Messages In This Digest (7 Messages)
- 1.
- Stop Smoking Hypnotism: You Can Use Hypnotism To Stop Smoking For Go From: Star Smith
- 2.
- Is There An Autism Yeast Infection Link? From: Rachel Evans
- 3.
- Social Anxiety Disorder And Depression: How Are They Related? From: Flor Serquina
- 4.
- d-Ribose Preserves Heart Function From: Darrell Miller
- 5.
- Is Wellness Business Industry Right For You? From: Zachary Thompson
- 6.
- Eight Heart Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating From: Anthony M Wilson
- 7.
- Techniques For Fat Loss - 3 Killer Strategies For Fat Loss From: Edward Hickford
- 1.
Stop Smoking Hypnotism: You Can Use Hypnotism To Stop Smoking For Go
Posted by: "Star Smith" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 7:11 am (PST)
Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Star Smith
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Article Title: Stop Smoking Hypnotism: You Can Use Hypnotism To
Stop Smoking For Good
Author: Star Smith
Word Count: 602
Article URL: 221547&ca= Wellness% 2C+Fitness+ and+Diet
Format: 64cpl
Contact The Author: aid=221547
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For years we've known that cigarette smoking is linked to
emphysema, lung cancer and other illnesses. Each year, many
people decide they want to quit smoking once and for all. While
deciding to quit is a good move, unfortunately, the addiction to
the nicotine contained in each cigarette makes it really hard
for the average smoker to quit.
There are many aids like gums, patches and pills on the market
that will help people to stop smoking. A lot of people are
helped by these products, but they do not work for everyone. If
you're a smoker who has tried to quit time and time again, but
have not been helped by other methods, hypnosis therapy may be a
welcome alternative.
Many people, who have almost given up on being able to quit
smoking, are finding success with hypnotherapy. This kind of
hypnotism is not the same kind you will see when watching a
hypnotist act for entertainment. Hypnotherapy is not about
making you say and do funny things. Hypnotherapy works because
it uses positive suggestion to influence your behavior.
Hypnosis works on the subconscious part of your brain.
Subconscious thought is very powerful and we often bemoan the
fact that we have a lot of negative subconscious thoughts about
ourselves. However, your subconscious mind can be trained to
think positive thoughts as well. Hypnosis successfully plants
suggestions deep into your brain. When you awake and go about
your everyday business, you'll begin to act on these positive
When hypnosis is used to stop smoking, the hypnotherapist will
make gentle suggestions to the smoker, who is in a completely
relaxed state of mind. This hypnosis style does not control the
person's mind or body movements. While the smoker is relaxed,
they will be very accepting to the suggestions that the
hypnotherapist repeats.
The smoker is told over and over again that they no longer wish
to smoke. The voice will reinforce a very strong message that
cigarettes are no longer needed or desirable. After going
through the hypnosis, the smoker will still experience cravings
for cigarettes every once in a while, but will be able to resist
due to the deep belief that they no longer need to light up.
Studies show that when hypnosis is used to help people to quit
smoking, there is an 80% success rate. Most smokers who are
successful with this method are people who are highly motivated
to quit smoking and respond well to hypnosis.
You can choose to either visit a qualified hypnotherapist who
is trained to treat smokers, or you can buy a hypnosis CD or Mp3
download and do-it-yourself at home. If you choose to do it
yourself, you can save money and listen to the hypnosis session
anywhere you wish.
No matter how you choose to get the hypnosis therapy, the
important thing is to stick with it until you've completely
kicked the habit. Giving up smoking is not easy because it is a
serious addiction, however, you must do it because of the
long-term health problems you may experience due to smoking.
Plus, I'm sure you're tired of stained teeth, yellow hands,
coughing and smoker's breath.
