need more insulin. You get
hungrier. You eat more food. You need more insulin.
You get the picture. It is a vicious circle. Of course you know
that diabetes is a diet disease. As your weight goes up, so does
your blood sugar. As your weight comes down, so does your blood
sugar. So you see the big problem with insulin. The more insulin
you take the more weight you will probably gain. That will
require more insulin.
One of my old doctors, he is retired now, told me that 15 was
the magic number. You multiply your weight by 15 and that is the
number of calories per day that will keep you at that weight.
Average more than that per day and you will gain weight. Average
less than that per day and you will lose weight. I have found
this to be true. Of course this will vary with different people
and their metabolism, exercise and many other factors, but it is
a good guide line.
If you can figure out or if you just have the will power to
break this cycle, you can control your blood sugar.
And you will be able say, as the famous singer on TV says "I
have Diabetes. Diabetes does not have me."
About The Author: Herschel Lawhorn maintains other health
related websites with lots of good information at: and
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- 6.
Commercial Real Estate: Tips For Saving Wealth
Posted by: "Tom Beaty" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 7:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Commercial Real Estate: Tips For Saving Wealth
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Word Count: 579
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You can advance your profits by investing in commercial real
estate. On the other hand, if you're not heedful, you can go
bankrupt. Investors can make costly miscalculations. There are a
few tips and hints that will help you avoid these
miscalculations. If you know what you are doing, commercial
deals are effortless to put together.
You must know Your market. You can see the rate of development
in the area by doing a market analysis. This will also let you
know if it is on the downfall. Distressed areas will not better
the commercial investor. You might be capable of beating the
real estate predicament, but success is less likely with a
commercial real estate investment. You can identify whether or
not the local job market is being damaged by doing some market
research. The job market generally slows down when the market is
in predicament. This is a sign for you to look else where for
your commercial real estate investment. If the market appears to
be on the rise, vacant store fronts might be a good object of
significance. Several people favor starting a business in a
growing market. Warehouses may not be in demand, however, a
store front could sell rapidly.
Remember to inspect the complete commercial real estate
property. You cannot do this alone. The necessary amount of
money to hire a professional is insignificant compared the the
amount that you can save by doing so. Don't forget to have the
property on which the building is positioned inspected as well.
In order to start his own business, one man purchased a small
repair shop. Although the property was moderately priced, the
previous owner was given a citation from the state to have the
subterranean fuel tanks removed. The new owner was in operation
for six months, completely uninformed of this. Before the owner
could reopen the business, the state demanded one hundred
thousand dollars of repairs. He could have avoided this
financial disaster had he spent a little money and hired a
professional to do the inspection.
Be sure that the money you borrow is less than the amount that
you can make back. Many investors borrow money as a means of
buying their commercial real estate property. As long as the
interest rate is appropriate this can be beneficial. An expert
investor determines beforehand that the profits from the
property will cover the loan. It is easy to forget the appraisal
of real estate when you become overwhelmed by an exciting deal.
It is commonly known that you should stick to what you know. If
you are knowledgeable with restaurants, buy a restaurant. Pay
for a service station if that is what you are knowledgeable
with. A commercial property should never be purchased if you
know nothing about it. One instance where you can buy one of
these commercial real estate properties that you are unfamiliar
with is when you are lucky enough to have a business partner who
is knowledgeable with the business. Turn your back and walk away
if you are not so lucky. Other properties can make you plenty of
money if you just probe the market.
If you want to make a lot of money in commercial real estate
investments, you simply have to learn the market and follow some
common guidelines. Don't stray from your marketing plan. You can
avoid predicaments if you stay within your budget.
About The Author: Tom Beaty offers Arkansas Real Estate
information for buyers and sellers. Don't buy or sell without
visiting this Blog or it could cost you:
http://www.arkansas-real-estate- real,Arkansas
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- 7.
So You Want A Havanese Puppy?
Posted by: "Fiona A Kelly" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 7:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: So You Want A Havanese Puppy?
Author: Fiona A Kelly
Word Count: 555
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The Havanese is a cute and compact dog, weighing in anywhere
from seven to fifteen pounds and standing at a height of eight
to eleven inches. This dog is generally sweet natured and eager
to please, making it a good choice for most families. With its
small size, these puppies can work well in an apartment as well
as a house, as long as they are walked regularly. Because of its
intelligence, the Havanese puppy will often be relatively easy
to train.
However, a Havanese puppy isn't necessarily right for everyone,
although that might be easy to forget when you are gazing upon
one of those fuzzy little faces. A Havanese puppy is a precious
and enticing sight indeed, but never rush into the purchase of
one of these dogs. If you are considering the addition of one of
these adorable pups to your family, it is important that you
educate yourself about the care of the Havanese puppy before you
bring one into your home.
The first step in selecting a Havanese puppy is to find a
reputable breeder. It is very important to purchase your dog
from a breeder rather than a pet shop, so that you know that you
are getting a dog without unknown health or temperament risks. A
good breeder will be able to provide you with paperwork showing
your dog's lineage and presenting any possible genetic problems
that might be in the line. A reputable breeder will be more
interested in improving the Havanese breed and finding good
homes for his animals, rather than simply turning a profit on
the dogs.
Once you have found the breeder that you want to work with, you
will be faced with a litter of adorable Havanese puppies from
which you must choose one. This is no easy task, but you can
help yourself with the decision by knowing ahead of time what
gender and characteristics that you are looking for. By letting
your breeder know what you have in mind with your Havanese
puppy, he should be able to help you select the perfect pup from
the litter for your family.
So you've chosen your breed, found your breeder and selected
your Havanese puppy. Now that adorable little creature needs a
name. But which name will work the best for your dog? There are
some guidelines that you can use to help determine the best
title for your new puppy. First, find a name that is short and
easy to pronounce. This will make training time infinitely
easier for both you and your dog. You can choose your name from
a favorite cartoon character or you can check out the lists of
most popular Havanese puppy names on the Internet. Scruffy
currently tops that list. Finally, you can watch your puppy for
a day or two, to see if there is a name that seems to suit his
personality and temperament.
No matter what you name your Havanese puppy, the two of you are
about to embark on a journey of enjoyment and companionship that
will last many years. This is why it is so important to choose
your breeder and your dog carefully, to ensure that you find the
right pet for your family over the long haul.
About The Author: Fiona Kelly has been breeding and raising
Havanese puppies for many years, and is very familiar with what
goes into caring for this breed. Research like the information
found in this article can help determine whether
http://www.havanese-puppy-guide. Havanesecom/Havanese_ Puppies/
puppies are a good choice for your family. By learning all you
can about your new pet, you will be able to rest assured that
you have chosen the right
http://www.havanese-puppy-guide. com/Havanese_ Puppies/Havanese _puppy_care. html
Havanese puppy name.
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- 8.
Finding Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale That Doesn't Support Puppy Mil
Posted by: "Rebecca A Simpson" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 7:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Finding Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale That Doesn't
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Author: Rebecca A Simpson
Word Count: 625
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Looking for your first Shih Tzu and never had a dog before? The
best place for you to find Shi Tzu puppies for sale is from AKC
licensed breeders, which will give you advice along with a
healthy, happy puppy. The adoption process for a Shih Tzu rescue
puppy, or for buying Shih Tzu puppies for sale from a breeder,
should take a while. This is to be sure you will not abandon the
dog in the future. The biggest reason Shih Tzus are abandoned is
because their owners did not take the time to learn about Shih
Tzu puppy care. Shelters and breeders will help you with all of
your Shih Tzu questions, long after you take the puppy home.
Are you looking for Shih Tzu puppies for sale? If you care
about animals, you will not get Shih Tzu puppies or even
supplies from any pet shop that sells puppies. These stores have
most likely been supplied by inhumane puppy mills that are often
located in a different state. On a more immediate level, Shih
Tzu puppies offered for sale in pet stores are often sickly,
untrained and do not offer you any help once you get the pup
Your best bet for an ethical way to get a Shih Tzu pup is by
putting your name on the waiting list of a local Shih Tzu
breeder, or going to your local animal shelter. There are also
Shih Tzu rescues just for Shih Tzus and Shi Tzu mixes. For a
shelter near you, go to the US Shi Tzu Rescue website. Keep in
mind that adoption fees for Shih Tzu puppies are usually more
than for Shih Tzu adults, and can be a couple of hundred
dollars, depending on the shelter.
When you find a likely kennel offering Shih Tzu puppies for
sale or a rescue that has older puppies, you should never be
asked for monetary information first. You should have to fill
out an electronic adoption form, or some other form of
application. If you don't fill out this form, a reputable
breeder or rescue will never get back to you. They need to know
just as much about you as you need to know about them.
Why all the fuss and time? They do this to be sure you are
matched with a puppy that matches your personality and
lifestyle. They also want to know and help you with all of your
questions on Shih Tzu puppy care so your puppy has a forever
home with you. The biggest reason pets are abandoned is that the
owners didn't know what they were getting into before they
brought the pet home.
Shih Tzu breeders tend to be small, as they are usually inside
someone's home. Your breeder might not have Shih Tzu puppies for
sale right at that moment. You are able to go check out the
kennel and meet the potential parents and relatives of your
prospective pup so you get a good idea of their personality. You
should also be able to see the health certificates of the
parents or, technically, the sire and dam.
