Messages In This Digest (17 Messages)
- 1.
- What Is A Mortgage Lender? From: Michael Sterios
- 2.
- Children Who Suffer Whiplash Injury - The Forgotten Injured. From: Nick Jervis
- 3.
- A Review Of The Email Aces Autoresponder Service From: Brian Garvin
- 4.
- Making Change: Hard Or Easy? From: Wendy N. Lapidus-Saltz
- 5.
- A Review Of Consulting Magazine From: Brian Garvin And Jeff West
- 6.
- Vintage Costume Jewelry: Great Small Business Opportunity! From: Sandi Kapiszka
- 7.
- The Aston Martin DBR9 Might Be Bond Material From: Sam Carson
- 8.
- Travel Photography: Covering Your Subject From: Mark Eden
- 9a.
- A New Job In 2008 Different Career Different Training From: Mark Yarbrough
- 10.
- A Holistic Approach To Creative Education Through Ancient Indian Mat From: Gaurav Tekriwal
- 11.
- Visit Kruger National Park South Africa And Stay At Royal Malewane From: Peter R Stewart
- 12.
- Hydrangea From: David Beart
- 13.
- CRM Best Practices To Think About From: Nahshon Wingard
- 14.
- Five Economic Ways To Save Gas For Your Vehicle From: Levi Quinn
- 15.
- 0% Apr Credit Cards And How They Work From: Ajeet Khurana
- 16.
- Commercial Mortgage Rates Differ Based On Individual Circumstances From: Sean Horton
- 17.
- Home And Contents Insurance Can Be Cheaper When Bought Online From: David Thomson
- 1.
What Is A Mortgage Lender?
Posted by: "Michael Sterios" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 9:12 pm (PST)
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Michael Sterios
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Article Title: What Is A Mortgage Lender?
Author: Michael Sterios
Word Count: 535
Article URL: 221409&ca= Finances
Format: 64cpl
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In the UK, there are many different types of mortgage lender,
each offering something different from the other. This choice
has led to a lot of confusion on the part of anyone looking to
buy a house, especially since it's so important to get your
decision right first time.
Contrary to popular belief, a mortgage lender doesn't just give
you the money for your house and that's it. They also offer a
wide range of services and advice that can help you choose what
package is best for you. There are even specialist lenders that
deal solely with poor credit, offering a mortgage to those who'd
otherwise be turned down. The main types of lenders in the UK
today are:
Banks and Building Societies
Arguably the most common or popular source for homebuyers is
their bank or building society. This is more down to the
ease-of-use than anything else after all, most people have
loans or credit cards through their banks, and so it seems a
natural choice for them to take care of your mortgage as well.
However, this can limit your choice when it comes to different
rates and mortgage types, so it's not always the best option.
Specialist Mortgage Lenders
One area that has really grown in the last 10-15 years is that
of specialist or independent mortgage lenders. These can be
online companies, or other financial institutions that now offer
mortgages for example, insurance companies now offer
homebuyers the option of taking out a mortgage with them, as do
estate agents.
The benefit with taking this approach is that you can find a
far greater range of mortgages available to you, from buy-to-let
to longer repayment times. They can also offer more flexibility
when it comes to changing your mortgage throughout the repayment
period, whether it's for a better rate or to accumulate all your
debt with one solitary lender. The online companies can even
offer cheaper rates, due to the lack of overheads involved.
Lenders for Poor Credit Cases
One of the biggest stumbling blocks for anyone looking to buy a
house is poor or bad credit. Yet with the majority of the UK in
debt anyway, there are now more options available to people in
this situation. Look at the back of most newspapers and you'll
see adverts for companies that advertise with tags such as "Poor
Credit No Problem" or similar.
Whilst these types of companies are good news for people who'd
otherwise struggle to buy a house, they do have their drawbacks.
The main one is that usually their rates are a lot higher than
the normal outlets, sometimes astronomically so. There have also
been cases where people have been thrown out of their homes for
missing a single payment, so make sure you read all the small
print of using this type of mortgage lender. As long as you stay
with an FSA-approved lender, there shouldn't be too many
problems a quick search online will be able to tell you which
companies have this accreditation, and which don't.
About The Author: Michael Sterios is a writer for
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- 2.
Children Who Suffer Whiplash Injury - The Forgotten Injured.
Posted by: "Nick Jervis" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 9:12 pm (PST)
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Nick Jervis
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Article Title: Children Who Suffer Whiplash Injury - The
Forgotten Injured.
Author: Nick Jervis
Word Count: 608
Article URL: 221703&ca= Legal
Format: 64cpl
Contact The Author: aid=221703
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Despite a Swedish study in 1995 that suggested that the risk of
whiplash in children is as high as two-thirds of the likelihood
of an adult suffering the condition, less than 2% of whiplash
literature is actually devoted to children.
Considering that the strength of a six year old's spine is only
around 25% of the strength of an adult's, clinical research begs
the question as to why more children are not admitted with
whiplash injuries.
The answer may lie in factors such as seating in cars. Children
tend to ride in the back seats of cars, which are known to be
generally safer than the front seats. The back seats also have
reduced elasticity and smaller backrests, designed specifically
to minimise the potential for injury in low-speed rear impact
crashes. Children also are proven to have a greater range of
spinal motion and generally also have less history of injuries
or degenerative diseases which can adversely affect the outcome
of a rear impact and any injuries incurred.
In October, a study was conducted using 105 children under the
age of 17; each of whom had been involved in a low impact
collision. They were each interviewed and assessed at intervals
according to the severity of their injuries: the most severe
cases were interviewed 2 weeks after they received their
injuries, with further assessments scheduled at further 2 week
intervals. Less severe cases were initially interviewed 5 days
post injury. 39% of these children were sitting in the front
seat at the time of impact and 61% were rear-seat passengers
and, of these, 50% were involved in rear impact collisions, 32%
were involved in head on collisions and 18% were in side-on
49 out of 105 of the patients were recorded with whiplash
injuries, with 47% of these being over the age of 12. Forty of
these were 'Grade 1' or severe cases and took an average of 19.7
days to recover, with the rest reaching a comfortable state in
6.4 days. The main conclusion of the report focused on the age
of the children and states that the risk of whiplash injury
increases as a child reaches puberty, probably as a result of
the physiological changes that the child is undergoing.
Children also rank alongside women as being more likely to
suffer whiplash injury than men which seems to be due to their
size. Being shorter, they can often be closer to the airbag and,
in an impact, this can exaggerate the movement of the neck. Size
can also mean that they may have less securely fitted
In the past, children involved in accidents of this nature have
been too often overlooked, both statistically and by the world
of insurance; a number of insurance companies have refused to
pay for the treatment of children who have received whiplash and
whiplash associated disorders, bur personal injury specialist
firms have been persistent, setting precedents that should
ensure that children are no longer the 'forgotten injured' of
these unfortunate and often debilitating accidents.
Whiplash is the term used to describe a soft tissue injury to
the neck when you are involved in a car accident. The pain can
last for a matter of days or in more severe cases a number of
years. However, only a minor percentage of whiplash injuries
result in long term injuries with most people making a full
recovery. The important point is to make sure you are treated by
professional medical staff as soon as possible.
For further information, please visit our website at
About The Author: is run by a
non-practising Personal Injury Solicitor with over 14 years
personal injury claims experience. We use this first hand
knowledge of the Personal Injury Claim system to hand select the
very best personal injury solicitors for you.
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- 3.
A Review Of The Email Aces Autoresponder Service
Posted by: "Brian Garvin" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 10:11 pm (PST)
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Brian Garvin
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Article Title: A Review Of The Email Aces Autoresponder Service
Author: Brian Garvin
Word Count: 537
Article URL: 221622&ca= Marketing
Format: 64cpl
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Find out the truth about Email Aces and see if it's right for
you at this time. Please read our unbiased review of the Email
Aces Autoresponder Service.
The Email Aces Autoresponder service was designed exclusively
for internet marketers who wish to earn income by marketing
their products and services through an automated email system.
The autoresponder system dramatically cuts down the time and
hassle of having to make follow-ups with each individual
customer or prospective customer.
With internet marketing becoming a booming success by
generating wealth from a wider range of consumers, the
simplicity of being able to contact hundreds or even thousands
of customers automatically is ideal.
Email Aces is one of many growing autoresponder companies. In
their own words, what sets them apart is that they built their
entire system themselves. The people who created the system are
the ones operating the business by answering customers in
support forms, monitoring servers and checking to make sure
everything is functioning properly.
