Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1.
- Is Global Warming A Good Thing For High Altitude Ski Resorts? From: Mark Scriven
- 2.
- Setting The Path With A San Diego Golf School From: Andy West
- 3.
- Venice Beach: The People Watching Capital Of Southern California From: Hugh Parker
- 4.
- Reverse Diabetes By Understanding The Causes Of Insulin Resistance From: Mark Hyman, M.D.
- 5.
- How teachers can get the second half of the school year off to a gre From: articleannounce
- 6.
- Aruba - The 'Island Of Aloe' From: Justin Burch
- 7.
- Paying For A Real Estate Agent From: James Gunaseelan
- 8.
- Good For Your Dog Or Junk? From: Lori Matthews
- 9.
- Online Hotel Bookings In The UK From: Carolyn Clayton
- 10.
- Texas UFO And Jets May Have Entered Restricted Presidential Airspace From: Bill Knell
- 11.
- Common Diets For Irritable Bowel Syndrome From: Jessica Bradbury
- 12.
- How To Save Money And Get Discount Car Insurance In New Jersey From: Larry Nez
- 13.
- How To Get The Best Rates On Car Insurance In South Carolina From: Alexis Jensen
- 14.
- The Right Golf Shoes From: Mary Lorainne
- 15.
- Independent Record Labels Need To Be Counted From: Robert Benson
- 16.
- How Teachers Can Increase Parent Involvement From: articleannounce
- 17.
- Universal Life Insurance Rates – Comparison Shopping From: Elizabeth Newberry
- 18.
- How To Save Money And Get Discount Automobile Insurance In Nevada From: Angela Farnsworth
- 19.
- Identifying Health Resources Online From: James Brown
- 20.
- Even Prime Mortgages Are At Risk From: Peter Kenny
- 21.
- Importance Of Car Insurance From: Joseph Kenny
- 22.
- Four Things You Should Know About Paid Blogging As A Career From: Matt Garrett
- 23.
- Introduction To Web Analytics And KPIs - Key Performance Indicators From: George Meszaros
- 24.
- Vacation Holiday In Japan Travel Guide From: Chris Chew
- 25.
- How Hair Is Inserted In Hair Transplant Surgery From: David Riewe
- 1.
Is Global Warming A Good Thing For High Altitude Ski Resorts?
Posted by: "Mark Scriven" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 9:11 am (PST)
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Mark Scriven
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Article Title: Is Global Warming A Good Thing For High Altitude
Ski Resorts?
Author: Mark Scriven
Word Count: 538
Article URL: 221177&ca= Sports
Format: 64cpl
Contact The Author: aid=221177
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Global warming and the associated changes in climate are being
caused by the so-called "greenhouse" effect, which is raising
the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere. Global temperatures
have been forecast to increase from 1.5 to 6.0 degrees Celsius
by the end of this century. Since nine of the ten warmest years
have occurred in the past decade, skiers have been amongst the
first spots lovers to be affected by the changing climate. While
they are naturally concerned at how this may affect their sport,
they can make choices in their skiing destinations which will
increase their chance of having a good time at the snow.
Some ski resorts will get more snow
While many low-level ski resorts may have to shut down, as
reduced snowfall makes them uneconomical, high altitude resorts
such as Méribel and the Trois Vallées in France, where 80
percent of skiing is above 2,000 meters, will experience greater
precipitation and snowfall. While many ski resorts are moving
uphill and impacting on ecologically sensitive areas, high
altitude Méribel is building on its long heritage of
eco-friendly policies to strengthen and consolidate its green
ski facilities and maintain its reputation as having some of the
world's finest ski runs.
Méribel has been pioneering and instituting environmental
controls since it was established in 1938. These included green
building codes such as energy-saving roof and wall insulation,
and mandatory construction of underground parking. Today,
traffic reduction is encouraged by the provision a free shuttle
bus system and a network of cross-country pedestrian trails that
connect the various resort areas. On-piste organic toilets are a
recent innovation that helps reduce pollution.
Waste recycling is mandatory, vehicles run on bio-diesel, and
snow cannons and trail-groomers powered by renewable
hydroelectric power have been installed. At Val Thorens, the
highest resort of the Trois Vallées, the lifts are also
Many skiers choose to remain after the snow has melted to take
part in piste cleaning work at the season's end. As well,
ecologically sensitive areas are checked for damage and
replanted with appropriate species to insure, as much as
possible, that biological diversity is maintained. Around Val
Thorens, for example, over 200,000 trees have been planted in
the last 20 years.
Global Warming could strengthen higher altitude resorts
Europe's 2006–2007 winter season is on record as the warmest
since 1950, with average temperatures 2.1 degrees higher than
normal. Since resorts located below 1,500m experienced little
snow cover on their lower slopes, the media was quick to report
the end of skiing as a sport. But resorts, indeed regions, will
continue to experience good and bad ski seasons, leading to
longer or shorter periods suitable for snow sports.
With heavier precipitation, including snow, high altitude
resorts will continue to be a safe bet for snow sports
enthusiasts, and businesses here could well experience a boom as
competition from other lower resorts declines. Of course, the
greater visitation of higher areas will put strains on existing
infrastructure and the environment, but the green ethic has been
embraced by a new breed of dedicated skiers who see the survival
of their sport tied in with the survival of the planet.
About The Author: Rod Ritchie, a travel writer and editor,
writes for many publishers including AA Publishing and Fodors.
Purple Ski ( ) offer a selection of
luxury catered ski chalets in Meribel.
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- 2.
Setting The Path With A San Diego Golf School
Posted by: "Andy West" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 9:11 am (PST)
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Andy West
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Article Title: Setting The Path With A San Diego Golf School
Author: Andy West
Word Count: 620
Article URL: 220253&ca= Sports
Format: 64cpl
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A San Diego golf school can be just the thing for those in the
surrounding area looking to pursue a career in the golfing
industry. Golf is not only one of the most popular sports in the
world, it is also currently one of the most popular career
choices. As the industry grows, so does the number of
individuals enrolling in golf schools.
Golf is an industry that is large enough and strong enough to
support nearly five hundred thousand jobs in the United States
alone. While some individuals work directly with the sport of
golf, others work in various branches, such as management or
public relations. The golfing industry is a wide umbrella that
covers a lot of ground and keeps expanding all the time.
An education from a San Diego golf school is just as legitimate
as any other educational venue. Unbeknownst to many, pursuing a
degree in a golf school requires just as much class time as it
does getting out on the green. Those who enroll in golf school
as an excuse to spend time out on the course will be sorely
Attending an accredited golf school allows the opportunity to
earn a degree in a number of different areas. Those wanting to
work closely with the game can choose to become an instructor or
golf coach. This popular golf vocation can mean finding
employment in everything from golf courses to resorts to high
schools and colleges.
There are also those who have a great love of golf but whose
skills are more suited to the areas of management and
organization. These skills can be of great use in golf course
management or even in entrepreneurial endeavors. This allows one
to still work close to golf while utilizing strengths that most
benefit the person and the golf industry.
Another benefit of attending a golf school comes in the way of
smaller classes. Without a mass of students to try and reach,
smaller classes generally have a better teacher to student
ratio. This allows for enhanced one on one teaching, allowing
students to better absorb the materials and subjects they are
When attending a Sand Diego golf school, students can look
forward to attending a school set in a very beautiful location.
San Diego is a fully modern metropolis that has consistently
ranked as one of the best places to live and work. It is a place
that is able to supply not only the basic necessities of life
but the luxuries as well.
By attending such an accredited institution, students are also
privy to all the benefits of any other college. This can mean
financial aid, relocation services and even internships and job
placement. The number and amount of benefits each student
qualifies for can be discovered with the help of a financial aid
Once an individual defines his or her goals, the path to
earning an associate's or bachelor's degree can begin. Earning
such a credential is what now opens the doors to a career as
many employers have turned away from hiring unqualified workers.
This type of niche industry has its own knowledge and dynamics
that are usually not taught in general educations.
Attending a San Diego golf school allows students to take their
passion for the game along with their strongest skills and meld
them together. With the industry ever expanding as it is, there
are no worries of ever getting bored or stuck in a rut. As there
is a golf course in nearly every city, a graduate can take their
degree and pretty much guide their future anywhere they want.
About The Author: Andy West is a writer for San Diego Golf
Academy. To learn more about attending this San Diego golf
school, please visit san_diego. php
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- 3.
Venice Beach: The People Watching Capital Of Southern California
Posted by: "Hugh Parker" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 9:12 am (PST)
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Hugh Parker
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Article Title: Venice Beach: The People Watching Capital Of
Southern California
Author: Hugh Parker
Word Count: 524
Article URL: 218919&ca= Travel
Format: 64cpl
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The beach experience isn't always just about sun and sand. One
of the most enjoyable parts of any time spent at the beach is
checking out everything and everyone around you. At most
beaches, that means skimpy bikinis and the odd kite-flying
youngster. At Venice Beach in Los Angeles, it's a different
story entirely. On any given day, juggling street performers
delight the crowd, caricaturists draw unflattering works of art,
and straining weightlifters glisten in the heat. All of this
makes Venice unlike any other beach in the world, certain to
thrill every visitor.
"Venice of America" was created as a beach resort in 1905. The
initial grounds came complete with an aquarium, bathhouses, and
an amusement park. Developers dug several canals to drain
marshes, establishing the parallel with the Italian city of the
same name. Few of the original canals remain, but the houses
running alongside them have been renovated and restored to their
original grandeur.
From its initial development until the 1950's, the Los Angeles
municipal government maintained a hands-off policy towards
Venice Beach. As infrastructure crumbled in the latter half of
the 20th century, the city stepped in and ordered the demolition
of over 550 buildings. This rebirth infused Venice with a new
energy, and as the 1960's opened, characters from across the
board began pouring in. In many ways, Venice Beach was the
Haight-Ashbury of southern California. The liberal, free
environment gave rise to acts like The Doors.
