Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1.
- Reasons To Get A Credit Card From: articleannounce
- 2.
- Five Economic Ways To Save Gas For Your Vehicle From: Levi Quinn
- 3.
- 0% Apr Credit Cards And How They Work From: Ajeet Khurana
- 4.
- Commercial Mortgage Rates Differ Based On Individual Circumstances From: Sean Horton
- 5.
- Home And Contents Insurance Can Be Cheaper When Bought Online From: David Thomson
- 6.
- Do Steel Warehouses Need To Be Insulated? From: Amy Nutt
- 7.
- How To Select Between A Credit Card And A Loan From: articleannounce
- 8.
- Take Advantage Of A Secured Loan Calculator From: Louis Rix
- 9.
- Obtaining A Life Insurance Quote From: Jason Hulott1
- 10.
- Buying Your First Astronomy Telescope From: Ann Marier
- 11.
- Interesting Facts About Camcorders From: Roberto Sedycias
- 12.
- Driven To Save Our World From: James Copper
- 13.
- How To Ensure Barbecue Food Safety From: Barbecue Smoker Recipe Man
- 14.
- Review Of Business Opportunities At The Franchise Exhibition From: Naz Daud
- 15.
- What Men Really Want From Women From: Elliot Beers
- 16a.
- Are You Ready To Be Your Own Boss? From: Tracey Merrells-Fort
- 17.
- Supplimenting Our Health In The 21st Century From: Trish Powell
- 18.
- Increasing Rarity Of Blue Topaz Prompts Jewelry Lovers To Consider C From: Melanie Spark
- 19.
- How To Care For A Garden Pond From: Derek Rogers
- 20.
- Important Leads And Referrals From: Shareen Aguilar
- 21.
- The Things To Look For When Looking For A Top Home Based Business From: Aaron Aldama
- 22.
- When It Comes To The Issue Of Internet Copywriting From: Mario Churchill
- 23.
- Buying A Telescope: Tips For First Timers From: Alexis Gibrault
- 24.
- Plasma Cutters Can Cut Though Anything! From: Cooper Miller
- 25.
- Article Promotion Targets Search Engines And Consumers From: Louis-Charles Martel
- 1.
Reasons To Get A Credit Card
Posted by: "articleannounce" articleannounce
Sun Feb 3, 2008 12:23 am (PST)
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Title: Reasons To Get A Credit Card
Word Count: 642
Author: Richard Adams
Email: radams@merchantaccountforum. com
Category: Finance & Investment
Article URL: http://www.submityourarticle. com/articles/ easypublish. php?art_id= 25031
The article is preformatted to 60CPL.
Reasons To Get A Credit Card
Credit card advertisements are literally everywhere. When
one enters a bank there will be applications prominently on
display virtually as soon as you walk through the doors.
Television commercials appear all the time promoting the
benefits of certain credit card companies. Direct mail
campaigns have - for better or for worse - promoted credit
card applications for decades and this method of
advertising has greatly expanded into the world of online
email mass marketing. Yet, despite this prevalence of
credit card advertisements, many people feel somewhat
unsure of whether or not to get a credit card.
Such questioning is not necessarily a bad thing as any type
of lending procedure should be thought out clearly - even a
venture as commonplace as a credit card application. There
are, however, those individuals who remain somewhat
stubborn regarding acquiring a credit card. For these
people, there needs to be a little information put forth in
the form of compelling reasons to get a credit card. No
problem! A few of the main reasons for getting a credit
card will be provided herein.
More than anything, it is never a wise idea to carry a lot
of cash around in one's pocket. Consider the following
scenario: you wish to purchase a $1200 television set and
you are carrying the cash around in an envelope. When it
comes time to pay for the television set - lo and behold -
the money is gone and never to be recovered. Now, if it was
a credit card that was lost or stolen all one needs to do
is call the credit card company and have the card shut off.
This way there will be no financial losses. Additionally,
many cards come with theft insurance against unauthorized
purchases and if the card is used illegally there may be a
way of being absolved from the debt. When money is is lost forever.
On a side not, credit cards can offer "buyer protection
insurance" where if there is a problem with a credit card
purchase that is not resolvable with the person who sold
you the item, the credit card company will insure the
transaction and provide compensation if the deal goes bad.
This is obviously not possible when paying with cash.
Also, credit cards serve a very valuable purpose. If you
seek an auto loan or a home loan there will be a need to
check your credit history. Now, if you do not have a credit
history you may find yourself out in the proverbial cold
when it comes to having a loan approved. As such, making
purchases on a credit card and then paying the balances on
the card in a timely fashion will help establish a history
of responsible and trustworthy credit.
Credit cards also raise your ability to make purchases that
might have previously been cost prohibitive. That is to
say, if you need to purchase something that is $300 and it
is out of your range of immediate affordability you can
make the purchase and then pay the amount back in
installments that are affordable within your budget. Of
course, this type of purchasing must come with great
responsibility or else the potential to amass mounting
debts will occur. This undermines the benefits of a credit
card and should be avoided.
Because the credit card market is notoriously competitive,
many of the different lenders will provide a host of
benefits to attract your business. This can include reward
programs for retail merchandise, cash back benefits and
even free airline trips! As such, these incentive benefits
can be accrued when purchasing with a credit card making a
credit card an attractive option to use for purchasing
As one can see, there are a multitude of positive reasons
for acquiring a credit card so what are you waiting for?
Put in an application for one today!
About the Author:
To apply for a range of credit cards today, many of which
offer instant acceptance, visit our new site where you can
compare various cards then apply in minutes at
http://www.apply-for-a-credit- card-online. net
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- 2.
Five Economic Ways To Save Gas For Your Vehicle
Posted by: "Levi Quinn" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 1:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Five Economic Ways To Save Gas For Your Vehicle
Author: Levi Quinn
Word Count: 550
Article URL: 221441&ca= Automotive
Format: 64cpl
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No matter what kind of vehicle you drive, you can probably make
a way to save some gas. This can help with the mileage on your
vehicle and dampen the reality of gas prices when they increase.
Using more than one of these tips can help increase your gas
mileage significantly.
Take It Easy And Slow Down
The more you accelerate, the more gas you use. Ten or more
miles over will cause you to use more gas. To save gas, you
should drive at the speed limit. You'll be using less gas that
can be used for future trips. If people think you're going too
slow driving the speed limit, let them pass you up. Make sure
your driving on the right side of the road, which is considered
the slow lane.
Be Careful How You Accelerate
You waste gas when you engage in a start-stop acceleration
mode. If you're on the road and you can see vehicles slowing
ahead of you, then start slowing down. It's not good to
accelerate and have to brake suddenly. You can lose of lot of
gas this way.
With manual transmission vehicles, the driver should shift in
the beginning of the trip to dampen the engine noise. Go ahead
and shift downward if you have to accelerate. With automatic
transmission vehicles, accelerate wisely. This way, the
transmission will change to higher gears.
Your Tire Pressure
You can lose gas if your tires are not inflated properly. You
should check your tires periodically with a tire gauge. On cold
days, check your tires. Since there are different tires for
different vehicles, refer to your vehicle's manual for further
Air Filter
Your vehicle should have a clean air filter. This helps with
the gas mileage for your vehicle. If your air filter is dirty,
the engine's air flow is inadequate. The result is that the
vehicle's performance will not be up to par.
Changing an air filter in your vehicle is simple. Take the
filter out of the vehicle and line it up against the sun. If
there is no light coming through it, it's time for a new one. If
you're still not sure about your air filter, take it to a
reliable mechanic or auto supply store. It is recommended that
air filters be changed every 10,000 - 12,000 miles.
Lay Off The Air Conditioner
During the summer months, (depending on where you live), it can
get very hot. When you're driving, the first thing you want to
do is turn on the air conditioner. Utilizing the air conditioner
sucks up gas quickly. You can save more gas by letting the
windows down and catching a breeze. Even when it's really hot,
you can still manage to get something. If you have a sunroof,
you can open that too. However, if you just have to have some
type of cold blast hitting you, keep the air conditioner at a
lower speed and you can still save some gas.
Try one or more of these tips and within a matter of time,
you'll notice a difference.
About The Author: Find the best deal on the auto insurance
coverage you need. Visit us today for money-saving tips and
receive free quotes for http://www.autoinsuranceratesdirect .com
cheap auto insurance online from respected insurance companies.
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- 3.
0% Apr Credit Cards And How They Work
Posted by: "Ajeet Khurana" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 1:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: 0% Apr Credit Cards And How They Work
Author: Ajeet Khurana
Word Count: 534
Article URL: 221256&ca= Finances
Format: 64cpl
Contact The Author: aid=221256
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================== ARTICLE START ============ ======
A major part of considering any credit card is the interest
rate. Interest rates are really high on credit cards, which is
what you pay for the convenience of using someone else's money.
Most of us find the interest annoying, but not enough to deter
us from using our credit cards.
So, what if you came upon a 0% interest credit card, would you
think that it was too good to be true? Think again! These
credit cards really do exist! In fact, there is likely one of
these credit cards out there right now that you can take
advantage of.
What 0% Interest Credit Cards are All About
So, you received a credit card offer for one that has 0%
interest and you are wondering if it is the real deal. Chances
are that it is for real and there is a chance that it is
something that you should consider. These cards often offer
many different things to the consumer all with no interest
charged. Of course, you should make sure to read all of the
fine print before you sign the dotted line and begin to shop
like crazy!
