Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1.
- Green Tea Or Black The Choice Is Yours From: Steve P Smith
- 2a.
- How To Save Money On Your Travel Deals From: Ross Anderson
- 3.
- Help A Partner Lose His Snoring Habits From: Shareen Aguilar
- 4.
- A Free Home Based Business Will Not Make You Money From: Aaron Aldama
- 5.
- Right-Hand Ring Styles In Cubic Zirconia From: Melanie Spark
- 6.
- Moving from the city to the country-Can we really afford it? From: articleannounce
- 7.
- Tutoring Jobs Online From: Mario Churchill
- 8.
- Tips On Buying Binoculars From: Alexis Gibrault
- 9.
- Creative Ways To Repair Your Credit From: Johnny Moon
- 10.
- Suffering From Burn-Out? From: Beverley-Anne Bear
- 11.
- Choosing Your Wedding Music From: Denise Sanger
- 12.
- Classroom Management: How to Handle Power Seeking Students From: articleannounce
- 13.
- Affiliate Marketing Can Make Internet Puffery From: Louis-Charles Martel
- 14.
- Effective Affiliate Advertising From: R. Scott
- 15.
- Transmission Jack From: Cooper Miller
- 16.
- Import U.S. Autos Into Canada To Save Cash 101 From: Terry Z. Voster
- 17.
- Replacing Your Cottage Or Vacation Chalet Hot Water Tank From: Kerry A. Francis
- 18.
- Strategies for Motivating Students to Learn From: articleannounce
- 19.
- Choosing The Right Type Of Exercise Bikes From: Pencil Writer
- 20.
- Understanding Coin Price Guides From: Robert L Taylor, JD
- 21.
- Massage Therapy And Personal Hygiene From: Deborah Schwabe
- 22.
- How To Complain About Your Airline Service From: Tom Tessin
- 23.
- Gambling Addiction Can Ruin You From: Shanat Kuphur
- 24.
- Classroom Management: Students Who Fall Through The Cracks From: articleannounce
- 25.
- Czech Republic's Ten Beautiful Places To Visit From: Jonathan Williams
- 1.
Green Tea Or Black The Choice Is Yours
Posted by: "Steve P Smith" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 5:11 am (PST)
Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Steve P Smith
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Article Title: Green Tea Or Black The Choice Is Yours
Author: Steve P Smith
Word Count: 874
Article URL: 220986&ca= Wellness% 2C+Fitness+ and+Diet
Format: 64cpl
Contact The Author: aid=220986
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Whilst increasing attention is now rightly being paid to the
health benefits of white and green teas, the virtues of the much
more familiar, and still much more common, black tea, should not
be neglected. All three are products of the camellia sinensis
plant and as such have many common attributes, particularly in
their anti-oxidant functions; the difference between them being
entirely attributable to the differing methods by which they are
So-called "herbal teas", by contrast, are drinks made from
infusions of the leaves of a wide variety of other plants.
Although these are often very beneficial to health, they are not
"teas" at all in the strict sense, this term being restricted to
the products of the camellia sinenis plant, and should be
considered separately, probably as a branch of herbal medicine
or therapy.
The fresh, ie unprocessed, leaves of the camellia sinensis
plant are rich in compounds known as polyphenols, and
particularly those of a type known as catechins, which are
powerful anti-oxidants. The problem is that these compounds are
easily destroyed by the processing that the leaves go through.
In the case of black teas the process, known as fermentation,
results in the almost complete oxidation of the catechins
resulting in a dramatic loss of their anti-oxidant power.
The highly prized white teas, by contrast, are produced by
steaming the very young leaves of the camellia sinensis plant,
protecting them from this damaging oxidation. Green teas are
produced by a similar process of heat treatment, but the older
leaves used are not generally as rich in the active ant-oxidant
compounds. There is yet another category of teas, known as
oolong, which fall somewhere between the green and black
varieties by being partially oxidised (fermented).
Whilst conventional medicine continues to insist that the
evidence for the health giving benefits of all these teas
remains inconclusive, there is in fact ample evidence of the
anti-oxidant power of these beverages. For example, a number of
respectable studies have concluded that moderate tea consumption
(just a few cups day) may reduce the risk of heart disease by
around a third, in the case of black tea, and a half in the case
of green tea. At least one research report further suggests that
tea consumption may help reduce the risk of stroke by as much as
Since heart disease and stroke remain two of the biggest causes
of premature death and disability in the affluent Western world,
these findings alone would seem to make the regular consumption
of tea, and green tea in particular, a worthwhile precaution.
But the benefits don't end there.
Free radical oxidative damage to the lining of the blood
vessels is known to be a factor in the development of
atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) another major cause
of life threatening cardiovascular disease. The consumption of
black tea has been shown to have a protective effect on the
cells lining the blood vessels (the endothelium) and to the
extent that this effect is due to anti-oxidant polyphenols, it
appears highly likely that tests with green tea would produce
results at least as good.
Less conclusively, but interestingly, there is also evidence
that the anti-oxidant qualities of the polyphenols in both green
and black tea may have a role in combatting both cancer and
In the case of cancer, such effects have been clearly
demonstrated in animals, though the evidence in respect of
humans is less clear cut. But to the extent that cancer is a
disease of degeneration, the onset of which may be hastened by
oxidative damage in cells caused by free radical activity, the
anti-oxidant activity of black and green tea can only be of
potential benefit.
Similarly, there is observational evidence that bone mass
density is positively correlated with tea consumption, which is
therefore protective against osteoporosis, possibly because of
the drink's anti-oxidant properties, but the causal link is not
fully understood.
Despite the familiar reservations of conventional medicine,
there appears good evidence for the anti-oxidant qualities of
the polyphenols in tea in general, and green tea in particular.
But that's not all. Tea is also a good source of some trace
minerals, including manganese, which is itself a powerful
anti-oxidant. Black tea is a particularly good source, and a
convenient way of obtaining this mineral, which is often
drastically under supplied in food. In addition to its general
anti-oxidant properties, manganese is also known to nutritional
therapists as an aid to cardiac and bone health, in relieving
the symptoms of diabetes, and in treating certain types of
The only likely downside to the consumption of significant
quantities of tea is that both green and black varieties may
contain considerable amounts of caffeine. Strong black tea is
also rich in tannin, the acidic substance which also gives the
astringent taste to red wines, and which may lead to minor
stomach disturbances if overdone This problem does not arise
with green tea, however, and both black and green varieties are
readily available in decaffeinated form, the latter also in a
range of enhanced natural flavours for improved palatability.
About The Author: Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter
specialising in direct marketing and with a particular interest
in health products. Find out more at
http://www.sisyphuspublicationsonli rition/HealthBen efitsOfTea. htm
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- 2a.
How To Save Money On Your Travel Deals
Posted by: "Ross Anderson" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 5:11 am (PST)
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Ross Anderson
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Article Title: How To Save Money On Your Travel Deals
Author: Ross Anderson
Word Count: 544
Article URL: 220783&ca= Travel
Format: 64cpl
Contact The Author: aid=220783
Easy Publish Tool: php?aid=220783
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With so many travel web sites and packages that offer "the best
deal," it is difficult to determine which is truly the most
compelling. Feeling overwhelmed is natural with so many choices,
but there are practical ways to eliminate from consideration
travel deals that are little more than low quality hotels with
good marketing. The best way to do this is to research each
travel deal and determine what is best for your vacation long
before you actually make the reservations.
There are many secrets about how to pull together a great
travel deal, but the most important part of that is to know your
budget and what you want out of your planned vacation. This
means you must plan ahead. If, for example, you find what
appears to be a great deal on a January ski trip but what you
really want is a relaxing week on the beach, jumping on the
great ski deal will not lend itself to a "successful" vacation
You should investigate different travel agencies and web sites
to make sure you compare opportunities. This means comparing
prices, hotels, and overall packages. Look at all of your
options and then narrow them down to two or three before coming
to a final decision. If you book first and then think later you
will probably regret your decision. So before you provide anyone
personal details, such as your credit card number, do your
As stated earlier, to find the best travel deal, you need to
plan ahead. As long as airlines, hotels, and car rental agencies
are accepting reservations, there is no time that is too early
when it comes to making vacation plans. Such initiative will
provide you more time to locate the best deal and allow you to
look closely at locations of interest. And buy your airline
ticket directly. Web sites that offer many choices of airlines
seem helpful because all the information is right in front of
you, but they also charge you fees associated with buying your
tickets that can amount to over $100 for a family of four. By
going to each airline individually on the Internet, you can
perform a more thorough search to figure out which dates and
times save you the most money.
When it comes booking a package tour, depending on where you
are going, it may actually cost you less than by making all the
reservations separately. Sometimes package tours include tickets
to certain sightseeing destinations, or they may offer free
dinners. By pricing out the package separately and then together
you can learn whether you really are saving money or if you are
better off reserving each vacation need individually.
Lastly, the best way to secure a stellar travel deal is to
travel off season. Although you have heard it many times, the
majority of people still insist on traveling to the beach during
summer and then complain about the pricey cost. If you go in
season, you will certainly spend more money - not even maybe.
So, if you aren't going to do something that is season specific,
you will save a lot of money being flexible with your travel
dates by including off-peak dates.
About The Author: For information on practical travel lodging,
see a popular site providingcom,
insights of travel stay ideas, such as Yosemite - Las Vegascom/yosemite- lodging.shtml,
- com/las-vegas- vacation- homes.shtml
and many more!
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- 3.
Help A Partner Lose His Snoring Habits
Posted by: "Shareen Aguilar" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 5:11 am (PST)
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Shareen Aguilar
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Article Title: Help A Partner Lose His Snoring Habits
Author: Shareen Aguilar
Word Count: 397
Article URL: 184682&ca= Medicines+ and+Remedies
Format: 64cpl
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It may not be too obvious, but you could be snoring while you
are sleeping. Snoring is one of the most annoying sound any
person could hear during the night and it could be a life-long
problem if this person is your partner.