Shih Tzu breeders will usually do all of the registration for
you, and offer you a list of great resources on Shih Tzu puppy
care that they recommend. Some Shih Tzu breeders will try and
answer all of your questions but if they don't know the
answer, they should admit it and point you in the right
direction. They may even be able to recommend a dog trainer and
vet in your area. They are an invaluable support system in your
adventure with a Shih Tzu puppy.
About The Author: Rebecca Simpson has talked with hundreds of
Shih Tzu owners, breeders and pet store personnel about the best
Shih Tzu puppies. This article was written in an attempt to get
people to rescue
http://officialshihtzuguide. Shihcom/Shih_ Tzu_Puppies/ index.php
Tzu puppies from shelters whenever possible. Considered one of
the leading sources of information on
http://officialshihtzuguide. com/Shih_ Tzu_Puppies/ Shih_Tzu_ Puppy_Care. php
Shih Tzu puppy care in the nation, this author also writes books
on many other breeds.
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- 9.
Affordable Beagle Puppies For Sale
Posted by: "Michelle A Adams" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 7:12 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Affordable Beagle Puppies For Sale
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While most people feel that just picking a cute puppy is the
hardest part when looking at Beagle puppies for sale, they are
sadly mistaken. There is so much to learn about any breed of dog
and it is best to do that before your purchase instead of after.
Know what to watch out for and understanding what you can expect
or not expect from your puppy as he or she grows into an adult
It is vital to educate yourself on Beagle puppy care and to
make sure that you know how and where to find safe places to
purchase your puppy from. You never want to go in without
knowledge as you are likely to make a bad choice and will not be
able to catch clues that the breeder has not done everything
they should be doing in regards to housing the puppies. It is
often said that knowledge is power and that has never been truer
then now.
After knowing all there is to know about Beagle puppy care it
is now time to look for a puppy. Knowing where to go is vital as
they are many different directions you can take. There are the
pet shops where you may find one or two Beagle puppies for sale
and then there are the "puppy mill" breeders who will have
dozens and dozens of puppies available for purchase. Neither of
these may be the best option for you.
Puppy mills are well known for the lack of care or concern for
their animals as they only care about the bottom line, which is
profit. Puppies that come from such places often end up with
physical or emotional issues that may be hard on your family's
heart and bank account. And pet shops do not generally know a
lot about where they puppy originally came from but they are
often well cared for once in the shop. So you may actually want
to check your local paper for small time breeder who may have
more knowledge and love for these puppies then the other
While it is a business for some, it is important that when you
are trying to find a Beagle puppy to purchase, that you are
dealing only with those who love the breed and have a wealth of
knowledge to share with others. This is a good indication that
the puppies have been treated properly and that you will have a
better chance at a long and happy life with your new puppy.
Start talking with other Beagle owners and through word of
mouth advertising, you can often learn a lot about where to go
and where not to go when looking for Beagle puppies for sale.
And if the environment doesn't feel right, it is best to keep
looking. There are many breeders around if you look hard enough.
The last thing you want is to bring home a puppy you know
nothing about and they end up having problems because of abuse
from the breeder.
About The Author: Finding places that have Beagle puppies for
sell is one of the most important steps in bringing a new puppy
into your home. Michelle Adams aims to make the reader aware of
signs that should be paid attention to when looking for that
right one. Readers of this article should come out with a good
understanding of what different types of breeders of BeagleBeagle_Puppies/ index.php
puppies have or do not have to offer. Finding the perfect place
with Beagle puppies for sale is not as hard as it may seem. It
cannot be stressed enough that places who have Beagle puppies
for sale have enough knowledge on Beagle_Puppies/ Beagle_Puppy_ Care.php
Beagle puppy care that they are willing and even eager to share
this information with you.
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- 10.
3 Big Mistakes Readers of The Science of Getting Rich Make
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Sat Feb 2, 2008 7:23 pm (PST)
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Title: 3 Big Mistakes Readers of The Science of Getting Rich Make
Word Count: 530
Author: Tony Mase
Category: Self-improvement/motivation
Article URL: http://www.submityourarticle. com/articles/ easypublish. php?art_id= 23328
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3 Big Mistakes Readers of The Science of Getting Rich Make
Recently resurrected from its relative obscurity, Wallace
D. Wattles' nearly one hundred year old classic
masterpiece, "The Science of Getting Rich", has quickly
become *THE* book to read on the subject of getting rich.
Most of those who read this powerful book won't get rich.
But absolutely true!
Why not, you ask?
The answer is simple...
They make one or more of these three big mistakes:
Big Mistake #1 - They read edited, revised, and/or poorly
done versions of "The Science of Getting Rich".
There are a number of versions of "The Science of Getting
Rich" available both offline and online, many of which are
edited, revised, and/or poorly done containing serious
In order for you to get rich scientifically, using "The
Science of Getting Rich", it's vitally important that you
follow Wallace D. Wattles' "system" *exactly* as Wallace D.
Wattles originally wrote it, *NOT* as some "co-author",
editor, scanner, and/or translator decided that it
should've been written.
If you want to get results from "The Science of Getting
My advice is to...
Only read versions of "The Science of Getting Rich" that
were taken, with care, directly from the original and that
haven't been edited, revised, and/or translated.
Big Mistake #2 - They mix systems.
In Chapter 10 of "The Science of Getting Rich" ("Further
Use of the Will"), Wallace D. Wattles wrote:
"Others still are poor because, while they have some notion
of science, they have become so swamped and lost in the
maze of metaphysical and occult theories that they do not
know which road to take. They try a mixture of many systems
and fail in all."
Here's the deal...
If you want results from "The Science of Getting Rich",
it's vitally important that you follow the *one* "system"
Wallace D. Wattles laid out in it and follow that *one*
system *ONLY*!
As Wallace D. Wattles wrote later in the same chapter:
"After you have made good and become rich, you may study
other systems as much as you please; but until you are
quite sure that you have gained what you want, do not read
anything on this line but this book, unless it be the
authors mentioned in the Preface."
I've found this to be wise advice...
As a matter of fact...
It's some of the wisest advice that I've ever read. :-)
Big Mistake #3 - They don't take action.
And this one's the "biggie"...
Most folks who read "The Science of Getting Rich"...
Absolutely love the book...
They love to read it...
They love to study it...
They love to talk about it...
They love to theorize about it...
They love to philosophize about it...
When it comes down to taking action on its proven
scientific principles...
They never get around to believing the fundamental
principles on which it's based...
They never get around to getting off the competitive plane
of life...
They never get around to creating a vision of what they
They never get around to taking action with faith and
They never get around to taking efficient action...
They never get the results it promises!
Don't let that be you. :-)
About the Author:
Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.
Wattles and the creator of an amazing website that'll take
you by the hand and guide you step-by-step down Wallace D.
Wattles' proven path to wealth, health, success, happiness,
love, and more... http://www.tonymasesinnercircle. com
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- 11.
Siberian Huskies: Extreme Attitude
Posted by: "A Preston" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 8:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Siberian Huskies: Extreme Attitude
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Be sure you can tolerate the Siberian Husky's personality
before adopting one. They are great dogs, in their own special
way, which is not for everyone. The purpose of living in Artic
conditions is why the Siberian Husky acts like he does. Despite
their bossiness, Siberian Huskies prefer to follow than lead.
Never hit or abuse your Siberian Husky.
Siberian Huskies are incredibly handsome dogs. They look like
tame wolves, often with ice blue eyes or even odd-colored eyes.
They are unmistakable and attention-getting. No wonder they have
been one of the most popular breeds of dogs ever in the Western
world. However, they are also abandoned in the thousands every
year. To keep yourself from abandoning a Siberian Husky, please
read as much Siberian Husky information as you can, especially
about their personalities.
Siberian Huskies were bred to be tough, self-reliant and to run
for miles and miles through the tundra every day. They were not
bred to curl up on the living room rug and behave without
question. If you have never had a dog before, do not get a
Siberian Husky. If you have physical problems, do not get a
Siberian Husky. If you live in an apartment, RV or other small
home, do not get a Siberian husky.
Siberian Huskies do not make good guard dogs, although they can
put up a spectacular racket when they want to. Siberian Huskies
have been bred to be friendly with all people, so they do not
care about whether someone is friend or foe. But Siberian
Huskies were also bred to be tough and to be extremely
intelligent. Huskies often had to fend for themselves in extreme
wintry conditions that would quickly kill most other breeds of
dogs. Siberian Huskies still have one foot in the wild. It is
unlikely that will ever be bred out of them.
Siberian Huskies are wary of strangers and tend to avoid them.
They will often seem like they are either ignoring you or are
staring at you as if to say, "You're a complete idiot and I know
it". Huskies and Husky-types are considered hard to train, so
you must be patient and persistent. Huskies are big, strong dogs
that can quickly figure out how to be the boss if you don't act
like the boss.
Even though all dogs take their own time in learning anything,
it generally is agreed in reliable breed information sources
that Siberian Huskies take longer to train than most dogs. You
must act confidently and speak firmly when giving commands in
order to get their attention. Siberian Huskies will quickly
bully a timid person, because they can see that a timid person
does not deserve to lead a dog pack.
