Messages In This Digest (12 Messages)
- 1.
- 6 Ways To Help Soldiers Cope With Post-traumatic Stress Disorders From: Susan Lee-Titus
- 2.
- Green Tea Or Black The Choice Is Yours From: Steve P Smith
- 3.
- Suffering From Burn-Out? From: Beverley-Anne Bear
- 4.
- Choosing The Right Type Of Exercise Bikes From: Pencil Writer
- 5.
- Massage Therapy And Personal Hygiene From: Deborah Schwabe
- 6.
- Reverse Diabetes By Understanding The Causes Of Insulin Resistance From: Mark Hyman, M.D.
- 7.
- Common Diets For Irritable Bowel Syndrome From: Jessica Bradbury
- 8.
- Identifying Health Resources Online From: James Brown
- 9.
- Fasting For Weight Loss: The Pros And Cons Of Fasting To Lose Weight From: Star Smith
- 10.
- The Foundation To Successful Weight Loss - A Healthy Diet And Lifest From: Jeffrey Wearstler
- 11.
- Living With Diabetes From: Herschel Lawhorn
- 12.
- How Bodybuilding Routines Work? From: Mark Robert
- 1.
6 Ways To Help Soldiers Cope With Post-traumatic Stress Disorders
Posted by: "Susan Lee-Titus" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 4:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: 6 Ways To Help Soldiers Cope With Post-traumatic
Stress Disorders
Author: Susan Lee-Titus
Word Count: 724
Article URL: 221187&ca= Wellness% 2C+Fitness+ and+Diet
Format: 64cpl
Contact The Author: aid=221187
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According to some reports, 90 percent of soldiers returning
from Iraq who seek medical treatment do so for Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an
emotional and psychological reaction to trauma in which a person
experiences uncontrollable, frightening audio and visual
flashbacks that can overtake him or her during ordinary
situations like playing with children or washing a car. PTSD is
the fourth-ranking psychiatric disorder in the United States.
An estimated 1 out of 8 soldiers who will eventually return
from Iraq will suffer from PTSD-most often from having been
through multiple deployments and witnessing the carnage left by
suicide and roadside bombers. However the soldiers themselves
are not the only victims: Family members will also be affected
by their soldier's PTSD. Particularly if their soldier avoids
social situations and other activities he previously enjoyed.
Although I was never in the armed forces, I am a survivor of
PTSD who can offer tips to soldiers with that problem and their
families. As a woman raped at gunpoint by strangers, I often
experienced flashbacks in which I heard the voice of the rapist
when I was at work or washing dishes at home. There were six
steps that helped me cope with PTSD, which I would like to share
with you:
1. If you have never talked about your PTSD experience with
anyone you should do so by finding a place in which you feel
safe and a person with whom you will feel safe confiding. In
that safe place with your confidant at your side, scream, cry
and vent as fully as you can, holding nothing back.
2. Seek treatment as soon as possible from a specialist in PTSD
such as a therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist. Only a
specialist can help you effectively deal with the symptoms you
may be experiencing. In addition to flashbacks, these might
include nightmares, depression, insomnia and feelings of
hopelessness and social isolation. The specialist may suggest
medication that may be helpful. The worst mistake PTSD suffers
can make is trying to go it alone. Attempting to do so may cause
you to remain stuck in this nightmare for your entire life.
Remember that there is nothing manly about refusing to get help.
Soldiers can seek help at Walter Reed Medical Hospital or do a
Google search to find a local person who specializes in the
3. Join a group therapy support group. Your specialist may
refer you to such a group that puts you in contact with others
who are going through the same process. By listening to their
stories and sharing your own you will understand that you are
not alone.
4. Look for other ways to let off steam. Exercise, paint, dance
or keep a journal of your thoughts. I kept a journal for eight
years and eventually turned it into a book. Even if you don't
feel like it, make yourself socialize. Go to picnics and family
gatherings and try to resume old hobbies. Don't isolate
5. Put your PTSD into perspective. Even if you take all the
steps I have outlined, you may find that you continue to have
some episodes of nightmares, anger, fear or depression. But as
those symptoms ease, you may be ready to move on to the stage in
which you accept that this horrible thing happened to you but
does not define your life. You have talked it out, let it out
and put it in perspective. You are ready to move on.
6. Volunteer to help others with PTSD. When you have reached
the stage of acceptance and forgiveness you may feel ready to
help others who are not as far along as yourself in recovering
from PTSD. This is the stage I am currently in. I welcome you to
join me there.
Susan Lee-Titus understands PTSD intimately. She was brutally
raped at gunpoint by two men who burst into her dance studio and
for years endured frequent flashbacks of that memory. Susan is
an author, speaker, dancer and communications and media
specialist. She is the founder of Joy Dancers, a prison outreach
program that teaches aerobic dance to female inmates as an
outlet for anger and stress. Her new book is "The Dancer
Returns: From Victim to Victory."
About The Author: Visit for more
information on Susan Lee-Titus, the Joy Dancers and coping with
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- 2.