If you have been a victim long enough to the nightly snoring
sounds, you could do necessary steps to make sure that your
partner doesn't snore any longer, or at least make sure that he
minimize snoring every time he sleeps. Giving an effort for your
partner's best welfare is going to give you and your partner
more than the relief you could get. But most importantly, a good
night sleep is the sweetest reward of all.
How do you start your quest in helping a loved one lose his
snoring habits?
First, check on his weight. If you think that his weight
doesn't have anything to do with his snoring problems, you are
wrong. An overweight person has excess fats in his body and the
concerned areas here are the fats located in his neck area. The
throat is an air passage for the person to breathe and if there
are obstructions to where air passes through, a sound vibration
will occur and this is going to be the sound that you hear
whenever he is asleep.
Inform your partner to start losing his weight first. Physical
exercises are the best form of remedy. It doesn't only help with
the snoring problem but other health illness will also be taken
care of.
Next to this is your partner's diet. Any food that your partner
eats when awake may have contributed to the snoring state he is
in now while he sleeps. Start to monitor what your partner eats
every meal. Keep dairy products at a low volume because
ingredients from dairy products interfere with the breathing
pattern of a person when lying asleep which, causes the snoring
sound you hear. Also, make sure that your partner doesn't take
in anything that has too much sedatives like alcohol. These
ingredients causes a person's organs to become extremely relaxed
during sleep and is also one of the reasons why snoring happens.
Be mindful of these simple but important steps to having a
partner great to cuddle with every night minus the snoring
About The Author: Click
http://www.stop-your-snoring- to find out moresolutions. com/
about informative snoring remedies.
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- 4.
A Free Home Based Business Will Not Make You Money
Posted by: "Aaron Aldama" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 5:11 am (PST)
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Aaron Aldama
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Article Title: A Free Home Based Business Will Not Make You
Author: Aaron Aldama
Word Count: 623
Article URL: 221460&ca= Business
Format: 64cpl
Contact The Author: aid=221460
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A free home based business will not work. Plain and simple. Yes
in it a perfect world it is nice to think it would.But this
world is far from perfect and you are better off joining a solid
business, than wasting your time with a free home based
business. Just think about it for a second.
When you are in the market for a free home based business, what
are you really saying about yourself? You are saying you want
something for nothing and with that mentality you are going to
ripped off left and right. You will never make any money looking
for something for nothing. It is just a fact. There is no such
thing as getting something for nothing in life.
And if you do get something for nothing in life, life has a way
of balancing itself out. This is just a fact. Look at lotto
winners or anyone else who has not earned what they have in
life. Paris Hilton and these other spoiled brats are a perfect
example of life balancing itself out. It always happens,
regardless of who you are or where you come from. Something for
nothing does not exist and it does happen you end losing what
you have.
Now you can make a lot and I mean a lot of money with a home
business. Which is why even Donald Trump endorses it. But you
will have to put in the time and effort. There is nothing for
free in this life. You must be passionate and really want it in
order to succeed.
And this does not just go for business it also goes for
anything in life. There will be ups and downs, people will mock
you and try to kick you when you are down. It just comes with
the territory when you go after what you want in life. But once
you make it those same people will be the ones kissing your
butt. True this does not pertain to business but the moral of
the story does.
When I was in high school I was on the football team. My junior
year we went 0 and 10. We lost every game that year. We were the
laughing stock of the town. It was really bad. But we did not
tuck our tails between our legs and hide. No we worked harder
than ever before.
The week after the season ended we started training. We trained
for the whole year and for that whole year we were criticized
and laughed at by everyone. But we just kept on working and
training. When the football season came around the following
year, we won the whole thing. We won the championship. Needless
to say everyone who put us down had joined the band wagon and
was now kissing our behinds.
Now this is what being in business is like. People will think
your crazy and say terrible things. But once you make it they
are all your friends. This is just the way business goes,
especially when you are first starting out. There will be ups
and downs.
And if you are looking for the easy path or something for
nothing, I will tell you now you will not make it. You must have
the right mindset and you must understand there will be highs
and there will be lows. If you think it will be a cake walk then
you should just keep your day job because you are just wasting
your time.
And looking for a free home based business is the wrong
mentality to have when looking to build a business.
About The Author: Aaron Aldama is a marketing expert. To learn
more about building a home based business and to get a free trip
visit http://homebusinessnewyorkcity. Only 10 Tripsblogspot. com/
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- 5.
Right-Hand Ring Styles In Cubic Zirconia
Posted by: "Melanie Spark" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 5:12 am (PST)
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Melanie Spark
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Article Title: Right-Hand Ring Styles In Cubic Zirconia
Author: Melanie Spark
Word Count: 526
Article URL: 216869&ca= Womens+Interest
Format: 64cpl
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Traditionally, the left hand is reserved for an engagement or
wedding ring set leaving our right hand available for a choice
of beautiful right-hand ring designs. From cluster styles to
solitaires and even multi-gem colorations, cubic zirconia is a
beautiful choice for adorning your hand in elegance.
Incase you may be wondering exactly what a right-hand ring is,
the definition is actually quite simple. A right-hand ring is
any ring that does not belong in the category of an engagement
or wedding ring. With that being said, it's important to note
that certain types of band rings are acceptable as a right-hand
ring, providing they have a distinct style that will not be
mistaken for a wedding band. For instance, a multi-row cubic
zirconia ring or one featuring a rainbow of gemstones, either
simulated or genuine, will be the perfect ring for wearing on
your right hand. Because of their low profile and comfort, many
women enjoy wearing band rings because they are not always
getting in the way of everyday activities.
If you prefer a more dramatic presence, you may want to
consider the elegance of a cubic zirconia cocktail or cluster
ring. This style, which was first made popular decades ago, is
now back in fashion in a very big way. Whether you're looking
for an understated design or you want a knuckle-to-knuckle
style, there is almost certainly a cubic zirconia creation to
fit your taste. If what you're after is something in between,
you will find a variety of accent rings that remind you of a
cluster, but offer a filigree inspiration.
One of the most important characteristics of a right-hand ring
jewelry collection is versatility. As mentioned earlier, the
left hand is traditionally reserved for a wedding set, which is
to be worn every day. This means that, as women, we can use our
right hands to showcase a variety of ring styles and enjoy the
beauty found in the many designs of cubic zirconia. If you are
like most, perhaps you have varying moods in terms of your
jewelry. One day, you may find yourself feeling especially bold
and you may reach for that stunning cocktail ring, while the
next day may find you in a more subtle state of mind that would
call for an understated ring that adds the perfect finishing
touch to your wardrobe.
As a final thought to right-hand ring designs, your jewelry
wardrobe is what you make of it. You can choose from a variety
of styles, designs and price tags in order to find the perfect
accessories for your jewelry collection. One of the best things
about cubic zirconia is the affordable price tag, which means
you can expand your collection to include designs for both
everyday and special occasion pieces. Instead of owning one or
two very expensive pieces of jewelry that you never truly feel
comfortable wearing, you can create an entire jewelry wardrobe
with cubic zirconia at a reasonable price. And when it comes to
looking great, you won't have to worry because a smart shopper
always looks fantastic. Intelligence is a beautiful thing.
About The Author: For more information on sterling silver rings
and cubic zirconia rings, visit Almost Diamonds at rings-c-149. html
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- 6.
Moving from the city to the country-Can we really afford it?
Posted by: "articleannounce" articleannounce
Sat Feb 2, 2008 5:23 am (PST)
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Title: Moving from the city to the country-Can we really afford it?
Word Count: 437
Author: Lambert Klein
Category: Home & Family
Article URL: http://www.submityourarticle. com/articles/ easypublish. php?art_id= 25106
The article is preformatted to 60CPL.
Moving from the city to the country-Can we really afford it?
We recently moved from the city to the country. We thought
it would be costly but we aren't prepared for all the
recent changes to our finances that we aren't expecting.
The hiring of a moving truck cost us more because we live
more than an hour away from our old house and we had a lot
of things to move.
We have problems with our new well that was dug. The water
in the house was black when we moved into our house because
the owner had a new well dug so he could sell the house.
When we got into the house the well company suggested we
run the water day and night so it would get clear. We
hooked up a hose to the outside faucet to let the water run
in the back yard. Soon after we did that, I went downstairs
to take some empty boxes down and yelled to my husband that
water was pouring in through the ceiling. What a mess! We
got a plumber out here after that to put in a outside
faucet in the back and in the front yard. That wasn't cheap
but at least we can run a hose out into the back field now
without it flooding the basement.
After living here a couple of weeks our water was still
filled with sediment so the well company sold us two
filters. We put the smallest sediment filter on first, ran
the water and within an hour it was filled. So we put the
larger one on and it still clogs up now and then. We
thought we'd never have problems with well water. We have
to run over to our other house to take showers and run the
dishes through the dishwasher.
We noticed, after some time, that we both had dry skin and
our throats were dry also. The previous owner didn't have a
humidifier in the house. So we had to get a humidifier
installed. That set us back a little. We also had the
furnace cleaned because we don't know when it was done last.
We've been living with sheers on our bedroom windows since
we moved in. I ordered drapes from a company a few days
after we moved in (four weeks ago). I think the package got
lost in the mail somewhere.
We've lived in the house four weeks now and our buying
spree is coming to an end. I think! At least for the time
being. All and all we love our new house in the country
and the town we live near so it's all worth it.
About the Author:
Stay healthy at
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- 7.