Email Aces believe that consumers need to know that their
competitors have purchased scripts and installed them elsewhere
which can lead to a lot of confusion especially if there is a
malfunction. The company also boasts about the many additional
services their customers receive that take online marketing to
the next level.
The Email Aces system handles all of the hard work involved
with email marketing. Their system was created to make things
like list management in the forms of subscriptions, removal
requests, bounced messages and confirmations a breeze. The
company also sends autoresponse messages, forwards, sends
follow-up emails and processes broadcast messages.
Some other unique features included with membership include
unlimited follow-ups, sending attachments, personalization,
ability to track the read rate and see the number of opened
messages, templates to model campaigns from, importing
prospects, blocking, html editor, html subscriber forms which
can be personalized, knowledgeable support team and a host of
other features.
Email Aces autoresponder service offers three different account
levels. Account level one is their lowest package which costs
$2.95 to start up with an additional $8.95 each month after
that. This includes a single autoresponder message with
unlimited follow-ups, broadcasts and can be used with a maximum
2,500 prospects. The second account level starts at $4.95 with
a $14.95 fee every additional month.
This package includes ten autoresponder messages with unlimited
follow-ups and broadcasts and can be used for up to 5,000
prospects. Level three account members have a $7.95 start-up
fee and pay $19.95 each additional month. The level three
package includes unlimited autoresponders, follow-ups and
broadcasts. It can store as many as 10,000 prospects with every
additional 10,000 at a $10.00 fee.
Email Aces autoresponder service is a very robust software and
can handle all your email and database needs. It is a very solid
and reliable service and I'm sure it will help you grow whatever
business you are involved with.
The service will allow html and text email. Using html email
you are able to track the responses from your subscribers and
see how many of them responded to one of your email offers, so
this is a ver powerful tool when it comes to marketing.
About The Author: You can read our Unbiased, expert review of
articles like guardianinternat ionaltravel. html
from Brian Garvin and Jeff West at his article may be used royalty
free provided bio & links remain intact. Copyright © Mission
Billion, Inc.
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- 4.
Making Change: Hard Or Easy?
Posted by: "Wendy N. Lapidus-Saltz" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 10:12 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Making Change: Hard Or Easy?
Author: Wendy N. Lapidus-Saltz
Word Count: 1869
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Format: 64cpl
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================== ARTICLE START ============ ======
When I was a child, my father struggled to teach me how to make
change for a dollar.
"It costs 27 cents and he gives you a dollar, so you count
backwards," he explained, as patiently as he could,
"Twenty-seven cents and a quarter makes 52, and another quarter
." My eyes glazed over.
But making change inside oneself, or helping others do it
within themselves is, to me, the most fascinating of endeavors.
And it's how I spend most of my days as a mind coach and
-Patience and Openness-
The important element of change-making is to not be impatient
with ourselves, expecting everything to happen at the speed of
light. And to avoid assuming that we should feel a particular
way, such as: "I'm getting married, so I should be thrilled
about leaving my old apartment to live with my great new
The truth is, you may have had happy times in that place, met
new friends in the building, had your first taste of being
independent and making your own way in the world. Now you're
leaving the world you've come to feel comfortable in. It's
perfectly okay to experience sadness, reluctance, and even
Change doesn't have to take longsometimes it happens
instantlybut even then, it happens in stages. Getting to know a
new place or situation is learning a new skill. In fact, it
actually involves many new skills:
In the marriage example, consider just a few:
Learning to "be married" and all that comes with it, including
having someone around most of the time, bringing his opinions,
tastes, ways of doing things, friends and family to the party.
Learning to share the space. Knowing how to negotiate each
others' needs. Figuring out how to get alone-time, friend-time,
work-time, family-time with both partners' families, and
intimate-time, and a lot more.
These are only a few typical examples. So many things run
deeper, both emotionally and spiritually. And all require
learning and assimilation of that learning so you can move from
not knowing at all to knowing instinctively.
-How to Understand and Use This-
There is a useful model used in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic
Programming) that teaches the stages involved in moving from
"Not Knowing X At All" to "Knowing X So Instinctively that You
Do It Without Having To Think About It."
You have already moved through this process for many X's in
your life, things that now seem instinctive: brushing your
teeth, answering "you're welcome" to someone's "thank you," or
petting your dog when he greets you at the door.
They`re automatic now because you learned them.
And there are stages in learning a new skill or new way of
Unconscious Incompetence TO Conscious Incompetence TO Conscious
Competence TO Unconscious Competence
Unconscious Incompetence means you don't even know what you
don't know. When you were a child, you may have put a cookie in
the oven, shut the door, and declared "I'm baking cookies!" You
didn't even know enough to realize that the heat needed to be
turned on to get them baked. (Or that the one you put in was
already baked by Keebler!)
Conscious Incompetence means you are fully aware that you don't
know how to do a certain thing. But that's about all. I know I
don't know how to play a violin, for instance. Knowing that
means I understand that if I want to produce music with a
violin, I have to learn. At my first lessons, I am conscious of
feeling clumsy and inept.
Conscious Competence is where you are when you've taken some
lessons or read a book on baking or playing a violin, and you
can do it. The cookie bakes the way it should and is
recognizable as a cookie; it even tastes good. The sonata is
recognizable, even melodic. But in both cases you still need to
follow specific instructions consciously.
You do things like consciously measuring ingredients. An
experienced and confident baker, however, will simply eye the
ingredients and sense how much she's using. That, in fact, is
the final stage of learning
Unconscious Competence means you are now competent at something
without having to think about it, or be consciously aware of it.
This is when you're in flow. You might say things like "I know
this like the back of my hand."
Think of the way you hold your young child back from crossing
the street before the light changes. The way you hang your purse
on the same shoulder, weight balanced the same way. Or how you
put your wallet in the same pocket every time.
We perform many tasks that way, saving us time, energy, and
thought. But most or all of these tasks were once learned. They
became instinctive through repetition.
To make a change in our lives, either in the way we behave or
the way we think about something, often requires returning to
Unconscious Incompetence in trying it another way, and moving
through the stages till we get to the final one, Unconscious
-The Case of the Writer Who Couldn't Type-
My friend "Lynn" had always typed with just her two index
fingers; in high school she failed typing twice. Late in life,
she took yet another typing class. She was frustrated and wanted
to quit many times. When in the Conscious Incompetence stage,
she was particularly frustrated. "When I used two fingers, I
could at least type 50 words a minute, now I'm typing 30with
lots of mistakes!" she said.
Fortunately, she pressed on. Now she's at Stage 4, and her
fingers fly over the keyboard to the tune of 80 wpm.
Sometimes you need to change your thoughts beforeor along
withchanging your actions. In Lynn's case, she told me the
specific thought she needed to give up:
"If you can type well, you'll end up as a secretary."
Lynn was part of the first generation of women routinely being
hired for professional and executive positions. But her role
models were her mother's generation, who were directed toward
being mothers and secretaries.
Once she stopped equating typing with the secretarial role, she
was able to empower her writing career by being able to type
quickly with few errors.
-How this Works with Habit Change i.e., Quitting Smoking-
Unconscious Incompetence You figure you'll simply stop smoking.
So you throw out your cigarettes. You feel okay for the first
hour or two, and maybe even for a day if you've been a recent or
light smoker. But you don't really know how to quit, and you
don't even know that having some kind of method would be useful.
You're flying by the seat of your pants.
Suddenly you find yourself at the drugstore; there's a pack in
your pocket and a lit cigarette in your hand. Smoke is drifting
out through your lips. You didn't know what it would take to
stop, and you didn't prepare yourself mentally or physically.
You're still smoking.
Conscious Incompetence It's becoming obvious to you that that
you've not doing well by going it alone. You've heard there are
better ways to doit, but you don't really know what they are.
You've heard of some drugs, groups, and hypnosis. You're not
sure what's right for you, or if you even can stop at all. But
you keep hearing scary statistics about smokers, and you know
you'd better figure it out soon.
Conscious Competence You search the web, buy a book or two and
start Googling for stop-smoking programs and smoking-cessation
practitioners. You remember a friend who stopped, so you call
him. He hasn't smoked for two years. He gives you the name of
his hypnotist and you Google her and write down her info. You
also talk to your doctor about medication, but he suggests
trying to do it without a drug first.
You choose hypnosis. You prepare for the session by giving the
hypnotist information on how, when, and why you smoke, why you
want to quit and what benefits it would give you. You come to
the session on time, give her your last pack and all your
lighters, and follow her instructions as she leads you into the
hypnotic state. You find that you really enjoy the process.