Green Tea Or Black The Choice Is Yours
Posted by: "Steve P Smith" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 5:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Green Tea Or Black The Choice Is Yours
Author: Steve P Smith
Word Count: 874
Article URL: 220986&ca= Wellness% 2C+Fitness+ and+Diet
Format: 64cpl
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Whilst increasing attention is now rightly being paid to the
health benefits of white and green teas, the virtues of the much
more familiar, and still much more common, black tea, should not
be neglected. All three are products of the camellia sinensis
plant and as such have many common attributes, particularly in
their anti-oxidant functions; the difference between them being
entirely attributable to the differing methods by which they are
So-called "herbal teas", by contrast, are drinks made from
infusions of the leaves of a wide variety of other plants.
Although these are often very beneficial to health, they are not
"teas" at all in the strict sense, this term being restricted to
the products of the camellia sinenis plant, and should be
considered separately, probably as a branch of herbal medicine
or therapy.
The fresh, ie unprocessed, leaves of the camellia sinensis
plant are rich in compounds known as polyphenols, and
particularly those of a type known as catechins, which are
powerful anti-oxidants. The problem is that these compounds are
easily destroyed by the processing that the leaves go through.
In the case of black teas the process, known as fermentation,
results in the almost complete oxidation of the catechins
resulting in a dramatic loss of their anti-oxidant power.
The highly prized white teas, by contrast, are produced by
steaming the very young leaves of the camellia sinensis plant,
protecting them from this damaging oxidation. Green teas are
produced by a similar process of heat treatment, but the older
leaves used are not generally as rich in the active ant-oxidant
compounds. There is yet another category of teas, known as
oolong, which fall somewhere between the green and black
varieties by being partially oxidised (fermented).
Whilst conventional medicine continues to insist that the
evidence for the health giving benefits of all these teas
remains inconclusive, there is in fact ample evidence of the
anti-oxidant power of these beverages. For example, a number of
respectable studies have concluded that moderate tea consumption
(just a few cups day) may reduce the risk of heart disease by
around a third, in the case of black tea, and a half in the case
of green tea. At least one research report further suggests that
tea consumption may help reduce the risk of stroke by as much as
Since heart disease and stroke remain two of the biggest causes
of premature death and disability in the affluent Western world,
these findings alone would seem to make the regular consumption
of tea, and green tea in particular, a worthwhile precaution.
But the benefits don't end there.
Free radical oxidative damage to the lining of the blood
vessels is known to be a factor in the development of
atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) another major cause
of life threatening cardiovascular disease. The consumption of
black tea has been shown to have a protective effect on the
cells lining the blood vessels (the endothelium) and to the
extent that this effect is due to anti-oxidant polyphenols, it
appears highly likely that tests with green tea would produce
results at least as good.
Less conclusively, but interestingly, there is also evidence
that the anti-oxidant qualities of the polyphenols in both green
and black tea may have a role in combatting both cancer and
In the case of cancer, such effects have been clearly
demonstrated in animals, though the evidence in respect of
humans is less clear cut. But to the extent that cancer is a
disease of degeneration, the onset of which may be hastened by
oxidative damage in cells caused by free radical activity, the
anti-oxidant activity of black and green tea can only be of
potential benefit.
Similarly, there is observational evidence that bone mass
density is positively correlated with tea consumption, which is
therefore protective against osteoporosis, possibly because of
the drink's anti-oxidant properties, but the causal link is not
fully understood.
Despite the familiar reservations of conventional medicine,
there appears good evidence for the anti-oxidant qualities of
the polyphenols in tea in general, and green tea in particular.
But that's not all. Tea is also a good source of some trace
minerals, including manganese, which is itself a powerful
anti-oxidant. Black tea is a particularly good source, and a
convenient way of obtaining this mineral, which is often
drastically under supplied in food. In addition to its general
anti-oxidant properties, manganese is also known to nutritional
therapists as an aid to cardiac and bone health, in relieving
the symptoms of diabetes, and in treating certain types of
The only likely downside to the consumption of significant
quantities of tea is that both green and black varieties may
contain considerable amounts of caffeine. Strong black tea is
also rich in tannin, the acidic substance which also gives the
astringent taste to red wines, and which may lead to minor
stomach disturbances if overdone This problem does not arise
with green tea, however, and both black and green varieties are
readily available in decaffeinated form, the latter also in a
range of enhanced natural flavours for improved palatability.
About The Author: Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter
specialising in direct marketing and with a particular interest
in health products. Find out more at
http://www.sisyphuspublicationsonli rition/HealthBen efitsOfTea. htm
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- 3.
Suffering From Burn-Out?
Posted by: "Beverley-Anne Bear" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 6:12 am (PST)
Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
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Article Title: Suffering From Burn-Out?
Author: Beverley-Anne Bear
Word Count: 532
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Format: 64cpl
Contact The Author: aid=220980
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With burn-out prevalent today, most people suffer from
unmanaged stress.
Statistics reveal that between 75 and 90% of illnesses
resulting in people being away from work sick - can be
attributed to stress; this is something that needs to be
managed. Absenteeism due to ill health averages between seven to
fifteen days per annum. This translates into a substantial
amount of money, lost hours, lack of productivity and suffering.