Tutoring Jobs Online
Posted by: "Mario Churchill" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 6:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Tutoring Jobs Online
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Word Count: 531
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Although when I did research on tutoring jobs online, there
weren't that many sites that came up really. A few of the
tutoring jobs online weren't really positions to be filled but
more about tutoring services that were available for people who
needed tutoring.
Tutoring jobs online are often software programs and not actual
people helping others on a web site, its like you type the
question in and get some kind of answer but as far as tutoring
jobs online, the more I looked the more they were like homework
zones for kids, and the few tutoring jobs online that I did
find, they were personal web sites that other students had
created to help their peers.
However as far as tutoring Jobs online I can't say as I really
found any. There were courses to take to become online tutors
but as for tutoring jobs online, they were scarce.
There were a few tutoring jobs online for specific subjects but
not on a wide variety more of the same subject. I guess tutoring
jobs online aren't real popular yet, but given time with all the
learning capabilities and college course and other learning
tools showing up on the Internet, tutoring jobs online might be
more reliant when you search and check out the results.
For now, there are some tutoring jobs online for those who need
extra cash during the summer and are willing to act as tutors to
help out others and then when the summer is over they are no
longer able to have their tutoring jobs online.
There are more learning courses for tutoring jobs online
offered by learning centers and companies, to learn the trade of
tutoring online, there are also those who will allow you to do
tutoring jobs online, while they are going through the course.
Some colleges will offer this to young adults as well. In part,
by the means of if they are actually going to take a different
course such as teaching online as well. Tutoring jobs online
serve a purpose as a way of getting these that are learning
about teaching on the internet ready for what the real thing is
If you find more results about tutoring jobs online than I did,
than you must be doing something different than I am, simply
because it always go back to the same thing the idea of learning
through a college or course and having the tutoring jobs online
as part of the course, which in the end is the teaching course.
Tutoring jobs online just haven't caught on yet, but obviously
they will as more people need help and assistance on their
assignments and homework, they will need more than just a web
site where they may not be able to find the answer to their
question or understand the answer once they do find it, this is
why tutoring jobs online is so important, in the technical world
we are living in today. Tutoring jobs online are definitely a
good idea and a must as time goes on.
About The Author: Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has
written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more
information about online classes and distance learning checkout
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- 8.
Tips On Buying Binoculars
Posted by: "Alexis Gibrault" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 6:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Tips On Buying Binoculars
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Binoculars are a necessary addition to anyone's backpack,
purse, or pocket; whether en route to the latest opera or a trek
to your favorite hiking, hunting, birding, or marine adventure.
With all the product specs and new technologies, the whole
process of buying a new pair can seem a little intimidating.
Below is a basic list of what types of binoculars there are as
well as an easy-to-understand specification reference guide
according to activity; to help you find the best set of new eyes
for your intended purpose or adventure.
Before even considering what type of binoculars to buy, it is
necessary to understand just how these trusty devices work.
Binoculars are essentially dual refractor telescopes for each
eye; made up of a series of curved lens' that refract and
reflect the light from the object in view, and magnify it at the
eyepiece. They come in a variety of magnifications (power
levels) and apertures; as well as other technical specifications
to enhance the sharpness, clarity, light resolution, etc of the
distant object.
·The magnification of the binoculars is inversely proportional
to the aperture (width of the objective lens); so if you have a
high magnification, the object will become closer while limiting
the light that the aperture allows (so the image will look
closer, but darker). The common formula that you will find will
be example: 7X35. In this example, the first number if the
magnification, and the second is the aperture. Moreover, the
aperture's width will tell you how much light will be allowed in
your sight.
·There are prism types and prisms glasses to concern yourself
with when buying a new pair of binoculars. Prisms are glass
mechanisms that in short, assure that you see the object of
interest right side up, from right to left (whereas the
reflection refraction science of the matter receives the image
upside down). There are roof prisms and porro roof prisms. The
former is smaller than the porro, and helps cut down on the
bulkiness of a standard binocular. Though the roof prism is
quite a bit more expensive, it is also typically better aligned
because it is housed inside the binocular as opposed to the
porro which is on the outside. The porro prism is the original
prism used in binoculars, is the larger construction of the two,
and is much more inexpensive. Luckily, binoculars with porro
prisms are usually just as optically correct; the only downfall
is the less portable design. Almost all binoculars come with the
Bak4 prisms. This denotes a certain level of quality in the
actual glass. Never invest in a pair of binoculars with a
different prism glass grade.
·Field of View is inversely proportional to the magnification
of your binoculars, and is the term that denotes the actual
amount of the object that you will see, in relation to the
distance it is from you. For example, if you want to see an
object that is 100 yards away, and the field of view is 250 feet
at 1000 yards away; you will be able to discern a maximum of 250
feet of the object. The higher the field of view, the lower the
magnification (the more you see of the object, the less the
details will be apparent).
·Lens coatings come in three variations: fully-coated,
multi-coated, and fully-multi-coated. The lens coatings are
chemicals added to the lens to enhance the light available.
Coatings of some sort on the lenses of your binoculars is
absolutely necessary, because about half of the light perceived
from an object is lost when the light reflects off your lens.
Fully-coated lenses are the most base of coating. It involves a
single layer of chemical, and though inexpensive will not allow
hardly any more light than having no coating at all.
Multi-coated lens have been treated with a composite of special
chemicals to allow a middle range light allowance. Finally, the
fully-multi-coated lens (or FMC) offers the maximum light
allowance, and is really the only fool-proof coating system to
·There are three basic focusing technical specifications that
you will come across when searching for the perfect pair of
binoculars: center focus, individual eyepiece focus, and
no-focus or focus-free. Center focus involves one wheel to focus
objects, and is the most common choice as it resolutely focuses
both close and distant objects with ease. Individual eyepiece
focus involves focusing both right and left eyepieces
separately, and works best with medium to long distance objects.
Typically, once focused properly, the IF system will allow you
to see objects 40 yards plus in focus; and no further adjustment
is necessary. The focus-free or no-focus systems cannot be
adjusted to a different focus. Though these give you no control
of sight variance, binoculars with no-focus will be much less
·Diopter adjustments are systems that will compensate for the
sight perception abilities between your left and right. Most
people have one eye that is slightly stronger than the other as
far as perception, and having the diopter is very convenient for
the best in vision.
·Eye relief refers to the maximum amount of distance your eye
can be from the objective lens in order to be able to perceive
the object in question's field of view, clearly. This will vary
depending on whether you wear glasses or will be watching
something for extended periods of time. Typically, the standard
eye relief is 14-15 mm in length.
Binocular Activities
General: If you are looking for an all-purpose set of
binoculars, the most common specs to look for are: 7X35 or 8X40
magnification, fully-multi-coated lenses, any focus, and
middle-of-the-road field of view.
Hunting or Birding: If you are looking for binoculars best
suited to hunting, the best specs to opt for are: 8X40, 8X42,
10X40, or 10X42 magnification; waterproof armored construction,
long eye relief, roof prism, center or individual eyepiece
focus, and medium to high field of view.
Marine: If you are looking for the best binoculars for spotting
marine wildlife, the best specs to look for are: 7X50
magnification, waterproof armored design, long eye relief, roof
prism, center or individual eyepiece focus, and medium to high
field of view.
Sporting or Opera: If you want a pair of binoculars or opera
glasses best suited for watching sporting or opera events: 8X40
or 8X42 magnification, long eye relief, roof prism, low field of
view, and higher zoom features.
Astronomy: If you're looking for the best binoculars to see the
stars, the best specs to look for are: 7X50 or 10X50
magnification without a tripod (10X70, 20X80, or 25X100 for use
with a tripod), long eye relief, roof or porro prism, and low to
medium field of view.
Also worthy to note as you embark on your trek to find the best
binoculars suited to your interests and whims, is that buying a
brand that you know will never lead you astray. I recommend any
one of the following: Barska, Bushnell, Carson, Alpen, Galileo,
or Tasco.
About The Author: has a variety of
discount, high performance, brand name binoculars and binocular
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Creative Ways To Repair Your Credit
Posted by: "Johnny Moon" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 6:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Creative Ways To Repair Your Credit
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Today's financial world makes it essential for you to have
excellent credit. Few things are paid for in cash or paid for in
full in this society, so having the ability to get credit is
extremely important. In addition, purchasing a home, car, or
boat almost requires you to have great credit or else you might
have to pay exorbitant amounts in interest fees. Still, there
are times when your credit gets so bad that it has to be
repaired. These are some excellent ways to repair your credit if
it gets down in the dumps.
Pay off your revolving debt
One of the main reasons why a person's credit gets ruined is
because they have too much debt when compared to their income.
If you are going to improve your credit score, you have to get
the balances paid down. Knocking down those balances one at a
time is the best way to go about eliminating the debt and with
each one, your credit score will rise.
Apply for a new credit card
Getting rid of your old debt is not going to complete bring
your credit back to respectability. In order to let credit
companies know that you are a good risk once again, you have to
do something to rebuild your reputation. Getting another credit
card can help in this, but it must be done in a way that
protects you from trouble. Seek out companies that provide
credit cards to customers with sub-par credit. They will often
charge high rates, but will provide you with a good chance to
start your credit up once again.
Secured Credit Cards
Another excellent option for people with bad credit is a
secured credit card. These work differently than regular credit
cards because you are the one providing the funds for the card
at the beginning. When you use a secured credit card, you can
only spend as much money on the card as you provide. Therefore,
there is little risk involved in using one of these cards. It is
a great way to add something new onto your credit report and up
your credit score.
Cosigning a Credit Card
If you have parents with solid credit or you have another
relative that has good credit, then you can use them to your
advantage. The best thing to do is ask them if you can co-sign a
credit card with them, so that your name will be on the report.
You will have no control over this card, but the credit report
will indicate that your name was on the account. It is only
alright to do this if the people that you are cosigning with
have good credit and are very likely to make all of their
payments on time.
