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- How to Build Credibility Online : The 15 Steps From: Craig Lock
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How to Build Credibility Online : The 15 Steps
Posted by: "Craig Lock"
Sat Feb 2, 2008 10:12 am (PST)
Article Title: How to Build Credibility Online : The 15 Steps
Author: Craig Lock
Category/Subject: Internet Marketing, WWW
Web Sites: andcraig_lock. html
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(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, spiritual, 'spiritual writings' (how 'airey-fairey'), words of inspiration and money management, how boring now, craig!)
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How to Build Credibility Online : The 15 Steps
I find this a most interesting and somewhat complex subject, as there has to be TRUST in any business relationship before any exchange is made. This can be quite difficult to achieve, when you have never met your customer (prospect) face to face in another part of the country...or even the world.
Having been on the www about a decade (thanks to my clever "technogeek" friends), here are a few pointers that we find helpful in the online sales process:
1. Have your OWN DOMAIN NAME (not expensive - less than $20 a
year from Most important for online success, as it makes you look "more professional and not cheapskate"...even though you may be living in a garden shed (or even in a plastic bag in a septic tank - thanks Monty Python)!
2. Offer GUARANTEES (money-back) on your products or services
3. Emphasise transaction SECURITY in the form of a secure payment
system and a secure server.
4. OFFER TESTIMONIALS from satified customers.
5. Have a PRIVACY POLICY for your online business.
Offer a Privacy Statement
6. Have CONTACT INFO on your web site. People then know to get
hold of you, if they want further info... or if there is a
problem (they do occur from time to time, but remember, a problem is only
an opportunity in disguise!).
7. Offer a BRIEF BIO - a little bit about yourself and how you
are qualified to offer your product or service. This builds trust
in your abilities... and makes you a "real person".
8. Have a FEEDBACK FORM on your web site for visitors comments
about possible improvements.
9. BE YOURSELF, YET BE PROFESSIONAL IN YOUR WRITING (on your web site). Just be YOU, when writing copy on your website or in your ezine articles . Ensure the information is accurate and timely - writing with absolute integrity and honesty. Also suggest using a bit of HUMOUR in your writing. I try to use a "dollop", as I believe reading a computer screen is not a very exciting pastime (except to "geeks"). It's also a sedentary (big word) activity; so the least I can do for our site visitors, as a reward, is attempting informing and trying to entertain at the same time with doses of my "rather strange/wacky/ zany" humour. Hopefully it works and gets appreciated.
10. Use proper grammar and punctuation (with the right "case")
and avoid misspelling. This makes you appear to be
"professional"- in your writing and in your "appearance" ...
and image is EVERYTHING on the www.
11. Avoid using slang. Remember, the Internet is global and your "funny language" might offend other cultures. For example, I've learnt to avoid using the word "Yank", after someone pointed out to me that it could be seen to be offensive to some southerners!
12. Send all marketing email to yourself first as a test. Check
the layout, spelling and see how it looks in your
prospective client's eyes - ie. on THEIR computers. Also re-read to check for "typo" errors and the flow of your words ("arty/farty writer types" call this rhythm and cadence, btw).
13. Think before you re-act to an abusive message. "Strike in
haste and repent in leisure ("Impulsive" I've done that a few times - not that I get many negative messages!). My advice...leave the
message in your "in-box" for a day. Then look at it after you
have calmed down...and decide whether it is worthy of a response:
Will it change anything? Perhaps the sender is just having a
disasterous day and after deliberation, you can send a word of
kindly encouragement in your "carefully composed" reply.
(The subconscious mind will help you in this).
14. Really CARE about people and treat them with respect as fellow human 'beans'. Like you'd like to be trated!
We all have frailties and are vulnerable at times. More
times than at others. We can get all what WE want in life through
helping other people get what THEY want (thanks Zig Zigler)...
and finally... and most importantly,
AND YOU WILL SURELY RECEIVE FAR MORE IN RETURN. (Everybody has unique knowledge and expertise in certain areas - specialised skills, which can help others through SHARING). This is "the Golden Rule", the Law of Giving, which is the basis of all the religions of the world (I think!).
If you are a "total non-techno" like me, leave your web site to the experts, the professional web designers, rather than trying to do it yourself. This will save a lot of frustration (GRRRR....FFFF...) and allow you to focus on what you do best, that is running your business.
Become a "busy internet marketing bee" in building your online
credibility and so making a name for yourself in the "vast unchartered world of cyberspace".
Follow all these steps and people then will be attracted to your
web site (and regular TRAFFIC is THE BASIS/KEY FOR SALES),
like bees to a honey-pot (that's a simile, by the way!).
Here's to finding your "pot of gold" at the end of the internet
marketing "rainbow".*
* that's a metaphor, BTW
Eagle Productions Books ("Information Distributors, Incorrigible Encouragers and People-builders")
"Give a man* a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man
to use the Internet and he won't bother you for months...or
perhaps even years!"
* However, I presume this principle also applies to our 'more sensible' women-folk. Sorry men!
About the author:
Craig is a writer, who believes in sharing information with a 'dash' of humour, as well as encouraging people to believe in themselves and helping others to find their talents and gifts, to strive for and accomplish their goals and dreams in life - whatever they may be. andcraig_lock. html
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