Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)
- 1.
- Narcissism in the Boardroom From: Sam Vaknin author of "Malignant Self Love
- 2.
- Turn Resell Rights Titles into Unique, High Demand, Best Selling Pro From: Avril Harper
- 1.
Narcissism in the Boardroom
Posted by: "Sam Vaknin author of "Malignant Self Love" vaksam
Mon Feb 4, 2008 8:10 am (PST)
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Narcissism in the Boardroom
By Sam Vaknin
Author of "Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited"
The perpetrators of the recent spate of financial frauds in the USA acted
with callous disregard for both their employees and shareholders - not to
mention other stakeholders. Psychologists have often remote-diagnosed them
as "malignant, pathological narcissists".
Narcissists are driven by the need to uphold and maintain a false self - a
concocted, grandiose, and demanding psychological construct typical of the
narcissistic personality disorder. The false self is projected to the world
in order to garner "narcissistic supply" - adulation, admiration, or even
notoriety and infamy. Any kind of attention is usually deemed by narcissists
to be preferable to obscurity.
The false self is suffused with fantasies of perfection, grandeur,
brilliance, infallibility, immunity, significance, omnipotence,
omnipresence, and omniscience. To be a narcissist is to be convinced of a
great, inevitable personal destiny. The narcissist is preoccupied with ideal
love, the construction of brilliant, revolutionary scientific theories, the
composition or authoring or painting of the greatest work of art, the
founding of a new school of thought, the attainment of fabulous wealth, the
reshaping of a nation or a conglomerate, and so on. The narcissist never
sets realistic goals to himself. He is forever preoccupied with fantasies of
uniqueness, record breaking, or breathtaking achievements. His verbosity
reflects this propensity.
Reality is, naturally, quite different and this gives rise to a "grandiosity
gap". The demands of the false self are never satisfied by the narcissist's
accomplishments, standing, wealth, clout, sexual prowess, or knowledge. The
narcissist's grandiosity and sense of entitlement are equally incommensurate
with his achievements.
To bridge the grandiosity gap, the malignant (pathological) narcissist
resorts to shortcuts. These very often lead to fraud.
The narcissist cares only about appearances. What matters to him are the
facade of wealth and its attendant social status and narcissistic supply.
Witness the travestied extravagance of Tyco's Denis Kozlowski. Media
attention only exacerbates the narcissist's addiction and makes it incumbent
on him to go to ever-wilder extremes to secure uninterrupted supply from
this source.
The narcissist lacks empathy - the ability to put himself in other people's
shoes. He does not recognize boundaries - personal, corporate, or legal.
Everything and everyone are to him mere instruments, extensions, objects
unconditionally and uncomplainingly available in his pursuit of narcissistic
This makes the narcissist perniciously exploitative. He uses, abuses,
devalues, and discards even his nearest and dearest in the most chilling
manner. The narcissist is utility- driven, obsessed with his overwhelming
need to reduce his anxiety and regulate his labile sense of self-worth by
securing a constant supply of his drug - attention. American executives
acted without compunction when they raided their employees' pension funds -
as did Robert Maxwell a generation earlier in Britain.
The narcissist is convinced of his superiority - cerebral or physical. To
his mind, he is a Gulliver hamstrung by a horde of narrow-minded and envious
Lilliputians. The dotcom "new economy" was infested with "visionaries" with
a contemptuous attitude towards the mundane: profits, business cycles,
conservative economists, doubtful journalists, and cautious analysts.
Yet, deep inside, the narcissist is painfully aware of his addiction to
others - their attention, admiration, applause, and affirmation. He despises
himself for being thus dependent. He hates people the same way a drug addict
hates his pusher. He wishes to "put them in their place", humiliate them,
demonstrate to them how inadequate and imperfect they are in comparison to
his regal self and how little he craves or needs them.
The narcissist regards himself as one would an expensive present, a gift to
his company, to his family, to his neighbours, to his colleagues, to his
country. This firm conviction of his inflated importance makes him feel
entitled to special treatment, special favors, special outcomes,
concessions, subservience, immediate gratification, obsequiousness, and
lenience. It also makes him feel immune to mortal laws and somehow divinely
protected and insulated from the inevitable consequences of his deeds and
The self-destructive narcissist plays the role of the "bad guy" (or "bad
girl"). But even this is within the traditional social roles cartoonishly
exaggerated by the narcissist to attract attention. Men are likely to
emphasise intellect, power, aggression, money, or social status.