These methods for improving your credit score can greatly
benefit you when it comes time to purchase a house or a car.
Consumers today never really know how important their credit
score is until they get into one of these situations. It is
extremely important to repair this before it becomes an issue.
About The Author: Learn more about personal finances:
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Suffering From Burn-Out?
Posted by: "Beverley-Anne Bear" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 6:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: Suffering From Burn-Out?
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With burn-out prevalent today, most people suffer from
unmanaged stress.
Statistics reveal that between 75 and 90% of illnesses
resulting in people being away from work sick - can be
attributed to stress; this is something that needs to be
managed. Absenteeism due to ill health averages between seven to
fifteen days per annum. This translates into a substantial
amount of money, lost hours, lack of productivity and suffering.
Not only is this not good for the individual it is not good for
the work place either.
To be able to live successfully, free from stress-related
illnesses, one has to acquire and apply the skills to manage and
channel stress. Stress management is essential. When you can
manage your stress you will be more healthy and productive. Your
outlook on life may improve dramatically.
What is stress? It is a built in mechanism to warn us of danger
better known as "fight or flight". If we do not re-act
appropriately, although our body has prepared us by pumping the
necessary adrenalin into our system, this unused hormone gets
stored and is not utilised. It is said that people that re-act
badly to a situation, scream and shout are better off than those
that try to stay calm, as the first lot of people use up the
adrenalin that has been prepared for the particular situation
that the body deems as dangerous. We need to find an outlet for
this unexpressed "stress", to prevent a build up, and causing us
to explode at the smallest little thing.
We need to learn how to get balance between our work-life,
private-life and social-life; As well as to learn how to
recognise the "stressors" and how to manage them; through
prioritization and planning as well as learning relaxation
techniques. In other words, we need to develop new habits and
coping mechanisms.
There are two phases that precede the actual burnout phase, and
recognizing them early enough, can prevent you from actually
experiencing the devastating effects of BURNOUT.
First there is the in-balance between effort and performance;
i.e. you are working harder, but achieving less than you
previously did. Soon enough you find yourself in the exhaustion
phase, and then eventually in the burn-out phase, where you are
totally dysfunctional.
By the time you get to this phase, it is a serious matter, and
you probably need medication and need to seek medical advice.
Your eating habits have changed and are very bad. You eat junk
food, chocolates, or whatever you can find that is not too much
effort to prepare, and probably eat it in excess. Some people
start drinking excessively and others abuse drugs. You are most
likely taking sleeping pills to sleep, and then using "uppers"
to help you stay awake during the day.
If you can recognise the signs in the first phase, when you are
not achieving as much as you normally achieve, you can prevent
the other two phases, by making lifestyle changes. Eating
properly, relaxing and taking time out for exercise and fresh
air and then learning to manage stress effectively.
Beverley-Anne Bear
About The Author: Beverley-Anne Bear is a qualified
Hypnotherapist, who assists people in learning to relax and
manage stress. She is the author of an e-book on the subject,
wherein she gives helpful tools on how to manage stress in your
everyday life. http://www.regressiontherapist.
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- 11.
Choosing Your Wedding Music
Posted by: "Denise Sanger" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 6:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: Choosing Your Wedding Music
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Music is something that is a key element in any good wedding.
Deciding what type of music you'd like to play is one of the
trickier aspects of planning a wedding. Not only do you have to
find music that you like, you also have to choose music that the
guests would enjoy. Playing nothing but sappy love songs for
hours on end will not only bore the guests, but overdo the whole
celebration. So, what type of music should be played at a
successful wedding? Variety!
Yes, love songs are to be expected, but they should also be
limited. Playing ten love songs back to back can get very
tiresome. And no one wants to slow dance for ten consecutive
songs, except maybe the love birds. But remember, not everyone
that is celebrating your wedding with you is in a relationship.
A good idea would be to mix things up a bit. If you'd like to
play a lot of romance songs, doing them back to back wouldn't be
the best idea. Perhaps playing a love song, and then something
different in between would be a better idea. The top most played
love songs at weddings include, "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing"
by Aerosmith, "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston, and
"Your Song" by Elton John. These songs tend to sum up quite a
lot of emotions that couples may not be able to vocalize
themselves. Which is why for the first dance these songs, and
songs similar, are ideal, but for other parts of the wedding
these songs are best to be avoided.
Parts of a wedding where music is to be expected can be broken
down into groups. We start off with the ceremony, where the
traditional songs can be played. After that music begins to be
more of a challenge as we enter into the celebration. There
should be different music for the bride's dance with her father,
the groom's dance with his mother, the first dance (which was
previously touched upon), the garter and bouquet toss, the
cutting of the cake, background music for dinner, music for the
celebration, and finally music for the last dance.
For the mother dance and the father dance, similar music can
actually be used. Both dances are thanking the parents;
therefore the music should be thanking the parents as well.
Music for the celebration should be a wide variety, since your
guests will also be all ages and have very many different music
variations that they like. These songs can be anything from an
Abba song, to a Justin Timberlake song, or even if you want a
song from Queen.
More of a laid back song can be used when cutting the cake or a
funny song that plays with the idea such as "Cut The Cake" by
Average White Band can be used. And how amusing would it be to
have the song "Wild Thing" by Tone Loc plays as the groom strips
off the garter. The bouquet toss can take on a different
approach. An amusing song such as "Girls Just Want To Have Fun"
by Cyndi Lauper can play, or a softer song may be selected.
As the celebration comes to an end, a song for the last dance
should be played as well. The guests are leaving, and the couple
will be beginning a new life together. A song for goodbye to the
guests, but hello to a new life would be a perfect song. "Last
Dance" by Donna Summer would be a good song for this. But
overall just remember to play music that you like, because in
the end this is your day, and you'll remember every piece of it.
Remember it with good background music!
About The Author: Denise Sanger is the owner of several wedding
websites including and
http://buyweddingfavorsonline. com
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Classroom Management: How to Handle Power Seeking Students
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Sat Feb 2, 2008 6:23 am (PST)
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Title: Classroom Management: How to Handle Power Seeking Students
Word Count: 469
Author: Adam Waxler
Category: Reference & Education
Article URL: http://www.submityourarticle. com/articles/ easypublish. php?art_id= 22917
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Classroom Management: How to Handle Power Seeking Students
The sad fact is, it doesn't matter how well teachers know
their doesn't matter how many strategies
teachers know to improve reading comprehension or to
increase academic achievement...if teachers can not manage
their classroom, they can not teach.
Many experts in education agree that the students who are
causing the classroom management problems usually fall into
one of four categories:
1. attention seekers ~ (pencil tappers, hummers, students
who talk out etc.)
2. power seekers ~ (always getting in the last word,
muttering under their breath)
3. revenge seekers ~ (recipients of frequent punishment)
4. avoiding failure ~ (students who don't do the work or
withdraw from the lesson as a means of avoiding more
However, for most teachers, it is the power seekers that
start to make our blood boil. These are the students who
question your authority and do so in front of the whole
Many teachers feel that they cannot let the power seeking
student get in the last word because the will lose face
with the rest of the class...leading others to feel
comfortable questioning your authority as well.
These power seekers are trying to "bait" the teacher by
mumbling something under their breath or flat out stating,
"You can't make me do this assignment!"
Bottom line...these power seeking students are trying to
get a reaction out of the teacher and there is nothing they
would like more than to have their fellow classmates watch
the teacher explode.
Don't do this...Don't fall for their tricks...Don't take
the bait!!!
At least not then and there in front of the other students.
There are other options...A much better approach is to take
a deep breath, don't lose your cool, and in a calm,
matter-of-fact manner simply tell the student to see you
after class and then immediately continue on with the
If the power seeking student then mutter's something under
his breath again just ignore it...that's right ignore
it...the rest of class already knows that you will handle
the situation without their presence. There is no need for
further response at this time as all you will be doing is
disrupting your own lesson and giving that power seeking
student just what he wants.
Then, when the bell rings and the class is leaving, simply
pull that power seeking student aside and follow through
without the audience that the student desired. Depending
on the situation you may also follow that up with a phone
call home, parent conference, detention etc.
Just don't get "into it" in front of the rest of the class.
By knowing the reasoning behind why a student is
misbehaving (i.e. seeking power) a teacher can make much
better classroom management decisions.
About the Author:
If you can't manage your classroom you can't teach!
Fortunately, Adam Waxler, a full-time social studies
teacher and adjunct education professor, has developed a
FREE 5-part classroom management e-course. For more
information about this FREE course visit:
This article is distributed on behalf of the author by is a trading name of Takanomi Limited.
Takanomi Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales.
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- 13.
Affiliate Marketing Can Make Internet Puffery
Posted by: "Louis-Charles Martel" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 7:11 am (PST)
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Louis-Charles Martel
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Article Title: Affiliate Marketing Can Make Internet Puffery
Author: Louis-Charles Martel
Word Count: 539
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If your company is proper starting out you may find that there
just is not a lot in the report for advertising. Utilizing group
marketing can really help to get the word out masterly about
your company with very little small change on your part. With
the use of one of the profligate network affiliate companies
that are out there your business can grow without you having to
manage any not here write-up personnel or keeping track of the
sales marketing.
When utilized correctly affiliate purchase can draw on sales to
a business with very little effort on your part. You find an
narrow company with a group of sponsors who then post ads on
their websites. You pay a sales talk commission to the company
for each elaborated sale that is clear-cut from their display
board on their home ground. When you use an affiliate network to
roaring trade you do less work because the detail tracks the
gossips and the press-agentry you simply pay the company their
approve for each exchange. If you knock petite to do with your
advertising you can make erstwhile quicken one's speed made-up,
but by carte de visite the site you can see for yourself if it
is a good counterpart for your company or not. Does it portray
the alter ego that you are trust for or is it lawful not right
for your artillery? Choosing for yourself incurs you to engage
in some control fall over which affiliate is winner for invent
Overboard team up sites allow advertising to be lukewarm* for a
specified chump change of installment payments to help promote
special deals and may limit the amount of time the advertising
can be in place. If the affiliate does not feel established
order are seduction generous, or conservatives are not getting
enough traffic to their own site, they may clinch to kill the
use of your advertisement.