Many 0% credit cards only offer this rate as in introductory
rate. So, you might be able to use it for the first three
months without accruing interest. During this time you can take
advantage and make some big purchases that you need without
worrying about interest.
Some cards will begin to charge you interest on the things that
you charge after the introductory phase or they will simply
start charging interest on new purchases. Either way, you
should look into the specifics and ensure that the interest
rate, once it kicks in, is something that you can afford.
Other 0% interest credit cards offer this interest rate on
balance transfers. Balance transfers are not something that you
should overlook, though. If you have large balances on other
credit cards you may want to look into transferring the balance
to one of these credit cards.
When you do this you can simply start making payments on the
amount that you owe without continuing to rack up the interest
charges. Many people pass off these offers as something that
they do not need to consider, but that is not the case, these
offers can save you a lot of money.
There are still other 0% APR credit cards that you will find
out there. These cards are usually cards that allow you to make
specific purchases without paying interest. The purchases might
be for travel, gas, airline tickets, car rental, and that sort
of thing. Again, these cards are worth checking out because
depending on your lifestyle they could save you a lot of money
over the course of a year.
In short, these cards can offer consumers substantial savings
if they meet the conditions of the card and if they make the
sort of purchases that apply to the 0% APR. If you receive one
of these offers do not just assume that it is not worth your
time, instead check it out as it may hold something special for
About The Author: 0% balance transfers at credit-cards/ 0-balance- transfers/
have revolutionized the world of credit. And then we have cash
back credit cards at credit-cards/ cash-back- credit-cards/
All this at
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- 4.
Commercial Mortgage Rates Differ Based On Individual Circumstances
Posted by: "Sean Horton" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 1:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Commercial Mortgage Rates Differ Based On
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Author: Sean Horton
Word Count: 538
Article URL: 221493&ca= Finances
Format: 64cpl
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The amount of interest that you can expect to pay when taking
out a mortgage can vary considerably. In order to get the
cheapest commercial mortgage rates to compare then consider
going to a specialist website. A specialist will be able to
search the whole of the market place for the best rates and deal
based on your particular circumstances and their experience with
lenders. They will also offer all the help and advice needed to
make sure the individual knows what they are taking on and how
to get off to the best start possible.
A specialist can get the cheapest rates because they will work
with you from the beginning and help you out by putting together
your package before presenting it to the lender. After looking
at the scheme you are proposing and helping when it comes to
getting the initial appraisal for the property and making
adjustments if necessary you will get off to the smoothest start
Commercial mortgage rates are tailored to the individual so
unlike a residential mortgage which you could be familiar with,
the rates are not set. However they will usually come somewhere
between 1.5% and 2.5% above the base rate, factors such as the
type of your business and the assessment of the property you are
buying will all affect this.
Individuals can also benefit from the help a specialist
provider gives when it comes to working out loan to project
costs. The main factor taken into account when deciding the rate
are the perceived gross total development values and again this
will depend chiefly on the individual. However, typically
finance will be based on between 70% to 75% of the costs for
building and the cost of purchase.
The term of the loan will also reflect on the amount you pay.
Typically a loan can be taken out from a period of one year to
several years. This will be determined in part by the size of
the project you are undertaking and the nature of what you
intend to do. You should also be aware that the majority of
commercial mortgages are based on interest only repayments. A
broker will be able to give you valuable information regarding
variable and fixed rates of interest, partial repayments and
taking out a mortgage for a period of up to 30 years.
A specialist will have worked with lenders on a regular basis
who specialise in offering the cheapest commercial mortgage
rates and best deals. As such they will know where to look on
your behalf when it comes to securing the best deal based on
your particular circumstances. As brokers and lenders form a
working partnership they are able to work together much quicker
when it comes to negotiating the cheapest rates of interest.
However if needed a broker will search the whole of the UK
market place for your loan if this is the way to get the best
deal for you. While a specialist will do all they can when it
comes to finding you the cheapest mortgage, it is down to the
individual to make sure they read the full terms and conditions
before actually signing on the bottom line.
About The Author: Sean Horton is a Director of Enhanced Wealth
( ), a whole of market mortgageuk
broker and IFA specialising in mortgage advice and the
associated areas of income protection, mortgage protection,
mortgage life cover.
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- 5.
Home And Contents Insurance Can Be Cheaper When Bought Online
Posted by: "David Thomson" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 1:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Home And Contents Insurance Can Be Cheaper When
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Author: David Thomson
Word Count: 527
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Format: 64cpl
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Home and contents insurance can be a lot cheaper when bought
online. This means that you can have peace of mind for a lot
less than your policy is costing you now. If you took out a
policy from the high street lender as opposed to shopping around
then you should go online with a specialist and allow them to
gather quotes for you.
The majority of people do take a policy from the high street
lender. The main reason for doing so is that they believe that
home insurance has to be taken from the mortgage lender or they
might not get the mortgage. This is closely followed by apathy -
the fact that many people feel that they haven't got the time to
shop around and believe the price of cover does not vary that
Those who have a home and contents insurance policy at the
moment should also be aware than they might need more cover than
they currently have. With the Christmas period over and
expensive gifts having been exchanged many could find themselves
under insured. While the majority of policies will be lenient
and offer extra cover on the run up to the holiday period when
you have gifts in the house, after Christmas this is dropped
off. This means that you need to take an inventory again and
check to make sure you are still insured for the correct amount.
If you do this get a fresh quote with a broker, never be tempted
to up the amount with your current provider.
The terms and conditions of any policy are a vital part of the
cover and this needs to be checked along with the premiums. This
is the part of the policy which will tell you what is and is not
covered. It will also tell you how much the premium will cost in
total and give vital information regarding the insurance. The
terms and conditions of a policy can vary greatly so never
assume that they will be the same. Just as the premiums for the
cover will vary remember that the conditions will too. If you
have any expensive jewellery, home office equipment or
collections then these might not be included in with your basic
When making an inventory of your possessions with a view to
taking out home and contents insurance do not forget about the
little things. While the big items such as TV, sofa and such
items will jump out it is important not to forget the items that
are hidden from view. Take into account the clothes in the
wardrobe and items in the kitchen cupboards, they might only be
small items but it can be surprising how much they can add up
Home and contents insurance taken out online is always the best
way to take out cover. A broker however can find you the right
policy in the shortest time possible which saves you effort. You
can also be sure you have the key facts which must be compared
if you are to get the cover you need.
About The Author: David Thomson is Chief Executive of
BestDealInsurance (http://www.bestdealinsurance. )
independent specialist broker dedicated to providing their
clients with the best deal on their home, motor and life
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- 6.
Do Steel Warehouses Need To Be Insulated?
Posted by: "Amy Nutt" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 1:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: Do Steel Warehouses Need To Be Insulated?
Author: Amy Nutt
Word Count: 539
Article URL: 217966&ca= Home+Management
Format: 64cpl
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================== ARTICLE START ============ ======
Steel warehouses have a multitude of uses. They can house
everything from overstock to livestock, airplanes to the family
car. If you are building a steel warehouse, you should consider
whether or not you want it to be insulated.
Why should you insulate or not insulate your warehouse? There
are countless variables that could lead you in either direction.
First, consider your location. Are you building a steel
warehouse in a location with extreme weather? Will it be cold,
rainy or snowy in the part of the world where you are erecting
your warehouse?
Without insulation, the weather inside a steel warehouse will
be much like the weather outside (barring rain and snow, of
course). Since steel is conductive, cold weather outside will
make it cold in your warehouse. Heat and humidity can also
easily influence the atmosphere inside your warehouse. Depending
on factors like where the warehouse is located, it can act like
an oven. Also, the small gaps that are inherent in the
construction of steel warehouses can let in wind, weather and
If you are using your warehouse for the storage of inanimate
objects that are not affected by the temperature, you probably
don't need to worry about insulating it.
Are you using it to store automobiles or farm equipment? Maybe
you are using it to warehouse a non-perishable commercial
product. If so, then it probably isn't imperative for you to
insulate your warehouse.
But consider how often you or your employees will be in the
warehouse? Will you be there on a daily basis? Will you have
full-time employees working at the warehouse? If this is the
case, you should consider using insulation. If your employees
will be spending a lot of time in the warehouse, it is in
accordance with good employment practices to provide a safe and
comfortable work environment. Your workers will be happier and
turnover will be lower if your warehouse is insulated from the
rain, heat and cold. Also, if you and your family will be using
the warehouse, you owe it to yourself and them to keep the
warehouse safe and comfortable.
Insulating a warehouse is not just about keeping the cold out.
If you are storing large amounts of perishable products such as
food, you should use insulation to keep the cool air inside, and
the hot air out. If you do so, the products you are storing will
be far less likely to spoil, and you will incur fewer financial
losses in the long run.
Insulating a warehouse is an energy and time-consuming task,
but it doesn't have to be a difficult one. Recently, there have
been many innovations in spray-foam insulation which have made
it even easier and more effective to use.
Polyurethane foam can meet many insulation needs, from keeping
refrigerator-like temperatures to simply keeping out drafts.