Narcissistic women are likely to emphasise body, looks, charm, sexuality,
feminine "traits", homemaking, children and childrearing.
Punishing the wayward narcissist is a veritable catch-22.
A jail term is useless as a deterrent if it only serves to focus attention
on the narcissist. Being infamous is second best to being famous - and far
preferable to being ignored. The only way to effectively punish a narcissist
is to withhold narcissistic supply from him and thus to prevent him from
becoming a notorious celebrity.
Given a sufficient amount of media exposure, book contracts, talk shows,
lectures, and public attention - the narcissist may even consider the whole
grisly affair to be emotionally rewarding. To the narcissist, freedom,
wealth, social status, family, vocation - are all means to an end. And the
end is attention. If he can secure attention by being the big bad wolf - the
narcissist unhesitatingly transforms himself into one. Lord Archer, for
instance, seems to be positively basking in the media circus provoked by his
prison diaries.
The narcissist does not victimise, plunder, terrorise and abuse others in a
cold, calculating manner. He does so offhandedly, as a manifestation of his
genuine character. To be truly "guilty" one needs to intend, to deliberate,
to contemplate one's choices and then to choose one's acts. The narcissist
does none of these.
Thus, punishment breeds in him surprise, hurt and seething anger. The
narcissist is stunned by society's insistence that he should be held
accountable for his deeds and penalized accordingly. He feels wronged,
baffled, injured, the victim of bias, discrimination and injustice. He
rebels and rages.
Depending upon the pervasiveness of his magical thinking, the narcissist may
feel besieged by overwhelming powers, forces cosmic and intrinsically
ominous. He may develop compulsive rites to fend off this "bad",
unwarranted, persecutory influences.
The narcissist, very much the infantile outcome of stunted personal
development, engages in magical thinking. He feels omnipotent, that there is
nothing he couldn't do or achieve if only he sets his mind to it. He feels
omniscient - he rarely admits to ignorance and regards his intuitions and
intellect as founts of objective data.
Thus, narcissists are haughtily convinced that introspection is a more
important and more efficient (not to mention easier to accomplish) method of
obtaining knowledge than the systematic study of outside sources of
information in accordance with strict and tedious curricula. Narcissists are
"inspired" and they despise hamstrung technocrats.
To some extent, they feel omnipresent because they are either famous or
about to become famous or because their product is selling or is being
manufactured globally. Deeply immersed in their delusions of grandeur, they
firmly believe that their acts have - or will have - a great influence not
only on their firm, but on their country, or even on Mankind. Having
mastered the manipulation of their human environment - they are convinced
that they will always "get away with it". They develop hubris and a false
sense of immunity.
Narcissistic immunity is the (erroneous) feeling, harboured by the
narcissist, that he is impervious to the consequences of his actions, that
he will never be effected by the results of his own decisions, opinions,
beliefs, deeds and misdeeds, acts, inaction, or membership of certain
groups, that he is above reproach and punishment, that, magically, he is
protected and will miraculously be saved at the last moment. Hence the
audacity, simplicity, and transparency of some of the fraud and corporate
looting in the 1990's. Narcissists rarely bother to cover their traces, so
great is their disdain and conviction that they are above mortal laws and
What are the sources of this unrealistic appraisal of situations and events?
The false self is a childish response to abuse and trauma. Abuse is not
limited to sexual molestation or beatings. Smothering, doting, pampering,
over-indulgence, treating the child as an extension of the parent, not
respecting the child's boundaries, and burdening the child with excessive
expectations are also forms of abuse.
The child reacts by constructing false self that is possessed of everything
it needs in order to prevail: unlimited and instantaneously available Harry
Potter-like powers and wisdom. The false self, this Superman, is indifferent
to abuse and punishment. This way, the child's true self is shielded from
the toddler's harsh reality.
This artificial, maladaptive separation between a vulnerable (but not
punishable) true self and a punishable (but invulnerable) false self is an
effective mechanism. It isolates the child from the unjust, capricious,
emotionally dangerous world that he occupies. But, at the same time, it
fosters in him a false sense of "nothing can happen to me, because I am not
here, I am not available to be punished, hence I am immune to punishment".
The comfort of false immunity is also yielded by the narcissist's sense of
entitlement. In his grandiose delusions, the narcissist is sui generis, a
gift to humanity, a precious, fragile, object. Moreover, the narcissist is
convinced both that this uniqueness is immediately discernible - and that it
gives him special rights. The narcissist feels that he is protected by some
cosmological law pertaining to "endangered species".