You reasonably crack* to find a men ergo charity bear you to
use a secondary highway affiliate program. Hence programs
generally split the commission for sales and are beneficial to
you as the seller since it can get your spin-off out to two
races of groups with the same cost. Essentially thus and thus
companies split play it by ear* advertising by even supposing
the advertising on one land and then when someone clicks on the
link it intentness them to another site and then to your site
for the sales.
There is a benefit to each company that institutes on come
aboard networking via the internet. The company that places the
ads shows its product or services out on the internet in a
highly visible way. The company that you use for your marketing
benevolence get more viewers to their website.
When you own a site that offers services you be obliged
consider affiliate programs that offer goods henceforth are
closely related to your own social services this can be the best
possible advertising. In general companies can kill use of an
divvy* program without warning device if the offshoot command
violates the agreement. The offshoot company can also end the
agreement by not hosting the ads any longer.
About The Author: Louis-Charles Martel is owner of and writes on a variety of subjects. To
learn more about this topic Dustin recommends you visit:
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- 14.
Effective Affiliate Advertising
Posted by: "R. Scott" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 7:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Effective Affiliate Advertising
Author: R. Scott
Word Count: 529
Article URL: 220613&ca= Marketing
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In order to make a successful start in an affiliate opportunity
you have to put forth time and effort into your advertising. In
affiliate marketing the use of contextual ads is most practiced.
These ads are targeted through relevant keyword searches.
Contextual ads are advertising methods such as Google AdSense.
This program allows you to choose the keywords that you find
most relevant to your website and your websites content. Other
online sources are Yahoo Ad Publisher, Microsoft Ad Content and
eBay Ad Context.
You can also advertise your own site on another site that has
related content. You are never placed on a site that carries
competitive information so sales always go to making profit for
you. This is called cost per action. An advertiser pays for an
ad when a desired action chosen by the advertiser occurs. Such
actions include purchases, forms completion, etc. This is more
or less an online advertising pricing method.
Within affiliate marketing a customer visits an affiliate
website, the affiliate (you) offers a product or service for a
company (the seller). This process direct traffic to another
site equaling in payment to you or you are paid when a sale is
completed for the seller. There are numerous marketing or
advertising methods that have proven to be successful for
affiliate businesses. There are five main advertising methods
for affiliate marketing. These include the following: SEO, Email
marketing, Search engine marketing, display marketing, and
contextual ads.
Five Main Affiliate Advertising Methods:
1. Search engine optimization ensures that your site keyword
density is at its best. This will enable your site visitors to
find your site quickly and effectively.
2. Search engine marketing is similar to SEO but it can involve
natural searches and ads such as Google Adsense.
3. Email marketing is useful in keeping contact with customers
as well as supplying the public with advertisements about sales,
specials, store or products. This is a form of direct marketing.
4. Display advertising uses text alongside logos, photos,
pictures and maps which are web banners.
5. Contextual ads are ads that are site targeted due to keyword
Advertising is important to be able to get the information
about your product or service to the public as well as help
those searching for your item to find it quicker and easier. If
a customer can find you they can make a purchase therefore
bringing in income and allowing you to reach the next step
towards business success. This is one reason why affiliate
marketing is so popular with website businesses. You can drive
traffic from one site to another while making a small income
from advertising a fellow affiliate's site. This is one area
where there is a form of limited partnership such as what is
included in revenue sharing. This is when profits and losses are
shared between businesses in a business alliance. When you work
together with another affiliate to swap traffic flow this is
more or less the same procedure. No matter which forma of
advertising you go with through trial and error you will find
About The Author: Robert Scott is owner of
http://Automaticonlinebusiness. and writes on a variety ofcom
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- 15.
Transmission Jack
Posted by: "Cooper Miller" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 7:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: Transmission Jack
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Word Count: 648
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Perhaps the tool that is most required by all workshops that
are serious about carrying out repairs on a wide variety of
vehicles is the standard transmission jack. These flexible and
versatile lifting systems have many uses, and are essential for
a wide range of different repair and servicing jobs.
Unlike a conventional jack, which raises a vehicle using either
the chassis, or the axles, a transmission jack is positioned
centrally, and lifts the transmission. Generally, the procedure
for removing a transmission or gear box from a vehicle begins
with positioning the transmission jack under the box. It is
then raised to take the weight of the transmission, so that it
can be safely detached from the engine block. Once this has
been achieved, the jack can be raised the rest of the way up in
order to allow the complete removal of the transmission ready
for servicing.
There are numerous different styles and models of transmission
jack available, and although their purpose is the same, the
different versions are designed for different kinds of vehicle.
Most cars and light weight utility trucks have fairly
lightweight transmission systems attached to the engine block.
These can generally be handled effectively by a transmission
jack rated up to 1000lb capacity. A unit like the OTC 1728 jack
is perfectly suited to such tasks. It is small enough to be
easily moved around by a single mechanic, and yet hard wearing
enough to be used every day without fear of failure. The unit
comes with a lifetime guarantee, and thanks to its precision
construction is a very reliable tool.
As with all tools, the OTC 1728 Transmission jack is designed
with a specific purpose in mind, and features many enhancements
to a basic design to make it easy to use. A gas lift piston to
raise the transmission block when the jack is in use is combined
with a manual release for easy detachment when the job is
complete, and in use, the OTC 1728 is intended to be as simple
as possible.
For larger jobs, a heavy duty transmission jack is required.
If your workshop deals with a lot of trucks and larger vehicles,
then you will require a much more powerful jack in order to
support the heavier weight of the transmission and gearbox in a
bigger vehicle.
In general, transmission jacks for larger vehicles such as
trucks are rated to carry up to 2200lb in weight, and do so
effortlessly. Heavy duty transmission jacks like the OTC 5019
are intended to be completely stable under even the largest
weights, and are easy to manipulate when in use to ensure that
transmission removal is as simple as possible, even with a
particularly heavy unit to deal with.
Aside from the weight capacity of a transmission jack, the
other major consideration is whether you require a high or low
profile device. If your workshop is large enough to have
hydraulic vehicle lifting platforms, then a high profile jack
will be easier for you to use, while in a more restrictive
environment, you are better off with a low profile model that
can be slipped into place for ease of use.
The actual cost of a transmission jack will vary depending on
the level of quality, weight that it can carry, and the
manufacturer, and since there are so many different options on
the market, finding the one that you want can be bewildering to
say the least.
Prices start from around $825 for a low profile trolley style
transmission jack rated up to half a ton, but you can easily pay
in excess of $1800 for a full ton high profile device designed
for trucks and heavier jobs. What is important is buying a tool
that will last well, perform reliably, and last for as long as
you need it.
About The Author: Jason has been in the construction equipment
and industrial sales business for over 10 years. He owns and
operates Red Hill Supply to better serve the automotive and
industrial industries. - Air-Compressors. htm
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- 16.
Import U.S. Autos Into Canada To Save Cash 101
Posted by: "Terry Z. Voster" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 7:12 am (PST)
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Terry Z. Voster
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Article Title: Import U.S. Autos Into Canada To Save Cash 101
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Here is the Canadian Reader's Digest version of buying a car in
the United States for Canadians to save big money.
First do your research on the car. Next research the car on
the site (Registrar of Foreign Motor Vehicles). By
checking and verifying online Transport Canada's list of
vehicles admissible from the United States you can check to see
if the car is simply importable, that there are no restrictions
on your vehicle of choice. If the car is easily importable you
may find that are minimal modifications may be needed to certify
the car for import into Canada. If major modifications are
needed to import your vehicle or if the car is listed in the
"inadmissible:" column of the column labeled " notes" indicates
restrictions or modifications needed to import your chosen
brand, model or year of vehicle take careful heed and note of
these modifications, restrictions or concerns before proceeding
in your quest. In order to export the vehicle to Canada (from
the U.S. to Canada), fax the required U.S. Customs export
documents to the U.S. Customs border office. Next in line at
Canada Customs (correctly the Canadian Border Service Agency)
you will about $ 300 in Riv fees and provide the proper
paperwork and documentation to the Canadian Border Service
Agency, Pay the now 5 % GST (General Sales Tax) on the U.S.
converted purchase price of the vehicle again to Canada Customs
and you are finished the first major hurdle of importing your
bargain priced car from the United States into Canada You will
also be asked to provide a "Recall Clearance Letter" which will
certify that the vehicle has no outstanding vehicle
Recalls and that all the manufactures recall upgrades have been
done. This document can be simply provided on request by either
the car dealer or vehicle manufacturer and must
be on official company or dealer letterhead.
You will need some form of vehicle registration an insurance to
transport the car from the sale (if driven on the road) and as
well the car must be insured as well as plated if you are to
drive the car from the Canadian border port of entry. If driven
(and not hauled by truck vehicle transport), your car will need
to be "plated" and insured. The dealer, who sold you your car,
or the local highway department / sheriff, can assist you in
obtaining these documents. As for insurance this can often be
provided back home, as an extension of your current auto
insurance plan or as a new purchase of car insurance.
If you are traveling away from home, the purchase can usually
be done over the phone, with documents faxed.
You have now passed the first major hurdle of the steps of
importing your new vehicle into Canada. Your vehicle will now
have to be certified within Canada. Riv (The Registrar of
Imported Motor Vehicles) will send you its "Vehicle Inspection
Form" within two weeks. You will have 45 days from the time of
submission of your documentation to the Canadian Border Service
Agencies to complete the necessary modifications.