You can stop smoking with hypnosis therapy right now if you
really want to finally be done with this awful habit. The choice
is yours. If you make this commitment to yourself now, you will
ensure that you'll be able to live a much happier and healthier
About The Author: Self Hypnosis cure brings you amazing
results! Conquer your fears, bad habits and those nagging
anxieties for good. Relax in your own home and enjoy a feeling
of freedom and empowerment. The time to start is right now.
http://hypnosisforbetterliving. blogspot. com
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- 2.
Is There An Autism Yeast Infection Link?
Posted by: "Rachel Evans" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 7:11 am (PST)
Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Rachel Evans
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Article Title: Is There An Autism Yeast Infection Link?
Author: Rachel Evans
Word Count: 618
Article URL: 219613&ca= Wellness% 2C+Fitness+ and+Diet
Format: 64cpl
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The exact cause of autism is unknown with theories ranging from
the result of immunization, genetics, or a combination of both.
However, latest findings have demonstrated that there may also
be an autism yeast infection link.
So what does yeast have to do with autism?
Studies show that autistic children have different `gut flora'
when compared to non-autistic children. Generally, healthy
"good" bacteria are at work throughout the digestive tract to
keep the digestive system operating normally. However, repeated
doses of antibiotics (as would be prescribed, for example, for a
regular childhood ear infection), or even exposure to common
childhood diseases such as chicken pox, can destroy a large
amount of the necessary gut flora, permitting Candida an
aggressive and opportunistic yeast infection to grow and
Even in children who have not suffered from many common
childhood diseases or who have not recently been prescribed
antibiotics, there remain other ways for Candida to take hold in
the body.
It is believed that general environmental factors may also be
contributory factors. Exposure to toxins in the air a child
breaths and the water he drinks, as well as genetic factors
for example, if a child's mother is prone to yeast infections,
this may be passed on to the child and a diet high in sugar
all open up a child to a greater risk of Candida overgrowth.
Researchers now believe that there may be an link between
autism and yeast infections which occurs when the Candida
multiplies and changes the workings of the digestive tract,
releasing a multitude of toxins into the body. The brain and the
rest of the body's systems such as the digestive system - are
strongly linked. Therefore, disturbances within the digestive
tract may have a direct impact on the brains functioning leading
to a worsening of autism symptoms.
A study performed by researchers from the Center for the Study
of Autism in Oregon treated autistic children for a yeast
overgrowth. They demonstrated that once gut flora levels
returned to normal, the children showed a decrease in
hyperactivity and self-stimulatory behavior, as well as better
eye contact and more restful sleep. There was also evidence of
increased concentration and improve verbal abilities.
When treating yeast infections it is important to note that if
the anti-fungal treatment is halted too early the yeast is
likely to return, and it may be more aggressive, having
developed some resistance to the drugs that had been used to
treat it. Generally, the recommendation is for an autistic child
to proceed with antifungal therapy for a minimum of six months
in order to maintain improvements.
However, with use of antifungal therapy, drugs are only one
half of the battle. Diet plays an important role in reducing
yeast in the system, especially when it comes to sugary foods.
Sugar is among the worst dietary contributors to Candida
overgrowth, as yeast can flourish 200 times faster when sugar is
available within the body.
So for anti-fungal treatments to be most effective it is
recommended that your child follow a restricted diet that
eliminated all sugars and any foods that contain yeast, which
include bread products, cheese, and mushrooms.
The Autism Research Institute (ARI) founder, the late Dr.
Bernard Rimland MD believed that in most cases, Candida is not
the singular cause of autism. However his own research led him
to conclude that a "small but significant" proportion of
autistic kids between 5% and 10% - will improve when properly
treated for Candida.
For more information on whether yeast infection autism
treatment is suitable for your child speak to your physican.
About The Author: Grab your free copy of Rachel Evans' brand
new Autism Newsletter here
http://www.essential-guide-to- which ?source=is
overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you and your
family find how to manage autism.
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- 3.
Social Anxiety Disorder And Depression: How Are They Related?
Posted by: "Flor Serquina" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 10:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Social Anxiety Disorder And Depression: How Are
They Related?