This atmosphere still prevails today, with the population of
Venice a veritable melting pot of different races, cultures, and
attitudes. All of these people come together to make Venice one
of the funkiest spots in America.
While the three mile long beach is available for swimming,
that's not what most people envision when they think of Venice.
The most famous icon of Venice Beach is the Gold's Gym, once
home to now-Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger. Today, an enormous
"weight pen" supplies wannabe Terminators with the equipment
they require, all while spectators gawk from bleachers.
Running along the boardwalk are a number of shops and eateries
that cater to the eclectic tastes of Venice Beach residents and
visitors. You can purchase anything from t-shirts to tattoos.
That's not the only art in Venice. Most buildings are adorned
with grafittied murals depicting a variety of subjects. Formerly
a free for all, artists must now obtain permits before starting
their work.
Even though the majority of the action takes place on the
boardwalk and streets, the beach itself certainly deserves some
mention. Venice has one of the better surf breaks in Los
Angeles. Volleyball and handball courts abound, inviting you to
work up a sweat. There are also a ton of picnic benches and
tables, so takeout from any of the great restaurants on the
promenade can make for an inexpensive, fun meal.
Venice is a great spot to check out while you're in LA. Don't
be intimidated by the brawny weightlifters and tattooed
outcasts: everyone can enjoy the madness that makes up this
incredibly unique beach.
About The Author: ZaZaGallery. Located in the wine country and
I must say that our art is the buss in our community. Our fine
art prints are gallery wrapped using the finest canvas and inks
to create a museum grade art piece .Our product is unique so
visit us at Thank youhtml
Hugh Parker
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- 4.
Reverse Diabetes By Understanding The Causes Of Insulin Resistance
Posted by: "Mark Hyman, M.D." articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 9:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: Reverse Diabetes By Understanding The Causes Of
Insulin Resistance
Author: Mark Hyman, M.D.
Word Count: 786
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Format: 64cpl
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Think diabetes is irreversible?
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Despite what the medical establishment tells you, you can
reverse diabetes -- without insulin or medication.
Today, I'd like to tell you about a new way of viewing -- and
treating -- diabetes.
First, though, you need to understand why diabetes is such a
A Growing Epidemic
The disease has reached epidemic proportions: Type 2 diabetes
(formerly called adult onset diabetes) now affects nearly 100
million people worldwide, 20 million of which are Americans.
And it's on the rise -- especially in kids. One in three
children born today will have diabetes in their lifetime.
That's because the path to diabetes starts very early.
The culprit is insulin.
When you eat a lot of sugar and other refined carbohydrates
like bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes, your body eventually
becomes resistant to the effects of insulin. It requires more
and more insulin to keep your blood sugar balanced. High insulin
levels increase your appetite -- and your belly fat.
High levels of insulin can occur decades before you're
diagnosed with diabetes. They are warning signs of this
So are the other symptoms of insulin resistance, like belly
fat, sugar cravings, feeling tired after meals, high blood
pressure and triglycerides, and inflammation.
A family history of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even
dementia can increase your chances of developing insulin
resistance and pre-diabetes.
And pre-diabetes is just as bad as full-blown diabetes. It,
too, can cause heart attacks, strokes, dementia, cancer, and
So why is diabetes on the rise?
The answer is as close as the food on your plate.
Our bodies were meant to consume a diet that's high in
nutrients, fiber, and omega-3 fats and low in sugar. So when we
eat unhealthy foods -- like sugar, trans fats, white flour, and
processed foods -- we activate genes that promote diabetes.
Yet type 2 diabetes is almost totally preventable. In fact, in
one major study, Harvard researchers found that lifestyle and
diet changes could prevent more than 90 percent of all type 2
diabetes cases.
Early Diagnosis is Key
Diagnosing type 2 diabetes early is crucial to its management
and reversal.
Because damage to the body can occur with even small changes in
insulin and blood sugar, doctors should diagnose pre-diabetes as
soon as possible.
The proof is in the research. One recent study found that
people whose fasting blood sugar was higher than 87 were at
increased risk of diabetes.
Yet most doctors don't worry until the blood sugar is over 110
-- or worse, over 126, which is diabetes.
Instead, I recommend early testing with anyone who has a family
history of type 2 diabetes, belly fat, or abnormal cholesterol
-- regardless of your blood sugar level.
Ask your doctor for these tests:
1.Insulin glucose challenge test with 2-hour glucose challenge,
75 grams measuring fasting, 1 and 2 hour blood sugar AND
Your blood sugar should be less than 80 fasting and never rise
above 110 or 120 after one to two hours. Your insulin should be
less than 5 fasting and should never rise above 30 after one to
two hours.
I recommend this test for everyone over 50, and for anyone with
any risk of insulin resistance, even children.
2.The hemoglobin A1C is an important measure of glycated
hemoglobin, which can be an early indicator of sugar problems.
It should ideally be less than 5.5. Anything over 6 is
considered diabetes.
3.Lipid profiles are important. An HDL under 40 and a
triglyceride level over 150 usually means diabetes.
4.An NMR lipid profile identifies the size of your cholesterol
5.High sensitivity C-reactive protein is a measure of
inflammation, which is both a cause and result of insulin
resistance and diabetes. It should be less than 1.
6.Homocysteine is often abnormal in people with diabetes. It
should be between 6 and 8.
7.Fibrinogen measures your risk of clotting and is associated
with insulin resistance and diabetes. It should be less than
8.Ferritin is a nonspecific marker of inflammation associated
with diabetes. It should be less than 150.
9.Uric acid should be less than 6. Higher levels indicate
problems with insulin resistance.
10.Elevated liver function tests result from insulin
These are tests any doctor can perform and are covered by
insurance. If you're at risk for diabetes, I urge you to get
About The Author: Mark Hyman, MD is a pioneer in functional
medicine, practicing physician and best-selling author. A sneak
preview of his book "The UltraSimple Diet" is available. See The
UltraWellness Blog for more on Testing for Insulin Resistance: blog/insulin- resistance.
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- 5.
How teachers can get the second half of the school year off to a gre
Posted by: "articleannounce" articleannounce
Sat Feb 2, 2008 9:23 am (PST)
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Title: How teachers can get the second half of the school year off to a great start!
Word Count: 479
Author: Adam Waxler
Category: Reference & Education
Article URL: http://www.submityourarticle. com/articles/ easypublish. php?art_id= 24724
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How teachers can get the second half of the school year off to a great start!
This week many teachers are returning to school after a
well-deserved winter break. And, many teachers will want to
dive right back into their content.
This is understandable as many teachers have mid-terms
exams coming up and many teachers have their dreaded state
exams coming up as well. Therefore, it is easy to see why
many teachers would want to dive right back into their
However, in my opinion I do not think this is the best way
to get the second half of the school year off to a great
My approach to the second half of the school year is to
basically start it the same way I started the first half of
the school teaching, or in this case re-teaching,
the classroom procedures.
Personally, I do not think this is a waste of time. In
fact, I believe that re-teaching the classroom procedures
will pay off big in the long run.
As many teachers will agree, one of the best approaches to
classroom management is to have your students consistently
follow your classroom procedures. If you can do that then
everything else becomes much easier. This is why so much
time is spent on classroom procedures during the first week
of school.
However, teaching procedures is not something that is done
on the first day of school only. Remember, students usually
have several different classes with different teachers,
different rules, different expectations, and different
procedures to follow.
So if you want your students to follow your procedures then
you are going to have to re-teach those procedures from
time to time. And, coming back from an extended break is
the perfect time to do just that.
However, you must also remember, that teaching is NOT just
telling. Teaching your classroom procedures is a 3-step
1. Tell the students the procedure.
2. Model the procedure for the students.
3. Have the students practice the procedure.
For example, when my students return to school next week we
will go over my top five procedures. I will put them up on
the board as well as give them a handout. We will read
through each procedure. Next, I will actually pretend I am
an 8th grade student and I will model the procedure so they
can visualize it. Finally, I will have the students
practice the procedures.
This can be done for any procedure whether it is how to
walk done the hallway or how to take a seat when they enter
the room.
When finished, there is no question that all the students
know exactly what is expected of them in terms of following
the classroom procedures. This works very well in
establishing a classroom that runs smoothly and it is a
great way to get the second half of the school year off to
a great start.
About the Author:
Adam Waxler is a middle school social studies teacher,
adjunct education professor, and author. Visit his blog for
FREE teaching tips, articles AND videos @
http://www.Teaching-Tips-Machine. com/blog
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- 6.
Aruba - The 'Island Of Aloe'
Posted by: "Justin Burch" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 10:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Aruba - The 'Island Of Aloe'
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Word Count: 749
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Whenever you visit the grocery store or pharmacy, it is
probably hard to miss the scores of products featuring Aloe
Vera. Known as one of the world's wonder plants, Aloe Vera has
been incorporated into many everyday products in recent decades
because of its healing properties. As the plant is used most
often as a skin moisturizer, it perhaps comes as no surprise
that world's best Aloe Vera comes from one of the sunniest and
most exotic destinations. Today, over a century after the first
plants were harvested, the island of Aruba remains one of the
world's top growers of Aloe Vera. When visiting Aruba, tourists
can see the influence of the plant in many facets of Aruban
culture, purchase the some of most luxurious Aloe Vera products
ever created and even tour the plantation where the modern
world's fascination with this wonder plant took root.
Though some might believe that Aloe Vera was native to the
Caribbean, the plant actually found its way to Aruba and other
islands during colonial times. In fact, Aloe Vera was completely
unknown in Aruba until the mid-19th century when numerous trade
vessels from Africa visited colonial Caribbean islands. Aruba's
own Aloe Vera industry started with a modest 150-acre plantation
near Hato and, within just a few decades, came to dominate the
island. By the end of the 19th century, Aruba had become the
world's largest exporter of Aloe. Today, with nearly two-thirds
of the island's surface now supporting both naturally growing
and harvested Aloe Vera, it is no wonder that Aruba is commonly
referred to as the `Island of Aloe.'