You're surprised.
When you leave, you wonder if this will work. You keep waiting
to feel a desire to smoke. You don't, not really. You remember
that normally you'd want a cigarette after dinner and with your
drink, but oddly you don't need it.
You keep waiting for that horrendous craving to pop up. It
You do have thoughts like, "I would've been having a cigarette
with this coffee," but you notice you don't really need it. You
watch TV without a cigarette. It seems strange, but you don't
miss it. Throughout the week, you notice the times you would've
gone for a smoke. But you don't. You just don't. "Odd," you say
to yourself, "How is this possible?"
Unconscious Competence It's been a month since you stopped
smoking. You don't think about it until someone offers you a
cigarette and he's surprised when you turn it down. You hear
yourself saying "I don't smoke." A moment later, when you
realize what you said, and how casually you said it, you think
"Wow, I guess I really don't smoke." The next month, filling out
an application for a new job, you check the box that says
"nonsmoker." You don't even think twice about it.
-So Is Change-making Hard or Easy?-
Some things that make it easier are: first, allow yourself to
think of it as a process as in the examples above so there are
no mistakes, just learnings that get you closer to your goal.
Second, find good information and support from others to help
you get there quicker, wasting less time on mistakes and
disappointment; and be aware of how you move from one phase of
the process to the next. Each one is there for a purpose.
Finally, enjoy the moment when you fully own your new skill and
it moves into becoming part of your identity. You no longer
think "I'm not smoking" but "I am a nonsmoker."
And after that, you may not even think about it at all. It's
simply who you are.
©2008 by Wendy Lapidus-Saltz. All rights reserved.
About The Author: Wendy Lapidus-Saltz is a mind coach who uses
hypnosis and other techniques to help people break unproductive
habits of thought and action, and create productive new ones.
Based in Chicago, she specializes in smoking-cessation and
issues of love and relationship. For more info on her programs
visit and
http://www.hypno-attraction. or call 312-640-1584 for a briefcom
consultation during business hours, Central time.
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- 5.
A Review Of Consulting Magazine
Posted by: "Brian Garvin And Jeff West" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 10:12 pm (PST)
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Article Title: A Review Of Consulting Magazine
Author: Brian Garvin And Jeff West
Word Count: 525
Article URL: 221431&ca= Business+ Management
Format: 64cpl
Contact The Author: aid=221431
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Consultation is one of the fastest growing industries these
days for these very reason consulting magazines are playing very
important role for all the management consultants and also help
many aspiring consultants as well.
The magazine includes many important topics and innovative
ideas which help the consultants in many ways this is not all it
also offers important guide lines that are very much essential
for all individual consultants for good career options in this
field alongside with creating a remarkable balance between work
and life. Consulting magazines are in very high demand these
days for its innovative techniques and ideas which help the
consultants in broadening their views and ideas in their job
Consulting magazines plays an important part in every small or
large corporate house as it is considered as a key decision
maker because these magazines are always referred before taking
any minor or major decisions starting from senior level
consultant to fresher this magazine influences everyone out in
the consulting field.
Being just 8 year old the consulting magazines had gained a
tremendous popularity and success in last 8 years all over the
world for its excellent service and innovative ideas. The
magazine is published bi- monthly and its demand is growing day
by day with every published issue. The magazine also allows the
readers to contact the editor for their query on any topic or
The Consulting Magazines is a complete package of useful
information's for the consultants and every issue of the
magazine covers certain short takes on all new industrial trends
and also includes inspirational interviews of some professional
leaders as well. The magazine delivers sure short and helpful
advices to the readers for handling their clients in a correct
manner alongside covering some important topics such as
outsourcing, compensation and many more of similar kinds.
Every article in the consulting magazine is very expertly
developed and written by the journalists after a long research
and market study with the help of several consultants and one of
the most important features of the magazine is that it never
repeats its articles that were published in the previous issues.
The Consulting Magazines is not sold in any retail magazine
store but one should subscribe for the magazine to get all the
current and previous issues of the magazine.
The Consulting Magazine also organizes Kennedy Information's
annual Consulting Summit one of the largest consulting summits
in the whole world where thousand of aspiring and experienced
consultants gather to share their views and reviews over a large
number of current and important topics.
Kennedy Information is one of the oldest and most important
information sources of several professional services such as
management and IT consulting and is also the leading providers
of all kind of financial news in the field of business and it
works as a subsidiary of The Bureau of National Affairs, (BNA
The Consulting Magazine also offers the readers to download the
magazine from net but like all other business magazines this is
available only, or predominantly, on subscription.
About The Author: You can read our Unbiased, expert review of
articles like fromearthtribe. html
Brian Garvin and Jeff West at his
article may be used royalty free provided bio & links remain
intact. Copyright © Mission Billion, Inc.
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- 6.
Vintage Costume Jewelry: Great Small Business Opportunity!
Posted by: "Sandi Kapiszka" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 11:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Vintage Costume Jewelry: Great Small Business
Author: Sandi Kapiszka
Word Count: 840
Article URL: 220953&ca= Womens+Interest
Format: 64cpl
Contact The Author: aid=220953
Easy Publish Tool: php?aid=220953
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Authentic costume jewelry, originally made popular during the
"Roaring Twenties", is considered a hot collector's item today
and has rapidly appreciated in value in recent years. Vintage
costume necklaces, bracelets, and other pieces were purchased by
American soldiers in French boutiques and brought home after the
first world war. U.S. companies began dominating costume jewelry
design and manufacturing from the late 1920's onward. Signed
vintage costume necklaces, rings, and other pieces are worth
more money. Some popular American companies known to produce
high quality and highly collectible pieces include:
But why are some costume jewelry pieces more valuable than
others and how do you identify the collectible pieces? The very
first true costume jewelry appeared on theatres throughout
Europe before being brought back to the States by American
G.I.'s returning home from World War I. American manufacturers
began dominating the industry from the 1920's onward. Trifari,
Coro, and dozens of American manufacturers soon began producing
the designs and pieces that are some of the most prized
collectibles on the vintage market today. If you know what you
are looking for and can distinguish the worthless knock-offs
from the genuine Eisenberg necklaces and other top pieces, then
you can literally make a great living--while having fun in the
process! Value is determined by:
Rarity of Piece
Quality of Construction and Materials
Current Condition
The supply of vintage pieces is not evenly distributed which is
a large reason why there is so much diversity in pricing. The
jewelry itself was supplied by dozens of manufacturers. Batch
sizes could vary dramatically from one company to the next.
Coventry, Coro, and other larger manufacturers often made
thousands of pieces for every design. On the other side of the
coin, McClelland, DeMario and many of the smaller players might
only produce a few hundred of each design. When other pricing
variables are held constant, signed pieces from the small
companies tend to be worth more money. Still, careful research
is required because even larger manufacturers sometimes produced
specialty batches. These were smaller batches making the pieces
more valuable than others produced by the same company.
A piece of jewelry can be rare but command little demand for
some reason or another which will greatly affect value.
Basically, the higher the demand, the greater the price and vice
versa. For anyone looking for the hot items right now, signed
Miriam Haskell vintage jewelry is the best bet despite being a
bit eccentric in design. Being able to identify the hot items
from the pretty imitators is what separates the successful
collectors from the mere hobbyist. Avid collectors tend to
include popular pieces in their collections because they are
more profitable. In many cases, the collector doesn't even like
the particular piece!
So what factors actually affect the demand for any given piece
of jewelry? Demand for a piece is stimulated most by the actual
design of the jewelry. Seasoned collectors will not hesitate to
shun a signed piece in favor of an unsigned one featuring a
unique and impressive design. Ultimately, the unsigned piece
often proves profitable because it commands greater demand. A
large portion of the entire vintage costume stock is unsigned
despite having been made by some of the most respected companies
in the industry. Being able to identify quality or exceptional
designs is one way to spot the unsigned but valuable pieces.
Some of the most profitable unsigned pieces by manufacturers who
consistently produced high quality designs include those by
Holycraft and Florenza.
The quality of the stones and craftsmanship will ultimately
determine the success and overall popularity of any design. In
particular, the gemstone quality is of particular relevance to
the value of any vintage piece of jewelry. Gemstones of
exceptional quality were consistently used by a few of the major
manufacturers. Jewelry designs by Bogoff, Weiss, and Eisenberg
tend to be high value collectibles primarily because of their
exceptionally high quality.