Because the foam expands as it dries, it is excellent for
sealing small gaps that would otherwise be very difficult to
insulate. If you are interested in learning about polyurethane
insulation, you should contact a contractor or manufacturer that
specializes in it, or visit a warehouse supply store.
About The Author: All Future Steel Buildings come prepared for
a quick and easy installation of insulation. We offer Metal
Prefab Buildings for Commercial Use.
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How To Select Between A Credit Card And A Loan
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Sun Feb 3, 2008 1:23 am (PST)
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Title: How To Select Between A Credit Card And A Loan
Word Count: 639
Author: Richard Adams
Email: radams@merchantaccountforum. com
Category: Finance & Investment
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How To Select Between A Credit Card And A Loan
Life is comprised of choices and while some are serious
others may be somewhat whimsical. In some cases, choices
can be difficult due to a certain level of confusion that
can derive from a lack of understanding of the choices.
Consider the dilemma of choosing between a credit card and
a loan. Both are advances of money with the understanding
that the borrowed money will be paid back. However, these
are certainly not the same entity as there are significant
differences between the two.
In order to understand the differences between the two a
clear distinction of the differences between the two must
be understood. A credit card is essentially a means of
accessing a loan in small sums upon demand. In other words,
if the credit limit is $5,000 and the consumer makes a
purchase with the card of $100, you have initiated a "loan"
of $100. You have not accessed the remaining $4,900. A loan
is a lump sum payment that is provided upon approval. So,
if you are approved for a $5,000 loan you must immediately
start payments on the entire $5,000 based on a fixed
monthly amount. With a credit card, the monthly payment
amount will fluctuate based upon the amount of money that
is owed on the credit card.
Second, when it comes to selecting between a credit card
and a loan one must first define what the loan is intended
to purchase. If one wishes to have a credit available that
can be accessed easily, then a credit card would be the
wise to acquire. Now, there are also, however, "line of
credit" loans that many banks offer and these can be
accessed with debit cards that can be accepted where Visa
or Mastercards are accepted. In such an instance, which one
would be better than the other? The answer here can be
somewhat complex as there are major differences between the
two. If one is looking for the lowest interest rate
possible then the line of credit debit card would probably
be the smart move. However, there are a number of positives
that a credit card can provide such as bonuses and rewards;
purchase protection; 24 hour customer service lines; and
other fringe benefits that major credit card companies
offer. A line of credit does not possess any of these
benefits and that is the tradeoff for the lower interest.
Additionally, if one is looking to take the loan out for a
single purchase such as new furniture, an entertainment
system, etc then a loan may be the right option because the
interest rates on such a loan would be generally lower than
what the credit card offers. However, if the retail store
is offering such benefits as "90 days same as cash" (that
is, there will be no interest on the loan provided it is
paid back within 90 days) then a credit card would be a
wise option.
Also, there is the need to understand the difference
between a secured loan and an unsecured loan. A secured
loan refers to a loan that is backed by collateral that can
be seized in the case of a loan that defaults. An unsecured
loan means that no collateral is necessary. If one wished
to take out a personal loan for $15,000 such a loan would
doubtfully be approved without some form of collateral
presented. With Platinum credit cards the access line of
the credit card will be in excess of $10,000 and it will
remain an unsecured loan. As such, if one does not want to
put collateral up on a loan then the better option would be
to select a credit card.
Again, one is not better than the other the choice depends
on need, preferences and the specific type of loan that is
About the Author:
If you think a credit card might be the right choice for
you then just head on over to our new site where you can
compare and contrast the latest card deals to find the most
suitable for you -> .com
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- 8.
Take Advantage Of A Secured Loan Calculator
Posted by: "Louis Rix" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 2:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Take Advantage Of A Secured Loan Calculator
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Going online to find the cheapest rates of interest and best
deal when it comes to taking out a loan is one of the quickest
ways of getting the best deal and a specialist website will make
some of the best tools available to make the job of securing the
cheapest rates of interest easy. One of the best tools is the
online secured loan calculator, by using this tool you are able
to search with the whole of the marketplace to make sure that
you have to best loan possible.
Interest rates for secured loans vary greatly so the more
quotes you can get before you decide which to take out the
better chance you will have of getting the best deal possible
with the lowest rates. An online secured loan calculator makes
this task easy and quick and along with this you are able to get
a vast amount of information regarding secured loans so that you
are able to make the right choice when comparing quotes.
A secured loan allows you to borrow a much greater amount of
money over a longer period of time than an unsecured, personal
loan would, but you have to remember that the longer the term of
the loan then the more interest will be added onto the cost of
the borrowing. You also have to take into account this is a
secured loan which means that you are going to be putting up
your home as security against the amount you are going to
borrow, the amount you are actually able to borrow will depend
on how much equity you have in your home along with other
factors. As you are using your home as equity and security then
while you are repaying the loan your home is at risk of being
repossessed if you cannot manage to keep up the repayments.
A secured loan calculator will help you to not only find the
cheapest rates of interest and best loan but will also be able
to help when it comes to deciding how long to take the loan out
over and how much the monthly loan repayments will be. You will
have to compromise against monthly low repayments and the length
of the loan bearing in mind it will accumulate more interest
over time.
Once you have got quotes using a secured loan calculator then
you have to also compare the small print and key facts of the
loans. However a specialist website should include these in with
the quotes for the loan, it is essential that you do read these
as this is where you can find additional costs which could be
added onto the loan, examples of such costs include early
repayment fees and payment protection. Payment protection
insurance should not automatically be included in the cost of
the quote but it has been known to happen, so check to make it
hasn't. If you want peace of mind that payment protection can
bring then you can buy it independently with a specialist
provider much cheaper.
About The Author: Louis Rix is Director of Netloans Ltd
( ), a leading Secured Loan Broker for
UK Homeowners offering homeowner and secured loans for any
purpose who ensure that their customers get the best homeowner
loan deal.
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- 9.
Obtaining A Life Insurance Quote
Posted by: "Jason Hulott1" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 2:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Obtaining A Life Insurance Quote
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Word Count: 540
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When obtaining a life insurance quote, you may think of
approaching one insurance company that your family has used for
years. That is no longer the case as the marketplace is wide
open and the insurance companies are all vying for our custom,
offering competitive deals on affordable life cover. The problem
of how best to source the insurance marketplace is easily
resolved by using a specialist website that gives full access
and helps you find the best deal.
Using this specialist website allows you to find the best life
insurance quote quickly and easily. Having only to enter your
details the once, it instantly provides information which can be
organised in a format that best suits your needs. It can be
saved and retrieved later at your convenience allowing
effortless comparison the policy contents. This saves you both
time and money and reduces the stress of finding the best life
insurance quote and there is no obligation to buy the policy.
Nowadays, when taking out a mortgage or loan, you are no longer
required to use the insurance company specified by the lender.
You have the freedom to choose from which life insurance
provider you buy the policy. As this specialist website is
independent and not affiliated to one particular life insurance
company, the information provided is impartial. This may be a
consideration for those who do not wish to use a financial
adviser and incurring their subsequent fee. This unbiased
service enables you to select the life insurance quote that
offers the appropriate cover, from an extensive range of trusted
life insurance providers.
When searching for a life insurance quote, we normally look for
the lowest premiums available. Factors governing the size of the
premiums are the sum to be insured, the period of insurance
cover, your age, your sex, occupation and whether you smoke or
not, (normally someone who has not smoked for at least twelve
months is classed as a non smoker). Occasionally, insurers will
place qualifications on the life cover, for example, the
completion of a medical examination, before they agree to
provide life cover.
If you are looking to take out life insurance so that you loved
ones will receive a cash sum upon your death, it is important to
be aware that you are only covered for as long as you pay the
monthly premiums. If you stop paying the premiums, the policy
stops. In addition, as there is no investment element with `term
life insurance' (the cheapest and most basic form of life
insurance), there is no maturity value payable at the end of the
term. The most appropriate type of life insurance for this
purpose would be Level term assurance. This pays a one-off lump
sum upon your death if it occurs within the duration of the life
insurance policy and the value of this sum remains constant
throughout the period of the policy. Premiums are normally paid
monthly although some policies allow annual payments.
It is important to review the policy details carefully before
choosing a life insurance quote. All these aspects of life
insurance can be compared easily using this specialist website,
allowing you to make an informed decision.
About The Author: Jason Hulott is Business Development Director
of Protection Insurance ( ),com
an internet based insurance business dedicated to getting
consumers the best rates and the best products.
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Buying Your First Astronomy Telescope
Posted by: "Ann Marier" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 2:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Buying Your First Astronomy Telescope
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When we were children we were often taught that we could wish
upon the first star that we saw in the evening sky. After that
wish was made and if we believed hard enough our wish would come
true. Eventually, our childhood fantasies gave way to fact as we
became more educated. This education was accomplished through
astronomy classes, space exploration and other educational
The word astronomy is comprised of two Greek words. The Greek
word astro means star shaped or star and pertains to outer
space. The word onomy literally means the study of. Therefore,
astronomy is the study of the stars.
One of the major tools that assists amateur and professional
astronomers in understanding and respecting the galaxy is the
astronomy telescope. When looking to purchase a good astronomy
telescope there are a number of factors that you can keep in
mind. First, of all consider some practical suggestions,
remember it is about the diameter of the lens, and make sure
your telescope has a solid stand.