Not only is this not good for the individual it is not good for
the work place either.
To be able to live successfully, free from stress-related
illnesses, one has to acquire and apply the skills to manage and
channel stress. Stress management is essential. When you can
manage your stress you will be more healthy and productive. Your
outlook on life may improve dramatically.
What is stress? It is a built in mechanism to warn us of danger
better known as "fight or flight". If we do not re-act
appropriately, although our body has prepared us by pumping the
necessary adrenalin into our system, this unused hormone gets
stored and is not utilised. It is said that people that re-act
badly to a situation, scream and shout are better off than those
that try to stay calm, as the first lot of people use up the
adrenalin that has been prepared for the particular situation
that the body deems as dangerous. We need to find an outlet for
this unexpressed "stress", to prevent a build up, and causing us
to explode at the smallest little thing.
We need to learn how to get balance between our work-life,
private-life and social-life; As well as to learn how to
recognise the "stressors" and how to manage them; through
prioritization and planning as well as learning relaxation
techniques. In other words, we need to develop new habits and
coping mechanisms.
There are two phases that precede the actual burnout phase, and
recognizing them early enough, can prevent you from actually
experiencing the devastating effects of BURNOUT.
First there is the in-balance between effort and performance;
i.e. you are working harder, but achieving less than you
previously did. Soon enough you find yourself in the exhaustion
phase, and then eventually in the burn-out phase, where you are
totally dysfunctional.
By the time you get to this phase, it is a serious matter, and
you probably need medication and need to seek medical advice.
Your eating habits have changed and are very bad. You eat junk
food, chocolates, or whatever you can find that is not too much
effort to prepare, and probably eat it in excess. Some people
start drinking excessively and others abuse drugs. You are most
likely taking sleeping pills to sleep, and then using "uppers"
to help you stay awake during the day.
If you can recognise the signs in the first phase, when you are
not achieving as much as you normally achieve, you can prevent
the other two phases, by making lifestyle changes. Eating
properly, relaxing and taking time out for exercise and fresh
air and then learning to manage stress effectively.
Beverley-Anne Bear
About The Author: Beverley-Anne Bear is a qualified
Hypnotherapist, who assists people in learning to relax and
manage stress. She is the author of an e-book on the subject,
wherein she gives helpful tools on how to manage stress in your
everyday life. http://www.regressiontherapist.
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- 4.
Choosing The Right Type Of Exercise Bikes
Posted by: "Pencil Writer" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 8:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Choosing The Right Type Of Exercise Bikes
Author: Pencil Writer
Word Count: 620
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Format: 64cpl
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In today's world, with everyone's lifestyles and the patterns
of living getting changed regularly, keeping fit has become a
very important thing. Exercises have become the norm of the day.
It is important that one exercises and works out in order to
shed those extra pounds and also to keep fit. Exercise bikes
play a very important role in this daily routine and helps keep
oneself in shape.
These bikes are a very useful source of exercise as they give a
very good work-out for all the parts of the body. So apart from
jogging people can also try out cycling in these exercise bikes
for extra fitness. Many cycles also come with a meter that shows
the amount of calories lost, the distance traveled, mileage,
time pedaled etc.
Choosing the right kind of exercise bike is a very important
thing. The first thing to be checked is the comfort levels of
the user; the more comfortable the seating and the other
arrangements, the more entertaining and enthusiastic the
exercise. Mainly, there are four basic types of exercise bikes,
the first being the upright bike. They are similar to the
outdoor cycles and have a seat and pedals that can be pedaled.
The next type is the recumbent type, which has the seat placed
very low, parallel to the ground level. The pedals are in the
front side, so that the legs do not have to bend a lot. Also the
seat has a back support that is very comfortable to use.
The semi-recumbent is the next type. They have a higher seat
position than the normal recumbent types and also the seat is
inclined so that elderly people can get down the cycle easily.
The dual action bike is the fourth type. These are the perfect
ones for the whole-body work-out, as both the handle bars and
the pedals also are movable, thus facilitating the hands and
legs to move. Some bikes have a certain weight capacity, and
cannot load more than that particular weight. So it is important
to have a look at that before purchasing the bike.
Resistance is another important factor to be considered while
buying the exercise cycle. It is the pressure that is
experienced while cycling the exercise bike. Depending upon the
need to reduce weight, the resistance has to be adjusted on the
bike; the more the resistance, the more difficult it is to pedal
the cycle, which helps in a rigorous work-out plan. There are
various types of resistance in bikes, the first type being
Magnetic type. This type is found more in professional gyms. It
is noise-free and is quite smooth to use. The resistance power
can be adjusted as well. The next type is the Air resistance,
where a fan is fixed to the pedal. The more the pedal is
pressed, the more the resistance and the faster the fan would
swing. In the third type called direct tension, the user adjusts
the resistance according to the need, with the help of knobs.