Siberian Huskies do not suffer fools gladly, but they will be
loyal to the death for those they decide to follow. Siberian
Huskies are not comfortable being leaders, despite their
bossiness. They are more relaxed, less prone to loosing weight
and engaging in bad behavior when they know their place. You
must earn their loyalty through body language, persistence and
positive reinforcement. This dog does not respect force or abuse
of any kind. They either will defend themselves or (most likely)
will become permanently frightened.
About The Author: Andrew Preston has interviewed many owners,
vets and trainers about Siberian Huskies. As one of the most
beautiful breeds, a http://www.siberianhuskyguide. Siberiancom/
Husky is almost always recognized at first site.
http://www.siberianhuskyguide. Siberiancom/Siberian_ Husky.php
Husky information can be found by visiting your local library or
searching the Internet.
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- 12.
Rottweiler Breeder Information You Need
Posted by: "Sharon A Davies" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 8:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Rottweiler Breeder Information You Need
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Your Rottweiler breeder should be affiliated with a breeder
registry so ask them which one they are listed with. A good
Rottweiler breeder will offer care and feeding instructions as
well as ongoing support to new owners. Sometimes a reputable
Rottweiler breeder will offer free pet insurance and the option
to return the pet with no refund.
It is time to go out and find a Rottweiler breeder to get your
new pet from and one of the first things you need to arm
yourself with is a checklist of questions that you should be
asking your Rottweiler breeder so that you know exactly what
kind of person you are dealing with. The choice of a breeder is
an important decision, so make sure you have all of the
resources at your disposal you can and be sure to ask a lot of
A reputable breeder is going to be listed with a national
breeder registry because a national breeder registry is going to
set the standard the breeder uses for good breeding practices.
Always check what your breeder says by searching the registry's
Internet site so that you can confirm what they tell you. If
they are not listed then ask them why they are not listed and
ask them what breeding standards they use if it is not the
standards of a reputable national organization.
Ask your potential Rottweiler breeder what information they
will give you when it comes to the care and feeding your new
dog. A reputable and good breeder will always supply a new owner
with complete information, usually in writing, on how to
properly care for their new dog. Most breeders will also give
you samples of the food your new dog eats so you can get the
right kind of food. A breeder that is not offering this kind of
important information may not be a breeder you want to deal
When you leave with your new pet your relationship with your
breeder does not end. You should always feel like you have an
open channel to your breeder so you can ask questions about your
new pup. Your breeder should be just as interested in the health
and well being of your dog as you are so make sure they are
there for you after the sale.
In some cases insurance companies will offer free pet insurance
to a reputable Rottweiler breeder so that they can pass it on to
new owners. The insurance last six weeks, which is just long
enough to cover that first vet appointment. The insurance
company hopes you will like the insurance and pay to renew it
while the breeder will just be happy you are getting the dog the
medical attention it needs.
Different breeders have different policies and some breeders
will offer to take back a pup if you ever find yourself unable
to care for it anymore. The breeder will not offer a cash refund
but they will offer the dog a chance at a new home and the
chance to stay out of shelters or avoid being abandoned. You
should always learn as much as you can about your Rottweiler
breeder, as you will be dealing with them for many years to
About The Author: Sharon Davies is an animal lover that owns
many large dogs. If you need questions to ask potential
http://www.officialrottweilerguide. com/Rottweiler_ Breeders/ index.php
Rottweiler breeders, then use this article. This article
contains helpful
http://www.officialrottweilerguide. Rottweilercom/Rottweiler. php
information regarding reputable breeders.
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- 13.
Pomeranian Personalities
Posted by: "Rosie A Allan" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 8:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Pomeranian Personalities
Author: Rosie A Allan
Word Count: 625
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The Pomeranian breeder decides whether a buyer should take a
puppy or not, by asking him certain direct questions and even
asking him for a veterinary reference if he already has pets.
The breeder makes sure that the Pomeranian puppy gets the best
home possible. Choose the right breeder and choose him with
care. A fake Pomeranian breeder might not be so possessive and
proud of this dog, and this could be one of the hints to
identify a fake breeder. The Pomeranian is an inquisitive and
intelligent dog. If proper care is taken in the home, like
brushing its coat and taking it for walks, it can be a great
asset to the family. After all, it is loyal and playful, and the
children can enjoy its company.
If you want to buy a puppy from a Pomeranian breeder, you may
have to face some difficulties. First of all, a Pomeranian
breeder is the proud owner of purebred Pomeranian puppies and he
will not sell them to just anybody who comes by without checking
his abilities. He wants a guarantee from you, that you will take
good care of the puppies. He likes to have a discussion with
would-be buyers and sometimes asks for an explanation about the
buyer's choice of a Pomeranian puppy. He could also ask for a
veterinary reference, if he knows that you already have pets.
It is important for the breeder to discuss all the problems
with the prospective buyer of the Pomeranian puppy. Even after
the puppy is sold, he likes to stay in touch with the family so
that he can help them if the puppy has any health or
temperamental problems. At the end of the day, the Pomeranian
breeder wants to be doubly sure that he has given his puppy to
the right family!
It is indeed a difficult task to spot a fake Pomeranian
breeder. Sometimes through information from friends and
neighbors, it is possible to get in touch with good and sincere
Pomeranian breeders. There have been cases when people have
taken them from the breeders, and later it was discovered that
the Pomeranian was a mixed breed and not a purebred, which they
wanted. Though the family became attached to the dog, they had
to ask for their money back
Pomeranian breeders are extremely proud of their purebred
puppies, and if this pride is missing in the breeder of your
choice, check out whether he is known. Often the breeders take
their dogs to dog shows and for this the dog has to undergo lots
of training. It is otherwise a delicate dog needing plenty of
love and care. The websites of the dog breeders or the local
newspapers are ideal places for looking for purebred
The Pomeranian, after having lived with Pomeranian breeders,
should be cared and loved in the family that it lives in. They
can be trained to be good guard dogs, and can be very wary when
strangers enter the house. They bark incessantly sometimes and
that is why training them is necessary. This job is sometimes
taken over by the Pomeranian breeder willingly.
Of course Pomeranians are temperamental too, and within the
family, can sometimes be unfriendly towards children. But they
are generally lively dogs and healthy too. In general they are
loyal, intelligent and loving. They are a cute and inquisitive
breed of dog and the curious expression on their face reflects
this characteristic. They are playful too and fit in very well
as family dogs. It is a very common pet amongst families living
in apartments as well. So they need to exercise regularly and
therefore should be taken for short walks.
About The Author: Rosie Allan is a dog-lover who has a lot of
experience training and caring for dogs.
http://www.officialpomeranianguide. com/Pomeranian_ Breeders/ index.php
Pomeranian breeders are fussy about their pets. They are proud
of them and sell them only to true dog-lovers. The breeders and
the regular habits of the Pomeranian and a lot of other
http://www.officialpomeranianguide. Pomeraniancom/Pomeranian. php
information are available in this article.
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German Shepherd Breeders To Avoid
Posted by: "Jan A Ryan" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 8:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: German Shepherd Breeders To Avoid
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The German Shepherd dog has a relatively short history though
it is a well-loved and well-worked dog today. The breed began in
Germany in 1899 and was registered with the American Kennel Club
(AKC) in 1911. Briefly renamed the Alsatian Wolf Dog due to
anti-German sentiment surrounding World War II, the German
Shepherd regained popularity so much that over 48,000 German
Shepherds were enlisted into the German army. The intelligent
and hard-working breed can be trained in a variety of areas.
German Shepherd breeders may specialize in German Shepherds
trained in a certain line of work or they may be able to refer
buyers to specially trained Shepherd kennels. These dogs are
commonly trained to be guides for the visually impaired, members
of the police force and security for home and business owners.
German Shepherds are one of the easiest breeds to train due to
their inherent intelligence, desire to work, courage, physical
and mental strength and loyalty. German Shepherd dogs excel in
jobs that allow them to protect and serve. There is no better
protector than a German Shepherd.
Purebred German Shepherds have specific characteristics. Max
von Stephanitz inbred the first German Shepherds so that certain
traits would be guaranteed in the line. The German Shepherd Dog
Club of Germany sets the breed standard. It defines
characteristics from body measurements to character to gait.
German Shepherd breeders should be familiar with the breed
standard as well as what health problems to expect and to have
dogs evaluated for. For example, German Shepherds are prone to
hip dysplasia and other skeletal disorders.
Good German Shepherd breeders will also have registration
papers or some form of pedigree for each Shepherd they sell,
preferably from the American Kennel Club. German Shepherd
breeders will also provide medical records and offer a guarantee
against the dog developing hip dysplasia at least within the
first year. Good breeders have their own kennels, and dogs
should receive daily socialization as well as being well fed and
groomed. Unfortunately, there are many German Shepherd breeders
who may attempt to sell Shepherds with false registration
papers. They may also sell unhealthy German Shepherds. It is
important to know how to avoid bad German shepherd breeders.
Sure-fire signs of bad German Shepherd breeders include the
fact that they only sell puppies over the Internet, they have no
physical kennel of their own or only broker puppies, they ask
for a non-refundable down payment before the litter is born,
they do not plan to keep one of the litter, They claim to have a
kennel but will not allow a buyer to visit and they have many
dogs for sale at one time. Bad breeders also cannot provide
adequate registration or certification paperwork, cannot provide
medical record information or refer you to only their"
veterinarian, and they don't ask the buyer questions about their
household. They do not care where their puppies are going.