Practical Suggestions
Before you purchase your astronomy telescope it is important to
conduct your research. One way of conducting this research can
be accomplished by accessing the Internet and learning more
about telescopes. Some of the questions that you should endeavor
to answer surround what features to look for in a telescope,
approximate cost, recommended brands, etc.
Another practical suggestion, before you purchase your
astronomy telescope, is to "test drive" a telescope. This can be
accomplished by joining an astronomy club. Often these clubs
will have a stargazing event which will allow you to peer
through the telescopes owned by the various members.
Another way of conducting research, prior to purchasing an
astronomy telescope, is to ask the members in the club as to
what telescope they would recommend. The key is education.
Listen for the features they recommend, brand names, the
diameter of the lens, price, etc.
Also, you may come across a member of the club who is
considering the purchase of a new telescope. If so, you may be
able to purchase their used telescope.
Diameter Of The Lens
When considering the purchase of an astronomy telescope it is
important to remember what is the key feature surrounding your
purchase. That key feature should focus on the diameter of the
lens of the telescope and not its advertised magnification.
This is because the diameter of the lens equates to the amount
of light that can be received by the telescope. Therefore, the
larger the diameter of the lens the more light that is captured.
This in turn allows for the image that you are viewing to become
more visible.
Solid Base
Another very important feature when considering the purchase of
your astronomy telescope is to ensure that it has a solid base.
Generally, these bases or mounts are tripods.
It is important that when the telescope is mounted on these
bases that the telescope does not shake or move. Obviously, any
movement by the telescope, when peering into space, will distort
the image being viewed and provide a negative experience.
About The Author: Ann Marier writes informative articles about
family life and general health issues, Her lastest are about
telescopes and the start world. Click on to read all the different telescope
articles Click on to see the other
general health articles
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Interesting Facts About Camcorders
Posted by: "Roberto Sedycias" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 2:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: Interesting Facts About Camcorders
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The portmanteau name of camcorder comes from the two words that
describe it the best that is `camera` and `recorder`. It is a
device that records audio as well as video images and saves it
in its storage device.
Camcorders (filmadora) that initially used analog video tapes
were earlier used for broadcasting of television images. They
were huge in size, and had to be carried around on trolleys.
However, as technology advanced, camcorders that could record
digital videos started flooding the market, and soon by the
1990`s they were so small and convenient to use, that almost
every home demanded one of these devices.
Camcorders (filmadora) consist mainly of three components: the
lens of the camera, the imager and the recorder.
The lens is the `light path` of the camera that consists of a
number of adjustments to allow the user to capture pictures and
videos exactly as desired. These adjustments include parts like
aperture (that allows one to control and adjust the light), the
zoom function (that is used to adjust the field-view area
covered by the lens), and the shutter speed (that helps capture
any form of continuous motion).
The image, that could be called the camcorders `eye`, is used
for housing the photosensitive devices. This is where electronic
video-signal is developed from the light captured, in quite a
complex electronic process.
The last section, that is the recorder, provides a number of
signal-processing functions that help in copying the captured
and developed video signals on the desired recording mediums
(like the magnetic videotapes).
Camcorders (filmadora) operate on electricity and these days,
most commonly they depend on rechargeable batteries. Therefore
it is a must that you select your camcorder batteries well, and
carefully, since they are going to be with you for a long time.
Camcorders (filmadora) come with a variety of features, some of
the latest as well as the most popular additions being the flat
LCD camcorder screens. Screens that can be rotated about 290
degrees along the vertical line, and horizontally about 90
degrees are also very popular among buyers, since they make
video recording a luxury.
These days camcorders (filmadora) can be seen being used almost
everywhere. Be it the electronic media that practically depends
on this device, or the low budget TV shows that need clarity of
images and sounds, in the most reasonable prices, or the
political protestors who need to film images to prove things to
the world, or the happy parents who wish to capture their
newborn`s tantrums and feel proud.Camcorders are just
Camcorders (filmadora) come with various price tags (starting
form just about a few hundred dollars to over a thousand
dollars), depending on the features on the device, the clarity
of sound and images provided, the company manufacturing it, etc.
Much of it also depends on factors like the format used by them
(like the digital format or the analog format that are extremely
However, regardless of the technology these devices may be
using or how sophisticated its features may appear to be,
camcorders (filmadora) are very user friendly and can be used by
anyone. One of the most popular and user friendly applications
of camcorder can be found in cell phones where camcorders are
incorporated so extensively. However camcorders that are
included in cell phones do not provide pictures as clear as the
pictures provided by the camcorders.
Needless to say, camcorders (filmadora) have surely come a long
way since it was first introduced in the market, and judging by
the rate of its growing popularity, it can be safely said that
these devices are here to stay for a long time and continue to
develop and grow. Camcorders surely have a long way to go!
About The Author: This article can also be accessed in
portuguese language from the Article section of page Roberto Sedyciasbr/filmadora. php
works as IT consultant for br
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- 12.
Driven To Save Our World
Posted by: "James Copper" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 2:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: Driven To Save Our World
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Energy efficiency is not just about what we do at home and at
work. Its what we do everywhere. Nowhere can we practice energy
efficiency that in the way we travel. We can practice energy
efficiency in the vehicle we choose and the way we drive it.
Here are some tips on driving with energy efficiency in mind.
Perhaps the number one detriment to driving with energy
efficiency is the practice of jack rabbiting. This is the
practice of flying away from the stop sign or traffic light and
driving aggressively. When you floor that gas pedal not only do
you waste gas but you increase the rate of pollution
drastically. Even one second of this type of gunning it driving
can create almost the same amount of carbon dioxide being
emitted as if you drive normally for 30 minutes.
Energy efficiency in driving is also about thinking ahead.
Anticipating each stop so that you can let your car or truck
coast down on its own is easier on the car as well as the ozone.
Braking hard after a hard acceleration is not only a cause of
increased air pollution but it also wears out your brakes and
wastes gas.
Up to a certain point energy efficiency is helped by slower
driving speeds. If you have a car whose dash indicates RPMs note
when you are over 3000. Thats generally when youll start to see
the difference in your gas mileage. For some cars this is 80mph
on the straightaway, for others its 65mph.
There arent many things that work against energy efficiency as
much as sitting in rush hour traffic. Of course, in some larger
cities it always seems like rush hour. As much as possible avoid
stop and go driving. This will increase your gas mileage and
decrease your vehicles emissions of air pollutants.
If you can combine a number of small errands into one trip you
can make a big difference in the pollution your car generates
and the gas you use. This is because an engine and catalyst that
is warmed up creates considerably less pollution.
Decreasing the heavy items you carry around in your vehicle can
help your energy efficiency as well. Each 100 pounds your car or
truck is hauling reduces its fuel economy approximately one
For those who drive a manual transmission or an automatic
vehicle with overdrive be aware of the fact that the higher the
gear you are driving in the lower the cars RPMs, and thus the
less fuel used for the same drive and the less wear on the
engine. Manual vehicle transmissions should be shifted up as
soon as possible, and automatics should be put in overdrive as
soon as they hit 55 mph.
Air conditioning in vehicles is often necessary but it does
increase fuel consumption and pollutants. Roll the car windows
down, open the doors and air it out as much as you can before
you turn on the air conditioning.
Follow these tips and youll greatly increase your vehicles
energy efficiency.
About The Author: James Copper is a writer for uk
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- 13.
How To Ensure Barbecue Food Safety
Posted by: "Barbecue Smoker Recipe Man" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 3:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: How To Ensure Barbecue Food Safety
Author: Barbecue Smoker Recipe Man
Word Count: 739
Article URL: 220861&ca= Cooking
Format: 64cpl
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Many friends and work colleagues have phoned in sick because of
food poisoning and followed it up with something like "I had a
BBQ at the weekend, and I must have eaten something not properly
To be honest I think some of them probably just drank too much
but clearly there's enough of a belief out there that food
hygiene is a problem at a barbeque for either a genuine day off
work or a cast iron excuse.
In many of the barbecue articles that I've written I've
concentrated on the phrase "sizzle is hot, flames are not" which
focuses on the need to be patient and control the barbecue
flames. If however you still haven't mastered this point then
maybe it's time to resign yourself to buying a barbecue
Why do I need a BBQ thermometer? Take this barbecue hamburger
Many folks assume that when barbecued hamburger is brown in the
middle, it is well done but according to USDA research, 1 out of
every 4 hamburgers turns brown before it reaches a safe internal
temperature. The internal temperature must be 160°F before its
safe to eat.
The bug we're trying to protect ourselves against is e-coli,
and bacterium that live on the surface of meat. This is an
important point and essential to understand because we can
happily eat a rare steak without any chance of food poisoning.
Provided the steak is cooked well on the outside, the bacteria
are killed.
This is not the case with a hamburger however because the
burger is made from ground meat so surface bacteria could be
anywhere inside the hamburger.
The signs and symptoms of food borne illness range from upset
stomach, diarrhoea, fever, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and
dehydration, to more severe illness—even death, but having said
all this, please don't be put off having some hamburgers at your
next BBQ cookout. With a few simple precautions that follow the
rules of basic food hygiene and barbecue food poisoning will be
a thing of the past.
Use a food thermometer. Instant-read food thermometers are good
for checking the internal temperature toward the end of the
cooking time.