The fourth type is the Flywheel, wherein the resistance is taken
care of a big wheel, and as the pedal is moved, the wheel also
Exercise bikes are very important to keep fit and also for
following a rigorous exercise and fitness regime. What more,
with the ease of shedding weight even while watching TV or the
favorite movie, in the cosiness of one's home, what more can one
ask for! But it is definitely important to consult one's regular
doctor before getting into these exercises as they are strenuous
and might not be advised for people with hypertension, high
diabetes etc.
About The Author: You can read
http://www.exercisebikereviews. on Bremshey
http://www.exercisebikereviews. carl-lewis- exercise- cycles/
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- 5.
Massage Therapy And Personal Hygiene
Posted by: "Deborah Schwabe" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 8:12 am (PST)
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Deborah Schwabe
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Article Title: Massage Therapy And Personal Hygiene
Author: Deborah Schwabe
Word Count: 573
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When you choose to be a massage therapist, you choose a job
where you will be in very close proximity with others. Keeping
that in mind, it's vital tht you consider your own personal
hygiene, so that you don't offend your clients.
One of the first things that comes to mind is smoking. If
you're a smoker, you may not realize that the smell of smoke
lingers on your hair, your uniform, along with your fingers. I
distinctly remember getting a massage, and when the therapist
was doing a facial massage, I could smell the smoke on her
fingers. It took a soothing experience and turned it into an
unpleasant one for me. Do you smoke? What are your clients
thinking? I'll be honest, I didn't return to that therapist
after that session. If you're a smoker, it's important that you
don't smoke between clients. Many people find the smell of smoke
that lingers on you offensive. Someone is paying for your time,
and you don't want that tiny little factor to be the reason your
clients don't return.
Another personal hygiene issue you'll want to think about is
your body odor and your breath. Because you'll be so close to
others, this again can be the difference between a one time
client and a return client. Most clients will not tell you they
found you offensive, but I can guarantee they will find a new
massage therapist. Brush your teeth and floss often. Daily
showers and deodorant help keep body odor at bay.
What about perfume or cologne? Many people have allergies, and
this may bother them. A good rule of thumb is to avoid personal
fragrance when working with clients. Remember that what is
pleasant to you, may not be pleasant to another. That also comes
into play if you have a hairspray that has a strong scent. These
may seem like tiny things, but when doing work so closely to
another, these tiny things make a difference.
Your nails should be kept short and neat. Nothing is a bigger
turn-off than someone with dirty or jagged nails. People notice,
and it's not sanitary to work on a client if your nails are
Another thing you may want to consider is wearing a uniform. If
you work for yourself, or a spa, a uniform will help give you a
professional image. People expect professionals to have a
professional image. Be sure to wear clothing that is
non-restrictive so you can easily move how you need to. You'll
also want to wear comfortable shoes with good support, and above
all, make sure they are clean in appearance.
By paying attention to small details like above, you'll present
with a clean, professional appearance. Avoiding smoking between
clients, and keeping your breath and body fresh will give you
the neutrality you want when working closely with another.
Remember one simple thing, you want it to be a good experience.
I've freely admitted I've not returned to a massage therapist
that was a smoker. I'm sure I'm not alone. I don't smoke, and
the smell of smoke on my face while I'm relaxing was enough for
me to change therapists. Will it be enough for your clients as
well? They won't say anything to you, but they may be thinking
it. Make clients, repeat clients by keeping your personal
hygiene in check.
About The Author: Deborah has a resource guide full of tips,
info and links for both the massage student, massage therapist
and consumer at You'll find two entries,
one for the therapist, and one for consumers that are looking to
do massage at home with their partners.
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- 6.
Reverse Diabetes By Understanding The Causes Of Insulin Resistance
Posted by: "Mark Hyman, M.D." articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 9:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: Reverse Diabetes By Understanding The Causes Of
Insulin Resistance
Author: Mark Hyman, M.D.
Word Count: 786
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Format: 64cpl
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Think diabetes is irreversible?
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Despite what the medical establishment tells you, you can
reverse diabetes -- without insulin or medication.
Today, I'd like to tell you about a new way of viewing -- and
treating -- diabetes.
First, though, you need to understand why diabetes is such a
A Growing Epidemic
The disease has reached epidemic proportions: Type 2 diabetes
(formerly called adult onset diabetes) now affects nearly 100
million people worldwide, 20 million of which are Americans.
And it's on the rise -- especially in kids. One in three
children born today will have diabetes in their lifetime.
That's because the path to diabetes starts very early.
The culprit is insulin.
When you eat a lot of sugar and other refined carbohydrates
like bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes, your body eventually
becomes resistant to the effects of insulin. It requires more
and more insulin to keep your blood sugar balanced. High insulin
levels increase your appetite -- and your belly fat.
High levels of insulin can occur decades before you're
diagnosed with diabetes. They are warning signs of this
So are the other symptoms of insulin resistance, like belly
fat, sugar cravings, feeling tired after meals, high blood
pressure and triglycerides, and inflammation.
A family history of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even
dementia can increase your chances of developing insulin
resistance and pre-diabetes.