Author: Flor Serquina
Word Count: 776
Article URL: 201855&ca= Wellness% 2C+Fitness+ and+Diet
Format: 64cpl
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Difficulty in functioning socially, with other people, in
personal or professional life is an indication of a social
anxiety disorder that leads to depression. What is this all
Social Anxiety Disorder -- What Is It?
Do you have extreme stage fright? Do you have difficulty
expressing yourself when in the company of non-relatives or
not-so-close acquaintances, unfamiliar people? For all you know,
you may be suffering from social anxiety disorder. This
disorder, sometimes known also as social phobia, is that state
of prolonged social anxiety and worry that causes you great
distress and hampers you from functioning properly in some, if
not most, areas of your daily life.
People around you may think that you are just shy since you
have been this way since you were a kid. Being bashful is the
adjective that describes you best. However, there is a line that
separates bashfulness from social anxiety disorder.
Are You Just Shy?
For example, if you have the disorder, you may not want to
mingle with other people because doing so brings you headaches,
nausea or worse will cause you to vomit.
With being shy, you don't feel like vomiting and dizzy, you are
only apprehensive of how you will approach other people. Once
you and the persons you are talking too have warmed up to each
other, you can converse with them without difficulty. A person
with social anxiety can not push himself to socialize. There is
no such thing as a warm up period for him.
Clinically, social anxiety disorder is manifested by excessive
anxiety and self-consciousness in the most ordinary of everyday,
normal situations involving other people. Sometimes, the
disorder is limited, as when you are only fearful of speaking or
performing in front of an audience, or you would not want to be
socializing with others. But in some cases the social phobia is
so broad and diverse that the anxiety manifests itself in almost
every situation where you are exposed to other people.
Socio-phobics have this irrational fear of being watched, of
being judged for their actions, of being evaluated every time by
others, whether these others be family, friends, co-workers, or
even strangers. The anxiety is so intense that the sociophobic
individual can not work or can not study, can not talk, can not
In front of other people, do you sweat profusely? Do you
tremble or blush excessively? Do you get goose bumps in the
company of a group of people? Do you become panicky when asked
to speak in front of others?
Degrees of Social Anxiety
Social anxiety has degrees of disorder. It may be mild or
severe. Mild social anxiety can be cured by therapy and simple
self-help techniques such as holding a stress ball during a
conference or a group meeting.
The severe form of this social anxiety needs medications since
most of the times anxiety is accompanied by psychotic symptoms
such as hearing things when exposed to the public.
How Do You Address Social Anxiety Disorder?
The repercussions and anti-social effects of this disorder are
far-reaching, so much so that you need to admit and accept the
fact if you feel any of the tell tale signs of a social anxiety
disorder. Diagnosis is very important for the proper treatment
regimen to be prescribed accordingly.
Cognitive behavior therapy is helpful in this. The behavioral
aspects of the therapy, coupled with the cognitive ones, are
brought in to affect thinking patterns and reactions to
situations that may cause anxiety. Coupled with the therapy are
some forms of prescriptive medications that include
antidepressants of the SSRI and SNRI types, the selective
serotonin re-uptake inhibitors and the serotonin-norepinephrine
re-uptake inhibitors, respectively.
Family Support
The pharmacological treatments, some experts contend, may not
be enough to totally cure the sufferer of the disorder. Aside
from the side effects brought about by the medications, the
tendency to relapse after the discontinuance of the drugs is
A deeper need for comprehensive psychotherapy may be in order
to ensure prolonged, if not permanent treatment. Take note,
however, that the therapy must be supported by the family and
close circle of friends; their support and guidance is critical
to reinforce the patient's feeling of self-worth again. Only
then will social functioning and ability to interact be possible
to be regained. Social anxiety disorder and depression are
curable; it only takes a little more help from the people behind
the sufferer.