Unless you happen to stumble across an unsigned Eisenberg
piece, you will find it hard to find this high-quality jewelry
at bargain prices. If you are trying to find some profitable
pieces to purchase at cheap prices but still command a lot with
serious investors, look for jewelry made by these companies:
The final component of the value determination is based upon
the current value of the jewelry. Expect lower values for
vintage costume pieces that have discoloration, rust, excessive
wear marks, or even lost stones. Despite having noticeable signs
of wear, most vintage jewelry pieces are still worth more today
than when they were originally sold. But if you know how to
locate the unsigned gems hiding in flea markets and online
auctions every day, then you can really make a bundle collecting
vintage costume pieces--even those with excessive signs of wear!
About The Author: Sandi Kapiszka specializes in vintage costume
jewelry collecting whose site can be found at:
http://www.vintagetemptations. com
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- 7.
The Aston Martin DBR9 Might Be Bond Material
Posted by: "Sam Carson" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 11:11 pm (PST)
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Sam Carson
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Article Title: The Aston Martin DBR9 Might Be Bond Material
Author: Sam Carson
Word Count: 723
Article URL: 220775&ca= Automotive
Format: 64cpl
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The Aston Martin DBR9 is manufactured by its racing division
and has had significant success since its inception in 2005. The
car is a GT1 racing class, and it got its name "DBR9" from it
predecessor the "DBR1", which was the first winning car in the
family that won the illustrious 1959 "24 Hours of LeMans" race
and in that same year the "World Sportscar" title as well. The
"DBR1" derived its name from then-owner David Brown, which
heralded the British back into the racing world once more. The
Aston Martin DBR9 was first shown to a very select few of people
back on 4th November 2004, at Aston Martin's headquarters in
Gaydon, UK, and its debut race was the "12 Hours of Sebring" in
March 2005.
The body of the car is designed in the conventional 2 door
coupe style, and has its foundations rooted from the Aston
Martin DB9 road car. And the DBR9 maintains some major
attributes from DB9 road car, for example the heads of the V12
engine, the cylinder block, and the chassis, whereas everything
else was made from scratch, and re-mastered for a superb
enhancement of the car's performance under tough competition
scenarios. The structure of the DBR9 is made up of an aluminum
roof, racing developed aluminum under-frame, which is derived
from the DB9, a high strength steel roll cage, and every other
body panel is made from a "carbon fibre composite".
Aston Martin DBR9's bodywork is a complete blending of maximum
aerodynamic performance, and the ease of use of a typical road
car, making movement on the track second nature to the car and
driver, resulting in a comfort and normalcy to everything that
the car is, also adding to the aerodynamics of the car. The
designer's aim was to make the entire bottom, from the rear
diffuser to the front, of the DBR9 flat as possible, with a
carbon wing attached to the backend in order to stimulate the
rear down-force, allowing the car to accelerate from 0-60mph in
just 3.4 seconds.
The specifications of the car are a width of 1978mm; a length
of 4767mm; a weight of 1100kg; a wheelbase of 2741mm; and a
height of 1195mm. The engine of the DBR9 consists of a "48 valve
Aston Martin Racing 6.0 litre V12" fabricated from all alloy and
a quad overhead camshaft, also the engine includes a "dry sump
lubrication system", and "2 x 31.2mm air restrictors". The 6.0
litre V12 max power peaks at 600 bhp, and with a torque of over
700 N m. The suspension of the car incorporates a double
wishbone at the front end and at the backend, with adaptable
Koni dampers equipped with Eibach springs. The braking system is
consists of both front and backend "Brembo six pot calipers"
with "330mm diameter carbon discs", all labouring around a set
of "OZ forged magnesium wheels". The arrangement and
configuration of the DBR9 comprises a "mid front mounted
engine", rear wheel drive, and a "mid rear mounted
transmission". The transmission, Xtrac, is built up of "six
speed sequential" that is longitudinally situated at the rear
axle, and is put to use by a "four plated carbon clutch". The
incorporated ECU/Data system encompasses a "Pi Data system" with
a "Pectel engine ECU".
Recently, there were changes in regulations to assist race car
drivers while racing the 2007 24 Hours of Le Mans race, and
Prodrive added these changes unto the car e.g. the installation
of air conditioning in the cockpit, and a heat resistant white
roof inside. Both to assist the driver by ensuring temperatures
are kept at a minimum, so performance levels from the driver
would go up. However, the items previously responsible for
cooling, the two hood vents, were removed because they were no
longer needed.
The racing history of the DBR9 is a prominent one, with its
major rival being Corvette Racing, where there as been some
tough rivalries over the past 3 years. DBR9 debuted by winning
the 2005 "12 Hours of Sebring" LMGT1 category. It came second
behind Corvette in 2006 in both the 12 Hours and the 24-hour
races, but had victories at Lime Rock Park, Mosport, Laguna
Seca, Miller Motorsports Park, and Petit Le Mans. They finish
second overall that year earning automatic entry into the 2007
24 hours of Le Mans, which they eventually won their class.
About The Author: If you are looking for pictures and
wallpapers of the Aston Martin DBR9 have a look at . On ourmartin/2005- dbr9.aspx
site you will find lots of supercars, and cool cars at
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- 8.
Travel Photography: Covering Your Subject
Posted by: "Mark Eden" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 11:11 pm (PST)
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Mark Eden
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Article Title: Travel Photography: Covering Your Subject
Author: Mark Eden
Word Count: 613
Article URL: 221467&ca= Arts+and+ Crafts
Format: 64cpl
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Many different elements go into making up the character of a
particular destination or location, whether it be a far flung
exotic city or your home town. It is the travel photographer's
job to cover these elements in order to present that character
to the viewer. This article looks into what goes into bringing
the character of a subject to the audience.
Essential Elements
There are many separate "parts" that make a location what it
is, but these generally boil down to landscape, people and
culture. Let's look at these in a little more depth.
Every city, mountain range or coastal area has its own unique
look and feel. This might be created by architecture exclusive
to that part of the world, such as Gaudi's designs that are so
prominent in Barcelona. Or well known landmarks (Eiffel Tower
anyone?) or rough seas and steep cliffs like those so
characteristic of the northern coasts of Scotland and Ireland.
What does it look like in the morning? At night? The location
might take on several personalities through the day so it is
essential to try to capture as many of these as you can to give
a broader picture.
Possibly the most influential factor in the character of a
location is the people who live there. The way they look and
dress, the way they carry themselves, the lifestyle they live
and the customs they observe. Is there a particular piece of
clothing that defines them? Or maybe a certain characteristic.
For example, if they are known to be happy and smiling people,
show them as such. If they are known to be hardworking, try to
include some shots of workers.
This can encompass subjects such as food and drink. Local
dishes give an immediate insight into the way of life lived by
people of that area. Freshly caught seafood may be a specialty
of the area, or it may be famous for a particular dessert or
drink. Culture can also be shown in the festivals and events
held in the particular region. This might be an annual parade
where locals dress in the traditional costumes of their
ancestors, or a huge street party that captures the energy and
vibrancy of a population.
Putting It Together
To put these elements in photographic terms, I like to think of
the process as zooming in on a subject. Starting with the
landscape element described above, you essentially form an
overview, or wide angle view of the subject, capturing
surroundings. Distinctive buildings and landmarks give a feel
and sometimes instant recognition to the location. Zoom in to
form a collective portrait of the people, their way of life and
daily activities. It is a good idea to use both posed portraits
and candid shots to show personalities as well as customs and
way of life. Finally zooming in further to capture details such
as local food and dishes and detailed studies of buildings. Text
such as in shop signs shows languages spoken. Also any products
that are traditional or well known in the area. For example,
leather goods from Morocco, or electronics from Japan.
Travel photography is in a sense a very broad specialization.
Possibly not a specialization at all. A travel photographer
needs to be a landscape photographer, portrait photographer,
still life photographer and nature photographer often all in the
space of a single shooting session. Learn to cover all these
elements within the broader subject and you are well on your way
to becoming a more accomplished photographer.
About The Author: Mark Eden is a freelance travel photographer
and writer, and the founder and director of Expanse Photography,
a photographic services company offering fine art, limited
edition prints as well as stock and assignment photography and
publishing services. Mark can be contacted through the Expanse
Photography website http://www.expansephotography. com.
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- 9a.