And pre-diabetes is just as bad as full-blown diabetes. It,
too, can cause heart attacks, strokes, dementia, cancer, and
So why is diabetes on the rise?
The answer is as close as the food on your plate.
Our bodies were meant to consume a diet that's high in
nutrients, fiber, and omega-3 fats and low in sugar. So when we
eat unhealthy foods -- like sugar, trans fats, white flour, and
processed foods -- we activate genes that promote diabetes.
Yet type 2 diabetes is almost totally preventable. In fact, in
one major study, Harvard researchers found that lifestyle and
diet changes could prevent more than 90 percent of all type 2
diabetes cases.
Early Diagnosis is Key
Diagnosing type 2 diabetes early is crucial to its management
and reversal.
Because damage to the body can occur with even small changes in
insulin and blood sugar, doctors should diagnose pre-diabetes as
soon as possible.
The proof is in the research. One recent study found that
people whose fasting blood sugar was higher than 87 were at
increased risk of diabetes.
Yet most doctors don't worry until the blood sugar is over 110
-- or worse, over 126, which is diabetes.
Instead, I recommend early testing with anyone who has a family
history of type 2 diabetes, belly fat, or abnormal cholesterol
-- regardless of your blood sugar level.
Ask your doctor for these tests:
1.Insulin glucose challenge test with 2-hour glucose challenge,
75 grams measuring fasting, 1 and 2 hour blood sugar AND
Your blood sugar should be less than 80 fasting and never rise
above 110 or 120 after one to two hours. Your insulin should be
less than 5 fasting and should never rise above 30 after one to
two hours.
I recommend this test for everyone over 50, and for anyone with
any risk of insulin resistance, even children.
2.The hemoglobin A1C is an important measure of glycated
hemoglobin, which can be an early indicator of sugar problems.
It should ideally be less than 5.5. Anything over 6 is
considered diabetes.
3.Lipid profiles are important. An HDL under 40 and a
triglyceride level over 150 usually means diabetes.
4.An NMR lipid profile identifies the size of your cholesterol
5.High sensitivity C-reactive protein is a measure of
inflammation, which is both a cause and result of insulin
resistance and diabetes. It should be less than 1.
6.Homocysteine is often abnormal in people with diabetes. It
should be between 6 and 8.
7.Fibrinogen measures your risk of clotting and is associated
with insulin resistance and diabetes. It should be less than
8.Ferritin is a nonspecific marker of inflammation associated
with diabetes. It should be less than 150.
9.Uric acid should be less than 6. Higher levels indicate
problems with insulin resistance.
10.Elevated liver function tests result from insulin
These are tests any doctor can perform and are covered by
insurance. If you're at risk for diabetes, I urge you to get
About The Author: Mark Hyman, MD is a pioneer in functional
medicine, practicing physician and best-selling author. A sneak
preview of his book "The UltraSimple Diet" is available. See The
UltraWellness Blog for more on Testing for Insulin Resistance: blog/insulin- resistance.
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- 7.
Common Diets For Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Posted by: "Jessica Bradbury" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 11:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Common Diets For Irritable Bowel Syndrome
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Irritable bowel syndrome, often known as IBS, is a rather
complex disorder that has a variety of symptoms, some of which
may be diet related. In order to help people obtain relief from
the symptoms of IBS, the kind of eating habits a person has must
be addressed.
If someone tends to skip meals, has a low intake of fluid and
fiber, eats a lot of fatty food, has a sensitivity to milk as
well as other dairy products and drinks excessive alcohol and
caffeine, then these problems must be addressed and resolved
before one can consider a diet for IBS.
One of the most common dietary treatments for sufferers with
IBS includes a high fiber diet. This is a positive
recommendation for those IBS patients who suffer from
constipation. However, some people will receive no benefit from
the increase in fiber, and in some patients their symptoms may
Increasing the fiber in one's diet should be a gradual process,
should involve a good choice of fibers and one should accompany
this dietary change with an increase in fluid intake. The rule
of thumb is to drink from 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, and
that excludes other beverages. Caffeinated drinks such as
carbonated soft drinks and coffee may just serve to aggravate
IBS symptoms so they should be limited.
The symptoms of IBS seem to worsen after eating large meals,
especially if the meal has been quickly eater and if the meal
has a high fat content. It would be very beneficial if the food
was spread over 3 meals as well as 3 snacks each day. Try not to
down your food all in one gulp.
Remember, you are not going to a fire! Don't you recall that
your mother told you to chew each spoonful of food 25 times
before going to the next bite? Also, try to relax after you have
eaten. Sometimes regular light exercise may help to alleviate or
reduce symptoms.
If you are having problems with excessive gas, then try to
avoid such vegetables as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and
legumes which include baked beans. Once the symptoms have
settled down, these foods may be slowly reintroduced. Carbonated
soft drinks may also be a culprit in causing excessive gas.
Remember to spread your fluid intake across the day.
Some people who suffer with IBS may find that they may like to
try a lactose-free period in their diet. Lactose is found mainly
in dairy products such as ice creams, and milk. You should keep
in mind that these foods supply the body with important
nutrients. If you decide that you may want to cut out dairy
products from your diet, then you may want to consider taking a
calcium supplement.