Good German Shepherd breeders have the opposite qualities of
the above. Additionally, they are affiliated with other agencies
and rescue centers that help promote and care for the breed.
Most importantly, good breeders love the breed they raise!
About The Author: Jan Ryan is aware of several reputable German
Shepherd breeders in the northeastern United States and supports
these breeders. It is important to know how to locate reputable
http://www.officialgermanshepherdgu Shepherd_ Breeders/ index.php
German Shepherd breeders. This article provides
http://www.officialgermanshepherdgu Shepherd. php
German Shepherd information and gives a history of German
Shepherd breeders.
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- 15.
Helpful Advice On Which Chihuahua Breeders To Avoid
Posted by: "Sandra A Dean" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 8:12 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Helpful Advice On Which Chihuahua Breeders To
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When you decide to do business with a Chihuahua breeder you
aren't buying a lamp from someone you will never see again, you
are buying a pet that you will be raising in partnership with
your breeder. Make sure you do a thorough check of your breeder
before you do business with them, as you need to be completely
comfortable that they are the right breeder for you. A reputable
breeder will not try and hide anything from you and a reputable
breeder will insist that you do all of your own researching so
that you find that breeder that is perfect for you.
Begin your search by asking what national breeder registry the
breeder belongs to. Check it out for yourself and see what you
think of that registry's breeding standards. The one registry
that everyone knows is the American Kennel Club but there are
other registries out there and they can all be accessed on the
Internet. If a breeder does not belong to a registry this should
set off a warning in your head.
Talk to your vet and ask them about the breeders that you are
considering and ask them their opinion and also if they have any
Chihuahua breeders they can recommend to you. If you do not have
a vet then you will need one when you get the dog so there is no
better time to strike up a relationship with a vet than when you
are getting your first pet. Your vet is just as interested in
the health and well being of your pet as you are so talk with
your vet about the different breeders you are considering.
Next you should probably talk to the local law enforcement
officials and ask them if they are familiar with any of the
breeders you are considering. Needless to say that if the law is
familiar with a breeder, but in a bad way, then you probably
want to steer very clear of that breeder and move on to someone
that is not on a first name basis with the police in your town.
This is serious business and doing that business with a criminal
is a very bad idea.
As important as any of the people mentioned in this article are
to talk to about prospective Chihuahua breeders the one group
that you need to make sure you talk to a lot is the breeders
themselves. Find out what their policies and beliefs about
breeding are and ask if they will be available to you after the
sale is done. Find out what information they offer you when you
get a dog from them and also just pay attention to see if this
is someone that you would feel comfortable buying your future
family member from.
A good breeder is in your life for years offering advice and
helping to make sure your pet stays healthy. You need to do the
right thing and make sure that you are choosing the right
breeder for you and your family because in the end that
relationship between you and your breeder is what is most
About The Author: Sandra Dean is an animal lover who has
several indoor pets, all purchased from reputable breeders. You
can find helpful information on narrowing down prospective
http://www.thechihuahuaguide. com/Chihuahua_ Breeders/ index.php
Chihuahua breeders in this article. This article contains
important and helpful
http://www.thechihuahuaguide. Chihuahuacom/Chihuahua. php
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3 Powerful Tips for Making 2008 Your Best Year Ever
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Sat Feb 2, 2008 8:23 pm (PST)
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Title: 3 Powerful Tips for Making 2008 Your Best Year Ever
Word Count: 729
Author: Tony Mase
Category: Self-improvement/motivation
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3 Powerful Tips for Making 2008 Your Best Year Ever
The use you make of the next two weeks will, to a large
extent, determine the use you'll be able to make of the
coming year.
As 2007 draws to a close and 2008 is about to begin, I'd
like to share with you three simple, yet powerful things
you can do over the next couple of weeks that'll help make
the coming new year your best year ever...
Here they are:
Powerful Tip #1 - Spend some time in gratitude.
Whatever you focus your attention on expands in your life.
If you focus your attention on lack...
That's *exactly* what will expand in your life...
If you focus your attention on abundance...
That's *exactly* what will expand in your life...
The practice of gratitude keeps you focused on the
abundance that you *already* have in your life and thus
opens the door for *more* abundance to flow into it.
Here's what I suggest you do...
Take out a pad of paper and a pen or pencil and make a list
of everything that you're grateful for...
And I do mean everything - absolutely *everything*!
As you make your list, keep this in mind...
If your life isn't all that you'd like it to be right now...
There are a whole heck of a lot of people out there who'd
*gladly* trade places with you!
Be grateful for what you *already* have and have *faith*
that what you need and/or want will come to you when the
time is right for you to have it.
While you're at it...
Don't forget to acknowledge the *source* of your *many*
blessings. :-)
Powerful Tip #2 - Spend some time on your "vision".
It never ceases to amaze me how many people are out there
practically killing themselves trying to be "successful",
who, when asked, can't even define what "success" is - to
In other words...
They don't know what they want.
These very same people can usually tell you everything they
don't want, but they haven't a clue as to what they do want
- what they *really* want.
Don't let that be you!
If you haven't already done so...
Take the time to form a "clear and definite mental picture"
of what you want to be, do, and/or have in your life *next*.
If you've already done this...
Now's a real good time to review your vision and revise it
if necessary.
Powerful Tip #3 - Spend some serious, quality time with
your loved ones.
In his book "The Personal Power Course", Wallace D.
Wattles, best known for his classic masterpiece "The
Science of Getting Rich", wrote:
"Just as it is true that it does not profit a man to gain
the whole world if he lose his own soul, so it is true that
good health, wealth, talent and success become valueless to
the person who fails to attain happiness and satisfaction
in the love-relations of the home. To live in happy
love-relationships with those near to us is the one thing
needful; failing to accomplish this, we fail in all.
Health, wealth, talent and success are, to a very great
extent at least, without value to a person whom nobody
How true!
People tell me all the time they're working hard now so
that "someday" they'll be able to spend more time with
their loved ones.
My question to them is always the same...
Why not spend more time with your loved ones *now*?
In "The Science of Getting Rich", Wallace D. Wattles wrote:
"A man's highest happiness is found in the bestowal of
benefits on those he loves..."
Here's a question for you to ponder as you head into this
new year...
What if you got what you thought was so important for you
to get, only to discover after you got it that because you
neglected them in the process of getting it, there weren't
any loved ones there to bestow its benefits on?
Wouldn't that be sad.
Here's the deal...
Money and things are replaceable...
Rather easily, I might add...
People, on the other hand, are not!
This holiday season...
I *highly* encourage you to take stock of what's *truly*
important to *you* and then spend your time accordingly.
With that...
I wish you and your loved ones the very best of holiday
seasons and a wealthy, healthy, successful, and happy New
About the Author:
Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.
Wattles and the creator of an amazing website that'll take
you by the hand and guide you step-by-step down Wallace D.
Wattles' proven path to wealth, health, success, happiness,
love, and more... http://www.tonymasesinnercircle. com
This article is distributed on behalf of the author by is a trading name of Takanomi Limited.
Takanomi Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales.
Registered number: 5629683. Registered office: 104 The Mount, York YO24 1GR.
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- 17.
Shar Pei Personality Types
Posted by: "Melissa A Coleman" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 9:11 pm (PST)
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The Shar Pei dog, native to China, is uniquely identified for
its deep wrinkles and blue-black tongue. At a young age the
wrinkles are more numerous than at adult age. Time Magazine and
the Guinness Book of World Records once identified this dog as
one of the most rare dogs in the world. Typically, the Shar Pei
dog is a healthy one, but it is susceptible towards a few health
hazards like painful eye conditions, allergy-prone skin
disorders, fever, and kidney or liver disorders.
In China, it was bred as a fighter dog in earlier times. They
are marked by their pleasant and loving personalities with true
affection and a genuine loyalty towards their owners. The Shar
Pei dog is somewhat sensitive towards strangers and in most of
the time the dog needs time to get accustomed to outsiders. Even
if you have a great social personality, a great deal of effort
is always needed to make one your friend. With a strong
defensive personality, however, Shar Pei can be the best guard
for your family, safe from any adverse events.
The personality of the Shar Pei needs to be taken under serious
consideration. If breeders do not take enough care in this
aspect, the buyers may end up with great frustration by having a
puppy that wrong for the family. The breeders are solely
responsible for analyzing and evaluating the personality of the
Shar Pei dogs during the breeding time for it must be done with
enough expertise and understanding. Even the owner's personality
must be aligned with the personality of Shar Pei. Shar Pei is
not a suitable dog for soft and tender people.
Dominant, submissive and independent are three types of
distinctive personality types. In a few cases, these personality
types may overlap in some dogs, although it is not a common
occurrence. A Shar Pei with a dominant personality reveals
confident and macho pet, best suitable for individual dog owner
with a tough personality and avid learning aptitude for handling
dogs. The dominant Shar Pei dogs may harm children and even
adults while showing their dominance attitude.
The submissive Shar Pei dog may seem to obey more easily.
However, they are in deed hard to train due to their lack of
self-confidence and reluctant attitude to try out new things.
This type of dog is a better choice for a multi-dog atmosphere.