About The Author: Flor Serquina is a successful Webmaster and
publisher of http://www.facts-about-depression Visit
website to learn more about social anxiety disorder and
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- 4.
d-Ribose Preserves Heart Function
Posted by: "Darrell Miller" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 11:12 am (PST)
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Darrell Miller
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Article Title: d-Ribose Preserves Heart Function
Author: Darrell Miller
Word Count: 507
Article URL: 191873&ca= Wellness% 2C+Fitness+ and+Diet
Format: 64cpl
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D-Ribose is a simple five-carbon sugar that has been shown to
delay the progression of congestive heart failure in many people
who have had a heart attack at some point in the past.
Congestive heart failure is a condition that can occur as a
result of any structural or functional cardiac disorder which
impairs the ability of the heart to fill with and pump a
sufficient amount of blood throughout the body. Since not all
patients experience volume overload at the initial evaluation,
this disease is most commonly referred to as heart failure,
rather than congestive heart failure. This disease is often
under-diagnosed because of a universally agreed upon definition
does not exist and there are difficulties with diagnosis,
especially in those with a mild condition. Even with the best
care and therapy, heart failure has an associated mortality rate
of ten percent and is the leading cause of hospitalization in
people above the age of sixty-five.
Many studies have been done and presented at the Second Annual
Academic Surgical Congress, which is sponsored by the
Association for Academic Surgery and Society of University
Surgeons. Heart attacks often lead to the progressive onset of
congestive heart failure. After a heart attack, the portion of
the heart that hasn't been damaged must work harder to
compensate for the functional loss of the tissue that is
damaged. The heart will eventually begin to fail, causing the
chambers of the heart to enlarge and waken, which in turn causes
the heart to lose its ability to pump blood effectively.
A study, which was conducted by the University of Minnesota,
led by Dr. John Foker and his team, determined that
administering D-Ribose will significantly improve heart function
after a heart attack. The study also showed that the progression
of heart failure after a heart attack begins with the fall of
energy levels. D-Ribose is very unique, it serves as a
foundation for many important compounds such as DNA, RNA, and
ATP (the energy of cells). ATP is very important to health and
for maintaining normal energy-dependent body functions. Hearts
that are stressed, muscles, and other tissue lack the metabolic
machinery that is needed to quickly make D-Ribose and overcome
progressive energy depletion. D-Ribose has been shown to
significantly increase energy formation in those tissues that
are stressed. The energy level of the heart tissue that is not
damaged by the heart attack is in control of the beginning
events of heart failure. When ATP starts to decrease, function
will worsen, which sets the progression of chronic cardiac
failure in motion. Supplementing with D-Ribose is known to
increase energy in stressed hearts, which slows the progression
of heart failure and in some cases even prevents it altogether.
Although the study is in its early stages of investigation, Dr.
Foker is positive about the results. By treating hearts with
D-Ribose, ATP concentration of the heart can be improved and
loss of energy can be prevented, which is known to be the major
contributor to this disease's progression.
About The Author: More information on d-Ribose can be found at where a large selection of Ribose and
similar supplements can be found.
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- 5.
Is Wellness Business Industry Right For You?
Posted by: "Zachary Thompson" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 1:12 pm (PST)
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Zachary Thompson
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Article Title: Is Wellness Business Industry Right For You?
Author: Zachary Thompson
Word Count: 515
Article URL: 169193&ca= Wellness% 2C+Fitness+ and+Diet
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If there was one single business to recommend as a single way
to make money online, the Wellness Industry would be winning it
all the way.
Though it is not an easy business to do, I choose this as the
preferred one. Selling vitamins and health related products, and
selling health supplements is very competitive and this business
is for serious people willing to devote more than just two hours
a day. But it is a very lucrative business field, for those who
are enthusiastic and prepared to put in the effort.