There are a number of straightforward steps in the process are
taking your new vehicle for individual certification and
inspection. The Registrar of Imported Vehicles of Canada
( ( has contracted with the well known and
available the national auto parts and service center chain
Canadian Tire to perform the federal Riv inspection. This fee is
included as part of the Riv fee so that you do not have to pay
this fee yet again. The Canadian Tire Service Centers can also
perform certain modification work as well, (at your cost), as
well as perform many, if not most, of required standard
provincial vehicle inspections. Once passed, you will next
present the vehicle for the routine Canadian provincial or
territorial licensing authority for its inspection and approval.
It cannot be stressed enough that although you should be saving
money in the process of importing your new vehicle into Canada
that the onus is on you to be both current and thorough in your
research and documentation. Follow all steps. Do not take
shortcuts or foolish chances. The rules can and may change from
time to time. The onus is you to check with the relevant
authorities be it the Riv Canada site, the manufacturer of the
car, truck or S.U.V., your Provincial highway and traffic
authority and your auto insurance company among other
authorities and department. The onus is you to check. If not
sure phone or email to verify. Remember written documentation is
always best. Enjoy your new vehicle- be it car, truck, motor
home or S.U.V.
About The Author: Terry Z. Voster Import Car Canada Edmonton Alberta Coquitlam B.C.Car
Dealer http://www.secondchancefinance. Preferred Automotiveca Import Broker
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- 17.
Replacing Your Cottage Or Vacation Chalet Hot Water Tank
Posted by: "Kerry A. Francis" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 7:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: Replacing Your Cottage Or Vacation Chalet Hot
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Word Count: 1028
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Water heaters at the lake or cottage have the ability to either
spring a leak in the spring or almost it seems some of the time
spontaneously. At your vacation spot the repair person or
plumber may be rather inaccessible, costly or both. Have no fear
or daunting. To replace a water heater is nowhere as difficult
as it might appear.
To replace a leaky or broken water heater is not a difficult
process. It boils down to two steps. First to remove the older
piece of equipment. Next to install your new replacement water
heater. Of course as well you will have to find a way to
environmentally dispose of heater number one.
What are the steps? First of all we are assuming that in most
cases you have a standard ac electric power water heater rather
than a natural gas or propane one.
To start off turn off the ac electric power to your water
heater. Turn off the power breaker on the control panel in your
cottage or lake chalet. If you are unsure if the power is
totally turned off you can either turn off the main breaker to
the whole residence or if you have the knowledge or a friend
with the equipment and knowledge use and electrical tester to
check the wires coming into the heater for current. At the worst
you can turn off the main breaker again.
Once you are certain (for sure) that there is no electric
current whatsoever coming into the heater, then disconnect the
wires that enter the heater. It never hurts to tag these wires
on the old heater with colored tape or tags just in case you
have to reverse your repair or need a model to refer to.
Similar to turning off the current to the water heater you now
want to turn off the water coming into the water heater.
Otherwise you will have a "flood". As well it is very dangerous
to work around electricity with loose water present. You have
several choices.
You should easily find the tap for the input of water into the
water heater. It will be the single cold water line in. Simply
follow that cold water line that is flowing into the hot water
heater. Not far along you will find a standard garden type water
faucet. Close it (clockwise). Next to be on the absolutely safe
side, shut off the main water tap that leads into your abode. It
never hurts to play it safe and be redundant. Better safe than
You will have to drain the waste water from the water tank.
You could leave it in.
However the water tank will be very very heavy and unwieldy to
cart away. As well it will leak more come next spring, when it
unthaws wherever it is lying. Take a standard garden house, of
proper length. Attach the end of the garden hose to the outflow
of the water heater (close to the bottom and base of the tank),
and drain the tank outside. The end outlet of the hose of course
must be lower than the tank drain.
After the tank is empty and drained simply unscrew the water
pipes of the hot water heater. To unscrew you will need a good
strong wrench turned counter clockwise. The inlet pipe may be
labeled "cold" and the outlet pipe "hot".
Now all you have to do is "pull out" the heater. If you live in
an earthquake prone regional location, you may find that your
heater is "strapped in". You will have to undo the straps. It
is not unlike undoing a belt. However it may be heavier and may
require the assistance of more than one person.
Now that your older, broken or leaking water heater is removed
you will now have to do the reverse and install the newer
device. It is basically the same procedure as removing the old
one, only in reverse.
First the new water heater is placed in the same place as the
first one. This is assuming that you do not want to change the
location or plumbing. After all why make life more difficult
than it need be.
Clean the pipes thoroughly before attaching them to the new
water heater. A wire brush can do the trick easily.
Once you have the two pipes attached (cold one intake, hot one
is output), you will need to fill up the tank with water. The
trick is to empty the hot water of air at the same time as you
fill it. Otherwise when the hot water is turned on, the air and
water may gurgle out of the tap. Simply turn on both the water
inlet tap (at the bottom of the tank) and at the same time run a
hot water tap in a sink in your cottage or chalet. Just remember
to turn off the tap when you are finished.
Lastly attach the electrical power wires to the tank. Just to
make sure once more check that the power breakers are in the
off position. Ensure thoroughly that everything is dry in the
area around the water heater. If you are unsure wait a day or
so. With the breakers off and unpowered attach the electrical
power cables to the water heater (exactly as they were before on
the old tank). After that is done and checked turn on the
breakers. It may take more than several hours to heat up the
water fully, especially if the water is stone cold well water in
the spring time.
You now have completed the procedure of replacing your electric
water heater at your lake or cottage. Stand back and admire your
handiwork. If you are leaving your retreat for a good time
period, it might be a good idea to both turn off the water and
power if you are going to be away for a good spell until your
next return. Enjoy your retreat.
About The Author: Kerry A. Francis Manitoba Golfing and Golf
Course Care and Maintenance Lake
Manitoba Fishing Lodges http://www.fishlakemanitobanarrows. com
Manitoba Chalet Hot Water Heater Replacement
http://www.sellyourmanitobacottage. com
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Strategies for Motivating Students to Learn
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Title: Strategies for Motivating Students to Learn
Word Count: 574
Author: Adam Waxler
Category: Reference & Education
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Strategies for Motivating Students to Learn
As an adjunct education professor I am often asked, "How do
I motivate students to learn?"
Motivating students to learn is a struggle that all
teachers face.
Since I also teach middle school social studies it is the
challenge I personally face everyday.
The truth is motivating students to learn is one of the key
components of effective teaching AND classroom management.
If students are not motivated to learn then they are most
likely not involved in the lesson and if they are not
involved in the lesson they are much more likely to cause
classroom management problems.
Therefore, it is critical for teachers to increase student
motivation to learn and the best way to do this is for
teachers to spark student interest at the beginning of
every lesson.
Here are six effective strategies for motivating students
to learn I do at the beginning of lessons:
1. Use critical thinking questions ~ The great thing about
using these types of questions is that they don't
necessarily have a right or wrong answer so students are
allowed to express their own opinions as opposed to simply
being told to memorize facts.
Here's a quick example. Let's take a social studies lesson
on the use of the atomic bomb to end World War II. To
spark interest at the beginning of the lesson the teacher
can ask students to all write down an answer to the
following question... "Do you think President Truman was
justified in dropping the atomic bomb to end WWII? Why?"
Teachers can then let students share their answers for a
quick class discussion and then take a class poll. Now
that the students are interested in the topic it is much
easier for the teacher to start the lesson.
Then, at the end of the lesson, the teacher can take
another poll to see if the student's opinions have changed.
2. Use music to teach ~ Music is one of the most underrated
learning tools and is a great way to spark student
interest. For example, when teaching a lesson on the slave
trade and the Middle Passage I introduce the topic by
playing the Bob Marley songs "Buffalo Soldier" and "Catch a
3. Use video ~ Video is one of the most misunderstood
teaching tools and is often abused. However, if used
correctly video can be a great tool increase student
motivation to learn. The key is to use short clips from
movies and documentaries at beginning of lessons rather
than the end. Hollywood movies are great for this, but you
can also use to download short clips
from documentaries on any subject for any grade level.
4. Relate what students are learning to what is going on in
the "real world". This is obviously easier done with some
subjects than others, but it can be done. Students need to
know "why" they are learning something.
5. Relate what students are learning to what is important
to them. The trick here is to get to know your students and
learn about their own interests.
6. Use technology...or rather, have the student use
technology to learn. Have them create podcasts, videos, web
sites, brochures etc.
Increasing student motivation to learn can be challenging,
but it is an essential element in being an effective
teacher. The added bonus is you will also find yourself
enjoying teaching much more when it doesn't feel like you
are pulling teeth trying to get your students involved.
About the Author:
Want to learn more strategies to motivate students to
learn? Sign up for the FREE Teaching Tips Machine
Newsletter @ http://www.Teaching-Tips-Machine. com
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- 19.
Choosing The Right Type Of Exercise Bikes
Posted by: "Pencil Writer" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 8:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Choosing The Right Type Of Exercise Bikes
Author: Pencil Writer
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In today's world, with everyone's lifestyles and the patterns
of living getting changed regularly, keeping fit has become a
very important thing. Exercises have become the norm of the day.
It is important that one exercises and works out in order to
shed those extra pounds and also to keep fit. Exercise bikes
play a very important role in this daily routine and helps keep
oneself in shape.
These bikes are a very useful source of exercise as they give a
very good work-out for all the parts of the body. So apart from
jogging people can also try out cycling in these exercise bikes
for extra fitness. Many cycles also come with a meter that shows
the amount of calories lost, the distance traveled, mileage,
time pedaled etc.
