Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1.
- The Simple Truths About Falling and Living in Love From: articleannounce
- 2.
- 5 Tips For A Good Forex Trading System From: Gerald Mason
- 3.
- Searching For Your California Business For Sale From: IPRWire Staff Writer
- 4.
- What Is Green Tea? From: Ainuddin Mohamad
- 5.
- Entrepreneurialism And The Dwarf House From: Scott Lindsay
- 6.
- Is Wellness Business Industry Right For You? From: Zachary Thompson
- 7.
- How To Grow Petunias From: marigold1224
- 8.
- How To Get Rid Of Your Enemies Easily From: articleannounce
- 9.
- Preparing A Direct Mail Campaign From: Patrick Schwerdtfeger
- 10.
- The Game Of Footbag From: Chris Riley
- 11.
- Performance: Turbo-Charge Your Life With Powerful Self-Talk From: Liz Labrum
- 12.
- 3 Tips For Running An Effective Ppc Campaign: Strategies For Online From: Chris Malta
- 13.
- Public School Rankings How Poor Neighborhoods Affect Placement From: Patricia Hawke
- 14.
- Working With A San Diego Realtor From: J Harris
- 15.
- Overcoming Jealousy: What Is Jealousy? From: Richard MacKenzie
- 16.
- Globes A Way To Jump Start Your Child's Education From: Jesse Akre
- 17.
- Stress And Alcohol - A Marriage Made In Misery From: Jeff Foster
- 18.
- Finding An Effective Nutrition Vitamin From: Michelle Bery
- 19.
- Apply Online for a Credit Card: It's Safer than Ever From: articleannounce
- 20.
- 5 Popular Dog Breeds For Children From: Gerald Njuguna
- 21.
- The Shoe Treatment For Your Foot Infection From: Low Jeremy
- 22.
- This Could Be The Start Of Something Grand! From: Laura Lexington
- 23.
- Marriage In Ancient Greece From: Rafi Michael
- 24.
- To Much Credit Card Debt Can Spell Disaster For Your Finances. From: Salihu Ibrahim
- 25.
- Prepaid Debit Cards: Your First Step toward Better Credit From: articleannounce
- 1.
The Simple Truths About Falling and Living in Love
Posted by: "articleannounce" articleannounce
Mon Feb 4, 2008 12:23 pm (PST)
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Title: The Simple Truths About Falling and Living in Love
Word Count: 693
Author: Brenda Shoshanna
Category: Self-improvement/motivation
Article URL: http://www.submityourarticle. com/articles/ easypublish. php?art_id= 23965
The article is preformatted to 60CPL.
The Simple Truths About Falling and Living in Love
We are meant to live a life of love. When we're not in
love, something's the matter. Unfortunately, most of us,
unaware of this, become resigned to disappointment, loss
and upset in relationships. No matter how successful we are
in other aspects of our lives, many do not feel entitled to
the same success in love. This is considered natural as
one "grows up" and gives up the fantasies, foolishness and
dreams of childhood. But nothing could be further from the
truth. It is the fantasies, foolishness, and confused
expectations we develop as we grow older that keep the love
Being in love is the most mature and realistic thing you
can do. It energizes your life, fills you with positivity,
creates generosity and makes every moment beautiful. The
body heals, the heart is happy. As a great teacher once
said, "We never ask the meaning of life when we are in
If being in love is our natural state the real question is,
what is it that keeps this most precious inheritance away?
How can we reclaim it and return to the intrinsic trust and
joy we had as children?
Many fear they will be hurt. But contrary to popular
opinion, real love never hurts or wounds. It is only our
confused expectations that can undermine our lives. There
is a Buddhist saying "Give up poisonous food wherever it is
offered to you." But most of us do not know what is poison
and what is nourishing in our relationships.
Once we know the difference between real and counterfeit
love, once we learn the laws of love and how to practice
them, we will be able to live a life of love and build
relationships that cannot fail. The fact of the matter is
that we can begin to do this and turn our lives around at
any time.
To begin this process, let us look a little deeper. It
always seems as if relationships are
difficult—difficult to find, to keep and to enjoy.
Yet the fundamental truth is that there is no inherent
problem with relationships at all. There is never a
scarcity of relationships, there is never a scarcity of
Some complain that they can't love because there is
something wrong with the person they are with. No one can
please or satisfy them. In the beginning they may feel as
though they've found the perfect person, but before they
know it, conflict develops, irritation grows. The joy of
feeling loved and valued, fades away. Most people have no
idea why. Ultimately, from the psychological point
of view, not falling in love, is not so unusual. In fact,
many can do very well, become quite healthy, and yet never
get over their disappointments in love.