The Aloe Vera crops in Aruba are helped by the same thing that
draws visitors to the island from throughout the world each year
– the weather. After the initial crops were planted, it was
realized that Aloe Vera grows incredibly well in Aruba because
of the arid conditions and consistently sunny Caribbean
environment. As time went on, researchers and growers found that
the climate of Aruba also enhances the healing capabilities of
the plant, allowing the island to produce some of the most
potent Aloe Vera gel in the world.
Some of the best Aloe Vera products are manufactured by Aruba
Aloe, a company that still utilizes the island's first 150-acre
plantation. Six days a week, this legendary facility opens its
doors to travelers for informative tours that shed light not
only on Aruba's fascinating Aloe Vera history, but on the entire
world's historic fascination with the plant. In tracing the
legend of Aloe Vera from Ancient Egypt to Aruba's colonial
period and documenting the many historical uses of the plant,
Aruba Aloe offers curious travelers a rare glimpse into the
world of a wonder plant. During the daily tours, visitors will
also have a chance to see the harvesting of the Aloe Vera plants
and the production involved in converting the raw gel of the
plant into some of the world's finest medicinal and health care
With the original 150-acre field as the company's centerpiece,
Aruba Aloe produces a full line of products incorporating the
island's purest, most potent Aloe Vera gel. Known
internationally as some of the finest Aloe-based products
available, Aruba Aloe has spent years crafting everything from
hair care products to specialized lotions and moisturizers.
Meanwhile, the company has also been on the cutting edge of
botanical research, developing new uses for the plant and
perfecting the art of harvesting the world's best Aloe Vera. If
you visit the Aruba Aloe factory when on the island, you will
have an opportunity to sample and purchase all of the diverse
products crafted from this simple, but remarkable plant.
Just as it is hard to miss the name Aloe Vera at your local
store, you will notice the impact this plant has had on Aruban
culture as soon as you reach the island. From the large plants
dotting the Aruban countryside to the scores of products and
images filling local galleries and stores, Aloe Vera tells one
of Aruba's most important stories. Though you may visit the
`Island of Aloe' to enjoy the beaches and luxurious resorts,
this wonder plant can add an exciting element to your Caribbean
vacation. After spending a few days in the vibrant Caribbean
sunshine, Aruba's Aloe Vera will probably come in handy for your
sunburn, too!
About The Author: This article was written by Justin Burch.
Justin writes select pieces about vacationing in the Caribbean
and travel in Aruba for the Marriott Resorts.
[ ].travel/auaar- aruba-marriott- resort-and- stellaris- casino/
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- 7.
Paying For A Real Estate Agent
Posted by: "James Gunaseelan" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 10:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Paying For A Real Estate Agent
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The seller usually pays the real estate agent commissions,
which are taken from the proceeds of the sale and distributed
after the close of and by Escrow. Commissions are negotiable —
before listing agreements and sales contracts are signed, not at
closing. The percentage typically is set by local custom and the
strength of the market. Some buyers hire their own exclusive
agent and the seller either does not pay that agent a commission
or their commission is negotiated as part of the sales contract.
Working with a real estate agent offers many benefits. The only
drawback is that you will have to pay them when selling your
home. In other words, they will take a cut of the selling price
of your home. This is the number one reason that some people
decide to sell their home by owner. They want to keep all of the
profits for themselves, and this is perfectly understandable.
But with that being said, you need to keep in mind that the
small fee you will have to pay is usually well worth it. After
all, an agent does a lot of work for the money that they make.
The question is: how much money do you pay a real estate agent
when they sell your home for you? Generally speaking, this is a
question that should be answered by the agent that you are going
to do business with. After all, this can change from agent to
agent depending on the way that they work, etc. But with that
being said, there are some standard commission rates that seem
to hold true across the industry.
It is safe to say that you will end up paying your real estate
agent approximately 6 percent of the selling price. For
instance, if you sell your home for Rs.100,000 your real estate
agent will take small portion of this. Does that seem like a lot
to you? If you are like most, you probably think that it does.
But again, you need to remember what you are going to get for
the money that you are paying. Your agent will work on
everything from marketing to negotiations and much more. Working
with an agent means that you will not be responsible for a lot
on your own; and this is a good thing for most sellers.
The commission is split. Usually, the seller's agent's
brokerage gets half and the buyer's agent's brokerage half,
although other splits are possible. If the agents work for a
broker, the broker will get 30 to 50 percent of the agent's
commission (minus what they spend for things like marketing,
newspaper ads, flyers, internet ads, which comes out of their
own pockets - along with many other expenses of the daily
operating costs of their real estate business). Commissions are
the bulk of the seller's closing costs and the reason many
homeowners explore selling without an agent. If they are
successful, they'll have either no commissions to pay, or only
one — the buyer's agent — if they agree to pay the buyer's
agent. The percentage to be paid also must be in the contract.
You will more than likely pay your real estate agent somewhere
in the range of 6 percent if they are successful selling your
home. If this is something that you are willing to deal with,
you can move forward right away. Before you decide against this
because you don't want to spend the money, remember that an
agent will bring many benefits to the selling process.
About The Author: James Gunaseelan writes for rental portal
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- 8.
Good For Your Dog Or Junk?
Posted by: "Lori Matthews" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 10:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Good For Your Dog Or Junk?
Author: Lori Matthews
Word Count: 578
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As a dog-owner, have you ever thought twice about the actual
nutritional value of the food and treats you are feeding your
dog? If you are concerned about the health of your pet and loyal
companion, you should be more aware of what the ingredients are
in the dog food and products that you buy. Sadly, the labels of
most commercial dog foods don't tell the whole truth about what
they contain and unfortunately some can contain what I like to
call useless fillers. Yes, many people feed their dog not so
healthy food and they don't even realize it.
Dog food production has `developed' in the past few decades but
the life-span of these beloved animals have gotten shorter in
contrast. The reason: because these `developments' actually
benefit commercial dog food manufacturers more than they do the
dogs. It means using poor-quality and even toxic ingredients to
ensure cheaper costs of production and longer shelf life. It
means very poor nutrition for your pet so that these companies
can make higher profits.
The truth about most available dog products is that they are
made from low-grade grains, unthinkable meat by-products and
artificial preservatives that are not fit for humans and pets to
eat. For instance, substitution for meat protein and good
carbohydrates are often done with poor-quality grain meals using
soybean, corn, gluten, and wheat. These ingredients in fact
commonly cause allergies in pets. Meanwhile, the meat
ingredients typically used can include unwanted body parts of
animals like the neck, head, guts, feet, lungs, and bones. Even
harder to the stomach is that these can come from animals that
are diseased, dying or already dead and decaying. All of these
are mercilessly dumped, ground and mixed into a more acceptable
form called `meal' and made into dog food.
To add to this already unhealthy mix, chemical ingredients used
by dog food manufacturers have been found to cause early dog
deaths due to heart disease, kidney failure and certain cancers.
So why pay for junk that will eventually kill your dog?
Dogs age much faster than humans and they require the same
quality of nutrition as ours. Naturally, like any other kind of
animal, a dog needs fresh and healthy food too. The ideal diet
for your pet should consist of high-quality protein,
carbohydrates, natural fats, fiber, and even antioxidants.
Chicken and fish are good sources of protein that you can look
for in dog food. Eggs also provide protein, amino acids, biotin,
sulfur, as well as vitamins A, B, E, and K. For carbohydrates,
brown rice is an easily digestible carb-source that is now being
used as a dog food ingredient.
A new advancement in health food for dogs now includes
antioxidants in the ingredients, specifically from whole foods
like apples, carrots, celery, spinach, alfalfa leaf, and garlic.
Grape seed extract is also being used for its antioxidants that
may help slow down your dog's aging and to keep its immune
system strong. This new kind of dog food likewise has beet pulp,
which is a source of fiber and the short chain fatty acids
needed by good bacteria in the digestive tract. Lactobacillus
acidophilus in this dog food similarly aids digestion by
encouraging the growth of helpful bacteria.
By providing this kind of nutritious dog food, you can ensure
that your pet will live healthier and stay by your side longer.
About The Author: Lori Matthews studies health, nutrition and
wellness. She enjoys writing articles on health for both people
and pets. Please click here if you would like more information
on healthy dog.
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- 9.
Online Hotel Bookings In The UK
Posted by: "Carolyn Clayton" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 10:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: Online Hotel Bookings In The UK
Author: Carolyn Clayton
Word Count: 643
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Although it holds no official title, most people consider
Manchester to be England's second city. From its origins in the
Lancashire textile boom of the 19th Century, it has grown into
one of the country's most cosmopolitan cities, and is well worth
visiting for a break or weekend stay. Due to its situation, it
also serves as a useful stopping-off point for visitors to Wales
or Scotland who may wish to see some of the country as they
travel. For all these reasons, it's well worth investigating
online hotel bookings for a short stay in Manchester.
One of Manchester's premier attractions is its shopping, which
is some of the best to be found anywhere outside London. Several
high-end stores and boutiques have outlets here, and there are a
number of large shopping centres that bring together some of the
High Street's biggest and best-known shops. A good place to
start is the Trafford Centre, which features well-known names
from French Connection, Hugo Boss to Space NK and Zara. Situated
in the west of the city, it's handy for the M60 motorway and has
excellent public transport links. If you prefer to stay in the
centre of Manchester, the Arndale shopping centre is sited right
in the heart of the city, and features an equally impressive
range of shopping.