A New Job In 2008 Different Career Different Training
Posted by: "Mark Yarbrough" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 12:11 am (PST)
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Mark Yarbrough
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Article Title: A New Job In 2008 Different Career Different
Author: Mark Yarbrough
Word Count: 538
Article URL: 221287&ca= Jobs
Format: 64cpl
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Planning a new job or career move in 2008? Whether you are a
new graduate looking for the best match for your degree, a
laid-off middle manager or just an hourly employee who's tired
of your current job, it would pay to do some research and
planning before you make a career move in 2008. Globalism and
the international marketplace are affecting great changes in
America's workforce. Manufacturing is the one sector of
America's economy that is perhaps most negatively effected by
the forces of globalism. With the outsourcing of so many
American manufacturing jobs overseas, and the moving of
factories to foreign states, careers associated with
manufacturing like industrial electricians, mechanical
engineers, and quality control technicians are experiencing a
Other career fields are experiencing an increasing demand for
workers however, among these are health care workers, dental
technicians, marketing professionals and translators. With the
changing global economy it is important to be aware of what
factors are at work and what trends are driving demand for
workers in business sectors that are currently expanding.
In addition to these considerations, it would be a good idea to
assess, or re-assess your personal goals, interests, talents,
training and abilities. We all have a fairly good idea of what
we are good at, and what we are interested in, but many times
interest and aptitude tests can reveal a hidden passion or
talent that we may not fully realize we had. If you discover
some hidden potential or interest within yourself, such
information would be valuable indeed when considering possible
future career paths. Here's a great website to take free
aptitude, interest and IQ tests: free-online- career-aptitude- test.jsp
It's tough finding a job these days, no doubt, but it's very
important to be persistent, and stay focused. You may have to
make some compromises along the way accept a lower paying job
in a related field, or go back to school for more training, but
as long as you don't give up you're never defeated. Keep
hammering away, make adjustments to your plans when necessary,
continue to gather information about opportunities and your own
abilities and the payoff, (or payday), will come eventually.
One thing to consider also ideas for low, or even
no-investment businesses have absolutely NOT been exhausted.
People are constantly inventing new niche markets or finding a
need that can be serviced for a profit. Many people are finding
sustainable careers nowadays in everything from home day care to
college resume and fax services to independent web design and
marketing. So consider do you have a talent or ability that you
could market? Can you see a need for a service you can provide
to your local community? Many people are currently making
incredible incomes from things they started on a whim or hunch
part time that somehow turned into a rewarding full-time career.
One thing in common with many such success stories is the fact
that the individuals involved started doing something that they
enjoyed or had an intense interest in, therefore they had a
driving force other than just money to propel them toward a goal
that often-times developed along the way.
About The Author: EMINENTLY PERSUASIVE Job Interview Answers
designed for today's savvy Hiring Managers and Complex Business
World. Learn the corporate mindset, supply the answers that get
the job! Must-have guide if you truly want to increase your
eaning power, click: hop/interviewans wers
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- 10.
A Holistic Approach To Creative Education Through Ancient Indian Mat
Posted by: "Gaurav Tekriwal" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 12:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: A Holistic Approach To Creative Education
Through Ancient Indian Mathematics A New Paradigm
Author: Gaurav Tekriwal
Word Count: 2110
Article URL: 221224&ca= Education
Format: 64cpl
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The philosophy of education is to acquire right knowledge of
different aspects and dimensions of the world around us and to
disseminate the same for the benefit of the individual, society,
nation and world.
The present day's education, though has undergone a radical
change, with the development of modern science and technology,
especially the computers, much needs to be done on the holistic
approach to education, which can evolve personality. One might
get tremendous amounts of information by logging on to the
Internet, and the glut of information will lead to information
garbage. In spite of all these we are lagging in imparting right
education to right people thereby, creating disharmony.
Therefore, one needs to have proper guidance and an evolved
system which will lead to evolution of personality. This system
should have a positive impact on the thinking process, beliefs,
attitudes with its holistic approach to concepts, methods and
techniques; thus creating harmony and ushering in peace.
Today, in majority of the cases, mathematics is considered to
be a dry subject and still notion exists that it is only for the
intelligent. Many dread mathematics, because the teachers
themselves teach in an unimpressive way and the joy of making
learning of mathematics a pleasurable experience is almost
lacking. This is found right from the school to the college
In this regard, Vedic/Ancient Indian Mathematics (VM/AIM) with
its wonderful concepts, methods and techniques, which have stood
the test of time comes in handy for imparting a holistic,
creative education in mathematics.
The Vedic Seers and Ancient Indian Scientists and
Mathematicians perceived mathematics in Nature, in the form of
primordial concepts, the different shapes and patterns
symbolising the cosmic truths in the Micro and Macro aspects.
Mathematics was developed right from the fundamental concepts
of Numerals, Place value, Zero and Infinity to the advanced
concepts finding their applications in the Artificial
Intelligence, computer based numerical methods, philosophy,
science, arts, etc. In fact, one will be baffled by the fertile
imagination of the ancient seers and scholars, who perceived
mathematics in nature in all its glory and expressed the great
mathematical truths and concepts through hymns, theorems and
postulates which are lyrically beautiful, yet mathematically
precise which speak volumes about them. It goes without saying
that these methods, concepts and techniques of Mathematics in
the form of Slokas and Sutras (Aphorisms) were conceived by the
Ancient Indian Seers and scholars, centuries before their modern
(a) The present objective is to create an awareness about the
vast potential of the Vedic/Ancient Indian Mathematics
(V.M./A.I.M.) for the curriculum development and R & D works.
(b) To demonstrate with practical examples chosen from
different levels of mathematics education; the benefits of
learning V.M./A.I.N. like faster computing time, alternative and
creative approach to problem solving, etc. This is substantiated
by the results of number of workshops and case studies
(c) To motivate scientists scholars, teachers, philosophers and
others to take up an in-depth study of VM/AIM in proper
perspective and adopt it to the modern times, so that a great
amount of this wonderful traditional knowledge is revived and
developed which would be a true homage to the Seers and
Scientists of yore.
(d) Last but not the least, to pave way for the adoption of
time tested VM/AIM in the school/college curriculum and
establish dedicated RBD centres.
An Integrated approach for the study and learning VM/AIM is
(i) Mathematical concepts embodied in the Vedas, Upanishads.
(ii) 'Vedic Mathematics' as expounded by H. H. Bharatikrishna
Teerthaji consisting of 16 Aphorisms and 16 Corollaries,
covering different topics in Mathematics, right from the
fundamental Arithmetic operations to the higher level of
(iii) Ancient Indian Mathematics contribution by various
mathematicians of yore up to the celebrated genius Ramanuja.
This integrated approach is unique of its kind. Various methods
techniques are culled out, analysed and are expressed in modern
mathematical notations, making it easily adaptable.
The methods and techniques are selected based on the following
criteria. If the VM/AIM methods are better than the conventional
ones in terms of step size, length, computation time, elegance
and novelty, either individually or collectively, then these are
selected in place of the conventional ones.
The teaching of VM/AIM is done following the usual techniques
like lecturing, using Audio-visual equipments like OHP, slide
projector, computer aided learning, etc.
Before we go into the subject of VM/AIM in terms of examples,
it is imperative to know at least some fundamental facts about
the Vedas, their nature, structure, etc., which would facilitate
in understanding and appreciating the mathematical concepts
embodied in the Vedas.
Vedas are the earliest systematic literature in the entire
world existing since thousands of years, which have stood the
test of time and continue to challenge the mankind with renewed
freshness and vitality. Vedas, which are the fountain head of
knowledge and wisdom, are built upon sound structure which are
definite, clear, unambiguous, generative and complete, thus
satisfying the properties of an algorithm! This amply proves the
fact that the Vedas are the highest revelations to the Rsis
(Seers) of Yore and are not a mere compendium and collection of
literature from different parts of the world, and no second
version of Vedas exists anywhere. Hence, the Vedas have to be
studied and analysed in proper perspective, in order to bring
out the truths hidden in them. Now let us take some stock
illustrations from Vedas and other ancient Indian sources in
Mathematics at different levels i.e. right from the fundamental
level of Arithmetic to Algebra, Calculus, Quadratics,
Polynomials, Astronomy, Geometry, etc. which will give a glimpse
of the vast scope of the same.
Now coming to the Vedas, the most outstanding, fundamental
contribution for which the entire world is beholden to ancient
India is the invention of decimal numerals (with place values),
zero and infinity, for example: 576, 685, 1998, etc. Can there
be a more elegant, better method where the digits placed in the
units, tenths, hundredths or thousandth place, indicate their
respective values and magnitude.