These types of dog can turn out to be violent out of fear or as
a protective response, so continuous socialization is vital for
them. The independent Shar Pei dog is probably the most
difficult breed to handle. Although the Shar Pei with the other
two personalities shows independent behavior, this type in
particular never values their owner's authorization or any human
Shar Pei dogs are sometimes difficult to train because of their
stubborn attitude. Their training requires more determination
and commitment. Although they have a strong, deterministic
personality laced with devotion and intelligence, they sometimes
turn out aggressive, defensive and intensely sensitive with the
presence of stranger. As psychology suggests, personality is
significantly influenced by genetic predisposition and since
they have a natural genetic structure of being aggressive, you
must consider buying the best compatible personality matching
your lifestyle, personality and expectations.
About The Author: Melissa Coleman is a vet and a passionate
researcher, having in-depth knowledge and expertise in raising,
breeding and caring of dogs. Shar
Pei dogs are featured by deep-wrinkles and blue-black tongue.
Whether you are planning to buy a Shar Pei dog or already have
one, this article will provide all necessary Shar Pei information inShar_pei. php
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- 18.
Don't Be Afraid Of The Yorkshire Terrier Breed Standard
Posted by: "Susan A Bailey" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 9:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Don't Be Afraid Of The Yorkshire Terrier Breed
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How can you tell if that little perky dog at the animal shelter
is a Yorkshire Terrier? By seeing if the dog mostly lives up to
the Yorkshire Terrier breed standard. A Yorkshire Terrier is
easiest to identify in the incredibly long show coat. Most
Yorkshire Terriers live in clipped coats, for practical and
hygienic reasons. Other distinctive features of the Yorkshire
Terrier include a black nose and level spine. Many common faults
not seen in the show ring are black hairs and a silver blue
instead of steel blue coat.
The point of a breed standard is to have a goal for all
breeders to aim for. When a dog is judged in the show ring, it
is judged against the breed standard and not against the other
dogs. Since the Yorkshire Terrier is the second most popular
breed of dog in America, there are a lot of Yorkshire Terriers
around that fall short of the breed standard goal.
A lot of Yorkshire Terriers are bought on impulse or as a gift
that the receiver soon regrets. Although Yorkies are cute and
need a bare minimum of exercise, they need money invested in
their health and coat care. They also have very small bladders,
making housetraining difficult. These dogs are also efficient
bodyguards and will attack any one they think is threatening.
So, most Yorkies are abandoned through no fault of their own. By
knowing basic Yorkshire Terrier information, you can avoid this
You can find the Yorkshire Terrier breed standard in a variety
of places. All breed dog books are not very good if you are
looking for a detailed description. They only give the most
general descriptions of breed standards. You need to go the
American Kennel Club or a Yorkshire Terrier rescue group website
in order to find the most recent Yorkie breed standard (which
can be updated occasionally). There are also books focusing on
just the Yorkshire Terrier that may available in your local
In general, Yorkshire Terriers are lively, bright-eyed toy
sized dogs that weigh an average of six to seven pounds. For the
most part, their ears are pointed, but sometimes they are floppy
in adults. Puppies almost always look to be black and tan, and
lighten to the distinctive steel blue and tan as they mature.
The spine is level, the muzzle pointed and the tail is usually,
sadly, docked. Very rarely will you find a Yorkie with a long
But the physical appearance is perhaps the only way you can
tell a dog's breed at your local animal shelter. The Yorkshire
Terrier is small, averaging just seven pounds. They have
V-shaped ears which usually (but not always) stand straight up.
Their noses are black and their muzzles pointed. They have big,
bright eyes and their teeth should meet in a scissors or an even
They are to be steel blue and tan, with black and tan in
puppies only. However, there are a lot of purebred Yorkshire
Terriers who are other colors. Also, some may have dewclaws and
a full, long tail that resembles a purebred Poodle's (without
the pom-pom). The coat is very soft and silky and fast growing.
The Yorkshire Terrier needs to be groomed every day and needs
his coat trimmed about once a month, otherwise he will be a
muddy mess and miserable. Show dogs don't have dewclaws, but
purebred Yorkies are still often born with them.
About The Author: Susan Bailey grew up with and still lives
with all kinds of dogs, including Yorkshire Terriers. The
http://www.officialyorkieguide. Yorkshire Terrier is thecom/
perfect pet for some people. Many articles can be found on the
Internet that contain lots of
http://www.officialyorkieguide. com/Yorkshire_ Terrier.php
Yorkshire Terrier information.
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- 19.
Marketing To Your Online Customers Las Vegas Style
Posted by: "Ted Cantu" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 9:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Marketing To Your Online Customers Las Vegas
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I like to go to Vegas for the weekend and blow off steam. I run
an online marketing group out of Chicago and Detroit so catching
a quick flight out there is no big deal. Every time I go out
there I am always amazed at the details of the overall customer
experience. There are systems put in place, however slight, that
are designed to get the customer dollar at just about every
It is no big secret that the entire city is made out of money.
It is the sole reason for its own existence. You feel like a
pinball when you get caught up in the Las Vegas experience. I
always come back a little smarter and apply new techniques to my
online and offline business ventures. I am going to illustrate a
few examples of how this can work for your business.
The Overpasses
When you walk down the strip you are going to notice a few
things that are different. You can cross the street going from
one Casino to the other. You will notice that the streets are
wide and the cars do not slow down. When this is congested
during the week you can get yourself killed if you are not
careful. Of course you can take the easy way out and take the
escalator which will carry you right over the busy
intersections. A quick jaunt across the bridge and you are in
the casino safe and sound and ready to blow even more of your
hard earned loot.
Now if you look to your right you will notice that the
escalators are turned off. This means that if you leave the
casino you will most likely have to walk down the equivalent of
three stories of stairs back down to the street. This is
interesting to me too for another reason. The escalators that
are turned on are all facing one direction. They all move the
people towards the bigger and richer casinos like the Wynn,
Monte Carlo, Caesars Palace, and the Venetian. You will see more
of this around the MGM, The New York New York near the new Las
Vegas. In just about every cross walk I encountered I noticed
that the escalators pointing towards the older Vegas, (Circus
Circus etc) were turned off. This way they keep the money
There is a lot of construction going on near the Circus Circus
and there are a lot of small shops. The energy really picks up
near the Fashion Mall and the Wynn. Even Trumps Casino is up for
sale and it is visible from the strip.
I think of ways I can make the public go through my online maze
and get to the meat of the sale. This is something that a lot of
businesses fail to pick up on. You need to direct the flow of
the current and it is damned difficult to do that with nothing
but a picture and price.
In Your Face Sales Copy
Walking into the Circus Circus at 4 in the morning is a real
eye opener. These are seasoned pros and they have been around
since the 1960's. I was checking into my suite from a late
flight from Phoenix and I noticed that deals sort of fell out of
the sky. Everyone was selling you something. Price was never
mentioned except in a few cases. You would see signs like, "Get
2 For The Price of 1" and, "Blow Out Deals Get In Free" and
these were instant eye grabbers. Never once did I ever question
how much something was or what the ticket price was on an item.
You are dealing with an environment that deals with instant
satisfaction. And with this mindset you hardly care about how
much anything really costs. I had to cut through the casino to
get the hotel lobby. Keep in mind that I was extremely exhausted
and yet this place was kicked on full blast with entertainment,
music and people. When I looked up I could see a live trapeze
show and everyone around me looked wide awake. It was a truly
unnerving experience. I was hungry too and wanted to eat
something. These signs all around me got to me. Never once did I
worry about price. These simple sales pitches called out to me
and I responded.
Need and desire go hand in hand.
Hit Them With Excess But Have Limits
Always give your customers MORE than what they actually need.
Vegas really over delivers in just about everything they do. You
get that treatment with the food they offer, the shows they put
on and in their gratitude but there are limits.
They run a very tight ship. If you don't tell the front desk
that you are staying an extra night you get locked out of your
room. I made the mistake of ordering multiple nights from
different travel sources including Orbit, Travelocity and on the
main Circus Circus web site. The front desk couldn't reach an
agreement for some reason they wanted to shift me around from
room to room every night of my stay. I had to come down to the
desk and tell them who I was and ask for another night and get a
new key. This sounds ridiculous I know and believe it when I say
I agree.
I went to use the hot tub and found myself locked out of my
room. I had to go to the front desk in my swimsuit and stand
there like an idiot in my towel to get a new key. They
apologized and I got back in my room somewhat flustered with the
whole ordeal.
I recommend that you also run a tight ship when it comes to
your policies. Never let the customer steam roll your company
with their own agenda. When I created my company I used to get a
lot of emails from clients that were off subject. In the
beginning I let it go but this later became a serious problem. I
had clients who would forget what they sent me and dropped the
ball on the project completely. I would get nasty emails in the
tone of "What Have You Done With My Project?" They were
getting upset with me while they were so lost in sending me
garbage emails, when in fact, I was waiting for them to get back
to me with pictures or sales copy.
What did they send me?
I would get a lot of gibberish everything from Gospel
messages, Amber alerts, chain letters, get rich quick chain
letters, poems, prayers, feel good messages and jokes. The whole
time I would be waiting for them to wake up and get serious so I
could attend to my other clients.
It's important to cater to the customer but you have to have
limits on what you are willing to put up with. Vegas doesn't
fool around when it comes to customer incompetence. As you can
see I didn't follow their rules to a "T" and didn't check in the
morning and get a new key. So they locked me out of my room.
Some of you may not think that is very nice but that is how it
works in Vegas. They do not fool around.