Manchester is also well known for its vibrant cultural and
music scene, and is particularly popular among young people. The
city boasts some of Britain's premier clubs, and there's a
thriving nightlife centred on areas like Duke Street. Manchester
led the revival of British clubbing in the early 90's and has
produced bands such as the Happy Mondays, the Charlatans, and of
course Oasis.
If you prefer to eat out, there is a wealth of options to suit
every budget and palate. Manchester is particularly renowned for
its Indian and Pakistani cuisine; until you've eaten in one of
the over 50 restaurants or takeaways that make up Rusholme's
"curry mile," you've not really had curry.
There are also plenty of well-to-do suburbs, places such as
Knutsford and Wilmslow, or fashionable Didsbury, just a few
miles outside the city centre. Transport throughout Manchester
is cheap and efficient, and the city's Metrolink system means
that you can get to places like the G-Mex Centre and the MEN
Arena quickly and easily. Add the network of buses and trains to
the mix, and the result is a city that you don't need a car to
The city's sporting heritage has always been a large part of
its appeal. It's home to the world-famous Manchester United, of
course, but there's much more to Manchester than Beckham and
Best. Ever since the Commonwealth Games were held in the city in
2002, Manchester's sporting facilities have been second to none.
Of particular interest is the Velodrome, a state-of-the-art
cycling facility that is widely regarded as one of the world's
finest – and fastest - tracks. The city also boasts some fine
swimming pools and ancillary sporting facilities, as well as the
48,500-seater City of Manchester Stadium, built specially for
the Commonwealth Games and now home to Manchester City football
If you're looking for accommodations in Manchester, it pays to
book ahead. The city's hotels are generally of a high standard,
but it can sometimes be difficult to get rooms without a
booking, particularly in summer months, or on weekends when
Manchester United are playing, as the city plays host to an
influx of visitors from around the country, as well as from
Ireland. Online hotel bookings can take a lot of the hassle and
stress out of finding a room, and help you enjoy everything that
Manchester has to offer.
About The Author: Overnight Uk for cles/article/ online-hotel- bookings- in-the-uk- 1081-16-hotels. html
online hotel booking and bed and breakfast in Great Britain.
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- 10.
Texas UFO And Jets May Have Entered Restricted Presidential Airspace
Posted by: "Bill Knell" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 10:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: Texas UFO And Jets May Have Entered Restricted
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Word Count: 567
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The laundry list of strangeness surrounding the Stephenville,
Texas, UFO sightings is growing. Despite efforts by a military
spokesperson to attribute the sightings to F-16 training
maneuvers, new video shows a strange object that doesn't look or
act anything like a conventional aircraft. On top of that, a
former defense industry electronics expert now says that the
F-14s may have been scrambled in response to a violation of
restricted presidential airspace by the military.
A new video has surfaced and been presented by Stephenville,
Texas, resident Steve Allen, the owner of a freight company and
a witness to the sighting on January 8, 2008. Allen says that
the video of a strange object in the sky was presented to him by
an anonymous source and that it was taken on the occasion of the
January 8th sighting. The video appears very similar to another
UFO film taken years before which shows an object moving
extremely fast and making bizarre and aerodynamically impossible
moves. This new video evidence casts doubt on the current air
force explanation for the event.
A new scenario that might help explain one of the Stephenville
UFO sightings has entered the picture, but it's doubtful that
the Air Force or other U.S. Government Authorities will find
this one helpful in their efforts to portray the affair in
conventional terms. A former employee for a government
contractor (now retired) told the International Paranormal UFO
Society that he worked on F-16s for many years as an electronics
engineer and has his own opinion of what happened on January 8,
This informant is known to IPUS and he claims that it would be
very unlikely for so many F-14s to be on a evening or nighttime
training mission at one time. Instead, he believes that the
reason so many F-14s were involved in the incident is because
the unidentified flying object they were chasing had violated
restricted presidential airspace over the Bush Ranch in
Crawford, Texas.
Our informant bases his opinion on all the information that the
media, military and eyewitnesses have provided to date. He
points out that a previous email from a private pilot to IPUS
mentioned that he was approaching Erath County airspace (where
the events of January 8, 2008 took place) from the south and saw
the object and jets in front of him indicating that they were
approaching the area from the same direction. President Bush's
Crawford Ranch is south and slightly east of Stephenville.
IPUS is continuing to investigate the Stephenville Sightings
and related matters. We will post any new information that we
have on our website at http://www.CanYouStandTheTruth. Wecom
encourage anyone with information about the Texas UFO sightings
to contact us through our website or call our UFO Sightings
Hotline at 765-483-9089. IPUS Board Member and Co-Spokesperson,
Dick Criswell, is available for media inquiries and guest spots
about our investigation into the Texas UFO Sightings. He can be
reached at our hotline phone number or by email at
IPUS is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to truth and
research into UFOs and other Paranormal Phenomenon. You can read
more articles about the Stephenville, Texas, UFO Sightings and
many other cases on our website. We offer a free newsletter to
anyone interested in our research. Sign up on our website.
About The Author: Bill Knell is a popular Speaker, Author and
Consultant with eclectic interests. Best known for his
Paranormal Research and Seminars, Bill also excels in the area
of personal, business and financial advice and management.
Featured in the Wall Street Journal, Omni, the L.A. Times,
Toronto Star and NY Times; seen on CNN, NBC Nightly News, Fox
Television and many Cable Networks; heard on Mancow, Bob and Tom
and Howard Stern; consultant to films like Independence Day, Men
in Black, the Fifth Element and World of the Worlds.
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- 11.
Common Diets For Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Posted by: "Jessica Bradbury" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 11:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: Common Diets For Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Author: Jessica Bradbury
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Irritable bowel syndrome, often known as IBS, is a rather
complex disorder that has a variety of symptoms, some of which
may be diet related. In order to help people obtain relief from
the symptoms of IBS, the kind of eating habits a person has must
be addressed.
If someone tends to skip meals, has a low intake of fluid and
fiber, eats a lot of fatty food, has a sensitivity to milk as
well as other dairy products and drinks excessive alcohol and
caffeine, then these problems must be addressed and resolved
before one can consider a diet for IBS.
One of the most common dietary treatments for sufferers with
IBS includes a high fiber diet. This is a positive
recommendation for those IBS patients who suffer from
constipation. However, some people will receive no benefit from
the increase in fiber, and in some patients their symptoms may
Increasing the fiber in one's diet should be a gradual process,
should involve a good choice of fibers and one should accompany
this dietary change with an increase in fluid intake. The rule
of thumb is to drink from 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, and
that excludes other beverages. Caffeinated drinks such as
carbonated soft drinks and coffee may just serve to aggravate
IBS symptoms so they should be limited.
The symptoms of IBS seem to worsen after eating large meals,
especially if the meal has been quickly eater and if the meal
has a high fat content. It would be very beneficial if the food
was spread over 3 meals as well as 3 snacks each day. Try not to
down your food all in one gulp.
Remember, you are not going to a fire! Don't you recall that
your mother told you to chew each spoonful of food 25 times
before going to the next bite? Also, try to relax after you have
eaten. Sometimes regular light exercise may help to alleviate or
reduce symptoms.
If you are having problems with excessive gas, then try to
avoid such vegetables as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and
legumes which include baked beans. Once the symptoms have
settled down, these foods may be slowly reintroduced. Carbonated
soft drinks may also be a culprit in causing excessive gas.
Remember to spread your fluid intake across the day.
Some people who suffer with IBS may find that they may like to
try a lactose-free period in their diet. Lactose is found mainly
in dairy products such as ice creams, and milk. You should keep
in mind that these foods supply the body with important
nutrients. If you decide that you may want to cut out dairy
products from your diet, then you may want to consider taking a
calcium supplement.
It would be well to keep a journal of the types of food you
eat, what fluids you drink and any notable symptoms. This will
help you to observe the role that diet and some other factors
such as stress play in your IBS symptoms. Maintain a diet that
is high in fiber if this is tolerated well.
Begin with the basics of three high fiber and low fat meals
accompanied by two to three snacks each day. Make sure that you
drink an adequate amount of fluids, but try to avoid a lot of
caffeine and other carbonated drinks. Remember to eat slowly and
make your meal time as relaxing as you can. If you have
different sensitivities to food, eliminate one food from your
IBS diet at a time until you find which one is causing or
aggravating your symptoms.
Make sure to record your results in your journal. Once the
symptoms have calmed down, then you may think about
reintroducing the food and note any symptoms. You may even wish
to consult a dietitian for individual counseling about your IBS
diet and any modifications that could be made. Common diets for
irritable bowel syndrome is just something you need to take your
time and plan out.
About The Author: Article written by Jessica Bradbury, she has
a site dedicated to bottom line information on IBS at
http://www.ibs-information. com
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How To Save Money And Get Discount Car Insurance In New Jersey
Posted by: "Larry Nez" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 11:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: How To Save Money And Get Discount Car Insurance
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Word Count: 844
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The best way to save money and get discount car insurance in
New Jersey is to design a car insurance policy that's right for
you and then see how much that policy would cost from every
insurance company operating in New Jersey.
In order to do this let's start by looking at everything you
can do to build a policy from the ground up that will save you
as much money as possible.
The minimum car insurance you are required to carry in New
Jersey is Liability, Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and
Uninsured Motorist (UM) coverage.
None of these types of insurance will repair or replace your
vehicle if you are in an accident, especially if you are at
fault for the accident. If you want to protect your own vehicle
then in addition to the three types of insurance that I just
mentioned, you will also need to buy Collision insurance as well
as Comprehensive insurance.
Just so you know, driving without insurance in New Jersey can
land you in a lot of hot water. At a minimum you may be
subjected to fines, community service, license suspension and
when you do buy insurance so that you can legally drive in New
Jersey you can count on what is referred to as an "insurance
surcharge" – in other words, yet another fine.
So let's start designing a policy that will cost you as little
as possible while still giving you the coverage you need.