In arithmetic operations one finds use of complimentary numbers
very effectively and finds 10 different varieties of
multiplication based on the Vedic mathematical Sutras propounded
by H. H. Bharatikrishna Teertha (1880-1964). He being a
brilliant scholar and Saint discovered 16 aphorisms and 16
corollaries after 8 years of intense penance, covering
variegated topics (both elementary and advanced) in mathematics.
Consider the following examples:
(i) Complimentary numbers Here the objective is to convert all
the numerals greater than 5 to less than 5 in order to
facilitate speedy calculation and reduce carry over. For ex.
9,8,7,6 are expressed as 1,2,3 & 4 respectively with base as 10.
(ii) Using complimentary notation known as 'Vinculum' following
examples will make clear, about the usage and benefits of this:
(a) 28 -> 32 [eq. to 30-2]
(b) 19 -> 21 [eq. to 20-1]
(c) 278 -> 322 [eq. 300-22]
(d) 289621 -> 310421
Note: whenever complimentary notations are used, the digit
preceding, gets augmented by 1 and while normalising it gets
reduced by 1. In the example (d) we see how only the digits
greater than 5 are converted and the others remain as they are.
Before we take up other topics in Mathematics we cannot help
but quote some examples on the philosophical aspect of numbers,
which the ancient seers very effectively utilised.
Now let us consider this very interesting example. The idea of
counting nine numbers and zero which is an Indian system is
closely connected with nine months of development of human
embryo. Man develops in nine months through nine successive
stages, like the nine number and completes his birth in the 10th
and this is the 10th Avatara of 'MAN' to put it figuratively.
Similarly the body has nine openings (Navadvara) and the 10th
being the Brahmadvara which can be located in the soft region in
the head in a new born infant. This small micro-opening called
the Brahmarandhra. At the top of the head through which a yogi
leaves the body. Thus the 10th opening is the gate to the
highest stage of development, similar to his birth from the womb
in the 10th month. In the former he is delivered downwards and
in the lateral upwards! This is the essence of story of
deliverance of man from the imprisoning restrictions of matter
which has been beautifully delineated in many philosophical
Tantric and musical texts.
Similarly the concept of Sets and cardinal numbers are
conceived by the Seers and scholars. For example we have deep
significance for numbers like seven as Saptaswara (seven basic
notes in Music), Sapta Rsis (seven great sages), Saptavarna
(seven colours), nine planets (Navagrahas), Navanidhi (nine
treasures), Dasadik (ten directions), Ekadasa Rudra (eleven
Rudras), Dvadasamasa (twelve months), Saptavimsat Nakshatrah (27
stars) etc.
Similarly we can quote many examples from different branches of
mathematics, even in geometry: the Sulva Sutras (which are the
origin of geometry) make use of this branch of mathematics to
construct varieties of altars for the purposes of sacrifices.
The magnificent temples which stand testimony to the skills and
designs of the workers are the living examples of applied
Mathematics was also brought into worship by use of
Mantrabandhas which are nothing but mystical geometric diagrams
inscribed with digits or cosmic energy capsules (beejaksharas).
These diagrams are of various sizes, shapes and colours. The
word of Mantra and Tantra is indeed a network of energies,
forces and vectors and are very dynamic. These geometric forms
indicate outward manifestation of the spirit so as to exert its
influence in the desired manner. The power possessed by the
Yantra (graphical representation) is sought to be stepped up by
their inscription and infusion of the appropriate Mantra. In
short these can be termed in the modern context as the printed
circuit boards which vibrate into light through the electrical
energy passed and performs the desired functions independently
and collectively. The Yantra is the basic hardware and the
Mantra is the software.
1. Vedic/Ancient Indian Mathematics (VM/AIM) with their novel
methods, techniques and approach help the learners to develop
their aptitude and creative rational thinking.
2. The VM/AIM which have stood the test of time for centuries
with their novel creative approach and techniques help the
students to develop their intuitive capacity, which in turn has
a positive impact on the right half of the brain, paving way for
the holistic development.
3. Many workshops and courses conducted for students of
different classes, be it urban or rural, have proved the
efficacy of these and the results are very encouraging.
4. It has been found from practical trials that one year
portion of school curriculum in mathematics can be completed in
about 60% of the time, thus making learning faster and
enjoyable. In fact VM/AIM has been popularly known as 'Maths
with Smiles'.
5. This will prove to be a boon for all the competitive exams,
with its much faster and accurate results and can be adopted
6. Learning of VM/AIM leads to education in different
dimensions and appreciate philosophy, religion in better
perspective which in turn has a positive impact on the
personality development, leading to harmony and peace.
7. VM/AIM open up new vistas for R&D, especially on computer
based numerical methods, development of new algorithms apart
from opening up of frontier areas of interdisciplinary research.
Example: Nyayasastra (one of the six Darshanas has wonderful
scope in Artificial Intelligence). The author has already culled
out and developed about 15 computer based numerical methods
based on VM/AIM which are unique of their kind.
8. The Ancient Indian Mathematics not only kept up the
curriculum development, but also made mathematics interesting to
house wives, common people and people from non-mathematical
areas of study. They composed aphorisms, slokas and hymns, which
were lyrically beautiful yet mathematically precise, thus
contributing to the holistic development of the subject.
9. Last but not the least, study and practice of VM/AIM with
their creative and novel approach can aid in holistic
development of personality. This will not only revive the
ancient treasure of knowledge and wisdom, but also will be a
true homage to the great Seers and Scholars of Yore.
About The Author: This Article is by P.K.Srivathsa, Expert at
the Vedic Maths Forum India, an expert authority in the field of
Vedic Mental Mathematics who revolutionizes the way children
learn math. The tutorials on the Vedic Math Methods can be found
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- 11.
Visit Kruger National Park South Africa And Stay At Royal Malewane
Posted by: "Peter R Stewart" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 12:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Visit Kruger National Park South Africa And Stay
At Royal Malewane
Author: Peter R Stewart
Word Count: 583
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The Kruger National Park South Africa has long been the place
to visit on a South Africa Safari Vacation. Then there is only
one place to stay, and that is the Royal Malewane when you are
on a South Africa Game Safari.
Yet having said that Game Drives are not the only reason to
come here.
Royal Malewane will give you a range of activities from game
drives to bush walks, spa treatments, and wonderful new
gymnasium, and game watching from the verandah or the swimming
pool. This is a real haven of peace and quiet whilst being
completely surrounded by the African Bush. This is why people
who value their privacy come here.
Seclusion is the best word to describe the suites at the Royal
Malewane. They are simply enormous with canopied King size beds,
window sized Victorian baths, and indoor and outdoor showers,
with views to die for from the suites. In addition they are air
conditioned, and yet have a fireplace. There are six one
bedroomed suites, and the two bedroomed Royal and Malewane
Suites with their own personal butlers. Each suite is
unforgettably old colonial Africa in concept.
To sit on your veranda and watch the splendors of Africa unfold
in front of you is bewitching, because the fact that all the
suites are raised up on stilts gives you the elevation to
improve your view no end. The plunge pool of the suite might
even be used by passing elephants to sneak a drink from it is
that close up and personal.
Elevated walkways link the suites to the main lodge continues
the old colonial theme in its furnishings, and even dining is in
keeping with the best china silver and crystal.
The service is exceptional, and the food is exceptional, with a
great wine list It is extraordinary the first time you look up
from the dinner table in the middle of a sumptuous feast to see
a group of elephants walking by..
Royal Malewane is at once luxury, and then unforgettable, and
thirdly almost without fault. Places don't come much better than
this, with a maximum of sixteen guests in the Thornybush Game
Reserve area right next to the Kruger National Park. This is the
home to lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, rhino amongst others,
and to over 250 recorded birs species. This will give you one of
the best game viewing experiences in South Africa if not all of
The Kruger National Park South Africa has many quality lodges
but nothing like Royal Malewane which somehow manages to combine
colonial splendour with the quality of hospitality and
facilities associated with the best traditions of the 21st
Of course you take a South Africa Game Safari to see game, and
you will find that the staff do all in their power to ensure you
see what you want to see, with great rangers and trackers to
ensure this happens, and their enthusiasm and knowledge is huge.
The Royal Malewane has to be seen to be believed. It really is
the place to stay for the Kruger National Park, and it will give
you a totally memorable South Africa Game Safari Vacation.