Get A System
The beauty of Vegas is studying all of the systems that are put
in place. One good example is that you will never see any clocks
in the casinos. Time is not an issue. They want you to get lost
in the experience of the bar scenes, the casino and whatever
else is happening. You never see windows in the casinos because
they want you to lose track of time.
Everything has a system. There is beauty in chaos. You will
notice that it is literally impossible to walk straight through
a casino. You will have to twist and turn and walk between
aisles and crooked aisles that are deliberately set up all over
to distract your attention. It is somewhat of a rarity that I
will see a patron walk straight through a casino to reach the
street. Usually they will stop and drop a few more dollars into
a slot machine on the way out the door. The only people who walk
straight through this maze are casino workers and cops and
well . Me of course, (I'm not much of a gambler).
When Van Halen stopped playing for the night at the MGM it was
a total mob scene. We were all let loose into the strip to go
totally nuts. The traffic was tight so I decided to walk back to
my suite. All the way home there were bars set up on the strip
to get you good and drunk. I have no idea where these bars came
from but they were all in row. They looked like the kind of
waggons you see at the State Fair. Normally these guys sell you
food but not these guys. If you wanted food you had to go into
the restaurants and sit down. These guys were on the street
selling buckets of beer for $4 bucks. I'm not talking about
quaint mini mugs I am talking about the kind of buckets you sell
chicken in.
At every step there were ways for the street vendors to get
your money. I saw a lot of bootleg t-shirts, and gimmicky
tourist stuff along the way back to my room. I was glad to see
my suite again and get that door shut. At least nobody would try
to sell me something in my room right? OR would they?
Inner Branding
When I turned on the TV set I was hypnotized. There was an
internal television station in my hotel room at the Circus
Circus. It was clowns doing the sports, news and weather. The
jokes were bad but the quality was good and I was seriously
enthralled with this. The hotel was broadcasting to the guest
like so many hotels do but this was different because these were
clowns. I decided to leave it on and study it.
They had a, "Starskey and Hutch" type of clown cop promo to
showcase all of their restaurants in the casino. The jokes were
terrible but oddly enough I found this somewhat pleasing. They
were trying to find this clown who was hiding out in a steak
house and bring him to justice. In this episode they looked high
and low for this offending clown. By doing so they gave reviews
of all the restaurants they searched for him in. I found this
pretty amusing. I also liked how they repeated this every 15
minutes. I ended up ordering room service from one of these
restaurants too after seeing it so many times. The food was
actually better than what you get in a lot of local places. With
all that competition you have to be good.
Those clowns could have sold me anything. Seriously. I was that
hooked on the idea.
I don't know who stole the bible out of my room but I didn't
have one. This made me feel a bit uneasy because I was camped
out in Sin City for four days and five nights. Either someone
lost their mind and stole it with hopes to reform. Or the
Gideons didn't bother coming out to Las Vegas and leaving one
behind. In either case I realized that this trip catered to the
ego and what I thought was real. An interesting adventure all
I took these lessons home with me and thought about how this
could relate to my customer experience. I was very intrigued
with how I could apply these lessons over my own online business
by giving people what they wanted in controlled systems.
About The Author: Ted Cantu runs iMobile Media,
( )and works out of NYC, Chicago, and
Detroit, Michigan. He has the number 12 podcast show on you can listen to it here
http://911copywriter.podomatic. com
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- 20.
What Is A Mortgage Lender?
Posted by: "Michael Sterios" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 9:12 pm (PST)
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Article Title: What Is A Mortgage Lender?
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In the UK, there are many different types of mortgage lender,
each offering something different from the other. This choice
has led to a lot of confusion on the part of anyone looking to
buy a house, especially since it's so important to get your
decision right first time.
Contrary to popular belief, a mortgage lender doesn't just give
you the money for your house and that's it. They also offer a
wide range of services and advice that can help you choose what
package is best for you. There are even specialist lenders that
deal solely with poor credit, offering a mortgage to those who'd
otherwise be turned down. The main types of lenders in the UK
today are:
Banks and Building Societies
Arguably the most common or popular source for homebuyers is
their bank or building society. This is more down to the
ease-of-use than anything else after all, most people have
loans or credit cards through their banks, and so it seems a
natural choice for them to take care of your mortgage as well.
However, this can limit your choice when it comes to different
rates and mortgage types, so it's not always the best option.
Specialist Mortgage Lenders
One area that has really grown in the last 10-15 years is that
of specialist or independent mortgage lenders. These can be
online companies, or other financial institutions that now offer
mortgages for example, insurance companies now offer
homebuyers the option of taking out a mortgage with them, as do
estate agents.
The benefit with taking this approach is that you can find a
far greater range of mortgages available to you, from buy-to-let
to longer repayment times. They can also offer more flexibility
when it comes to changing your mortgage throughout the repayment
period, whether it's for a better rate or to accumulate all your
debt with one solitary lender. The online companies can even
offer cheaper rates, due to the lack of overheads involved.
Lenders for Poor Credit Cases
One of the biggest stumbling blocks for anyone looking to buy a
house is poor or bad credit. Yet with the majority of the UK in
debt anyway, there are now more options available to people in
this situation. Look at the back of most newspapers and you'll
see adverts for companies that advertise with tags such as "Poor
Credit No Problem" or similar.
Whilst these types of companies are good news for people who'd
otherwise struggle to buy a house, they do have their drawbacks.
The main one is that usually their rates are a lot higher than
the normal outlets, sometimes astronomically so. There have also
been cases where people have been thrown out of their homes for
missing a single payment, so make sure you read all the small
print of using this type of mortgage lender. As long as you stay
with an FSA-approved lender, there shouldn't be too many
problems a quick search online will be able to tell you which
companies have this accreditation, and which don't.
About The Author: Michael Sterios is a writer for
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Children Who Suffer Whiplash Injury - The Forgotten Injured.
Posted by: "Nick Jervis" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 9:12 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Children Who Suffer Whiplash Injury - The
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Despite a Swedish study in 1995 that suggested that the risk of
whiplash in children is as high as two-thirds of the likelihood
of an adult suffering the condition, less than 2% of whiplash
literature is actually devoted to children.
Considering that the strength of a six year old's spine is only
around 25% of the strength of an adult's, clinical research begs
the question as to why more children are not admitted with
whiplash injuries.
The answer may lie in factors such as seating in cars. Children
tend to ride in the back seats of cars, which are known to be
generally safer than the front seats. The back seats also have
reduced elasticity and smaller backrests, designed specifically
to minimise the potential for injury in low-speed rear impact
crashes. Children also are proven to have a greater range of
spinal motion and generally also have less history of injuries
or degenerative diseases which can adversely affect the outcome
of a rear impact and any injuries incurred.
In October, a study was conducted using 105 children under the
age of 17; each of whom had been involved in a low impact
collision. They were each interviewed and assessed at intervals
according to the severity of their injuries: the most severe
cases were interviewed 2 weeks after they received their
injuries, with further assessments scheduled at further 2 week
intervals. Less severe cases were initially interviewed 5 days
post injury. 39% of these children were sitting in the front
seat at the time of impact and 61% were rear-seat passengers
and, of these, 50% were involved in rear impact collisions, 32%
were involved in head on collisions and 18% were in side-on
49 out of 105 of the patients were recorded with whiplash
injuries, with 47% of these being over the age of 12. Forty of
these were 'Grade 1' or severe cases and took an average of 19.7
days to recover, with the rest reaching a comfortable state in
6.4 days. The main conclusion of the report focused on the age
of the children and states that the risk of whiplash injury
increases as a child reaches puberty, probably as a result of
the physiological changes that the child is undergoing.
Children also rank alongside women as being more likely to
suffer whiplash injury than men which seems to be due to their
size. Being shorter, they can often be closer to the airbag and,
in an impact, this can exaggerate the movement of the neck. Size
can also mean that they may have less securely fitted
In the past, children involved in accidents of this nature have
been too often overlooked, both statistically and by the world
of insurance; a number of insurance companies have refused to
pay for the treatment of children who have received whiplash and
whiplash associated disorders, bur personal injury specialist
firms have been persistent, setting precedents that should
ensure that children are no longer the 'forgotten injured' of
these unfortunate and often debilitating accidents.
Whiplash is the term used to describe a soft tissue injury to
the neck when you are involved in a car accident. The pain can
last for a matter of days or in more severe cases a number of
years. However, only a minor percentage of whiplash injuries
result in long term injuries with most people making a full
recovery. The important point is to make sure you are treated by
professional medical staff as soon as possible.
For further information, please visit our website at
About The Author: is run by a
non-practising Personal Injury Solicitor with over 14 years
personal injury claims experience. We use this first hand
knowledge of the Personal Injury Claim system to hand select the
very best personal injury solicitors for you.
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3 Powerful Weight Loss Tips
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Sat Feb 2, 2008 9:23 pm (PST)
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Title: 3 Powerful Weight Loss Tips
Word Count: 806
Author: Tony Mase
Category: Health & Fitness
Article URL: http://www.submityourarticle. com/articles/ easypublish. php?art_id= 25058
The article is preformatted to 60CPL.
3 Powerful Weight Loss Tips
Every January 1st, millions upon millions of people
worldwide set out on their annual quest to try to shed
their excess pounds.
Unfortunately, by now, the overwhelming majority of these
well-intentioned folks will have already failed and uttered
those immortal words...
"Oh well, I guess I'll try again next year."