The first thing you need to do is to keep your driving record
clean. This means you do not have any speeding tickets or other
moving violations and that you most certainly do not have any
convictions for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or for Driving
While Intoxicated (DWI). Even a speeding ticket will prevent you
from getting the best rates on discount car insurance, but a DWI
or a DUI will send your rates to the moon.
If you are under 25 years old stay in school and keep your
grades up. If you can maintain at least a "B" average then you
can save about 5% on your monthly car insurance premium.
Can you keep your car in a garage at night? If so there's
another big savings on your insurance.
Do you drive less than 500 miles each month on average? If so
there's no reason for you to pay for insurance while your car is
just sitting in your garage – you should be eligible for a
Low-Mileage Discount.
Do you have more than one insurance policy with the same
insurance company? Maybe you have a life insurance policy, or a
homeowner's policy with the same company? If so you should be
eligible for a Multi-Policy Discount on your car insurance.
Have you been insured with the same insurance company for at
least 5 years? If so ask for a Long-Term-Policy Discount.
Are you 55 or older? If so see if you qualify to take a special
driver's refresher course. If you qualify and you pass the test
you can shave about 10% off your car insurance bill month after
Are you driving an old clunker of a car with little or no Kelly
Blue Book value? If that's the case and you are still paying for
collision or comprehensive insurance you are simply throwing
your premium dollars down the drain.
Along those same lines remember that each year that passes your
vehicle loses value according to the Kelly Blue Book. Therefore
you should lower the amount (and therefore the cost) of your
comprehensive and collision insurance each year – talk to your
agent about how much you could save by simply doing this.
How large of a deductible can you afford? Think carefully
before you answer. The higher your deductible the lower your
monthly car insurance premium, but keep in mind that however
much you set your deductible for, that is the amount of money
you are going to have to pull out of your own wallet any time
you have a claim. Make sure you can afford your deductible.
O.K., now you've got enough information to create the perfect,
low cost car insurance policy. Now it's time to get online and
find at least 3 different websites that let you compare prices
on policies between different insurance companies.
Each site wants you to think that it is comparing prices at
every single insurance company, but that is simply not the case.
If you are really serious and want to genuinely save money and
get discount car insurance in New Jersey then you're going to
have to take a few extra minutes and compare the price of your
super policy on at least 3 different websites.
Then simply pick the best price you can find and you're done!
You've saved money and gotten the very best deal you could on
car insurance here in New Jersey. Congratulations!
About The Author: My recommended sites here: Low Costcar-newjersey. shtml
Insurance Quotes, Medical and Home
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- 13.
How To Get The Best Rates On Car Insurance In South Carolina
Posted by: "Alexis Jensen" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 11:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: How To Get The Best Rates On Car Insurance In
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Everyone wants to get the best rates possible on car insurance
in South Carolina. No one wants to be caught driving without
insurance, and with the state's data-based tied into insurance
company records it is virtually impossible to drive a vehicle
without insurance without the state finding out.
Rather than risk the rather hefty fines and fees involved with
reinstating a vehicle that has been driven without insurance, it
just makes more sense to take a few moments and find some quick
and legal ways of reducing your cost of car insurance.
It all starts with what you drive and how you drive. Let's
start with the "what."
Some cars cost a lot more to insure than other cars. Before you
buy any car you need to know how much that particular make and
model is going to cost you in insurance each month. Your agent
will be happy to supply you with a list of makes and models that
cost the least to insure.
The way you drive accounts for how much you pay for car
insurance more than any other single thing. You need a clean
driving record if you want the best rates for your car
insurance. That means no speeding tickets and no tickets for any
moving violations. It also means no convictions for DUI or DWI.
If you can possibly garage your car at night do so and let your
agent know.
If you can reduce your driving mileage to under 500 miles per
month there is a rather nice Low-Mileage reduction in your
premium every month.
If you can carpool to work and reduce the number of days that
your car is driven back and forth to work you need to let your
agent know as this will reduce your car insurance cost.
If you retire or stop going into work at all this will also
reduce the cost of your car insurance.
If you add even a simple anti-theft device to your car, such as
a steering wheel lock or a device for disabling your fuel pump
until you enter a secret code let your agent know as this might
save you more money each month.
Do you belong to any clubs or organizations or associations
that offer their members a group discount on car insurance? A
lot of organizations - even religious ones - are now offering
group car insurance to their members. Don't hesitate to ask.
If you set it up so that your monthly premium is paid
automatically each month you can save money. If you can pay your
premiums yearly rather than monthly you can save even more!
If you are married place the wife on the account as the primary
driver and the husband as the secondary driver. Since women get
a better rate on car insurance than do men, this will save you
some nice cash each month.
Never modify your car - especially to make it drive faster. If
you modify your car you can expect to pay more for your
Probably the fastest and most dramatic way to reduce your
monthly car insurance payment is to increase your deductible.
The higher your deductible the lower your monthly payment.
However, don't promise to pay a higher deductible than you can
actually afford, since you'll have to pay your deductible in
cash every time you file a claim.
And by the way, don't file small claims. Take care of the small
stuff yourself. The longer you can go without filing a claim the
lower your cost of car insurance.
Finally, get online and find 3 or more websites that compare
the cost of car insurance from company to company. The trick in
using these comparison websites is to put the exact same
information into the form on at least 3 different sites. In this
way you are comparing the same policy each time plus you will
get the rates from as many different insurance companies as
Once you've done that your work is done. All that's left is for
you to choose the lowest-priced company and you can rest easy at
night knowing that you have found the best rates on car
insurance in South Carolina and that you are saving the most
money possible each and every month.
About The Author: My recommended sites here: Best Rates on Car Insurance incar/
South Carolina Affordable Auto/Car
Insurance Company Online
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- 14.
The Right Golf Shoes
Posted by: "Mary Lorainne" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 11:11 am (PST)
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Article Title: The Right Golf Shoes
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Word Count: 469
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Is playing golf a sport you truly love to do? A lot of people
enjoy the leisure and exercise that the sport, golf offers.
People spend numerous amounts of dollars on getting exclusive
memberships to golf clubs and spend hours in selecting golf
equipment. But only a few pay much attention to the kind of
golf shoes they purchase.
You have to consider the fact that the golf shoes you wear may
affect the golf game you play and may affect your success as a
golfer. You walk several miles and spend an average of three to
five hours on your feet when you play golf. It is a sound
decision to invest in a good pair of golf shoes not only to
improve how you play the game but also to help reduce handicap
There are several guidelines you could follow when you intend
to purchase a pair of golf shoes. It is of utmost importance
that you wear the same socks you intend to use in playing golf
when purchasing the golf shoes. Ensure that the socks are not
too tight. You should provide an allowance, about half an inch
from your toe to the edge of the shoes to give room for your
toes to move. The shoes should be bendable when you tiptoe.
You obtain most of the support when you swing from the middle
portion of the shoe. It is essential that it is tight in this
area compared to how you would feel when trying on ordinary
shoes. You don't have to worry about the tightness though,
since your shoes will stretch after having been used several
Make sure that you feel comfortable with the fit. If your golf
shoes are too loose, your feet would tend to slide when you
swing making you lose your stability. But a solution for a
loose golf shoe would be insoles to make it a bit tighter.
In selecting a shoe size, choose the size for your bigger foot.
It is a fact that your feet are not exactly of the same size
and that one would be slightly bigger than the other. You could
always put an insole on the other shoe that is a little loose.
Avoid purchasing golf shoes that are made of synthetic material
for they won't allow your feet to breathe making them smell.
Leather would be a good choice since it easily adjusts to your
feet giving more support. If you could afford the expensive
water proof kinds it would also be a good choice especially when
you play in muddy areas.
I hope that with these guidelines you will be able to purchase
the perfect pair of golf shoes for you.
About The Author: Mary Lorainne writes about
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Independent Record Labels Need To Be Counted
Posted by: "Robert Benson" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 11:12 am (PST)
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Article Title: Independent Record Labels Need To Be Counted
Author: Robert Benson
Word Count: 1019
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Format: 64cpl
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With vinyl record sales up more than fifteen percent over last
year's totals (858,000 `units' bought in 2006 versus 990,000 in
2007, according to Nielsen Soundscan), has the comeback of this
historical audio medium reached its pinnacle? No one can say for
sure, but one thing is certain, these sales figures are not a
full indication of just what is happening in the `vinyl world'
and how many records have truly been sold.
These sales figures may be underestimated and under represent
the exact sales figures because they don't always include the
sales at the smaller `indie' record shops where vinyl does the
best. I spoke with Virgil Dickerson, owner of one of these
`indie' record shops, and Vinyl
Collective (based in Denver, Colorado) about what he is noticing
about the trend to go back to vinyl records.
"Certainly, my CD sales have dropped off, and I have seen an
increase in the sales of our vinyl records. People want a
tangible product to go along with their music. The record album
artwork and the great sound of vinyl are also factors in the
resurgence," detailed Virgil. "Digital music lacks the `soul' of
a record and there is almost a therapeutic ritual when you
experience playing vinyl, the act of physically playing the
record, the smell, turning the record over to hear the other
side- are all factors as to why people are in love with the
But, is the vinyl resurgence just a passing fad, what do you
see for the future of the vinyl record?
"Some of our customers are what I term as `lifers,' people who
will buy records whether they are popular or not and may even
have an extensive collection of records. And then there may be
some that are just jumping on the `vinyl bandwagon,' buying
records to be cool or because they are popular now, but there
will always be a place for vinyl within the music community,"
said Virgil.
As previously noted, Virgil is the owner and operates Suburban
Home Records, a record label that signs and releases music from
bands from all over the world as well as Vinyl Collective, a
unique vinyl friendly web store. And with such an eclectic array
of musical genres to choose from including punk, alternative
country, heavy metal, rock and roll and just about anything in
between, his customer base is as varied as the musical styles
that they offer.