Spiritually speaking, there's a different point of view. Is
a person's very life at stake if they aren't able to truly
love? The answer is Yes. Without the ability to know real
love, the precious taste of this life is thwarted, and a
person may be doomed to living her days as a "Hungry
Ghost." But we can change this at any moment. To
begin we suspend judgment and disbelief, become willing to
become a child once again - explore, play, hug, cry and
feel that the world is filled with endless possibilities.
We also must develop the ability to say No to all of the
people, beliefs, habits and desires which can take our
faith and love away.
We need to be willing to allow ourselves to look for and
find that which is beautiful and worthwhile in everyone,
(including ourselves). And, somehow, let them know.
Falling in love doesn't mean being blind, or entering into
fantasy. It means waking up out of darkened dreams to
finally see the beauty which surrounds us. A little
endurance is required, along with the willingness to face
the shadows that will dispel as soon as we invite in the
During this holiday season, let's give it a try. It only
takes a moment to do so, but the happiness lasts a long,
long time.
About the Author:
Discover the surprising truths about love in top selling
program Save Your Relationship (21 Basic Laws of Successful
Relationships) . Renowned
psychologist, Founder of Everyone Wins Mediation, has
helped thousands resolve conflicts and find strength and
fulfillment. Free ezine and articles - ,
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- 2.
5 Tips For A Good Forex Trading System
Posted by: "Gerald Mason" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 1:11 pm (PST)
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Gerald Mason
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Article Title: 5 Tips For A Good Forex Trading System
Author: Gerald Mason
Word Count: 732
Article URL: 189293&ca= Finances
Format: 64cpl
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One rule of thumb that every aspiring entrepreneur should
remember is that to make huge profits, you should know how to do
it by yourselfand not rely on other's efforts. Being
independent from other people will help you determine what
things are best for your business.
Such rule applies on all types of investments, including
foreign currency trading, or mostly known as Forex trading. It
cannot be denied that Forex is the largest existing market
around the world, which is estimated to have an excess of 2
trillion U.S. dollars worth of foreign currencies are traded
each day. It is larger than the magnitude of the New York Stock
Exchange, which is approximately 50 billion U.S. dollars. Thus,
Forex market exceeds all combined equity markets around the
With such huge wealth circulating around the Forex market, one
of your financial goals is to grab a major slice of that $2
trillion average daily turnover in the market. How you will be
able to get a substantial portion of that average turnover if
you do not know how you will handle your Forex business?
Although you cannot live in the market alone (you need business
partners and/or financial advisers to help you along), only you
can determine what the best Forex business there is for you.
To get huge profits out of your Forex trading career, you need
to build your own profitable systema trading system that will
bring your not just hundreds but thousands of dollars worth of
Forex revenues. Such trading system is available on the market,
but as previously mentioned, you need to be independentand you
need to have your own Forex trading system that will help you
achieve your financial goals.
For new traders, it is difficult for them to device their own
trading system since they do not have too much knowledge about
the Forex market. However, even a neophyte trader can device a
trading system that will fit on his personal preference and
needsin just five easy steps!
Before we discuss the five easy steps towards a profitable
Forex trading system, you need to learn first the three main
characteristics of a successful Forex trading system. These are
as follows:
1. A successful Forex trading system is simple. There is no
need for a complicated trading system with too many rules. It is
a proven truth that simple systems work better than complicated
ones, and they have higher chances of success despite of the
"brutal" characteristic of Forex trading.
2. A successful Forex trading system cuts losses and runs
profits. Keep in mind that you need a trading system that gets
the huge possible profits and eliminates losses quickly, if not
3. A successful Forex trading system follows long-term trends.
You will never cover your losses if you are just generating
small profits. Keep in mind that the Forex market is worth $2
trillion U.S. dollars, thus there is no point in trading in
exchange for just small profits if you have the opportunity to
make trades for larger revenues. Focus on long-term trends and
you will be able to see better results.
Now, here are the five easy steps in building a profitable
Forex trading system:
1. As previously mentioned, your trading system must be as
simple as possible. Integrate few yet essential rules and an
extensive investment management system.
2. Always look for long-term trends (preferably on a weekly
basis), then shift to daily charts and to time entry. This will
help you analyze market trends efficiently.
3. The ideal way of trading foreign currencies is through
breakout method.
4. Always watch for any break that you will note on your chart,
which is commonly confirmed by stochastic crossed with bearish
divergence. This will be your great timing tool whether you will
enter a certain deal or not.
5.You must integrate effective time management within your
system. Time is gold and is one of your precious resources.