For more information about Vacations in Africa go to
http://www.worldwidevacationspots. com/categories/ Vacations- in-Africa/
About The Author: Peter Stewart writes exclusively for as well ascom
http://www.worldwidevacationspots. and has visited personallycom
many of the places he reports on, and has done extensive
research on the others
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- 12.
Posted by: "David Beart" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 12:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: Hydrangea
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There several species of hydrangea, but only about five of them
are widely grown in the United States. The most popular include
the hydrangea vines, the oakleaf, the paniculata, the mophead,
and the lacecap. Each of them has both similarities and
differences, but they produce enchanting flowers. They
definitely brighten the landscape and the flowers are precious
to florists and decorators.
Characteristics of Common Hydrangeas
Hydrangea vines are climbing plants that produce awesome
flowers. There a several kinds and they usually grow well when
given to the room to climb on the side of the house or on a
tree. They don't require trellises. They simply attach to planar
surfaces and holdfast. The flowers that grow on these types of
vines are usually white, cream, light pink or pastel yellow.
For brighter flowers, the mophead or lacecap type is
preferable. They feature flowers in colors such as bright blue
and several shades of pink and purple, as well as white. The
mophead plant is a bush while the lacecaps are more of a shrub
that grows nicely around other shrubs and trees.
The oakleaf hydrangeas are original because of the shape and
behavior of their leaves. Sure, they have stunning flowers that
usually are white (occasionally pink as they age), but the
leaves of the oakleaf hydrangea are shaped like an oak leaf and
the leaf itself changes colors adorning red, burgundy, yellow,
and orange in the fall. They are just beautiful.
The paniculata variety of hydrangeas is like a bush with blooms
that are kind of cone-shaped. The flowers are similar to the
lilac, but they are usually white and change into a pink blush
color as the bloom ages.
Planting Hydrangeas
When choosing which kind of hydrangeas to plant, consider the
characteristics of the different types, but also check your zone
against the recommended zones for growing hydrangeas. Some of
them won't grow in certain climates. There are so many different
kinds of hydrangeas, that it isn't possible to provide a single
method for planting them. Most plants come with planting
instructions and it is recommended that you follow them.
Some require lots of sun while some are better off in the shade
although most of them will grow well with morning sun and
afternoon shade. The oakleaf does okay in extreme heat while
other hydrangeas do not. If in complete shade, all of the
hydrangeas will have problems blooming. Spacing of the plants is
also important, so follow the instructions that come with the
plant. When transplanting hydrangeas, it is best to plant them
when they are blooming or dormant.
Caring for Hydrangeas
Most hydrangeas require moist soil but need to have good
drainage. The oakleaf is especially sensitive to root rot if the
soil does not drain well. They need fertilizer and for a
thriving plant with blooms, provide fertilizer frequently.
Hydrangeas benefit from pruning. Dead blooms and stems should
always be removed. Other pruning can be done to control height.
The time and the method of pruning depend on the type of
hydrangea you are dealing with. Look up the recommended pruning
methods for your plant in particular.
Drying Hydrangeas
Hydrangeas are gorgeous when they are blooming and they a
wonderful addition to landscape. However, they are also good for
decorating and that requires drying the blooms which is a whole
other ballgame. There are several methods for drying flowers
including hanging them up-side-down and pumping them full of
glycerin and colored dye.
The easiest, most successful way is to dry them naturally when
it comes to hydrangeas. To do this, you pick flowers just before
the top blooms open up all the way. You cut the stem to where
it's about a foot long. Trim off the leaves and put the cut
flowers in vase that is at least eight inches tall. Locate the
vase in a cool area that isn't subject to sunlight; dark
hallways are perfect places for drying hydrangeas. Fill the vase
with about six inches of water and let it evaporate naturally.
After the water evaporates, the hydrangea will be dry and ready
to use.
With dried hydrangeas, you truly get the full life span out of
your flowers. They are beautiful on the plant, as fresh cut
flowers, and as dried flowers used in floral arrangements,
wreaths, and other craft projects. Not all hydrangeas dry well,
but most do.
Growing and drying hydrangeas is an experience you are sure to
love. You can usually find the shrubs and bushes in any garden
center. Of course, you can order your hydrangea plants from
vendors through mail order or over the internet.
About The Author: David Beart is the owner of . Our site covers family issues
such as gardening & landscaping, marriage, forums and
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CRM Best Practices To Think About
Posted by: "Nahshon Wingard" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 12:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: CRM Best Practices To Think About
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CRM best practices come and go. Here one year and gone the
next. This is a little scary if you think about it. These
practices are supposed to ensure the success of your enterprise.
So if they change from time to time, does that mean that CRM
best practices are actually a myth? Good news. There is a way to
separate the good ideas from the potential disasters. That is to
look back at history. There is nothing new under the sun. That
also holds true for CRM best practices. Let us take a look at
what history has already taught us.
Ideas and Myths
A common misconception is that technology is always involved in
CRM best practices. This is simply not true. A single package
will not solve all of your problems. If there is no
organizational involvement, the package will not do much for
you. If there is no concerted effort to apply the system in an
evolving and adaptive manner, all that technology just goes to
waste. There has to be a change in the mindset. The package will
not do your job for you. Problems are not solved by tools but
those who use the tools.
It may also surprise you to know that some CRM best practices
come from non-CRM-specific technology. So go check your existing
IT resources. You may just have the components you need for your
CRM system. Learn to use creativity to solve this problem. It
has the advantage of introducing CRM into your organization
without the need for a large and costly investment. An example
would be using a human resources management system to track
customer information instead.
The Bottome Line
CRM is also, ultimately, about results. It is not just focused
on process as some would have you believe. All this effort
should have an impact on your customer's experience. It should
also have an impact on your bottom line. You must place your CRM
initiatives within these contexts if you hope to derive any
benefit. But even though it's not solely about process, CRM is
still process-based. Any successful initiative necessarily must
have a process modification. It could be a small process or a
large process. It does not matter. Just as long as there is a
change. That is the only way for CRM to have value.
Something to avoid is to take on a narrowly focused CRM
initiative. These are the projects that try to address a single
customer-relationship problem. This simply does not work. What
happens is that a number of these projects are developed and
effort is halted. It is much more efficient to diversify within
the context of a single, integrated CRM effort.
Since we are talking about framework, let us end with that
idea. Build the framework first then add functionality to it.
Hopefully, your initiatives are long-term strategic efforts and
not reactive stopgap measures. Create your top levels first
before going into all the details. Map out all your important
points. Then, you can go ahead and create the lower level
efforts within this framework. This avoids confusion and divided
About The Author: What are CRM best practices?
(http://www.crm-software- )? crm-software- mistakes. htm
Choose between all the CRM systems
(http://www.crm-software- ) on the market right now
find out how CRM software works
(http://www.crm-software- ) how-crm-software -works.htm
in http://www.CRM-Software-
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Five Economic Ways To Save Gas For Your Vehicle
Posted by: "Levi Quinn" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 1:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Five Economic Ways To Save Gas For Your Vehicle
Author: Levi Quinn
Word Count: 550
Article URL: 221441&ca= Automotive
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No matter what kind of vehicle you drive, you can probably make
a way to save some gas. This can help with the mileage on your
vehicle and dampen the reality of gas prices when they increase.
Using more than one of these tips can help increase your gas
mileage significantly.
Take It Easy And Slow Down
The more you accelerate, the more gas you use. Ten or more
miles over will cause you to use more gas. To save gas, you
should drive at the speed limit. You'll be using less gas that
can be used for future trips. If people think you're going too
slow driving the speed limit, let them pass you up. Make sure
your driving on the right side of the road, which is considered
the slow lane.
Be Careful How You Accelerate
You waste gas when you engage in a start-stop acceleration
mode. If you're on the road and you can see vehicles slowing
ahead of you, then start slowing down. It's not good to
accelerate and have to brake suddenly. You can lose of lot of
gas this way.
With manual transmission vehicles, the driver should shift in
the beginning of the trip to dampen the engine noise. Go ahead
and shift downward if you have to accelerate. With automatic
transmission vehicles, accelerate wisely. This way, the
transmission will change to higher gears.
Your Tire Pressure
You can lose gas if your tires are not inflated properly. You
should check your tires periodically with a tire gauge. On cold
days, check your tires. Since there are different tires for
different vehicles, refer to your vehicle's manual for further
Air Filter
Your vehicle should have a clean air filter. This helps with
the gas mileage for your vehicle. If your air filter is dirty,
the engine's air flow is inadequate. The result is that the
vehicle's performance will not be up to par.