We discussed some of the vinyl record formats that are being
manufactured, including audiophile vinyl, picture discs, limited
releases and colored vinyl.
"With regard to colored vinyl, we do it because we want each
pressing to be distinctive. Colored vinyl is more prevalent now
than, lets say, ten years ago and is highly sought after; people
want it, so we appease our customers by releasing it," explained
Virgil. "We have some that are just one color, clear vinyl and
we have added some with speckles and swirls."
"Picture discs are also highly sought after as well, but are
much more expensive per unit to manufacture. They are usually
released with no jacket (they are kept in a clear re-sealable
package) so that helps to reduce the cost. And the sound quality
can fluctuate from good to bad depending on the pressing plant
that is used. Audiophile records are more expensive as well,
manufactured as 180-200 gram records instead of our norm, which
is 140-160 grams," said Virgil.
We also discussed the difference in sound quality between
audiophile records and the normal standard vinyl releases.
"Audiophile records have a better sound quality because a
higher grade of vinyl is used and the grooves are cut deeper
into the vinyl, producing a much clearer sound. I would think
that they are also less susceptible to scratching and scuffing
and withstand the normal wear and tear that a record gets form
use, because of their thickness," related Virgil.
We talked about `limited releases' and why these are not only
popular, but profitable as well.
"Well, instead of pressing, let's say, 5,000 copies of a
particular recording, we may only press 500. This helps to keep
our costs down and collectors love this type of release; they
will own an uncommon or rare record, which can affect the resale
value of the record, depending on various factors such as the
artist, condition etc."
What other marketing ploys are utilized in the record business?
"We are starting to sign up bands for a 7" `split' series. We
will do a pre-order for each 7" and have several artists already
committed to the project including Chuck Ragan/Tim Barry,
William Elliott Whitmore/Josh Small, Fake problems/Look Mexico,
Rocky Votolato/Chad Price (of Drag the River), just to name a
few. The artists will do a cover of a song that has influenced
what they do today. We not only have our own artists from
Suburban Home Records, but other record labels and artists as
well. And this is not so much a marketing ploy, as it is a
unique opportunity for artists to be heard by other fan bases
that may have not heard of the artist before the split and may
also introduce the listener to another kind of musical genre
that they may not listen to. With luck, we hope to have
customers be interested enough to collect the whole series,"
detailed Virgil.
We have just met the man behind the scenes at Suburban Home
Records/Vinyl Collective, one of hundreds of independent record
labels that produce quality vinyl records and allow independent
musicians to be heard by the masses. Why these sales are not
tabulated with the `big box' record stores or major labels is
food for thought. But if Suburban Home Records/Vinyl Collective
keeps releasing quality vinyl records, it is just a matter of
time, before they too, will become a "major label" and be
counted, as the sale of vinyl records continues to move upward.
About The Author: Author Robert Benson writes about rock/pop
music, vinyl record collecting and operates
http://www.collectingvinylrecords. where you can pick up acom,
copy of his ebook called "The Fascinating Hobby Of Vinyl Record
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How Teachers Can Increase Parent Involvement
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Title: How Teachers Can Increase Parent Involvement
Word Count: 544
Author: Adam Waxler
Category: Reference & Education
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How Teachers Can Increase Parent Involvement
The connection between parent involvement and student
achievement is obvious. The question is how do teachers go
about increasing this parent involvement?
There are many different ways teachers can do this, but I
think the best way to increase parent invovlement is
through your own "teacher blog" (granted, nearly all of my
students have internet access).
Nevertheless, I think every teacher these days should have
some type of website or blog.
Having a "teacher blog" allows teachers to very easily
contact parents on a weekly basis.
On my classroom blog I make a simple post each week
informing parents (and students) of what we are doing that
week and what the homework is each day. I also inform them
of important upcoming events and due dates (such as the
History Fair, fcat testing etc.). I even include helpful
links to the school calendar, district website, homework
philosophy, curriculum map etc.
What I did is really not that difficult. But you should
know that my way does cost a little money (about $6.95) per
First, let me tell you about a couple of free ways. First
of all, check with your may have some type of
web creating software and you could host your site though
the school's servers. However, the program at our school
is so bad I don't even's really a joke. The
other thing you can do is set up a free blog with or Both of these are free, but
you are limited in several ways.
Personally, I enjoy having my "own" web site where I have
complete control AND my own domain name. To do this you
must purchase a domain name and host your web site.
Fortunately, if you do this right it does not cost much.
Just make sure to sign up for a hosting account with a
reputable host that has a Cpanel. This will allow you to
automatically install the wordpress blog script...that is
what I use. This may have sounded complicated, but really
it's's quite easy and any good hosting company
will have a great support staff.
Once you have your blog up and running you will want your
parents (and students) to be able to sign up for automatic
notifications. This way, every time you update the blog
your parents will automatically get sent an email with the
blog post embedded in the email.
Think about this from a parent's point of great
would it be to get an email each and every week letting you
know what your child will be working on that week and what
the homework is each day of the week.
To do this you can use a site such as
Simply follow the directions provided on that site that
show you how to publicize your "feed". You basically copy
small amount of html code from their site and paste it into
the sidebar of your own site (via your control panel).
Again, this may sound complicated, but it is actually very could have the whole things set up in less than
20 minutes.
Just think how impressed your parents, students, and
administration will be, but more importantly, think about
how much it will help improve your students' academic
About the Author:
A teacher blog is the best way to increase parent
invovlement. See exactly how I set up my own teacher blog
here: http://teaching-tips-machine. com/blog/ ?p=79
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- 17.
Universal Life Insurance Rates – Comparison Shopping
Posted by: "Elizabeth Newberry" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 12:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Universal Life Insurance Rates – Comparison
Author: Elizabeth Newberry
Word Count: 335
Article URL: 124437&ca= Finances
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We all know that comparison shopping is the key to
conscientious consumerism. All the smart shoppers learn, and
hone, the skill of comparison shopping early in life. We
comparison shop at department stores, grocery stores, and even
thrift stores! Yet, it's important to know that comparison
shopping should apply to all products – not just cleaning
supplies or pet food. When a product is as long-lasting and
important as universal life insurance, comparison shopping is a
Before you can comparison shop for universal life insurance
rates, be aware of what it is you are actually shopping for.
It's difficult to compare what you aren't familiar with, isn't
Universal life insurance, similar to whole life insurance, is a
permanent life insurance policy; however, universal life is more
flexible than whole life.
When comparing universal life rates, look for the following
features and talk with your life insurance agent about the
flexibility of these features, as well as how useful they will
be to you and your family, given your specific needs, wants, and
life situation.
• The ability to increase your death benefits
• The interest rate your savings component – cash value account
– will earn
• The ability to alter your policy premium payments
Some universal life insurance policies allow you to increase
your death benefits as long as you pass a medical exam. Plus,
once you have purchased your universal life insurance policy and
have started accumulating money in your cash value account, you
may be able to alter your policy premium payments. This means
you can use the money in your cash value account to pay for some
of your premiums, which is a great help in times of financial
stress. Note that this option should be used sparingly – once
the money in your cash value account has been exhausted, you
risk losing your universal life insurance coverage if you aren't
aware that the premiums aren't being paid.
About The Author: life-senior. shtml
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- 18.
How To Save Money And Get Discount Automobile Insurance In Nevada
Posted by: "Angela Farnsworth" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 12:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: How To Save Money And Get Discount Automobile
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Author: Angela Farnsworth
Word Count: 537
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Let's face it – the cost of automobile insurance in Nevada is
high and it's not likely to get much lower any time soon. This
has sent many Nevada drivers scrambling to find ways to save
money and get discount automobile insurance here in Nevada.
If you are a young driver, still in school, you know how
expensive your auto insurance can be! One way to keep your
premiums low is to stay in school and get good grades – most
auto insurance companies in Nevada offer some form of a Good
Student Discount. If your school offers driver's training – take
it. Most companies also discount your premiums if you have
successfully completed an approved driver's training course.
If you own two or more cars it usually pays to insure all of
them through the same company. Most companies offer what is
known as a multi-car discount. Keep in mind that if you also
have your other insurance policies – such as homeowner's or
health – with the same company you should be entitled to a
multi-policy discount. Combining one discount on top of another
can save you some real cash over the long run.
Maintaining a good driving record is the best way to keep your
rates down. Drunk or reckless driving convictions will shoot
your rates sky-high. Also if you are a non-smoker you can also
often get a break on your car insurance.
If you only drive your car a few miles each day and then catch
public transportation the rest of the way in to work, or if you
carpool to work, talk to your agent about a low-mileage
If you drive an older car that has a value of $1,000 or less,
you may be better off dropping your collision coverage entirely
as you will probably end up paying more in premiums than you
would ever collect from the insurance if your car is damaged.
If you are still having trouble affording auto insurance then
consider increasing your deductible. The higher your deductible
– meaning that you pay for fender benders and you pay a certain
portion of any claim before your insurance pays the remainder –
the lower your premium will be.
If you are 50 or over you can probably qualify for a discount
on your auto insurance of about 10% simply by completing an
approved defensive driving course. Some defensive driving
courses are even offered online, and some courses will even
forward your completion certificate directly to your insurance
company upon completion of the course so you can get your
discount almost instantly.
The final tip is to shop around online. Prices for insurance
policies – even for policies that are almost identical – can
vary greatly from one company to another.
Auto insurance rates are a hardship for many Nevada drivers,
but by structuring your policy to include only what is right for
you, and by taking advantage of all the wide variety of
discounts to which you may be entitled, and by carefully
shopping around and comparing prices, you should be able to save
money and get discount automobile insurance right here in
About The Author: Recommended sites for low rate insurance Discount Automobile Insurance
Quotes in Nevada Multi-Line. shtml
Quick Auto and Home Quotes (Combined)
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- 19.