Don't let that be you!
Here are three powerful tips that'll help you lose the
weight you want to lose once and for all:
Powerful Weight Loss Tip #1 - Stop "trying" to lose weight.
The word "try" is, in my opinion, the single biggest
"weasel word" in the entire English language.
Why do I call it a "weasel word", you ask?
The word "try", by its very definition, comes with a
built-in "escape hatch".
If you say you'll "try" to do something and you don't, you
can always use your "escape hatch" and "weasel" out of it
by saying...
"Well, I tried!"
Here's the deal...
You either will do something or you won't do something...
You either do something or you don't do something...
There's no such thing as "trying" to do something!
Think about it...
"Try" to read this article.
You can't, can you?
You either will read this article or you won't read this
You either do read this article or you don't read this
You can't "try" to read this article.
Can you "try" to lose weight.
You either will lose weight or you won't lose weight...
You either do lose weight or you don't lose weight...
It's that simple!
Powerful Weight Loss Tip #2 - Focus on what you want, not
on what you don't want.
In the book for which he's best known, his classic
masterpiece "The Science of Getting Rich", Wallace D.
Wattles wrote:
"The Creative Power within us makes us into the image of
that to which we give our attention."
Most people who set out to lose weight start out by saying
something like...
"I want to lose 50 pounds."
Question for you...
If you make a statement to yourself like...
"I want to lose 50 pounds"...
What are you giving your attention to?
Those excess 50 pounds, right?
Since that's what you're giving your attention to...
Guess what?
You got it...
That's *exactly* what you'll have...
Those excess 50 pounds!
In other words...
By making a statement like...
"I want to lose 50 pounds"...
You're subconsciously setting yourself up for failure
before you even begin.
What should you do instead?
In his book "The Personal Power Course", Wallace D. Wattles
"... whenever you think of your physical self... think of
the IDEAL BODY WHICH YOU ARE BUILDING, and not of the body
which now is."
Therein lies the secret to successfully losing weight.
If you weigh 200 pounds and you want to weigh 150 pounds...
Rather than say...
"I want to lose 50 pounds"...
"I want to weigh 150 pounds"...
"I weigh 150 pounds."
Even better...
Take "weight" out of the picture altogether and simply...
Form a clear and definite mental image of "the ideal body
which you are building" and hold that image in your
thoughts "whenever you think of your physical self".
Think about it...
If you looked and felt *exactly* as you wanted to look and
feel, would you really care what you weighed?
I think not. :-)
Powerful Weight Loss Tip #3 - Stay away from mirrors,
scales, and tape measures.
Most people who begin a weight loss program, regardless of
what it is, seem to have this overwhelming need to look in
the mirror, hop on the scale, or check their measurements
every five minutes to see if their weight loss program is
"Every five minutes" may be a bit of an exaggeration, but
for some it's not too far from the truth. :-)
Here's a question for you to ponder...
If you look in the mirror, hop on the scale, or check your
measurements anytime before you have the ideal body you
want, are you thinking of "the ideal body which you are
building" or of "the body which now is"?
Think about it.
"The Creative Power within us makes us into the image of
that to which we give our attention."
If you *really* want to shed your excess pounds this New
Year once and for all...
Here's my best advice:
1. Take "weight" out of the picture altogether and decide
*exactly* how you want to look and feel.
2. Form a clear and definite mental image of "the ideal
body which you are building" and hold that image in your
thoughts "whenever you think of your physical self".
3. Stay away from mirrors, scales, and tape measures.
With that...
I wish you and your loved ones a wealthy, healthy,
successful, and happy New Year!
About the Author:
Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.
Wattles and the creator of an amazing website that'll take
you by the hand and guide you step-by-step down Wallace D.
Wattles' proven path to wealth, health, success, happiness,
love, and more... http://www.tonymasesinnercircle. com
This article is distributed on behalf of the author by is a trading name of Takanomi Limited.
Takanomi Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales.
Registered number: 5629683. Registered office: 104 The Mount, York YO24 1GR.
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- 23.
Autoresponders - Can They Really Make You Money?
Posted by: "Don Schnure" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 10:11 pm (PST)
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Don Schnure
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Article Title: Autoresponders - Can They Really Make You Money?
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The importance of proper, timely follow-up marketing is one of
the biggest keys to weither your company makes money online or
Email is the perfect vehicle for following up with clients and
prospects, but sending email manually to a list of optin
subscribers is not only time consuming, but impractical if your
mailing list contains more then a few dozen subscribers. And
this is and autoresponder can help.
Autorespondes are a special type of software that lets you
create a pre-defined series of email messages that are sent to a
subscriber automatically in a predefined sequence.
In most cases they work like this: A visitor to your web site
will fill in a web form that offers a free report or newsletter.
When they do the autoresponder is triggered and the first
message in a series of prewritten messages is sent to the
Then other messages are follow-ups are sent sequential, are
delivered over the course of the specified amount of time, say
five to seven days.
You can see how this would be a huge time saver for the busy,
often over worked web based entrepreneur.
But before subscribing to an autoresponder service to take
advantage of the time savings and marketing efficiency they
offer, here are some details you need to check before you hand
over your money.
Does the autoresponder provider you select offer unlimited
autoresponders, campaigns and follow ups? The service you choose
needs to let you set up as many campaigns as you wish, thus
allowing you full control over your marketing efforts.
How reliable are the? Do they operate enough servers to ensure
that your autoresponders respond quickly. Do they have enoght
bandwidth to ensure that there are no bottle necks when sending
your email?
What's their email deliverability rate? Are they blocked or
blacklisted with any major ISP's?
Do they offer toll-free customer service? This is a must,
especially if you are starting out. Make sure that the
autoresponder company offers phone support, so that you can call
them if there is a problem or if you just need someone guide you
through the process if you're just getting started.
Up-to-date technology features: Ensure that the autoresponder
provider is up to speed in terms of functionality and that the
company is improving its product on a regular basis and adding
new features to it.
However, do keep in mind that before you can use your
autoresponder, you have to prepare the e-mail message that you
wish to have sent automatically when someone opts-in to your
mailing list.
These messages can be in a plain text format, or html. Some
providers even offer html email templates to make your messages
look even more professional. Though, the providers that offer
templates usually do charge more.
When building your mailing list, it's a good idea to divide
your subscriber mailing lists into four categories: one master
list that contains all your subscribers, one for referral
partners, one for customer prospects, one for customers. Once a
prospect becomes a customer, then they go into the customer
To save yourself a ton of time, make sure that your
autoresponder provider allows you to automatically move a
prospect from the prospect list to the customer list when they
purchase from you. Not all providers offer this "subscribe on
unsubscribe" feature, but the larger autoresponder providers
like do.
Direct marketing evidence shows that most people will not buy
from you they first time they see your product, message, or
brand particularly online. The reason being is that the
Internet is very impersonal and so customers tend to only buy
from sites they trust and that are familiar.
But by using a "smart autoresponders" as they are often called,
you are able to build this trust and familiarity since a
prospective buyer can receive from one to an unlimited number of
follow up messages from you. Over time the prospect learns to
trust you provided you are not just spamming them and instead
are providing valuable and helpful information.
The bottom line is that autoresponders can and help you boost
your customers' confidence, trust and reinforce your brand. This
will automatically translate into more sales for you and thus,
more profit.
About The Author: Don Schnure is CEO of theautoresponders. htm,
autoresponder provider used by smart entrepreneurs world wide.
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A Review Of The Email Aces Autoresponder Service
Posted by: "Brian Garvin" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 10:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: A Review Of The Email Aces Autoresponder Service
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Find out the truth about Email Aces and see if it's right for
you at this time. Please read our unbiased review of the Email
Aces Autoresponder Service.
The Email Aces Autoresponder service was designed exclusively
for internet marketers who wish to earn income by marketing
their products and services through an automated email system.
The autoresponder system dramatically cuts down the time and
hassle of having to make follow-ups with each individual
customer or prospective customer.
With internet marketing becoming a booming success by
generating wealth from a wider range of consumers, the
simplicity of being able to contact hundreds or even thousands
of customers automatically is ideal.
Email Aces is one of many growing autoresponder companies. In
their own words, what sets them apart is that they built their
entire system themselves. The people who created the system are
the ones operating the business by answering customers in
support forms, monitoring servers and checking to make sure
everything is functioning properly.
Email Aces believe that consumers need to know that their
competitors have purchased scripts and installed them elsewhere
which can lead to a lot of confusion especially if there is a
malfunction. The company also boasts about the many additional
services their customers receive that take online marketing to
the next level.
The Email Aces system handles all of the hard work involved
with email marketing. Their system was created to make things
like list management in the forms of subscriptions, removal
requests, bounced messages and confirmations a breeze. The
company also sends autoresponse messages, forwards, sends
follow-up emails and processes broadcast messages.
Some other unique features included with membership include
unlimited follow-ups, sending attachments, personalization,
ability to track the read rate and see the number of opened
messages, templates to model campaigns from, importing
prospects, blocking, html editor, html subscriber forms which
can be personalized, knowledgeable support team and a host of
other features.
Email Aces autoresponder service offers three different account
levels. Account level one is their lowest package which costs
$2.95 to start up with an additional $8.95 each month after
that. This includes a single autoresponder message with
unlimited follow-ups, broadcasts and can be used with a maximum
2,500 prospects. The second account level starts at $4.95 with
a $14.95 fee every additional month.