Changing an air filter in your vehicle is simple. Take the
filter out of the vehicle and line it up against the sun. If
there is no light coming through it, it's time for a new one. If
you're still not sure about your air filter, take it to a
reliable mechanic or auto supply store. It is recommended that
air filters be changed every 10,000 - 12,000 miles.
Lay Off The Air Conditioner
During the summer months, (depending on where you live), it can
get very hot. When you're driving, the first thing you want to
do is turn on the air conditioner. Utilizing the air conditioner
sucks up gas quickly. You can save more gas by letting the
windows down and catching a breeze. Even when it's really hot,
you can still manage to get something. If you have a sunroof,
you can open that too. However, if you just have to have some
type of cold blast hitting you, keep the air conditioner at a
lower speed and you can still save some gas.
Try one or more of these tips and within a matter of time,
you'll notice a difference.
About The Author: Find the best deal on the auto insurance
coverage you need. Visit us today for money-saving tips and
receive free quotes for http://www.autoinsuranceratesdirect .com
cheap auto insurance online from respected insurance companies.
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- 15.
0% Apr Credit Cards And How They Work
Posted by: "Ajeet Khurana" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 1:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: 0% Apr Credit Cards And How They Work
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Word Count: 534
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A major part of considering any credit card is the interest
rate. Interest rates are really high on credit cards, which is
what you pay for the convenience of using someone else's money.
Most of us find the interest annoying, but not enough to deter
us from using our credit cards.
So, what if you came upon a 0% interest credit card, would you
think that it was too good to be true? Think again! These
credit cards really do exist! In fact, there is likely one of
these credit cards out there right now that you can take
advantage of.
What 0% Interest Credit Cards are All About
So, you received a credit card offer for one that has 0%
interest and you are wondering if it is the real deal. Chances
are that it is for real and there is a chance that it is
something that you should consider. These cards often offer
many different things to the consumer all with no interest
charged. Of course, you should make sure to read all of the
fine print before you sign the dotted line and begin to shop
like crazy!
Many 0% credit cards only offer this rate as in introductory
rate. So, you might be able to use it for the first three
months without accruing interest. During this time you can take
advantage and make some big purchases that you need without
worrying about interest.
Some cards will begin to charge you interest on the things that
you charge after the introductory phase or they will simply
start charging interest on new purchases. Either way, you
should look into the specifics and ensure that the interest
rate, once it kicks in, is something that you can afford.
Other 0% interest credit cards offer this interest rate on
balance transfers. Balance transfers are not something that you
should overlook, though. If you have large balances on other
credit cards you may want to look into transferring the balance
to one of these credit cards.
When you do this you can simply start making payments on the
amount that you owe without continuing to rack up the interest
charges. Many people pass off these offers as something that
they do not need to consider, but that is not the case, these
offers can save you a lot of money.
There are still other 0% APR credit cards that you will find
out there. These cards are usually cards that allow you to make
specific purchases without paying interest. The purchases might
be for travel, gas, airline tickets, car rental, and that sort
of thing. Again, these cards are worth checking out because
depending on your lifestyle they could save you a lot of money
over the course of a year.
In short, these cards can offer consumers substantial savings
if they meet the conditions of the card and if they make the
sort of purchases that apply to the 0% APR. If you receive one
of these offers do not just assume that it is not worth your
time, instead check it out as it may hold something special for
About The Author: 0% balance transfers at credit-cards/ 0-balance- transfers/
have revolutionized the world of credit. And then we have cash
back credit cards at credit-cards/ cash-back- credit-cards/
All this at
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- 16.
Commercial Mortgage Rates Differ Based On Individual Circumstances
Posted by: "Sean Horton" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 1:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Commercial Mortgage Rates Differ Based On
Individual Circumstances
Author: Sean Horton
Word Count: 538
Article URL: 221493&ca= Finances
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The amount of interest that you can expect to pay when taking
out a mortgage can vary considerably. In order to get the
cheapest commercial mortgage rates to compare then consider
going to a specialist website. A specialist will be able to
search the whole of the market place for the best rates and deal
based on your particular circumstances and their experience with
lenders. They will also offer all the help and advice needed to
make sure the individual knows what they are taking on and how
to get off to the best start possible.
A specialist can get the cheapest rates because they will work
with you from the beginning and help you out by putting together
your package before presenting it to the lender. After looking
at the scheme you are proposing and helping when it comes to
getting the initial appraisal for the property and making
adjustments if necessary you will get off to the smoothest start
Commercial mortgage rates are tailored to the individual so
unlike a residential mortgage which you could be familiar with,
the rates are not set. However they will usually come somewhere
between 1.5% and 2.5% above the base rate, factors such as the
type of your business and the assessment of the property you are
buying will all affect this.
Individuals can also benefit from the help a specialist
provider gives when it comes to working out loan to project
costs. The main factor taken into account when deciding the rate
are the perceived gross total development values and again this
will depend chiefly on the individual. However, typically
finance will be based on between 70% to 75% of the costs for
building and the cost of purchase.
The term of the loan will also reflect on the amount you pay.
Typically a loan can be taken out from a period of one year to
several years. This will be determined in part by the size of
the project you are undertaking and the nature of what you
intend to do. You should also be aware that the majority of
commercial mortgages are based on interest only repayments. A
broker will be able to give you valuable information regarding
variable and fixed rates of interest, partial repayments and
taking out a mortgage for a period of up to 30 years.
A specialist will have worked with lenders on a regular basis
who specialise in offering the cheapest commercial mortgage
rates and best deals. As such they will know where to look on
your behalf when it comes to securing the best deal based on
your particular circumstances. As brokers and lenders form a
working partnership they are able to work together much quicker
when it comes to negotiating the cheapest rates of interest.
However if needed a broker will search the whole of the UK
market place for your loan if this is the way to get the best
deal for you. While a specialist will do all they can when it
comes to finding you the cheapest mortgage, it is down to the
individual to make sure they read the full terms and conditions
before actually signing on the bottom line.
About The Author: Sean Horton is a Director of Enhanced Wealth
( ), a whole of market mortgageuk
broker and IFA specialising in mortgage advice and the
associated areas of income protection, mortgage protection,
mortgage life cover.
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- 17.
Home And Contents Insurance Can Be Cheaper When Bought Online
Posted by: "David Thomson" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 1:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: Home And Contents Insurance Can Be Cheaper When
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Word Count: 527
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Home and contents insurance can be a lot cheaper when bought
online. This means that you can have peace of mind for a lot
less than your policy is costing you now. If you took out a
policy from the high street lender as opposed to shopping around
then you should go online with a specialist and allow them to
gather quotes for you.
The majority of people do take a policy from the high street
lender. The main reason for doing so is that they believe that
home insurance has to be taken from the mortgage lender or they
might not get the mortgage. This is closely followed by apathy -
the fact that many people feel that they haven't got the time to
shop around and believe the price of cover does not vary that
Those who have a home and contents insurance policy at the
moment should also be aware than they might need more cover than
they currently have. With the Christmas period over and
expensive gifts having been exchanged many could find themselves
under insured. While the majority of policies will be lenient
and offer extra cover on the run up to the holiday period when
you have gifts in the house, after Christmas this is dropped
off. This means that you need to take an inventory again and
check to make sure you are still insured for the correct amount.
If you do this get a fresh quote with a broker, never be tempted
to up the amount with your current provider.
The terms and conditions of any policy are a vital part of the
cover and this needs to be checked along with the premiums. This
is the part of the policy which will tell you what is and is not
covered. It will also tell you how much the premium will cost in
total and give vital information regarding the insurance. The
terms and conditions of a policy can vary greatly so never
assume that they will be the same. Just as the premiums for the
cover will vary remember that the conditions will too. If you
have any expensive jewellery, home office equipment or
collections then these might not be included in with your basic
When making an inventory of your possessions with a view to
taking out home and contents insurance do not forget about the
little things. While the big items such as TV, sofa and such
items will jump out it is important not to forget the items that
are hidden from view. Take into account the clothes in the
wardrobe and items in the kitchen cupboards, they might only be
small items but it can be surprising how much they can add up
Home and contents insurance taken out online is always the best
way to take out cover. A broker however can find you the right
policy in the shortest time possible which saves you effort. You
can also be sure you have the key facts which must be compared
if you are to get the cover you need.
About The Author: David Thomson is Chief Executive of
BestDealInsurance (http://www.bestdealinsurance. )
independent specialist broker dedicated to providing their
clients with the best deal on their home, motor and life
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