Identifying Health Resources Online
Posted by: "James Brown" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 12:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Identifying Health Resources Online
Author: James Brown
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To identify health resources at a local library, a person might
spend hours pouring through catalogs, indexes and searching each
aisle for a specific health issue. Identifying these resources
online is a quick process that leaves people with lots of time
to read articles and perform careful research of the information
found on resources that could help improve the quality of heath
for someone.
Finding an exact location for health resources in the city
where somebody lives is simplified if someone uses the internet
search engines to find the information. There are useful links
on health resource web pages that would help a college student
gain some information to place in a bibliography for a college
term paper. Many links are listed in the proper format for
placement as references in news articles and periodicals and
they will also identify who authored the articles on health.
The School of Medicine that requires such course work may very
well be connected to one of those helpful links. Most health
resources are connected to medical professionals in a training
hospital because health facilities such as hospitals are
available as outlets for educating doctors. Some maintain one
purpose and that is to educate the public about a specific
disease. Some government health facilities provide treatment for
diseases in the health service agencies operated with Government
Many people in the United States turn to health resources to
gain information about a health problem. Many physicians would
welcome the opportunity to share what they know with a person
who was recently diagnosed with a terminal illness. Some of
those physicians are available through internet chat sessions on
a website that is famed for providing medical advice. The
resources that are provided might be recommendations for taking
certain medicines or new treatment alternatives that might
extend the person's life considerably longer.
At times, even physicians need access to health information on
the internet. The libraries of many hospitals might not have
certain reference materials to treat a rare disease. Physicians
can use the health resources online to read extensively about
new surgical techniques and gaze at surgical diagrams that will
explain the incision making process very thoroughly. The
hospital might maintain an account at a medical health services
library and hospital staff can access it day or night when
questions on care need further guidance.
Parents have used health resources many times if there are
children at home. The staff at pediatric medical offices is
happy to post medical files online with proper security
precautions and parents can use these online health resources
each year to submit admission forms that show all lifetime
illnesses. Parents can track appointments through these sites
and see if insurance benefits have posted.
A parent might also be reminded of appointments that were
scheduled a year in advance. Parents have found that they can
keep current with all children's health issues if they access
the online health resources offered by the pediatrician. Using
these resources such as the online appointment notification
system, parents are sure to be on time for every appointment
scheduled for every child in the home.
About The Author: James Brown writes about
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- 20.
Even Prime Mortgages Are At Risk
Posted by: "Peter Kenny" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 12:11 pm (PST)
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Peter Kenny
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Article Title: Even Prime Mortgages Are At Risk
Author: Peter Kenny
Word Count: 564
Article URL: 220746&ca= Finances
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By now most American consumers have heard about the sub-prime
mortgage crisis. It would be difficult not to have heard about
it. What many consumers have not heard much about is the
increasing belief that even homeowners with prime mortgages may
be facing some issues in the near future.
Of particular importance is the threat of lower home values,
even for those with the best of credit and the best of mortgage
loans. It is no secret that as homes in a particular area begin
to fall into foreclosure proceedings, surrounding homes will
lose value. The problem seems to work exponentially, too,
meaning the more homes that are being lost the more value
surrounding homes lose.
A recent survey conducted by, an online real estate
community, concluded that on average home values across the
nation were down more than 5.5 percent from just one year ago.
In some of the worst hit areas of the nation, that percentage is
even higher.
The troublesome news that goes along with this is that
according to upwards of 15 percent of nationwide
homeowners who purchased their homes within the last twelve
months are now in a position where they owe more on the home
than what it is currently valued at. The number is even a little
worse for those who purchased a home two years ago.
Most experts would offer up that temporary negative home equity
is not something that should cause a person or nation to panic,
unless the person cannot afford the higher mortgage payments
caused by rate adjustments. It may take as long as five years
before the market settles down, and if homeowners, especially
those with prime loans, can simply ride it out, they value of
their homes should begin to rise again.
One issue that will certainly complicate the ride it out advice
is when prime loan homeowners need to move because of a job
transfer or some other reason. The usual tactic is to sell the
current home when it becomes apparent that a move is in the
If the value of the home has decreased because of sub-prime
foreclosures in the areas, the owner will, of course, see less
profit on the sale. Even homes under the most advantageous of
mortgage loans will have to be appraised prior to a sale. If the
surrounding area has lost value due to foreclosures, the owner
can probably expect that his home is worth less too.
Some of the lost value can be absorbed by homeowners if the
amount is not too high. For those homeowners who happen to be in
hard hit areas, the loss of value may be too high to absorb and
may have even caused the home's value to be less than what is
owed on it. For these homeowners, the entire sale of the home
may be in jeopardy.
At present, there is not much that a homeowner can do to
prevent loss of value in the home if the home is located in a
foreclosure area other than try to ride it out, as mentioned
above. Some legislation is in the works that may help many
sub-prime borrowers from having to see foreclosures, and that
may be best bet yet in keeping home values fair and equitable.
About The Author: Peter Kenny is a writer for The Thrifty Scot,
please visit us at ande/
http://www.thriftymortgages. 01/rics-sees- more-bad- news-for- house-prices. html
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- 21.
Importance Of Car Insurance
Posted by: "Joseph Kenny" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 12:12 pm (PST)
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Joseph Kenny
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Article Title: Importance Of Car Insurance
Author: Joseph Kenny
Word Count: 613
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Why is car insurance so important? Most older drivers
understand the importance of car insurance but some newer
drivers may not.
For many newer drivers car insurance is more a pain than a
benefit, with the pain part being located in the higher premiums
they have to pay. Here are some of the main reasons car
insurance is important.
The state in which you live in and drive in probably requires
that you carry a certain amount of car insurance on your
vehicles. The amount of car insurance that you must carry as a
minimum on each vehicle varies from state to state.
States will also mandate what type of car insurance is
required. In some states, you only need liability, while other
states may require more.
Drivers should understand that in many states if you are pulled
over by the authorities and found to be without car insurance
you run the risk of having your vehicle impounded on the spot.
In some states it is literally illegal for the police to allow
you to continue driving once they know you do not have the
proper automobile insurance.
In addition to having your vehicle impounded you may also find
yourself being charged heavy fees and fines by the courts. Of
course, in addition to all these troubles, you may have your
driver's license suspended or revoked for a certain amount of
Car insurance protects you from personal liability should you
be in an accident. Aside from the legal requirements, this is
the main reason you want car insurance. If you are in an
accident and you are at fault you can be held personally
responsible for the costs of medical bills if a person is
injured and major monetary awards if a person is killed. These
costs can all but ruin most families.
It can mean selling your home, selling your stocks and bonds,
or selling other assets in order to pay the costs. It can also
mean years of future payments in the event you cannot pay them
all at once, which most people cannot do. Depending on the
amount of the rewards, you could spend the rest of your natural
life paying them off.
But what about you? What if you are hit by someone who does not
have insurance? If you do not have insurance either, chances are
good you will be faced with your own medical payments. You can,
of course, sue the other person but what if they are destitute
and cannot pay? Your own car insurance will usually help with
those payments.
In addition, depending on the type of car insurance that you
have, your vehicle can be repaired or replaced, thus saving you
the out of pocket expense of replacing it yourself.
The last reason for having car insurance has to do with repair
of the other vehicle if you hit someone. As you know, vehicle
repairs can be very expensive. If you are shown to be at fault
in an accident you may be required to pay for the repairs or the
replacement of the vehicle that you hit. Again, this is money
that has to come out of your pocket.
As an aside to this, you are also responsible for any real
property damage that you might cause. For example, if you run
into a house and cause a wall to collapse, you would be required
to make payment for those repairs. One single accident can all
but force you into bankruptcy court if you are not protected by
car insurance.
About The Author: Joe Kenny writes for the financial comparison
site and also for the loan information
portal, http://www.iloanapplication. Visit today to find acom.
great personal finance offer.
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- 22.
Four Things You Should Know About Paid Blogging As A Career
Posted by: "Matt Garrett" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 1:11 pm (PST)
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Matt Garrett
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Article Title: Four Things You Should Know About Paid Blogging
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Author: Matt Garrett
Word Count: 596
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Most people who think about earning money from blogging think
about creating their own blogs as way to promote their existing
Or they think of blogging on market niches, building audiences,
and then hooking up with AdSense, or one of the sites which will
pay them to post product reviews or links to companies related
to those niches.
1) You Can Get Paid for Writing Someone Else's Blog
But there's another form of paid blogging which requires
nothing of you except that you have expertise in a certain area,
or can do research of a quality that lets you write as if you're
an expert.
Many companies and website owners know that blogs are important
marketing tools, but don't have the manpower to maintain them.
And they are more than happy to pay someone to post on their
blogs. Freelance blogging, or paid blogging, is a way for you to
earn an online income without knowing a thing about coding or
Internet marketing.
That is, of course, unless you are asked to blog on coding or
Internet marketing. How can you get started on a career in paid
2) You Should Create a Sample Blog
The first thing you should do is build a collection of blog
posts which you can shop around to prospective employers.
You'll do that by creating your own blog on whatever topic will
best showcase your writing skills. WordPress is far and away the
best blogging platform; its free, with an exceptionally simple
interface, and many themes and plugins to help you give your
blog a professional look.
It's best to select a somewhat impersonal blogging topic on
which you can write informatively and interestingly.
Your prospective customers will probably not be interested in
blogging of a personal nature, so stick with topics like health
or nutrition, or money management, or marketing, or parenting.
Write a brief introductory post letting your readers know the
purpose of your blog, and explaining your interest in the topic.
Then start your regular posts, but always make sure that you can
back up any statements with research if necessary.
Your posts should stay on topic, and be short enough to hold
your readers' attention.
3) You Should Join Some Outsourcing Sites
When you have ten or twelve posts, set up accounts at
outsourcing sites like or
These sites act as go-betweens for buyers who are looking for
bloggers and bloggers who are looking for work. The buyers will
post descriptions of what they need, and invite bids.