He is convinced that his future contribution to others - his firm, his
country, humanity - should and does exempt him from the mundane: daily
chores, boring jobs, recurrent tasks, personal exertion, orderly investment
of resources and efforts, laws and regulations, social conventions, and so
The narcissist is entitled to a "special treatment": high living standards,
constant and immediate catering to his needs, the eradication of any
friction with the humdrum and the routine, an all-engulfing absolution of
his sins, fast track privileges (to higher education, or in his encounters
with bureaucracies, for instance). Punishment, trusts the narcissist, is for
ordinary people, where no great loss to humanity is involved.
Narcissists are possessed of inordinate abilities to charm, to convince, to
seduce, and to persuade. Many of them are gifted orators and intellectually
endowed. Many of them work in in politics, the media, fashion, show
business, the arts, medicine, or business, and serve as religious leaders.
By virtue of their standing in the community, their charisma, or their
ability to find the willing scapegoats, they do get exempted many times.
Having recurrently "got away with it" - they develop a theory of personal
immunity, founded upon some kind of societal and even cosmic "order" in
which certain people are above punishment.
But there is a fourth, simpler, explanation. The narcissist lacks
self-awareness. Divorced from his true self, unable to empathise (to
understand what it is like to be someone else), unwilling to constrain his
actions to cater to the feelings and needs of others - the narcissist is in
a constant dreamlike state.
To the narcissist, his life is unreal, like watching an autonomously
unfolding movie. The narcissist is a mere spectator, mildly interested,
greatly entertained at times. He does not "own" his actions. He, therefore,
cannot understand why he should be punished and when he is, he feels grossly
So convinced is the narcissist that he is destined to great things - that he
refuses to accept setbacks, failures and punishments. He regards them as
temporary, as the outcomes of someone else's errors, as part of the future
mythology of his rise to power/brilliance/wealth/ideal love, etc. Being
punished is a diversion of his precious energy and resources from the
all-important task of fulfilling his mission in life.
The narcissist is pathologically envious of people and believes that they
are equally envious of him. He is paranoid, on guard, ready to fend off an
imminent attack. A punishment to the narcissist is a major surprise and a
nuisance but it also validates his suspicion that he is being persecuted. It
proves to him that strong forces are arrayed against him.
He tells himself that people, envious of his achievements and humiliated by
them, are out to get him. He constitutes a threat to the accepted order.
When required to pay for his misdeeds, the narcissist is always disdainful
and bitter and feels misunderstood by his inferiors.
Cooked books, corporate fraud, bending the (GAAP or other) rules, sweeping
problems under the carpet, over-promising, making grandiose claims (the
"vision thing") - are hallmarks of a narcissist in action. When social cues
and norms encourage such behaviour rather than inhibit it - in other words,
when such behaviour elicits abundant narcissistic supply - the pattern is
reinforced and become entrenched and rigid. Even when circumstances change,
the narcissist finds it difficult to adapt, shed his routines, and replace
them with new ones. He is trapped in his past success. He becomes a
But pathological narcissism is not an isolated phenomenon. It is embedded in
our contemporary culture. The West's is a narcissistic civilization. It
upholds narcissistic values and penalizes alternative value-systems. From an
early age, children are taught to avoid self-criticism, to deceive
themselves regarding their capacities and attainments, to feel entitled, and
to exploit others.
As Lilian Katz observed in her important paper, "Distinctions between
Self-Esteem and Narcissism: Implications for Practice", published by the
Educational Resources Information Center, the line between enhancing
self-esteem and fostering narcissism is often blurred by educators and
Both Christopher Lasch in "The Culture of Narcissism" and Theodore Millon in
his books about personality disorders, singled out American society as
narcissistic. Litigiousness may be the flip side of an inane sense of
entitlement. Consumerism is built on this common and communal lie of "I can
do anything I want and possess everything I desire if I only apply myself to
it" and on the pathological envy it fosters.
Not surprisingly, narcissistic disorders are more common among men than
among women. This may be because narcissism conforms to masculine social
mores and to the prevailing ethos of capitalism. Ambition, achievements,
hierarchy, ruthlessness, drive - are both social values and narcissistic
male traits. Social thinkers like the aforementioned Lasch speculated that
modern American culture - a self-centred one - increases the rate of
incidence of the narcissistic personality disorder.
Otto Kernberg, a notable scholar of personality disorders, confirmed Lasch's
intuition: "Society can make serious psychological abnormalities, which
already exist in some percentage of the population, seem to be at least
superficially appropriate."