It would be well to keep a journal of the types of food you
eat, what fluids you drink and any notable symptoms. This will
help you to observe the role that diet and some other factors
such as stress play in your IBS symptoms. Maintain a diet that
is high in fiber if this is tolerated well.
Begin with the basics of three high fiber and low fat meals
accompanied by two to three snacks each day. Make sure that you
drink an adequate amount of fluids, but try to avoid a lot of
caffeine and other carbonated drinks. Remember to eat slowly and
make your meal time as relaxing as you can. If you have
different sensitivities to food, eliminate one food from your
IBS diet at a time until you find which one is causing or
aggravating your symptoms.
Make sure to record your results in your journal. Once the
symptoms have calmed down, then you may think about
reintroducing the food and note any symptoms. You may even wish
to consult a dietitian for individual counseling about your IBS
diet and any modifications that could be made. Common diets for
irritable bowel syndrome is just something you need to take your
time and plan out.
About The Author: Article written by Jessica Bradbury, she has
a site dedicated to bottom line information on IBS at
http://www.ibs-information. com
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Identifying Health Resources Online
Posted by: "James Brown" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 12:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Identifying Health Resources Online
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To identify health resources at a local library, a person might
spend hours pouring through catalogs, indexes and searching each
aisle for a specific health issue. Identifying these resources
online is a quick process that leaves people with lots of time
to read articles and perform careful research of the information
found on resources that could help improve the quality of heath
for someone.
Finding an exact location for health resources in the city
where somebody lives is simplified if someone uses the internet
search engines to find the information. There are useful links
on health resource web pages that would help a college student
gain some information to place in a bibliography for a college
term paper. Many links are listed in the proper format for
placement as references in news articles and periodicals and
they will also identify who authored the articles on health.
The School of Medicine that requires such course work may very
well be connected to one of those helpful links. Most health
resources are connected to medical professionals in a training
hospital because health facilities such as hospitals are
available as outlets for educating doctors. Some maintain one
purpose and that is to educate the public about a specific
disease. Some government health facilities provide treatment for
diseases in the health service agencies operated with Government
Many people in the United States turn to health resources to
gain information about a health problem. Many physicians would
welcome the opportunity to share what they know with a person
who was recently diagnosed with a terminal illness. Some of
those physicians are available through internet chat sessions on
a website that is famed for providing medical advice. The
resources that are provided might be recommendations for taking
certain medicines or new treatment alternatives that might
extend the person's life considerably longer.
At times, even physicians need access to health information on
the internet. The libraries of many hospitals might not have
certain reference materials to treat a rare disease. Physicians
can use the health resources online to read extensively about
new surgical techniques and gaze at surgical diagrams that will
explain the incision making process very thoroughly. The
hospital might maintain an account at a medical health services
library and hospital staff can access it day or night when
questions on care need further guidance.
Parents have used health resources many times if there are
children at home. The staff at pediatric medical offices is
happy to post medical files online with proper security
precautions and parents can use these online health resources
each year to submit admission forms that show all lifetime
illnesses. Parents can track appointments through these sites
and see if insurance benefits have posted.
A parent might also be reminded of appointments that were
scheduled a year in advance. Parents have found that they can
keep current with all children's health issues if they access
the online health resources offered by the pediatrician. Using
these resources such as the online appointment notification
system, parents are sure to be on time for every appointment
scheduled for every child in the home.
About The Author: James Brown writes about
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Fasting For Weight Loss: The Pros And Cons Of Fasting To Lose Weight
Posted by: "Star Smith" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 3:12 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Fasting For Weight Loss: The Pros And Cons Of
Fasting To Lose Weight
Author: Star Smith
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Everybody tells you that in order to lose weight you need to
eat less calories. For many people the next logical choice to
lose weight more quickly is to go on a fast. It seems reasonable
that not eating any food will force the body to lose weight, and
this is true.
However, is going on a fast for several days, or even a week or
more, healthy?
When done properly, fasting can be a good thing for your body,
because it not only causes you to lose weight, but helps the
body eliminate toxins as well. When fasting for weigh loss it is
tempting to drink nothing but water, but this can be very
dangerous for the body.
When you go on a water fast for more than a day or two, you can
wreak havoc on your blood sugar levels, causing it to fluctuate
between being too high or too low. You are literally starving
your body of essential nutrients it needs to keep functioning
properly. Maybe you've heard of people who go on a fast to
protest something and then end up in the hospital with a feeding
tube. This could happen to you too, that's why water fasts are
generally discouraged.
However, there is a healthier way for you to fast. It's much
better for you to go on a one day fast, than a longer extended
fast. You see, you want the fast to help you lose weight without
side effects.
This means you need to understand a little about how the body
works. Food is fuel to the body and supplies needed nutrients.
When you are overweight, the body has accumulated too many fat
cells along with unhealthy toxins.
You see, when you starve the body of the nutrients it needs, it
will automatically slow down your metabolism and use what
calories it has in reserve more efficiently. As you know,
slowing down your metabolism makes weight loss a lot harder.