You can bid on the paid blogging projects for which you think
you are qualified, and attach a link to your blog along with any
other information which might give you an edge against competing
Most of the buyers will set a maximum bid, and if you don't
think you can work for that, don't bid.
4) You Should Build a Reputation for Excellence
There are rating systems on most of these sites, so once you
win a paid blogging job, do whatever it takes to get the best
possible rating. It will pave the way for more paid blogging
About The Author: © 2007 | Blog
Tutorials & Videos Grab Your Free Step By Step Guide to Setting
Up Your First Blog Now!! er.html
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- 23.
Introduction To Web Analytics And KPIs - Key Performance Indicators
Posted by: "George Meszaros" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 1:11 pm (PST)
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George Meszaros
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Article Title: Introduction To Web Analytics And KPIs - Key
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Author: George Meszaros
Word Count: 606
Article URL: 215566&ca= Internet
Format: 64cpl
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There was a time not too long ago when it was cool to have a
web site. You didn't have to worry about issues such as
usability, conversion, and flow because the web was not as
competitive as it is today. If you had a website that looked
nice, you were in business. Let's face it even if you had an
ugly site you were still in business. If you got business from
the site nice if not you were happy too. In the beginning most
people didn't really believe they could make money on their
Today the web offers huge opportunities for business to grow
and increase their revenue. Hence, the web has become fiercely
competitive market place. In such competitive environment, you
have to know what works and what doesn't. Without measuring KPIs
(Key Performance Indicators) you are not giving your company a
chance to understand your business.
Measuring performance of traditional marketing such as magazine
or post card mailer advertising is very difficult. We can say it
worked or it failed based on sales, but we don't know the
details such as what part of the ad was effective. How often
people looked at the ad and for how long?
With web analytics, we can get a greater understanding of where
and how effectively we spend our advertising dollars. Web
analytics plays a strategic role in measuring success and
alerting companies to vulnerabilities within their online
environments. The value of web analytics solutions is not in
their ability to collect data, but to measure customer behavior
that provides a basis for replicating success or driving change.
Among companies that utilize analytics in this way, 75 percent
increased new visitors to their sites, 78 percent improved
average visit duration and 65 percent improved returning
visitors. Eighty-three percent increased page views per visit,
68 percent improved conversion rates and 64 percent improved the
number of visits per existing customer.
The value of analytics is not just in the measurement of the
data but also in the ability to act on the results. KPIs should
drive action. Every KPI we measure should correspond to action.
Creating an effective web analytics strategy requires more
thought than money.
Digital marketing is impossible without KPIs. Without KPIs, you
are spending on marketing because it feels good. With proper
metrics, you spend money because it makes sense.
Web analytics is easy according to every company that sells web
analytics solutions. Visit their websites and they'll tell you
loud and clear that web analytics is a walk in the park. Web
analytics is not easy.
KPIs have to be part of your strategy. It is not an isolated
project within a company. Web analytics should be part of your
business analytics efforts. Just like you measure your sales and
your revenue, you should measure your web KPIs.
KPIs should be more about people and strategy than technology.
Many marketers shy away from web analytics because it sounds
like something an engineer would enjoy doing. Web analytics is
about measuring consumer behavior. Web analytics is one of the
most effective tools to grow your business.
Web analytics is turning raw data into actionable items. Many
marketers build their own marketing programs based on
information about other companies' marketing history. Don't make
that mistake. What works for them is not necessarily going to
work for your organization. General market research studies
provide you general information when you need information
specific to your business. Web analytics is the tool for that.
About The Author: George Meszaros with Webene
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- 24.
Vacation Holiday In Japan Travel Guide
Posted by: "Chris Chew" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 1:11 pm (PST)
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Chris Chew
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Article Title: Vacation Holiday In Japan Travel Guide
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Word Count: 645
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Thinking of a holiday vacation in exotic Asia but does not know
where to go? This travel guide article introduces you to Japan,
the country in which you can find buzzing cities where you can
shop and party till the wee small hours of the morning or if you
prefer, visit Japan's almost nature perfect countryside and
marvel at its awesome natural beauty.
Japan, or sometimes referred to as "Land of the rising sun" is
an island nation located in north-eastern Asia between the
northern Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan.
The country has a land mass of approximately 377,870 sq km (145
896 sq miles) which is just a tad smaller than the state of
The country is made up of four major island groups with more
than 4,000 smaller islands surrounding the big four islands of
Hokkaido to the north, Honshu, the main island, Shikoku which is
the smallest of the four and Kyushu, as the southernmost island.
Japan has a very homogenous culture and thus it is not
surprising that there is only one official written and spoken
language. However, to the delight of tourists and business
travelers, many Japanese are able to understand English and
speak the language to a certain extent albeit with heavy accent
as can be seen in some Hollywood movies.
The reason why many so Japanese can speak English is that the
English language is the only foreign language all Japanese must
learn as part of compulsory school education program.
Japan has a population of over 125 million people and most
Japanese live in densely populated urban areas such as Tokyo
which is the capital of Japan. Tokyo has a population of about
12 million people.
Tokyo,is a marvelous city of stark contrast which makes it as a
very interesting and exciting city to tour. Tourists on holiday
vacation are often enchanted with the glitzy lights of nightlife
downtown Shibuya and Roppongi, homes to wonderful international
and local restaurants, theme bars and karaoke clubs to dazzle
you in contrast to the the tranquil serenity of Buddhist temples
and sleepy side streets, where quaint local antique stores and
old cafes beckon.
Tokyo is also home to the first Disneyland theme park in Asia.
The other one being in Hong Kong.
Many tourists regard Japan as a food paradise haven. Japanese
food is not only well known for its health benefits, it is also
famous throughout the world for its painstaking presentation. It
is certainly a culinary delight to indulge in Japanese food.
You can find traditional smoky yakitori stalls where customers
sit around makeshift tables, drinking ice-cold beer as the sun
sets on a hot summer day, to high class restaurants, where
kimono clad waitresses serve the freshest sushi and sashimi.
The quality and the variety of food in Japan are so vast that
you can hardly find such wide diversity and quality of food
anywhere else in the world.
Traditionally, having lunch would have been from the homemade
bento box, however many Japanese restaurants these days are
encouraging the trend to eat out at midday by offering great
lunch set meals. This may include sushi sets with miso soup and
green tea.
Most Japanese have theirlunch seated by the counter so that
they can watch the chef in action preparing freshly cut sushi
served on a bamboo leaves.
Tokyo is usually the landing city for vacationing tourists
visiting Japan and is the launching pad to other tourist
attractions in this amazing country.
So if you are a tourist on a holiday vacation who loves taking
in sights of natural wonders, who loves great food and plenty of
nightlife action, then Japan could be your ideal holiday
destination in exotic Asia.
About The Author: Chris Chew is an avid traveler and owns a
website devoted to traveling in exotic Asia
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- 25.
How Hair Is Inserted In Hair Transplant Surgery
Posted by: "David Riewe" articles_isnare
Sat Feb 2, 2008 1:12 pm (PST)
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David Riewe
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Article Title: How Hair Is Inserted In Hair Transplant Surgery
Author: David Riewe
Word Count: 553
Article URL: 217171&ca= Medicines+ and+Remedies
Format: 64cpl
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Hair transplant surgery begins, after anesthesia is applied,
with removing donor tissue. Follicular units are then extracted
from the tissue using a stereomicroscope. This is all done by
skilled nurses and technicians. The insertion of the hair into
the receptor sites comes later.
Once the follicular units for the hair transplant are dissected
out of the donor tissue, technicians set them aside in a saline
solution. The temperature must be ideal or the small grafts
will not survive the procedure. This is done very carefully in
order to ensure a good result.
The surgeon will make tiny incisions into the scalp where the
hair transplant grafts are to go. These are called the receptor
sites. They are made with a very thin surgical needle. The
surgeon must have an eye for detail to properly set the receptor
sites. He must also be very artistic to achieve a natural look,
especially at the hairline.
The direction the hair grows, both on the front of the head and
at the crown, are very important, too. The doctor must make the
condition of the newly placed hair look like the patient's own
natural scalp hair. The angle that the hair is put in
determines how much it will stand up from the head.
Once the surgeon has made all the hair transplant incisions
that lay out the design he has created, the specially trained
surgical team steps in. They use his plan to accomplish his
goals, and in turn the goals of the patient. The groundwork is
done for them by the surgeon when he does his incisions.
The surgical team takes care to get every hair transplant graft
into the receptor sites as they have been laid out. They waste
no time, though, because the small grafts are vulnerable when
their follicles are outside of the skin. The goal is to get the
grafts in as quickly as possible while staying true to the
Next, the doctor looks over the hair transplant for quality
control. He may take a good deal of time tweaking the placement
of grafts before he is satisfied that they are all set properly
into their receptor sites in a pleasing fashion. When he gives
the ok, the surgical technicians again take over the patient's
The grafts will be more permanently set into place when the
technicians dry them by blowing a cool blow dryer across them.
This makes them adhere in their place so that no bandages are
necessary. The patient will be asked to bring, or will be
given, a baseball cap for the ride home from the hair transplant
The doctor will want to see how the grafts are doing the day
following the hair transplant. The patient will go in for a
check-up so that any problems can be corrected quickly. If that
is not possible, at least plans can be made to correct them at a
future time.
The doctor will have done his job with the hair transplant
procedure at this point. All that remains is periodic checkups.
If the hair loss is extensive, there may be more procedures,
but all the hair transplant surgeries will be done with the same
amount of care.
About The Author: David Riewe is the Editor of Daves Health
Buzz. Daves Health Buzz covers a wide variety of health and
wellness related topics. Visit Daves Health Buzz for the latest
Hair Transplant information.
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