Choosing the right kind of exercise bike is a very important
thing. The first thing to be checked is the comfort levels of
the user; the more comfortable the seating and the other
arrangements, the more entertaining and enthusiastic the
exercise. Mainly, there are four basic types of exercise bikes,
the first being the upright bike. They are similar to the
outdoor cycles and have a seat and pedals that can be pedaled.
The next type is the recumbent type, which has the seat placed
very low, parallel to the ground level. The pedals are in the
front side, so that the legs do not have to bend a lot. Also the
seat has a back support that is very comfortable to use.
The semi-recumbent is the next type. They have a higher seat
position than the normal recumbent types and also the seat is
inclined so that elderly people can get down the cycle easily.
The dual action bike is the fourth type. These are the perfect
ones for the whole-body work-out, as both the handle bars and
the pedals also are movable, thus facilitating the hands and
legs to move. Some bikes have a certain weight capacity, and
cannot load more than that particular weight. So it is important
to have a look at that before purchasing the bike.
Resistance is another important factor to be considered while
buying the exercise cycle. It is the pressure that is
experienced while cycling the exercise bike. Depending upon the
need to reduce weight, the resistance has to be adjusted on the
bike; the more the resistance, the more difficult it is to pedal
the cycle, which helps in a rigorous work-out plan. There are
various types of resistance in bikes, the first type being
Magnetic type. This type is found more in professional gyms. It
is noise-free and is quite smooth to use. The resistance power
can be adjusted as well. The next type is the Air resistance,
where a fan is fixed to the pedal. The more the pedal is
pressed, the more the resistance and the faster the fan would
swing. In the third type called direct tension, the user adjusts
the resistance according to the need, with the help of knobs.
The fourth type is the Flywheel, wherein the resistance is taken
care of a big wheel, and as the pedal is moved, the wheel also
Exercise bikes are very important to keep fit and also for
following a rigorous exercise and fitness regime. What more,
with the ease of shedding weight even while watching TV or the
favorite movie, in the cosiness of one's home, what more can one
ask for! But it is definitely important to consult one's regular
doctor before getting into these exercises as they are strenuous
and might not be advised for people with hypertension, high
diabetes etc.
About The Author: You can read
http://www.exercisebikereviews. on Bremshey
http://www.exercisebikereviews. carl-lewis- exercise- cycles/
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- 20.
Understanding Coin Price Guides
Posted by: "Robert L Taylor, JD" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 8:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Understanding Coin Price Guides
Author: Robert L Taylor, JD
Word Count: 619
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There are many coin price guides published; weekly, bi-weekly,
monthly and annually. They come in the form of magazines,
newsprint, "hot sheets", and books. All of us have referred to
one of these from time to time to ascertain what a particular
coin might be worth. Yet, few of us stop to think about what we
are getting from any one of these Price Guides, beyond the price
or value of a coin. After all, don't price guides, just give you
the price? What else is there?
Basic to an understanding of price guides are two things: 1)
the Grade of the Coin; and 2) the Foundation of the price guide.
Knowing the Grade of the Coin is required before one can begin.
Saying so seems to be obvious, but what more does it mean?
Unless the coin is Graded by an appropriate Professional
Grading Company, which has designated what Grade and Identity
has been assigned to the coin, most of us are making an
assumption about the actual Grade. This assumption we make can
be very dangerous because of: a) the difficulty in grading a
coin; and, b) the different possible outcomes or results that
occur. One Grade "point" or level can make the difference in
hundreds or thousands of dollars in the Value of a Coin.
Price Guides assume that YOU already Know the Grade of the
Coin. This is why we have the First Rule of Coin Collecting:
Know the Grade of Your Coin.
Secondly, ALL Price Guides are founded on the same Principle,
which is that the Coin, whose price you are looking up, has been
Graded using one Grading Standard. That Grading Standard is set
by the ANA American Numismatic Association and is entitled
the Official Grading Standards For US Coins.
Therefore, ALL Price Guides have a "silent assumption" built in
to their guide; which is that the Grade that YOU decide upon, is
the True or Accurate, and that such Grade is based on the ANA
The first difficulty that arises is that most people never know
if the Grade that they have decided upon is Accurate. Of course,
this difficulty never comes into question, if the coin is
Professionally Graded by an appropriate company. There are only
four (4) reputable Professional Grading companies that strictly
follow the Guidelines set by the ANA, and they are: PCGS, NCG,
The second difficulty arises because of this "silent
assumption" or Foundation of all price guides is whether or not
the Grade has been decided upon using the Guidelines or
Standards established by the ANA. If you don't have the skills
and training of a professional coin grader, the decision is
probably questionable.
Even if you do have the skills and training of a professional
coin grader, the decision is still probably questionable. Why?
Because even professional coin graders have differing opinions.
This is why the reputable professional coin grading companies
require the opinions of three (3) professional coin graders to
arrive at the "Grade" designation to be placed on every coin.
The obvious conclusion is that a Serious Coin Collector is
going to invest in rare and modern coins that are graded by one
of the Top Four reputable Grading companies. It is the only
certain way to eliminate the disagreements and arguments about
the Grade of Any coin being Bought or Sold! It is the only
certain way one can Value their coin collection. It also
eliminates "getting taken" or cheated buying raw coins.
Have fun collecting your Perfect Coins!
Robert L Taylor, JD
Copyright 2006, Robert L Taylor, JD
About The Author: Robert Taylor is a retired Lawyer, from
Denver, CO, and who has had a passion for collecting US coins,
since the age of 6. Wanting to share his Passion, he created
http://www.ThePerfect-Coin.Com which features US Rare and
Modern Coins (from 1960) and http://www.PerfectDollarCoins. Com
featuring US
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Massage Therapy And Personal Hygiene
Posted by: "Deborah Schwabe" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 8:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Massage Therapy And Personal Hygiene
Author: Deborah Schwabe
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When you choose to be a massage therapist, you choose a job
where you will be in very close proximity with others. Keeping
that in mind, it's vital tht you consider your own personal
hygiene, so that you don't offend your clients.
One of the first things that comes to mind is smoking. If
you're a smoker, you may not realize that the smell of smoke
lingers on your hair, your uniform, along with your fingers. I
distinctly remember getting a massage, and when the therapist
was doing a facial massage, I could smell the smoke on her
fingers. It took a soothing experience and turned it into an
unpleasant one for me. Do you smoke? What are your clients
thinking? I'll be honest, I didn't return to that therapist
after that session. If you're a smoker, it's important that you
don't smoke between clients. Many people find the smell of smoke
that lingers on you offensive. Someone is paying for your time,
and you don't want that tiny little factor to be the reason your
clients don't return.
Another personal hygiene issue you'll want to think about is
your body odor and your breath. Because you'll be so close to
others, this again can be the difference between a one time
client and a return client. Most clients will not tell you they
found you offensive, but I can guarantee they will find a new
massage therapist. Brush your teeth and floss often. Daily
showers and deodorant help keep body odor at bay.
What about perfume or cologne? Many people have allergies, and
this may bother them. A good rule of thumb is to avoid personal
fragrance when working with clients. Remember that what is
pleasant to you, may not be pleasant to another. That also comes
into play if you have a hairspray that has a strong scent. These
may seem like tiny things, but when doing work so closely to
another, these tiny things make a difference.
Your nails should be kept short and neat. Nothing is a bigger
turn-off than someone with dirty or jagged nails. People notice,
and it's not sanitary to work on a client if your nails are
Another thing you may want to consider is wearing a uniform. If
you work for yourself, or a spa, a uniform will help give you a
professional image. People expect professionals to have a
professional image. Be sure to wear clothing that is
non-restrictive so you can easily move how you need to. You'll
also want to wear comfortable shoes with good support, and above
all, make sure they are clean in appearance.
By paying attention to small details like above, you'll present
with a clean, professional appearance. Avoiding smoking between
clients, and keeping your breath and body fresh will give you
the neutrality you want when working closely with another.
Remember one simple thing, you want it to be a good experience.
I've freely admitted I've not returned to a massage therapist
that was a smoker. I'm sure I'm not alone. I don't smoke, and
the smell of smoke on my face while I'm relaxing was enough for
me to change therapists. Will it be enough for your clients as
well? They won't say anything to you, but they may be thinking
it. Make clients, repeat clients by keeping your personal
hygiene in check.
About The Author: Deborah has a resource guide full of tips,
info and links for both the massage student, massage therapist
and consumer at You'll find two entries,
one for the therapist, and one for consumers that are looking to
do massage at home with their partners.
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How To Complain About Your Airline Service
Posted by: "Tom Tessin" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 8:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: How To Complain About Your Airline Service
Author: Tom Tessin
Word Count: 513
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Every time you plan a trip, you want everything to go as
planned, sometimes this won't be the case and it's the situation
no one wants to encounter. In order to make the worst of a
situation better, it's best that you understand how you deal
with a situation like this..
Airlines will do just about anything when it comes to keeping a
customer loyal to their program. This may mean giving the
customer a voucher, free food credits, upgrades, and more. It's
your job to follow the tips below so that not only will your
problem be solved but you'll be able to get the compensation you
Deal with the person immediately
Depending on what your problem is, make sure that you notify an
airline employee immediately. Don't wait until you get home or
your trip is over because this will only worsen the situation.
The reason you'll want to contact an employee on the spot is
because you'll want them to scout the situation and make a note
for them self.. That employee will now be a witness to the
situation that just happened.
Know the details
Before you make a big fuss about your complaint, make sure that
you're complaining about something that is legit. You're going
to want to ask yourself a few questions. You're going to want to
ask yourself, "Why are you complaining?", "What exactly was the
situation?", and "What do you want as an outcome?" It's always
best to brainstorm these questions before you actually go out
and complain to an official.