Wellness industry deals with real human beings, with real
problems and needs. You should always be available to your
customers by phone, in person, or even at the very least by
email to answer their queries and clear their doubts. You should
be sensitive to your clients needs and be prompt to their
questions. Your clients should have a good feeling doing trade
with you. You should strive to provide constant training,
support, and also if you have a distributor network, then
support and help to your distributors and they will go a long
way to ensure a long and profitable wellness business.
Here are some of the reasons why I presume the wellness or
health industry to the number 1 choice for entrepreneurs online.
1. Health and Wellness Products accomplish a Basic Human's
want. Fitness and Health is a #1 worry for many individuals - or
even food. If you are not as fit and healthy, it can make you
feel down and miserable. Many people will pay you their last
penny if they can genuinely find something which can give relief
to their suffering and pain.
2. Health and Wellness Products are Consumable.
Unlike most other products, like digital products that can be
sold only once to a client, healthy supplements, vitamins, and
medical prescriptions require regular monthly re-orders. Once
individuals start to use them and see its benefits, many times
they will continue to use them for a long time. If you are
treating your clients properly, they will buy supplies from you
week after week, providing you with a regular income and a
stable source of earnings.
3. Your Profits Grows Exponentially.
Most wellness opportunities also involve building an
organization, every product sale actually INCREASES your
potential for future income by growing your organization of
customers and potential distributors purchasing every month.
4. Wellness Business Opportunities give us a "Feel-Good"
One important reason why people are doing business in the
wellness industry is because it gives them a feel-good factor.
It really feels nice when someone writes or calls, telling you
how amazing your products make them feel.
5. Need for Fitness, Wellness and Health Increases with Age
Wellness opportunities are very much right to our seniors since
they have the prospective to accomplish all their wants- ranging
from economic security to superior health & individual
communication. Lastly, running a wellness business empowers you
to take steps to develop your own fitness and health.
About The Author: Zach Thompson is a Glyconutrients
Representative. His clients range from actresses to pro
athletes. You can get a free Glyconutrients consultation by
visiting nessint.
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- 6.
Eight Heart Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating
Posted by: "Anthony M Wilson" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 8:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Eight Heart Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating
Author: Anthony M Wilson
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What you eat is one of the biggest determinants of your
coronary heart disease risk. A diet high in the eight foods
below will go a long way to maintaining a healthy heart.
1) Garlic
Garlic contains powerful chemicals that have been shown to
reduce cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and reduce the
risk of blood clots that can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
It has been estimated that a clove of garlic a day is needed to
obtain these health benefits. If the thought of eating a clove
of garlic a day is too much for you, odorless garlic capsules
can be purchased from most pharmacies and supermarkets.
2) Oats (Oat-meal and Oat-bran)
Oats are high in soluble fiber which have been shown in many
studies to reduce your levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL).
Research has shown that the higher your ratio of high-density
lipoprotein (HDL) to LDL, the lower your risk of heart disease
is. One cup of oatmeal a day provides enough dietary fiber to
reduce your LDL cholesterol levels significantly.
3) Alcohol
Moderate consumption of Alcohol (up to two glasses a day) has
been shown in most studies to reduce heart disease risk by
between 20 percent and 40 percent compared to non-drinkers.
Moderate Alcohol consumption has been associated with an
increased ratio of HDL to LDL, thinner blood (leading to reduced
blood clotting), reduced blood insulin levels and a reduction in
arterial plaque build up. Heavy alcohol consumption however
raises blood pressure and is associated with a greater risk of
heart disease.
4) Oily Fish
Fish such as tuna, salmon, and sardines contain high levels of
omega-3 fatty acids which reduce heart disease risk by reducing
blood pressure and increasing blood vessel elasticity. Medical
experts recommend a minimum of 2 servings of fish a week to
obtain the full benefit of omega-3, alternatively fish oil
capsules can be taken.
5) Nuts such as Almonds, Walnuts, and Cashew Nuts
Nuts are rich in polyunsaturated fats and contain omega-3 and
omega-6 fatty acids. A handful of nuts a day has been shown to
reduce LDL cholesterol by up to 20 percent.