1. The food thermometer should be placed in the thickest part
of the food and should not be touching bone, fat, or gristle.
2. Make sure to clean your food thermometer with hot, soapy
water before and after each use!
The other option is to use a large-dial oven-safe or oven-probe
thermometer and these can be inserted in the meat and used for
the duration of cooking.
There are many types of food thermometers, so it is important
to follow the instructions for your food thermometer to ensure
the correct reading. When happy with the method of use you can
refer to the USDA Recommended Safe Minimum Internal Temperatures
to ensure a safe barbeque cookout.
· Steaks & Roasts - 145 °F
· Fish - 145 °F
· Pork - 160 °F
· Ground Beef - 160 °F
· Egg Dishes - 160 °F
· Chicken Breasts - 165 °F
· Whole Poultry - 165 °F
That's the main one, but to finish off here are a few more tips
to help you avoid food poisoning at your next BBQ:-
1. Wash hands and surfaces often
Use warm, soapy water for 20 seconds before and after handling
food and wash you're cutting boards after each food item is
2. Don't cross-contaminate, always keep raw and cooked food
separate. Never place cooked food on a plate which previously
held raw meat, poultry, or seafood.
3. Refrigerate promptly – but do not cover (e.g. with stretch
wrap) if the food is still hot
Refrigerate or freeze perishables, prepared foods, and
leftovers within 2 hours or sooner.
Be Food Safe! Prepare With Care
Know how to prepare, handle, and store food safely to keep you
and your family safe. Bacteria can grow on meat, poultry,
seafood, eggs, and dairy products, as well as cut-up or cooked
vegetables and fruits.
Follow the above and food poisoning should be a thing of the
past. Why not pass this onto your employees? You may see a
marked improvement in Monday morning attendance – or maybe just
a different excuse.
About The Author: The Barbecue Smoker Recipe Man writes free
barbecue grill recipes & meat smoker cooking ideas on gas,
charcoal or electric. Outdoor grilling tips, easy fire pit
menus, healthy rotisserie suggestions and best homemade bbq
sauce recipes are available at
http://www.barbecue-smoker-recipes. com
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- 14.
Review Of Business Opportunities At The Franchise Exhibition
Posted by: "Naz Daud" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 3:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Review Of Business Opportunities At The
Franchise Exhibition
Author: Naz Daud
Word Count: 559
Article URL: 221525&ca= Business
Format: 64cpl
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The venue for the franchise exhibition was the GMEX. It has a
lovely location, situated in the heart of Manchester and
surrounded by beautiful buildings both old and new. There are
lovely restaurants, bars and cafes all within easy walking
The exhibitor list at the franchise exhibition in Manchester
was wide and varied with businesses opportunities available
starting from as little as 5000 pounds all the way up to
Most of the exhibitors used standard shell schemes and stuck
their posters on the wall ready to greet potential franchisees.
A few had spent a small fortune, with bespoke stands, purpose
built for the exhibition that really stood out from the crowd.
The attendee list of franchisors had all the usual suspects
including Cash Generators, My Home, Punch Taverns, Chips Away
and of course CityLocal.
There were a couple of really interesting franchises that
captured my attention. One offered a beauty treatment that
promised a tighter belly after a few treatments. They were doing
free treatments to anybody daring enough to lie on their bed and
expose their belly in front of the public.
There was another unusual franchise which stood out in my mind.
It was a tiny van, emblazoned with logos and specially built to
provide sandwiches & coffee to business parks. I can imagine
people queuing to buy lunch from this well designed business on
The exhibition was really busy on Friday until around 2:30pm.
Then the crowds slowly started dispersing and the exhibition
closed at 5:00pm. Fran Info the organizers laid on free drinks
and snacks for the exhibitors after the venue closed and this
was our chance to talk to the other franchisors.
I find that on Friday you meet a lot of serious punters whilst
on Saturday you get a lot of "tyre kickers" attending. People
have to take time out from their normal work routine to attend
on Friday and are therefore more serious about starting a
business, whilst on Saturdays you get some people attending that
have no intention of ever buying a franchise.
Later that night, we ended up in a beautiful Italian restaurant
just across the road after a busy Friday. Gio (5/7 Mosley Street
- Tel: 0161 228 2030) has to be the best Italian restaurant in
the UK. The food was excellent, the service exceptional and the
bill for all 6 of us including drinks came to 120 pounds. It is
well worth driving to Manchester just to eat in this fabulous
On Saturday the exhibition did not start until 10:00am so we
had time to check out of the hotel, dump our luggage into the
car and have breakfast at McDonalds.
Saturday was a lot busier than Friday but fortunately for us
the exhibitions finished at 4:00pm. No sooner had the last
attendee left then everybody started dismantling their stands
and within an hour most of the exhibitors had finished and were
heading home.
We were in our car and reached Leicester at 8:00pm just in time
for some lovely home made cooking courtesy of Zak's lovely new
wife Auzma.
All in all, the exhibition was well worth attending, although
not as busy as Birmingham. Our next exhibition is in Doncaster
and we hope to see you there.
About The Author: Naz Daud - CityLocal Business & Franchise
Opportunities /franchiseinfo. php?cityid= 79 franchiseinfo. php?cityid= 79 php?id=120141
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- 15.
What Men Really Want From Women
Posted by: "Elliot Beers" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 3:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: What Men Really Want From Women
Author: Elliot Beers
Word Count: 534
Article URL: 221476&ca= Dating
Format: 64cpl
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Despite the negative stereotypes that portray men as only
desiring the physical aspects of a relationship, most women know
that there is more to a man than just his sexuality. But even
though women understand the complexity of man's emotions and
psyche, there are plenty who have yet to attract the men they
desire. They fail to connect with their targets on both physical
and emotional levels. This can be a result of misunderstanding
exactly what men want from a relationship. Here are some quick
tips to understanding the needs of a man in order to help you
become more attractive to them.
There is a natural resistance in all people to avoid being
constrained or told what to do. Men are certainly not exempt
from this concept, and many women have suffered through the
experience of being too pushy with their partner only to find
him becoming more distant from them. We all like to feel that we
make decisions based on what is best for us, and the more
someone tries to convince us to see their point of view, the
more likely we are to resist. For this reason it is important
for women to give equal power in decision making. By making your
man feel like he chose or agreed to something, you will help him
feel more connected with the relationship.
No relationship will ever take off unless there is significant
passion and attraction involved. But attraction isn't always
connected with physical attributes. Men enjoy fantasizing about
the potential of a relationship and the exciting things that may
happen in the future. As a woman, you should focus on building
the curiosity of your man. Don't share your entire life story in
the first few dates. Instead, leave subtle hints about what you
have to offer and where the relationship might lead to. You need
to help him visualize the reward for giving you his full
attention. Keep him close to you, but always leave him begging
for more.
Nothing kills a relationship as severely as boredom. As soon as
your man believes that he has experienced the best you have to
offer the honeymoon is over. He will begin to wonder what he is
doing with you and why he should continue to stick around. For
this reason it is important to keep things exciting and
entertaining in order to keep his interest. Of course it is
acceptable to have a few quiet nights at home, but you should
also keep him on his toes. Always keep yourself one step ahead
of him by planning surprise dates and getaways. The more
excitement you can create around your relationship, the more the
passion will grow.
Understanding what men really want is the key to keeping them
around for a long-term relationship. Realizing that it will take
more than good looks to captivate a man is the first step in
winning his heart. You need to allow him to maintain his
individuality while keeping him focused on your goals together.
This requires the perfect balance of romance, curiosity, and
About The Author:
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- 16a.
Are You Ready To Be Your Own Boss?
Posted by: "Tracey Merrells-Fort" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 3:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: Are You Ready To Be Your Own Boss?
Author: Tracey Merrells-Fort
Word Count: 515
Article URL: 220121&ca= Business
Format: 64cpl
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If you want to be your own boss, you are not alone. One of the
most commonly admitted daydreams is the notion of no longer
having to kowtow to someone else's whims and blunders, but to
instead become the instigator and architect of your success
yourself. Yet at the same time, bidding a fond farewell to the
guaranteed paycheck and the corporate world is much easier said
than done, and unless you are ready to be your own boss, this is
a step best left to others.
Taking on the role of being your own boss, setting your hours,
and relying on your wits for your own and your business' fiscal
survival takes a bit of soul-searching.
1. For example, do you have the kind of personality type that
will make being your own boss not only possible but also
probable? You need ambition and drive, a commitment to the
business that may require working long hours, and an uncanny
knack for holding your tongue when a patron rightfully (or
otherwise) critiques the fruit of hard labor and long hours.
2. You are ready to be your own boss when you can laugh in the
face of rejection, the promised callbacks that never happen.
3. One of the most important deciding factors with respect to
your ability to strike out on your own is your bank account and
other monetary resources. Are you sure that the balances are
compatible with being your own boss? Remember that no matter how
great the good or serve, if you do not have the financial means
to keep going until your clientele builds up to such an extent
that the income can sustain the business, you are not ready to
enter the business fray.
4. Speaking of finances, are you able to deal with the
occasional late payment from a customer or will it completely
wreak havoc with your personal and business finances? Unless you
have some form of savings that you can rely on to tie you over
in case of a slow month in the accounts receivable department,
you may need to continue with that steady corporate paycheck.