In their book "Personality Disorders in Modern Life", Theodore Millon and
Roger Davis state, as a matter of fact, that pathological narcissism was
once the preserve of "the royal and the wealthy" and that it "seems to have
gained prominence only in the late twentieth century". Narcissism, according
to them, may be associated with "higher levels of Maslow's hierarchy of
needs ... Individuals in less advantaged nations .. are too busy trying (to
survive) ... to be arrogant and grandiose".
They - like Lasch before them - attribute pathological narcissism to "a
society that stresses individualism and self-gratification at the expense of
community, namely the United States." They assert that the disorder is more
prevalent among certain professions with "star power" or respect. "In an
individualistic culture, the narcissist is 'God's gift to the world'. In a
collectivist society, the narcissist is 'God's gift to the collective."
Millon quotes Warren and Caponi's "The Role of Culture in the Development of
Narcissistic Personality Disorders in America, Japan and Denmark":
"Individualistic narcissistic structures of self-regard (in individualistic
societies) ... are rather self-contained and independent ... (In
collectivist cultures) narcissistic configurations of the we-self ... denote
self-esteem derived from strong identification with the reputation and honor
of the family, groups, and others in hierarchical relationships."
Still, there are malignant narcissists among subsistence farmers in Africa,
nomads in the Sinai desert, day laborers in east Europe, and intellectuals
and socialites in Manhattan. Malignant narcissism is all-pervasive and
independent of culture and society. It is true, though, that the way
pathological narcissism manifests and is experienced is dependent on the
particulars of societies and cultures.
In some cultures, it is encouraged, in others suppressed. In some societies
it is channeled against minorities - in others it is tainted with paranoia.
In collectivist societies, it may be projected onto the collective, in
individualistic societies, it is an individual's trait.
Yet, can families, organizations, ethnic groups, churches, and even whole
nations be safely described as "narcissistic" or "pathologically
self-absorbed"? Can we talk about a "corporate culture of narcissism"?
Human collectives - states, firms, households, institutions, political
parties, cliques, bands - acquire a life and a character all their own. The
longer the association or affiliation of the members, the more cohesive and
conformist the inner dynamics of the group, the more persecutory or numerous
its enemies, competitors, or adversaries, the more intensive the physical
and emotional experiences of the individuals it is comprised of, the
stronger the bonds of locale, language, and history - the more rigorous
might an assertion of a common pathology be.
Such an all-pervasive and extensive pathology manifests itself in the
behavior of each and every member. It is a defining - though often implicit
or underlying - mental structure. It has explanatory and predictive powers.
It is recurrent and invariable - a pattern of conduct melding distorted
cognition and stunted emotions. And it is often vehemently denied.
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AUTHOR BIO (must be included with the article)
Sam Vaknin ( ) is the author of Malignant Self
Love - Narcissism Revisited and After the Rain - How the West Lost the East.
He served as a columnist for Global Politician, Central Europe Review,
PopMatters, Bellaonline, and eBookWeb, a United Press International (UPI)
Senior Business Correspondent, and the editor of mental health and Central
East Europe categories in The Open Directory and Suite101.
Visit Sam's Web site at
- 2.
Turn Resell Rights Titles into Unique, High Demand, Best Selling Pro
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Turn Resell Rights Titles into Unique, High Demand, Best Selling Products,
Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Avril Harper
Resell Rights Net
Resell rights products typically represent eBooks and software
programs created by one party and provided for other parties to
sell and keep all of the profits. Resell rights items can be
sold in their own right or bundled to create a truly unique
package that is entirely yours alone. It takes just minutes to
create a fabulous information package that can become a reliable,
regular, best selling product on eBay and elsewhere.
Resell rights can be used to create your own product, literally
in minutes, and all you do is choose titles, bundle them, give
them an eye-catching, order-pulling title and market them!
Other reasons why resell rights titles should form a major part
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* There are literally thousands of ways to market your products,
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There are several ways to repackage products, sometimes including
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combining hundreds of different or complementary resell rights
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on niche packaging, and simply involves promoting a combination
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The web site was easy and quick to create and all I did was list
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packaging technique is that it is easier to make these packages
appeal to buyers even if you lack copywriting skills yourself.
With so many great titles, pictures and web sites available, all
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then leave your pictures to do the job of selling. A massive
jumble of graphics and a long sales letter make this type of
package very hard to ignore and often leads to high conversion
rates among people who earlier bought smaller, lower priced
repackaged items.
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