Those going on extreme water fast diets will initially lose a
lot of water weight, but when they resume eating again, they'll
quickly gain back all the weight they lost and more.
The body just doesn't like to be starved and when that happens
it will work even harder to retain every single calorie that you
consume. This is a natural survival mechanism built into our
bodies to help keep us alive. Since you cannot fight nature,
it's best to stay away from any kind of extreme fasting.
On the positive side, a 24-hour fast will give your body a
needed rest and let it do some healing. Toxins will also be
This mini fast will reduce your cravings for certain fatty
foods and cleanse your body, so that when you do resume eating,
it will be much easier for you to continue down a healthy path
of steady weight loss.
You can make your own natural juice by blending fresh fruits
and vegetables into a tasty drink that will supply you with
plenty of nutrients while fasting. There are lots of juicing
recipes online that you can use to create the ultimate healthy
Again, you don't want to stay on a juice fast for too long.
Think of a fast as simply cleansing and healing your body. It is
a short term way to assist your in reaching your long term
weight loss goals.
About The Author: Delicious Wuyi green tea is 100% natural and
organic. The perfect tea for health and fitness. This pure,
Chinese green tea is pre-brewed in individual packets, so all
you have to do is mix it with water. Drink healthy and live
happy. http://greenteaforweightloss. blogspot. com
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The Foundation To Successful Weight Loss - A Healthy Diet And Lifest
Posted by: "Jeffrey Wearstler" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 6:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: The Foundation To Successful Weight Loss - A
Healthy Diet And Lifestyle
Author: Jeffrey Wearstler
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We've all been tempted by quick fix diets, weight loss
inventions and other quick, easy weight loss schemes. I know I
have. The truth is, the foundation to successful weight watching
is a healthy diet and lifestyle, combined with exercise.
This is easier said than done with today's fast paced,
constantly on the go lifestyle that most of us live. It sure
seems easier to run through a fast food drive through for lunch
or grab a mocha latte for a pick me up. I'm guilty of doing this
myself. But in the long run, you'll save time and energy by
simply having a healthy diet and lifestyle plus exercising 30
minutes a day.
The pants tell the truth. How many of you are in the same size
you were a year or two ago? Many of us aren't. The statistics
about obesity in America are staggering. Six out of 10 adults
Americans are over weight and 17% of our children are overweight
or obese.
We need to make real, long term lifestyle changes to win the
battle against the bulging waistline.
So how do you make changes to your lifestyle that will result
in healthy living? Here are 7 simple tips to watch your
1. Enjoy healthier foods - reach for fruits, veggies and
balanced meals rather than the fast food value meal of a mocha
latte. These are high in fat, sugar and calories, but low in
nutritional value and can quickly add inches to your waistline.
2. Be patient - we all want instant results, but the reality is
that watching your waistline takes work and time. Recognize the
small achievements. They will add up over time.
3. Be consistent with eating and exercise choices - consistency
is the key to getting the results you want. To keep your body at
the weight you want, you'll need to eat better and be more
active for your whole life.
4. Get active, stay active - exercise is critical to
maintaining a healthy weight. Strive for a balance between a
healthy diet and lifestyle plus physical activity. Your
waistline and your energy levels will both thank you.
5. Change your lifestyle - take it slow and smart. Make subtle
changes rather than drastic ones. An all or nothing approach may
work short term, but you'll end up frustrating yourself and make
it more difficult to stay with a healthy lifestyle.
6. Eat a good breakfast everyday - your body needs the fuel a
good breakfast will deliver the first thing in the morning. Then
eat small portions at regular intervals throughout the day.
Did you know - skipping breakfast is a recipe for overeating
with late night snacks (I'm guilty on this one)
7. Eat more fruit - fruit is good for you, despite some of the
rumors the fad diets have spread. In fact, you should eat fruit
everyday, for every snack of with every meal you can.
There you are. Seven little tips to get you started leading a
healthy diet and lifestyle.
Remember, the foundation to successful weight watching is a
healthy diet and lifestyle, combined with exercise. If you can
do that and stick to it, you will be well on your way to a
healthier, happier life.
About The Author: Visit http://www.healthydietandlife. fororg
more diet and weight loss information.
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- 11.
Living With Diabetes
Posted by: "Herschel Lawhorn" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 7:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Living With Diabetes
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I have been living with diabetes now for over forty years.
Sometimes it is hard. But most of the time not too bad. I don't
always eat like I should because I simply like to eat. That
makes it hard to always eat what you should and the amount you
With diabetes, if you stay at home it is a lot easier to do
what you should do. It is when you go out that the problems
begin. Every thing is either fried or soaked in grease. Also,
they give you twice the size portions that you need. My mother
always told me to take what I wanted but to eat what I took. I
have always lived by her rule. At least that is what I blame it
on when I over eat.
But with diabetes, the diabetic diet does not have to be all
that bad. There are a lot of good food you can eat that will not
increase you glucose level. If fact, most of the food that we
should eat is not that bad on the sugar level. It is the junk
food that we Americans have become addicted to that is so bad
for us in almost every way including glucose levels. In fact, I
believe that the junk food industry is partly to blame for the
rise in diabetes in this country.