5. Lest you forget to give Uncle Sam his due, it is of vital
importance to find the way through the legal maze of permits,
papers, estimated tax deposits and other items needed to be
starting and maintaining a business. Keep in mind that once that
corporate check goes by the wayside, you must also pay out for
FICA and Medicare!
6. Sometimes completely overlooked, but a vital component in
the answer to the question whether you are ready to be your own
boss is the support your family is willing to offer. Does your
family understands the implication of the venture and is
completely on board? If not, you are not ready to be your own
boss and instead need to do some more work in helping them
understand what your business will be all about and why it is a
good idea for your to engage in it.
About The Author: Tracey Merrells-Fort, of
http://MoneyMarketingSuccess. is a successful entrepreneurcom
helping others to succeed online. For more information on
starting your own Online Business visit:
http://www.MoneyMarketingSuccess. com
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- 17.
Supplimenting Our Health In The 21st Century
Posted by: "Trish Powell" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 3:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: Supplimenting Our Health In The 21st Century
Author: Trish Powell
Word Count: 768
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Health and well-being supplements come in many guises and have
been around a long time. Over the last 50 years tremendous
strides have been made in every aspect of the supplement
industry; marketing, packaging, production have all moved and
evolved at a very fast rate. Our appetite for products has grown
so much the financial experts predict that the wellness market
is going to be the next trillion dollar industry.
The trend now is for products that incorporate health and
well-being with anti-aging components. We still want the health
and fitness thing, but people are now aware more than ever of
the visible signs of aging. Modern technology encourages us to
embrace the concept of physical longevity, even perfection and
questioning the moral and ethical issues surrounding this
subject won't change its public appeal. The demand for products
to help us achieve this will just increase, especially as we
become an aging society. We want to be fit, healthy, live longer
and look good in today's society. This is not an unreasonable
desire and so we will go to great lengths to achieve it.
Over the years we've seen a lot of changes to products, making
them much easier for us to use and consume. Chelated tablets and
soft gel capsules for instance were a major breakthrough. At one
time tablets became overly large and seemed to get stuck in the
throat no matter how much water you drank. Tablets that could be
chewed instead of swallowed were a big improvement, especially
for the junior market.
As we move further into the 21st century technology will come
up with many new and exciting ways of balancing conventional
supplements. New plants are being discovered all the time some
of which have been used for centuries by people such as American
Indians or tribes living deep in the Amazon jungle.
Some cultures in the Far East and Asia have long been aware of
the health giving properties in plants and roots that were
previously unknown to us. By drawing on this knowledge and using
modern technology to harvest and reproduce these plants we will
be able to make them available to a wider population.
Though supplements are consumed by swallowing, it is how the
nutrients are delivered to the system that is important. If
nutrients are consumed naturally then the body takes time to
digest the food and release of the nutrients is slow. With
tablets the release of the nutrients is very fast, so the body
is unable to absorb them before they are wasted. Gel capsules
have improved on this by making the body dissolve the gel casing
before the nutrients are released. Once the gel has dissolved
however, they are released just as quickly. Now a revolutionary
method of delivery has hit the market and will change the face
of the wellness industry.
The latest method is called "suspension gel technology". The
nutrients are suspended in gel packets very similar to the
energy gel pack that is used by athletes. Now you have a true
slow release system where the body can absorb a greater amount
of the goodness we are trying to give it. This is a brilliant
concept, easy to use and ideally suited to life in the 21st
century. The gel packs are small, can be transported easily and
can be taken anywhere at any time.
A good example of one of these products is the exotic blend of
fruit from plant extracts. The gel pack contains a single
measure of blended rare and exotic fruits that act as
antioxidants. These will help slow the aging process, help
mobility, co-ordination, memory, vision, skin and hair. So for
prolonging healthy life these are a must.
Taste is very important, so gel packs are designed to tickle
the taste buds with distinctive flavors. Just tear off the top
and drink it down. It certainly beats standing in the bathroom
with a load of bottles and a glass of water. Pills have been
around for such a long time that it is hard to imagine that
their days may be numbered but suspension gel technology might
just be the concept that sees them off.
As the world changes and traditional foods supplies dry up, it
is possible that supplements will play a much bigger part in our
diet. As technology advances, it will find better and better
ways to deliver nutrients into our bodies. With all these
benefits we should be able to live longer, stay healthier and
look younger.
About The Author: Having recovered from breast cancer, Trish
turned her attention to the health and wellness industry. Trish
became a Life Coach and specializes in the wellness and
lifestyle fields. Her web site at
http://www.wellbeing-information. is full of useful advicecom
and tips on how to improve your life.
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- 18.
Increasing Rarity Of Blue Topaz Prompts Jewelry Lovers To Consider C
Posted by: "Melanie Spark" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 4:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Increasing Rarity Of Blue Topaz Prompts Jewelry
Lovers To Consider Cubic Zirconia
Author: Melanie Spark
Word Count: 556
Article URL: 221456&ca= Womens+Interest
Format: 64cpl
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A genuine topaz is transparent in its natural state, but can be
treated to showcase a variety of colors. Of all the shades, blue
remains one of the most popular and highly sought after among
jewelry lovers. Why? In addition to being a cheery color and one
that is expected to be very popular during the spring/summer
2008 season, the color of blue is likely to be the most common
response to those who are polled for their favorite color.
The increasing scarcity of blue topaz has forced jewelry lovers
to look for a suitable alternative in terms of blue accessories.
Because fewer genuine blue topaz gems are available, those that
do remain will likely increase in price. As is the case with any
market, supply and demand often dictate the consumer cost. Blue,
which is one of the three primary colors of light and pigment,
can still easily be found in the popular form of cubic zirconia.
Cubic zirconia jewelry, because it is designed to imitate a
flawless gemstone, creates the look of an expensive accessory.
From pendants to earrings, rings and bracelets, blue cubic
zirconia is the perfect compliment to both casual and business
attire. Whether you're out and about in your favorite pair of
denims or you're working in an office setting, this soothing
color is sure to be a welcome companion. Its cheerful hue can
brighten your day just as easily as its softness can provide
instant relaxation. For some, the color of blue may be
reminiscent of their birthstone. For others, it may remind them
of a day at the beach. Whatever the case, nearly everyone can
find a reason to fall in love with the color of blue.
As mentioned earlier in this article, blue is expected to be a
very popular fashion color for the upcoming spring/summer 2008
season. While every jewelry lover enjoys knowing that the
accessories they choose are 'in fashion,' it's equally important
to own classics that will never go out of style. In terms of
popularity, blue is one color that has remained a favorite for
many years. From the color of inviting eyes to the shade of the
perfect afternoon sky, blue is a shade that reminds us of some
of life's most beautiful objects.
If you're looking to add something new or something blue to
your jewelry collection, you may find that genuine blue topaz is
becoming increasingly rare and expensive. Luckily, the presence
of blue cubic zirconia will allow you to expand your collection
without shrinking your wallet. Simulated blue topaz can provide
you with a bold look at a fraction of the price of the natural
gemstone itself. When set in sterling silver, the white metal
provides the perfect backdrop to allow this stone to shine.
When shopping for your next piece of jewelry, don't be afraid
to mix and match your colors. Jewelry can provide us with a
rainbow of shades and, if we are open to it, the perfect
accessory may be the one that we turn to every day and for every
occasion. It's easy to pull out the classic black business suit
or turtleneck sweater because they never go out of style, but
adding a touch of color to these timeless classics is one smart
About The Author: For more information on blue cubic zirconia
and cz jewelry, visit Almost Diamonds at
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- 19.
How To Care For A Garden Pond
Posted by: "Derek Rogers" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 4:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: How To Care For A Garden Pond
Author: Derek Rogers
Word Count: 524
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A garden pond is a truly lovely feature to have. Many people
enjoy sitting in their garden, relaxing and watching the fish
swim through their pond. It's a great thing to do in order to
clear your mind and just have a little 'down time.' But, how do
you truly care for your garden pond in order to ensure a long
time of enjoyment from it? Here are some great tips that will
tell you how to do just that.
Pumps and Filters –
One of the most important things you can do to keep your pond
up and running is to purchase a pump and filter which can be
purchased easily, either online or at most aquatic centres. This
is also extremely important if you have fish in your pond.
Without a pump and filter, which cleans and keeps the water
moving, your pond water will become dirty, full of algae and
bacteria and stagnant. A pump moves the water, constantly
recycling the water that is in the pond, while the filter cleans
the water and ensures that the water is clear and a happy
habitat for pond fish. The most important part of the filters
job is to act as a mini sewage system for the pond. In simple
terms the media within the filter creates a huge surface area,
which becomes home to many millions of helpful bacteria.
Without a pump and filter, some fish will die. Koi fish are a
good example of fish that really need the perfect environment to
Surface Issues –
Another way to care for your garden pond is to ensure that all
leaves, branches or twigs are promptly removed from the surface
of the water. Many times people place their ponds in backyards
or gardens that have trees and shrubs. When you do this, the
wind can easily blow debris into your pond. Ensure that your
fish are happy and cozy and that your water stays clean by
removing this debris. You can utilize a net in order to do this,
but most people simply scoop it out with their hands.