This package includes ten autoresponder messages with unlimited
follow-ups and broadcasts and can be used for up to 5,000
prospects. Level three account members have a $7.95 start-up
fee and pay $19.95 each additional month. The level three
package includes unlimited autoresponders, follow-ups and
broadcasts. It can store as many as 10,000 prospects with every
additional 10,000 at a $10.00 fee.
Email Aces autoresponder service is a very robust software and
can handle all your email and database needs. It is a very solid
and reliable service and I'm sure it will help you grow whatever
business you are involved with.
The service will allow html and text email. Using html email
you are able to track the responses from your subscribers and
see how many of them responded to one of your email offers, so
this is a ver powerful tool when it comes to marketing.
About The Author: You can read our Unbiased, expert review of
articles like guardianinternat ionaltravel. html
from Brian Garvin and Jeff West at his article may be used royalty
free provided bio & links remain intact. Copyright © Mission
Billion, Inc.
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Making Change: Hard Or Easy?
Posted by: "Wendy N. Lapidus-Saltz" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 10:12 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Making Change: Hard Or Easy?
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When I was a child, my father struggled to teach me how to make
change for a dollar.
"It costs 27 cents and he gives you a dollar, so you count
backwards," he explained, as patiently as he could,
"Twenty-seven cents and a quarter makes 52, and another quarter
." My eyes glazed over.
But making change inside oneself, or helping others do it
within themselves is, to me, the most fascinating of endeavors.
And it's how I spend most of my days as a mind coach and
-Patience and Openness-
The important element of change-making is to not be impatient
with ourselves, expecting everything to happen at the speed of
light. And to avoid assuming that we should feel a particular
way, such as: "I'm getting married, so I should be thrilled
about leaving my old apartment to live with my great new
The truth is, you may have had happy times in that place, met
new friends in the building, had your first taste of being
independent and making your own way in the world. Now you're
leaving the world you've come to feel comfortable in. It's
perfectly okay to experience sadness, reluctance, and even
Change doesn't have to take longsometimes it happens
instantlybut even then, it happens in stages. Getting to know a
new place or situation is learning a new skill. In fact, it
actually involves many new skills:
In the marriage example, consider just a few:
Learning to "be married" and all that comes with it, including
having someone around most of the time, bringing his opinions,
tastes, ways of doing things, friends and family to the party.
Learning to share the space. Knowing how to negotiate each
others' needs. Figuring out how to get alone-time, friend-time,
work-time, family-time with both partners' families, and
intimate-time, and a lot more.
These are only a few typical examples. So many things run
deeper, both emotionally and spiritually. And all require
learning and assimilation of that learning so you can move from
not knowing at all to knowing instinctively.
-How to Understand and Use This-
There is a useful model used in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic
Programming) that teaches the stages involved in moving from
"Not Knowing X At All" to "Knowing X So Instinctively that You
Do It Without Having To Think About It."
You have already moved through this process for many X's in
your life, things that now seem instinctive: brushing your
teeth, answering "you're welcome" to someone's "thank you," or
petting your dog when he greets you at the door.
They`re automatic now because you learned them.
And there are stages in learning a new skill or new way of
Unconscious Incompetence TO Conscious Incompetence TO Conscious
Competence TO Unconscious Competence
Unconscious Incompetence means you don't even know what you
don't know. When you were a child, you may have put a cookie in
the oven, shut the door, and declared "I'm baking cookies!" You
didn't even know enough to realize that the heat needed to be
turned on to get them baked. (Or that the one you put in was
already baked by Keebler!)
Conscious Incompetence means you are fully aware that you don't
know how to do a certain thing. But that's about all. I know I
don't know how to play a violin, for instance. Knowing that
means I understand that if I want to produce music with a
violin, I have to learn. At my first lessons, I am conscious of
feeling clumsy and inept.
Conscious Competence is where you are when you've taken some
lessons or read a book on baking or playing a violin, and you
can do it. The cookie bakes the way it should and is
recognizable as a cookie; it even tastes good. The sonata is
recognizable, even melodic. But in both cases you still need to
follow specific instructions consciously.
You do things like consciously measuring ingredients. An
experienced and confident baker, however, will simply eye the
ingredients and sense how much she's using. That, in fact, is
the final stage of learning
Unconscious Competence means you are now competent at something
without having to think about it, or be consciously aware of it.
This is when you're in flow. You might say things like "I know
this like the back of my hand."
Think of the way you hold your young child back from crossing
the street before the light changes. The way you hang your purse
on the same shoulder, weight balanced the same way. Or how you
put your wallet in the same pocket every time.
We perform many tasks that way, saving us time, energy, and
thought. But most or all of these tasks were once learned. They
became instinctive through repetition.
To make a change in our lives, either in the way we behave or
the way we think about something, often requires returning to
Unconscious Incompetence in trying it another way, and moving
through the stages till we get to the final one, Unconscious
-The Case of the Writer Who Couldn't Type-
My friend "Lynn" had always typed with just her two index
fingers; in high school she failed typing twice. Late in life,
she took yet another typing class. She was frustrated and wanted
to quit many times. When in the Conscious Incompetence stage,
she was particularly frustrated. "When I used two fingers, I
could at least type 50 words a minute, now I'm typing 30with
lots of mistakes!" she said.
Fortunately, she pressed on. Now she's at Stage 4, and her
fingers fly over the keyboard to the tune of 80 wpm.
Sometimes you need to change your thoughts beforeor along
withchanging your actions. In Lynn's case, she told me the
specific thought she needed to give up:
"If you can type well, you'll end up as a secretary."
Lynn was part of the first generation of women routinely being
hired for professional and executive positions. But her role
models were her mother's generation, who were directed toward
being mothers and secretaries.
Once she stopped equating typing with the secretarial role, she
was able to empower her writing career by being able to type
quickly with few errors.
-How this Works with Habit Change i.e., Quitting Smoking-
Unconscious Incompetence You figure you'll simply stop smoking.
So you throw out your cigarettes. You feel okay for the first
hour or two, and maybe even for a day if you've been a recent or
light smoker. But you don't really know how to quit, and you
don't even know that having some kind of method would be useful.
You're flying by the seat of your pants.
Suddenly you find yourself at the drugstore; there's a pack in
your pocket and a lit cigarette in your hand. Smoke is drifting
out through your lips. You didn't know what it would take to
stop, and you didn't prepare yourself mentally or physically.
You're still smoking.
Conscious Incompetence It's becoming obvious to you that that
you've not doing well by going it alone. You've heard there are
better ways to doit, but you don't really know what they are.
You've heard of some drugs, groups, and hypnosis. You're not
sure what's right for you, or if you even can stop at all. But
you keep hearing scary statistics about smokers, and you know
you'd better figure it out soon.
Conscious Competence You search the web, buy a book or two and
start Googling for stop-smoking programs and smoking-cessation
practitioners. You remember a friend who stopped, so you call
him. He hasn't smoked for two years. He gives you the name of
his hypnotist and you Google her and write down her info. You
also talk to your doctor about medication, but he suggests
trying to do it without a drug first.
You choose hypnosis. You prepare for the session by giving the
hypnotist information on how, when, and why you smoke, why you
want to quit and what benefits it would give you. You come to
the session on time, give her your last pack and all your
lighters, and follow her instructions as she leads you into the
hypnotic state. You find that you really enjoy the process.
You're surprised.
When you leave, you wonder if this will work. You keep waiting
to feel a desire to smoke. You don't, not really. You remember
that normally you'd want a cigarette after dinner and with your
drink, but oddly you don't need it.
You keep waiting for that horrendous craving to pop up. It
You do have thoughts like, "I would've been having a cigarette
with this coffee," but you notice you don't really need it. You
watch TV without a cigarette. It seems strange, but you don't
miss it. Throughout the week, you notice the times you would've
gone for a smoke. But you don't. You just don't. "Odd," you say
to yourself, "How is this possible?"
Unconscious Competence It's been a month since you stopped
smoking. You don't think about it until someone offers you a
cigarette and he's surprised when you turn it down. You hear
yourself saying "I don't smoke." A moment later, when you
realize what you said, and how casually you said it, you think
"Wow, I guess I really don't smoke." The next month, filling out
an application for a new job, you check the box that says
"nonsmoker." You don't even think twice about it.
-So Is Change-making Hard or Easy?-
Some things that make it easier are: first, allow yourself to
think of it as a process as in the examples above so there are
no mistakes, just learnings that get you closer to your goal.
Second, find good information and support from others to help
you get there quicker, wasting less time on mistakes and
disappointment; and be aware of how you move from one phase of
the process to the next. Each one is there for a purpose.
Finally, enjoy the moment when you fully own your new skill and
it moves into becoming part of your identity. You no longer
think "I'm not smoking" but "I am a nonsmoker."
And after that, you may not even think about it at all. It's
simply who you are.
©2008 by Wendy Lapidus-Saltz. All rights reserved.
About The Author: Wendy Lapidus-Saltz is a mind coach who uses
hypnosis and other techniques to help people break unproductive
habits of thought and action, and create productive new ones.
Based in Chicago, she specializes in smoking-cessation and
issues of love and relationship. For more info on her programs
visit and
http://www.hypno-attraction. or call 312-640-1584 for a briefcom
consultation during business hours, Central time.
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