My wife has also been a big help in my controlling my diabetes.
She tries really hard to see that I eat right. She doesn't
always succeed, but she does a great job of trying to make me do
what I should.
Adult diabetes or Type 2 diabetes can often be controlled with
diet. In fact I did that for several years, but it finally got
to the point that I was not doing too well with the diet and had
to go on pills. I have taken most of the different pills out
there. They all worked to some degree. But again after several
years they lost their effectiveness. What now. The DREADED
Well let me tell you don't ever be afraid of going on insulin.
If I had known what I know now. I would have gone on the shots a
lot sooner. I thought they would hurt. They don't. Pricking your
finger to test your blood sugar level is a lot more painful. And
if your glucose level has gotten out of control, you will feel a
lot better when you start the insulin.
However, there is one big problem with insulin. Insulin makes
you hungry. You eat more food. You need more insulin. You get
hungrier. You eat more food. You need more insulin.
You get the picture. It is a vicious circle. Of course you know
that diabetes is a diet disease. As your weight goes up, so does
your blood sugar. As your weight comes down, so does your blood
sugar. So you see the big problem with insulin. The more insulin
you take the more weight you will probably gain. That will
require more insulin.
One of my old doctors, he is retired now, told me that 15 was
the magic number. You multiply your weight by 15 and that is the
number of calories per day that will keep you at that weight.
Average more than that per day and you will gain weight. Average
less than that per day and you will lose weight. I have found
this to be true. Of course this will vary with different people
and their metabolism, exercise and many other factors, but it is
a good guide line.
If you can figure out or if you just have the will power to
break this cycle, you can control your blood sugar.
And you will be able say, as the famous singer on TV says "I
have Diabetes. Diabetes does not have me."
About The Author: Herschel Lawhorn maintains other health
related websites with lots of good information at: and
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- 12.
How Bodybuilding Routines Work?
Posted by: "Mark Robert" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 10:12 pm (PST)
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Mark Robert
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Article Title: How Bodybuilding Routines Work?
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They work differently for each individual. Bodybuilding
routines can vary to an extent that spans quite a few routines
or many. You should know that the best routines are those that
provide the required results in the shortest possible period of
Most people would rather choose bodybuilding routines that will
maximize the benefits accrued while causing them to perform as
little work as is possible, which has given rise to a greater
demand for the best in bodybuilding routines.
Don't copy other people's routine!
For bodybuilding starters, it may come as a small surprise to
learn that achieving the type of body Arnold Schwarzenegger has
is not all about reading up Pumping Iron and copying the moves
that he made in his prime. Thus, those who feel that copying
bodybuilding routines such as those used by a Mr. Universe or a
Mr. Olympias may end up a bit disappointed when their bodies do
not become the sculpted masterpieces that Arnold achieved or
those of other Mr. Universes.
If you copy these bodybuilding routines don't hope to achieve
exalted levels in as short a space of time since these routines
will not provide you with those kinds of results in less time
than is absolutely necessary.
Prepare to go through trial and error phases.
You should be prepared to go through trial and error phases and
success and failure will also rise and fall as you try and
modify your bodybuilding routines to suit your needs the best.
Also, what works for one person need not work with another
person and no bodybuilding routines will provide the same
results for everyone, and it does mean using different weights
and different exercises as well as different amounts of reps
after which you can then expect to have the sculpted body that
you so much wanted.
Carefully take into account is the need for change.
Another important consideration for you to carefully take into
account is the need for change, since even if particular
bodybuilding routines are working well for you, they still
requires modifying the routines through the addition or
elimination of certain exercises which will then help chisel
your body the way that you want. Bodybuilding routines can be
enhanced further by taking the proper nutrition that will aid
your routines.
Don't perform the bodybuilding routines longer that necessary.
You should realize that bodybuilding routines should not be
performed longer than is absolutely necessary. In most cases it
would be no longer than seventy-five minutes in a single session
and that the maximum sessions you should perform your routines
per week should not exceed five.
If you go beyond that, your body may actually wilt under the
strain. If you over-do the routines, you will need a longer
recuperation period. It is also not correct to work out if you
feel sick or suffering from an injury so as not to aggravate the
The Work Hard Myth and Bodybuilding
If you think that if you work too hard in the gym the body will
grow muscle then it is not correct. In fact, the body might
reject the additional stress and start to atrophy instead. This
is not what you want. Ever!. It would be wise to avoid such
excessive training.
Instead, simple consistency of attending the gym 3 or 4 times
in a week and working out at a moderate to difficult pace would
be enough to make further gains.
About The Author: Mark Robert's Men and Womens Bodybuilding
site is http://www.menandwomensbodybuilding .com/blog/ .
Bodybuilding News and Videos at
http://www.all.menandwomensbody Learn Secrets tobuilding. com/.
Great Abs http://abs.menandwomensbodybuilding .com/
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For more free-reprint articles by Mark Robert please visit: a=Mark+Robert
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