Water Change –
After the winter, it is usually recommended that pond owners to
a partial water change. This will remove the stale, sometimes
dirty and murky water and replace it with cleaner, healthier
water. You shouldn't remove all of the water in your pond. Most
people do about 20% to 50% in order to maintain a clean and
healthy pond. Simply ensure that you do not damage the fish when
you do your water change. Always leave enough water for them to
swim comfortably in and so they will not get lodged on rocks or
other objects in the pond and be above the surface of the water.
Taking care of your pond is very important if you plan to enjoy
it for a long time. Most people put a lot of time and money into
getting their ponds in the first place, so utilizing these tips
and ideas for caring for your pond will help you protect your
About The Author: Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who
represents a number of UK businesses. For pond care, he
recommends Seapets, one of the UK's leading suppliers of garden
ponds: subcategories/ category/ 8.html.asp
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- 20.
Important Leads And Referrals
Posted by: "Shareen Aguilar" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 4:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Important Leads And Referrals
Author: Shareen Aguilar
Word Count: 413
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Getting leads and referrals for an insurance business made
online gets your business going. If you are an insurance agent
who have just started plotting what you really want to achieve
in the next coming months, plus the approach that you are going
to use in order to get leads, then, expect to be in business for
even a longer period.
Who knows? Maybe after several more efforts and determination
to manage your insurance business well, you'll be regarded as
one of the most successful insurance agents in the market.
Why are leads and referrals to other customers so important?
Many business owners online continue to do this because of
money. There are however the more "innovative" ones who have
managed to establish and maintain their online success just by
pursuing in getting leads and referrals – all year round.
The only reason an insurance agent needs to maintain high
number of leads for his business is to stay being in business.
Second, is to earn money (of course), then build credibility and
expertise in the insurance field followed by goals of expanding
your business, building a house, buying a new car so forth and
so on.
Dreaming big is also one factor but, each big dream has to have
a strategic plan with it. You can't just certainly create
something out of the top of your head and let it materialize
right away. These are what we call stepping stones to success
and what is success going to become if we don't have steps to
land on.
To simply put it, an insurance agent can never get more leads
or referrals if there is no uniqueness with the service that he
gives his customers. Try to put yourself in the situation of a
customer, if you don't receive anything "special" or that you
seem not treated so well by a staff of an establishment, you'll
realize soon that you're not getting a good service. You, then
move on and find another better company and you make sure that
none of your friends get ripped off by this same company.
Always think about the effect that it's going to do to your
clients. Keep them informed; update them. This will make them
feel that you are a good insurance agent who's doing a job so
well and you will definitely be recommended to others.
About The Author: Shareen Aguilar is a writer for Insurance
Leads Generation http://www.insuranceleadsgeneration
has information on generating Insurance Leads.
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- 21.
The Things To Look For When Looking For A Top Home Based Business
Posted by: "Aaron Aldama" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 4:12 am (PST)
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Aaron Aldama
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Article Title: The Things To Look For When Looking For A Top
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Author: Aaron Aldama
Word Count: 850
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Format: 64cpl
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What should a top home based business have? The answer could
differ depending on who you are talking to but these are the
things I believe a top home based business should have. First
off anyone offering to build a business for you. Or offering you
something for nothing is lying to you. Plain and simple.
You should not fall for these scam artists. They will tell you
anything just to get your money. Get rich quick is not something
you will find with a top home based business. Any business you
join will take work and daily effort to get it going. There is
no such thing as get rich quick. Once you understand this you
are well on your way to making the big bucks.
Many people come into this industry with the get rich quick
mentality and that is why they fail. They expect to make the big
bucks overnight and when they don't they quit. When they quit
they have no chance of ever making the money they dreamed about.
If you come into this knowing it is not get rich quick and
knowing there will be ups and downs then you are prepared to
weather the storms.
Once you weather the storms you put yourself in a great
position to make huge amounts of money. You see there is a
learning curve everyone goes through, unless you have prior
experience in this field. You will have to learn what works and
what does not work, in order to make it.
Many people don't stick it out and that is the main reason they
fail. If you are ready and willing to stick it out and learn
from your mistakes then you have a great chance of making huge
amounts of money.
You should first look at the training program they have in
place. The training is key in order for you to succeed. Bad or
no training means you will not make any money.
If the training program is solid and gives you realtime
information then you are well on your way to making good money.
The training program is huge for people who have never succeeded
with a home business before. If you have already built
successful businesses before than it is not as important for you
to have the best training.It is really important for people
without any training to get the training they need.
Whether the training comes from the company or your upline it
does not matter. All that matters is you have someone to guide
you along your path to building a successful business. Once you
have the training you can take that training and make any
business successful.
This is the most important part to understand when looking for
a business. The training and advice you receive will either make
or break you. Which is why it is so important to get the proper
Next look at the comp plan it has to favor you and not the
company. Many comp plans are setup so it favors the company and
not you. I have seen some crazy comp plans out there. Actually
do the numbers and do the numbers realistically. If you have
never had a huge downline take that into account.
Do not exaggerate the numbers, it will only hurt you in the
long run. If you are a heavy hitter then this does not apply.
But if you are not a heavy hitter you have to be realistic with
yourself. You have to see if it is even worth your time, many
companies are not worth your time at all.
I will tell you a quick story when I first started out I joined
a certain well known company. Well I already had a strong
business and marketing background so I was able to add huge
numbers to my downline in a short amount of time. By the time I
was done after 2 years I had a little over 67,000 people in my
organization worldwide. But here's the funny part I was only
making a little under 3 grand a month.
The company on the other hand was making a killing. I learned
my lesson the hard way. But the comp plan does matter and you
should do the numbers before joining up. The only exception to
this rule is if you are going to get to work personally with a
heavy hitter, then it is better to gain the knowledge from that
These are the two most important things to look at when joining
any business. Yes the product is important but what good is
having the greatest product in the world if you have no way of
selling it.
The only product that sells itself is called drugs. You must
have the knowledge and training needed, in order to make the
type of money you want. This is what a top home based business
will have.
About The Author: Aaron Aldama is a marketing expert. To learn
more about building a business and to get a free vacation visit
http://moneytalks23.blogspot. Offer only good for first 20com/
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- 22.
When It Comes To The Issue Of Internet Copywriting
Posted by: "Mario Churchill" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 4:12 am (PST)
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Mario Churchill
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Article Title: When It Comes To The Issue Of Internet
Author: Mario Churchill
Word Count: 601
Article URL: 215886&ca= Career
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If you have been in the Internet industry for very long your
have probably already figured out that Internet copywriting can
literally make the difference whether you are successful or a
failure online.
Many new website enlist in outside help in the case of Internet
Copywriting. They aren't sure exactly how to put the word on
their web site that will sell their products so they hire
Internet copywriting services to assist them. In this case, the
Internet copywriting services available although not really
expensive, however they do make a good profit, for there are
many web sites where the owners of the web sites, are afraid of
making mistakes and not using the right wording. By hiring an
Internet copywriting agency or individual they are certain to
get good results.
So, how do you enlist in Internet copywriting agencies or
individuals to do the work concerning your web site for you?
This is very simple, just do a search on Internet Copywriters
and you will have more results, to the point that you literally
don't know which one to go with, and after viewing a few, you
eventually find one that is just perfect to fulfill your needs
for your specific web site needs.
In fact, for a nominal fee some Internet Copywriting agencies
or individuals will additionally offer web site newsletters
specifically designed for your web site. You simply provide all
the details you would like to have included in the newsletter
concerning your web site, and in most cases, the Internet
Copywriting services can do the newsletter to your specific
designs. And of course, they will always get your approval
before designing the finishing touches to the newsletter they
have designed for your web site.
Obviously you want to increase your Internet sales on your web
site. So by using words through Internet copywriting most often
times you will give your customers an offer they can't refuse,
all through the use of wording. You have to consider too, that
Internet copywriting should be considered worth the reader's
time. Enticing and valuable. There's nothing that will turn your
customers away faster than reading information about products
that aren't accurate enough to the outcome of the customer
thinking it is a worthless offer.
One should remember there are limits to basic Internet
copywriting laws, and they are important to remember. Without
having permission on wording or organization of information,
this could be considered copy write infringement. And there are
laws protecting the Internet copywriters who do their own
original work, and others simply copy the material they have
listed on a web site. So remember only use original work that is
not duplicated word for word on a different site. At times words
can be rearranged or put into a different context, if this is
the case, sometimes the Internet copywriting material is
Additionally Internet copywriting can be associated with what
is known as "fair use". This is where a web site hasn't really
done any copy written material, however, it is still considered
not a very good idea to copy any material from a web site due to
the fact that it very well could be copy written and simply not
noticeable on the web site itself. And the truth of the matter
is, is doesn't have to be. Internet copywriting is essentially
the basis of your web site and in all reality is easy to get
used to once you've learned more about the web site.
About The Author: Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has
written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more
information about internet copywriting checkout
http://www.websiteconversionexpert. .com/7levels. html
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- 23.
Buying A Telescope: Tips For First Timers
Posted by: "Alexis Gibrault" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 5:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Buying A Telescope: Tips For First Timers
Author: Alexis Gibrault
Word Count: 667
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Format: 64cpl
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If you are looking to the stars and want to get a better look;
of course you know that your next investment, whether as a
novice stargazer or an avid astronomer, is a telescope.