File your complaint
Once you make sure the airline employees know about it, make
sure that you take the time to file a complaint with the
corporation itself. The best way to do so is contact the
airliner either by phone or mail. It's usually best to do both.
The reason you should contact the airliners by mail is because
most email is only answered with a basic reply letter with no
compensation at all. When you send out a letter, you'll usually
receive a letter or call back from the airlines itself.
Depending on what your situation is, you should usually expect
to not get a lot back from the airlines. If the situation was
something bad such as staying on the runway for eight hours then
you and your fellow passengers have something to complain about
and the airliners will definitely compensate you for something
like that. If the situation is something along the lines of
getting your luggage lost then you're probably not going get
much compensation back from the airlines.
When you're making your complaint to the airlines, make sure
that you keep your cool. If you're going to yell and make a
scene, the employees are most likely to call the police and they
won't give you the time of the day. Remember to treat them as if
it were you. Keeping your cool will only make the situation
About The Author: Tom Tessin runs
http://www.findairlinecards. that foucuses on travel creditcom
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- 23.
Gambling Addiction Can Ruin You
Posted by: "Shanat Kuphur" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 8:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: Gambling Addiction Can Ruin You
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Everyone in this world wants to make money; easy money is
something that involves a hell lot of risk. Gambling is said to
be the thing that can make you rich but can also make you
bankrupt. When in Vegas people say nothing is better than the
gambling casinos in Vegas. A place where a person might come as
a pauper and leave with a money but what happens in a reverse
scenario, a person that is supposed to be a millionaire might
become a beggar. Gambling is a common thing with many people
around who spend money on betting, some turn out to be the
winners and some loose. A visit to a casino doesn't mean that it
is a bad habit, it is just the testing of ones luck. But a
frequent visit to a gambling station would mean that you are
addicted to gambling. The legal gambling industry is on an all
time high in America. Where you get gambling casinos in your
home town, and the Internet that seems to have made the world
Gambling can be of various types such as at casinos, card
rooms, mobile gambling, Internet and many various types of
gambling that people are addicted to. Gambling involves a lot of
stake where your money is put to the ultimate test of dragging
in along more money but this might not turn out to be the case,
and you might find yourself loosing. Your luck is tested and
said to turn negative, but it is not that you were unlucky. In
fact you were foolish where you kept on loosing even though
there were no signs of winning and then you start cursing
yourself by saying that you are a person that has all the ill
luck in the world. A pathological gambler will find problems
such as family ones, debts, suicidal tendencies and many more.
In order to triumph over your bad habit of gambling problem you
can look for help from a hypnosis session that you can conduct
your self.
Gambling is looked upon as an illness that is chronic and
progressive but can be treated with timely help. Hypnosis is
said to be the solution to your problem as in the past it has
treated many addictions such as alcohol, drugs, etc. Gambling is
also stated as an addiction. One that is addicted by gambling
can get help with hypnosis treatment. A victorious person or a
businessman might have nothing left other than debts if he is a
constant gambler. If you are a person who is addicted to
gambling then you should look for the mp3 download. They are
sought after by many people all around the world for its overall
success to overcome gambling addiction. Mp3 downloads helps your
stressed and anxious mind set free and stop doing wrong things
and take in only things that which have positive results. These
will calm your nerves and enable you to perceive life with a
correct approach. It helps you control and stop your inkling
towards gambling.
About The Author: For more information on gambling problem and
gambling addiction check the link -
http://www.richardmackenziedirect. com/Gambling- Addiction- Hypnosis. htm
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Classroom Management: Students Who Fall Through The Cracks
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Sat Feb 2, 2008 8:23 am (PST)
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Title: Classroom Management: Students Who Fall Through The Cracks
Word Count: 572
Author: Adam Waxler
Category: Reference & Education
Article URL: http://www.submityourarticle. com/articles/ easypublish. php?art_id= 23564
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Classroom Management: Students Who Fall Through The Cracks
Many experts in education agree that the majority of
students who are causing classroom management problems
usually fall into one of four categories: attention
seekers, power seekers, revenge seekers, and those avoiding
repeated failure.
Let's focus on this last group...those students who are
avoiding repeated failure.
As a middle school social studies teacher this is one I see
all the time. By the time these students have gotten to
8th grade they have experienced enough failure in school
that their goal is simply to avoid any more. It is much
easier on this student's self-esteem to not do the
assignment than it is to do the assignment and fail again.
Therefore, these students withdraw from the classroom (and
the system).
These are the students who come up with excuse after excuse
why they did not turn in the assignment, the ones who
appear to be sleeping with their eyes open, the ones who so
easily fall through the cracks...
While these students may not be causing outright behavior
problems, it is still a classroom management issue.
Simple, these students take up a great deal of the
teacher's time...the teacher needs to continuously try to
get these students on task thereby taking time away from
the lesson while at the same time providing more
opportunity for other students to "act-out".
Plus, it is simply exhausting work for the teacher.
Therefore, it is easy for teachers to simply stop putting
in so much effort to help these students who are refusing
to help themselves. As teachers we feel there is only so
much we can do so at some point we just stop...which is
exactly what the student wants us to do and it is exactly
why so many of these students "fall through the cracks".
However, we can't let this happen. As teachers it is our
job to make sure these students DON"T fall through the
So what's a teacher to do?
Well, for one, teachers should be very careful about
comparing students. Teachers compare students all the time
in their classes and this can do a great deal of damage to
those "at-risk" students.
Here are some examples of how teachers compare students on
regular basis in the classroom:
1. Posting student's grades. Even with a "secret code",
posting student grades still has the "at-risk" student
seeing his low grade compared to all the other high grades.
2. Posting number of books read, spelling words right, best
artwork has the "at-risk" student seeing himself as not
able to read, spell, or draw.
3. Putting a student's name on the board when they break a
rule is a humiliation that can last a lifetime.
I am not trying to tell teachers not to do these things...I
realize that many are common teacher practices. I also
realize that teachers want to honor students who did put in
the effort by displaying their work and that this can have
a positive effect on many students by providing quality
examples of a teacher's expectations.
However, I also think it is important for teachers to be
aware of the affect that these practices may have on the
at-risk students.
As we know, these "at-risk" students easily fall through
the cracks of the system, the question is... are we as
teachers actually contributing to this...are we actually
"pushing" them through the cracks?
About the Author:
If you can't manage your classroom you can't teach!
Fortunately, Adam Waxler, a full-time social studies
teacher and adjunct education professor, has developed a
FREE 5-part classroom management e-course. For more
information about this FREE course visit:
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Czech Republic's Ten Beautiful Places To Visit
Posted by: "Jonathan Williams" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 9:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Czech Republic's Ten Beautiful Places To Visit
Author: Jonathan Williams
Word Count: 657
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The Czech Republic is a country located in Central Europe. It
is bordered by Germany, Austria, Poland, and Slovakia. This
country is further divided into three regions; namely, Bohemia,
Moravia, and Silesia. The Czech Republic has lots to offer its
visitors, and here are the ten beautiful places that are a
must-see in this country.
1.) The Prague Castle
This is recognized by the Guinness World of Records as the
largest and oldest castle in the whole wide world. This is a
very impressive castle that seems to be guarding the city below.
You can also see here the St. Vitus Cathedral as well as other
smaller palaces.
2.) Charles Bridge
This is only one of the many bridges in Vltava. It was
constructed during the 14th century and is considered as oe of
the most stunning bridges in Prague. During the day, it is nice
to stroll along the Charles Bridge and get to enjoy the many
stores and restaurants and bars that are located here.
3.) The Old Town
If you want to see what an ancient town looks like, then visit
The Old Town. This is also considered as Prague's historical
center as it houses a lot of historical buildings as well as
monuments, the most popular of which is the Astronomical Clock
or the Orloj. There are also a lot of historical churches that
you can visit here.
3.) Josefov
This historical Jewish ghetto is a must-visit place. Here, you
will get to see old synagogues that are well maintained, and you
will also see here the Jewish Cemetery, thought of as the oldest
cemetery in Europe. There is also a burial site that you can
visit which is said to be Prague Golem's.
4.) New Town of Prague
Its main tourist spot is the Wenceslas Square where you will
get to enjoy shops and restaurants as well as little stalls.
You can also visit the National Museum. Along the Boulevard,
you will also see parks as well as arcades and modern discos as
well as new buildings.
5.) The Lesser Town
What this offers is picturesque views of streets and old
churches. The most popular church is the St. Nicholas Church.
You can also see the famous Lennon Wall here.
6.) City Center of Brno
If you want to see more historical buildings, then go on to the
City Center of Brno. Here, you will surely enjoy the sights of
its old churches as well as theaters. You are also going to see
here numerous sculptures as well as fountains as you walk along
its streets.
7.) Spilberk Castle
This castle/fortress is located in Brno and used to be a famous
notorious prison where a lot of people were tormented and
tortured during the Austro-Hungarian Empire era. Now, it houses
a museum as well as a restaurant to dine in. There is also a
park that offers wonderful sights which you can visit.
8.) Vankovka Gallery
If you are fond of shopping, then go on to the Vankovka
Gallery. This used to be an industrial center but was later
converted to a big shopping center. You can still see some
historical industrial buildings here and, at the same time, shop
till you drop.
9.) Cesky Krumlov State Castle and Chateau
This is one of the famous tourist destinations in Krumlov.
Here, you will see the castle complex and even explore it for
free. If you want to see its interiors, then there is the paid
guided tour for you to choose.
10.) Namesti Svobody
This is also called the Freedom Square. This is the place
where most cultural events are held. So if you want to see a
cultural event, then head on to Namesti Svobody.
About The Author: Jonathan Williams is the travel writer for
Destination Guide TV - the place to share travel videos. Visit
http://www.DestinationGuide. to view or sharetv/czechrepublic
Czech Republic travel videos.
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