6) Tomatoes and Tomato Products
Tomatoes, especially cooked tomatoes have high levels of
Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. In a study of 40,000 women at
the Harvard school of Public Health, women who consumed seven or
more servings of tomato-based foods were 30 percent less likely
to develop cardiovascular disease compared to those who consumed
less than 1.5 servings. Women who ate more than ten servings a
week were up to a massive 65 percent less likely to develop
cardiovascular disease.
7) Green Tea
A Japanese study of over 400,000 individuals aged between 40
and 79 found that those people who consumed five or more cups of
green tea a day were 26 percent less likely to die from heart
disease. Researchers also found that the effect was stronger for
women than men. Green tea is high in polyphenols which are
powerful antioxidants that are also found in most berry fruit,
apples, celery, broccoli and parsley.
8) Spinach
Spinach is an excellent source of Vitamins A, C, and K and is
also an excellent source of Folate. Folate helps the heart by
reducing homo-cysteine levels in the blood. High homo-cysteine
levels are associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular
About The Author: Anthony Wilson is the owner of, a daily updated news and information
website about many health topics such as heart disease, diabetes
and cancer.
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visit: a=Anthony+ M+Wilson
- 7.
Techniques For Fat Loss - 3 Killer Strategies For Fat Loss
Posted by: "Edward Hickford" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 9:12 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Techniques For Fat Loss - 3 Killer Strategies
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Wouldn't it be great if there were shortcuts when it comes to
losing weight? Well, I'm hear to tell you that there are indeed
shortcut techniques for fat loss and they don't involve surgery
or starving yourself.
I know how hard it can be on a diet, it all starts off ok for
the first few weeks, then bored kicks in and you go back to your
old ways. This can cause a constant state of yo-yo dieting which
isn't healthy for the body. It can be very hard staying
motivated when trying to lose fat, I'm confident if you use the
techniques I'm going to explain below you will see faster
results and stay motivated!
There are a few little known tips and tricks to dieting that
make it much easier to lose weight. It can be annoying seeing
people making the same mistakes over and over when trying to
shift the pounds. I'm hoping that some of you will get some
benefit out of these methods. These methods can help you only if
you are burning more calories than you are consuming in each
day. The best thing to do is to find out how many calories you
need to maintain your weight, then reduce this by 500 calories
per day to lose weight. Once you are going, use the following
techniques to speed up your progress
The best thing I have found that really speeds up my progress
goes by a name called "substrate utilisation", it's a big word
but not difficult to master. When you exercise at a rate of 60%
of your maximum heart rate your body will use your fat as
energy, this can only happen at a low intensity and when you
have fasted for at least 6 hours. Obviously the ideal and best
time to do this is first thing in the morning, go for a brisk 45
minute walk before breakfast, do this 2 or 3 times a week and
after a while you will really see the difference.
Carbohydrates can be our enemy when on a diet but they can also
be our friend. Carbs play a vital role in how the bodies
metabolism is functioning. When we limit the number of carbs,
our metabolism will start to drop drastically in order to
preserve calories (the body thinks it's starving!). This will be
fat burning to a halt - not what we want. In order to keep the
metabolism and fat burning running at maximum level it's best to
cycle carbs during the week.
Cutting the number of meals we eat is the worst thing to do
when trying to lose weight. This will only cause the body to
lower it's metabolism and go into starvation mode. The best
thing to do, is only cut the portion size rather than the number
of meals. In fact, it would be best to increase the number of
meals you eat. This will keep fat burning at it's highest
potential which is exactly what we want!
About The Author: You know, there are ways to make losing
weight MUCH easier... Stop Wasting Your Time With Diets That
Don't Work - This Weight Loss Program is popular for a reason: losssecretreview
Please use the HTML version of this article at: php?aid=222103
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For more free-reprint articles by Edward Hickford please visit: a=Edward+ Hickford
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