Unfortunately, as is true of most technological investments;
painstaking research must be done to compare product specs,
costs, and overall features to find the best telescope for your
particular purposes. Not to fear: here is all you need to know
on the latter aspects, to aid in your beginner telescope
First and foremost, there are three basic types of telescopes:
reflector, refractor, and combo catadioptric.
· The reflecting telescope (or Newtonian) basically uses a
concave design and mirror lens to reflect light off an object in
the distance, to perceive it more closely. These types offer
great light-gathering technologies, are typically stationary,
and are the least expensive of the three. They are the best
beginner telescopes for those interested in casually exploring
the night sky at a value price.
· The refractor telescope works by using a number of lenses to
refract or bend the light that is being transmitted by a distant
object, to gain a more focused magnification from the eyepiece.
Refracting telescopes are comparatively much more expensive; but
also offer sharper, high-contrast, accurate views of the stars,
planets, and moon above. It is also worthy to note that another
bonus of the refractor is that it performs with aplomb in all
atmospheric conditions, unlike the former.
· Lastly, is the catadioptric (example: matsutov-cassegrain)
telescope. This type compasses both the bent lens system of the
refractor telescope, as well as the mirror technology of the
reflector telescope. Middle ground of all three, the
catadipotric boasts high-quality precision, resolute optical
technologies, convenient portability, and promises a more
digestible price range than the refractor models.
Once decided upon what type of telescope you'd like to invest
in; the next step is figuring out what technical specifications
to look for, as far as magnification, aperture width, focal
length, resolution, etc.
· Magnification is the first number listed in the formula
usually expressed for a telescope, example: 100X5. The
magnification in a 100X5 would be 100, and means that this
telescope will give you 100 times the magnification you would
perceive an object with than the naked eye. It is necessary to
recognize that more is not always better, because the more the
object is magnified, the less light is allowed to view it with.
· Aperture is the second number denoted by the formula (In this
case: the 5, of the example 100X5), and is simply the diameter
of the objective lens. The aperture measurement tells us how
much light will be allowed in offering clarity to the object you
are looking at. The larger the diameter, the more light allowed;
and so it is necessary to adequately balance magnification
(power) with appropriate aperture.
· Focal length (represented in millimeters) is the length that
light has to travel within your telescope to reflect and
perceive the object. The higher the focal length measurement:
the higher the magnification, the larger the image, and the
smaller the field of view.
· Resolution is the telescope's capability to render the
object's image in detail. The higher the resolution, the sharper
the details you will be able to perceive. This is directly in
relation to the aperture width, as discussed earlier: the larger
the aperture, the better the resolution.
Once you recognize the different types of telescopes, and the
relationship of the basic specifications as listed above; you
can begin to maneuver your way around selecting one for
yourself. How casual your intended use, what objects you'd like
to view, and how much you'd want to invest; all play a big part
in determining the best telescope for your uses; but now armed
with the basics of buying a telescope, you're sure to find the
perfect new optical device with ease.
About The Author: offers the best in
discount high-quality telescopes by the best brands in the
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- 24.
Plasma Cutters Can Cut Though Anything!
Posted by: "Cooper Miller" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 5:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Plasma Cutters Can Cut Though Anything!
Author: Cooper Miller
Word Count: 710
Article URL: 220843&ca= Automotive
Format: 64cpl
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One of the best tools for cutting metal is a plasma cutter. It
is effective and convenient to use, and thanks to the latest
technology being applied in the area, it is now possible to cut
metal with almost laser precision.
A plasma cutter works differently than a conventional welding
torch. Rather than using a flame produced from a burning gas in
the style of oxy acetylene welding, a plasma cutter uses a jet
of inert gas such as compressed air, and then applies a very
high voltage charge. The electric charge arcs through the jet of
air, and ionizes the gas. The ionized gas reaches extremely high
temperature, and becomes what is called plasma.
This highly charged and hot temperature jet of plasma is able
to melt through metal at the point of contact without having a
massive impact on the surrounding material. This makes a plasma
cutter a very precise way of cutting metal.
For small jobs in a workshop where metal is being cut in order
to make a bodywork patch, or a replacement panel, plasma cutters
are the ideal solution. One of the most important aspects of
plasma cutters is that they use an inert gas, meaning that you
do not have to worry about storing volatile and explosive gases.
In the past, plasma cutters were a fairly imprecise and blunt
means of cutting metal thanks to their large "flame", however,
thanks to advances in the materials and technology used to
manufacture plasma cutters, they are now able to produce a much
more focused flame. This means that you not only get a more
exact and neater cut, but are able to do it with lower power.
Plasma cutters are available from under $1000. You can get a
Firepower 12 amp plasma cutter with its own compressor that uses
compressed air to create the plasma torch for $998.75. This
tool, which is ideal for small jobs in any work shop, is
flexible enough to carry out a range of tasks.
With a basic compressor driven plasma cutter, you get a torch
with two settings. The pilot arc of plasma is ideal for burning
off paint, while when you turn up the power; the cutter is able
to cut through sheets of steel an eighth of an inch thick at a
rate of around nine inches per minute.
By spending a little more, it is possible to get a more
powerful and flexible tool. For less than $1350, you can buy a
Lincoln Electric Welders Century 25 Amp Plasma Cutter. This tool
is designed for effective auto body repair jobs, and provides a
fully earthed cutting arc that removes the high frequency
harmonics that are able to damage the complex electronics in a
The century 25 amp plasma cutter has its own built in
compressor, which has an adjustable regulator to control the
size of the actual plasma. This means that you can vary the
intensity of the cutting edge of the tool, and deal with metals
of different thicknesses up to 3/16" of milled steel, at an
acceptable cutting rate.
At the top end of the plasma cutter market there are complex
and powerful tools such as the Miller Auto Arc 4500 Plasma
Cutter. This tool, which retails from around $2500, is a much
more flexible and powerful cutter than most other models. Its 27
amp power supply, coupled with a strong compressor means that it
can deliver a flame hot enough to cut through steel more than
half an inch thick at an acceptable rate, and get through most
body panel metal like a hot knife through butter.
As with all tools, it is important to select the one that fits
in best with your business needs and budget. If you only require
a lightweight plasma cutter for occasional jobs in the workshop,
then an entry level model is perfectly acceptable, however, if
you need to perform regular work requiring the tool, then
getting a more robust model is an excellent idea, as the tool
will more than pay for itself over time thanks to its
reliability and ability to cut through metal much faster and let
you get on with work more quickly.
About The Author: Jason has been in the construction equipment
and industrial sales business for over 10 years. He owns and
operates Red Hill Supply to better serve the automotive and
industrial industries. - Air-Compressors. htm
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For more free-reprint articles by Cooper Miller please visit: a=Cooper+ Miller
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Article Promotion Targets Search Engines And Consumers
Posted by: "Louis-Charles Martel" articles_isnare
Sun Feb 3, 2008 5:11 am (PST)
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Louis-Charles Martel
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Article Title: Article Promotion Targets Search Engines And
Author: Louis-Charles Martel
Word Count: 548
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In sag gone by savvy World Wide Web documents marketers
utilized portals to advertise their products, refined level
exchange products, and services they provided. Pending a
consumer was searching for a business to fulfill the needs she
or he might turn to had, more often than not the web surfer
shorts would stumble on such a portal rather than an actual
website and the complaints of online consumer i.e. unreasonable
and frequent. After all, there was little explanation given
about the business and the sole province was to get hit parade
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into the actual purchase effort.
Yet in midstream the search engines totaled that they had
unrestricted of the portal sites and suddenly the ready stream
of visitors burned up and slowed degeneration to a leak. Search
engines reject the hall sites now and instead give one-sidedness
rankings to those hearths on that account actually provide
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keyword rich and offer an entreat to recreate. Still the
perception of article marketing was born. Today, article gain
targets search engines and consumers, and the apprehension has
proven so successful from here companies are quite frequently no
ancillary on this medium to get out the syntactic arrangement.
The cognizance is deceptively simple: a consumer in command of
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This permits the search engines to week out motherlands onward
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common offenders are multi level marketing homesteads and
distributor sites devoted to nutritional supplements. For
reasons unknown, there is a wealth of these sites that is
contesting for their administer of the online traffic and the
fonts of varying sizes, reproduced checks, and online
testimonials that tout the weight of the either the business
opportunity of the supplement are cloud ñ yet detailed
information about the actual business is exceedingly limited.
In lieu, savvy marketers have now found that utilizing
informative material which provide a service to the course book
while at the same time song the nature of the movement sympathy
catapult them endorse the top of the requisition equipment
rankings, and thus with both eyes closed the entrepreneur and
the consumer win! Freelance writers now specialize in the
crafting of these products and application them for sale at low
prices to website salespersons who are presumption to add a
batch of content to their sites fast. Well researched, written
in contemporary English, and at now and again altogether comic
to read, in kind articles will occasionally be picked up by
e-zines and blogs and thus further the exposure of the network
henceforward is now marketed.
About The Author: Louis-Charles Martel is owner of and writes on a variety of subjects. To
learn more about this topic he recommends you visit:
Please use the HTML version of this article at: php?aid=221662
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For more free-reprint articles by Louis-Charles Martel please
visit: a=Louis-Charles+ Martel
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