Design a trading system that is time efficientwhere you can
maximize the potential of your time resources to generate huge
Get away with complicated systems; it will just ruin your
entire Forex trading career. Build a simpler one and see for
yourself how profitable it is.
About The Author: Free Forex Software For You To Use:
http://www.greatpublications. com/forexsoftwar e2.htm
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- 3.
Searching For Your California Business For Sale
Posted by: "IPRWire Staff Writer" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 1:11 pm (PST)
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IPRWire Staff Writer
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Article Title: Searching For Your California Business For Sale
Author: IPRWire Staff Writer
Word Count: 546
Article URL: 188971&ca= Business
Format: 64cpl
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Are you interested in finding and buying a California business
for sale? There is no doubt that the real estate in here is a
force to be reckoned with. Whether you have invested in real
estate in the past or you are just starting out, you have a
great chance of being a success when you buy in this state!
There are a lot of great opportunities from franchises to mature
companies that are up for grabs; you simply have to choose the
one that is right for you. So, you have the idea but what next?
Buying anything that is worth something can be stressful and
may take you some serious time to determine if you are making
the right choice, and when you buy real estate of any type this
is no exception. Finding and buying a California business for
sale can be difficult, but if you have someone on your side to
help you through the process you will find that it is not as
hard as it would be otherwise. At this point you may be
wondering who exactly you should call to help you, since you
don't know anyone that knows anything about the industry.
The person that you need to get in touch with to help you is a
broker, also known as a real estate agent in some areas. A
broker can help you find the opportunities that meet your need,
and perhaps even develop what it is that you might want to
invest in. When you are searching for a California business for
sale you may become overwhelmed by all of the options. When you
work with a broker they can help to keep you focused and also
play devil's advocate. It's also nice to have someone on your
side that is familiar with the industry and may even be able to
give you some figures, percentages, or facts that will help you
make the wisest decision.
Finding a broker doesn't have to be difficult, in fact there
are many of them out there. If you haven't worked with such a
professional in the past you may not know what to look for. One
of the most important attributes to look for is someone who is
willing to really listen to you. If you work with a broker that
doesn't really hear what you want, need, or what your concerns
may be it will be more frustrating than if you were working on
your own. You also want to work with someone who has a lot of
experience in the market, as this will enable them to give you
the best advice.
When looking for a California business for sale there is one
broker company that can give you the experience as well as the
ability to listen to you, and that would be Hughes Properties.
This is a company that can give you the personal attention that
you need. Visit this company and learn more about them on their
website at http://www.hughesproperties. today to see if theycom
can provide you with the help that you need!
About The Author: http://www.HughesProperties. is located incom
Palm Springs, California and specializes in business sales. They
aggressively market through electronic and print media to
potential buyers around the world. For more information on
businesses for sale in California please visit our site.
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- 4.
What Is Green Tea?
Posted by: "Ainuddin Mohamad" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 1:12 pm (PST)
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Article Title: What Is Green Tea?
Author: Ainuddin Mohamad
Word Count: 588
Article URL: 191952&ca= Food+and+ Drinks
Format: 64cpl
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================== ARTICLE START ============ ======
You would think that the definition would be self-explanatory
it's tea that's green. But that doesn't really cover it.
All true teas - as distinct from herbal and flower infusions,
which tea lovers call tisanes - are made from the leaves of a
magnolia-related evergreen tree with the botanical name of
Camellia sinensis. Although reaching a height of 30 feet in the
wild, on tea plantations, the plant is kept as a shrub,
constantly pruned to a height of about 3 feet to encourage new
growth and for convenient picking.
Tea plants grow only in warm climates but can flourish at
altitudes ranging from sea level to 7,000 feet. The best teas,
however, are produced by plants grown at higher altitudes where
the leaves mature more slowly and yield a richer flavor.
Depending upon the altitude, a new tea plant may take from 2 ½
to 5 years to be ready for commercial picking, but once
productive, it can provide tea leaves for close to a century.
Tea plants produce abundant foliage, a camellia-like flower,
and a berry, but only the smallest and youngest leaves are
picked for tea: the two leaves and bud at the top of each young
shoot. The growth of new shoots, called a flush, can occur every
week at lower altitudes but takes several weeks at higher ones.
The new leaves are picked by hand by "tea pluckers," the best of
whom can harvest 40 pounds per day, enough to make 10 pounds of
All tea plants belong to the same species-Camellia sinensis-,
but local growing conditions (altitude, climate, soils, etc.)
vary, resulting in a multitude of distinctive leaves. The way
the leaves are processed, however, is even more important in
developing the individual characteristics of the three
predominant types of tea: green, black and oolong.
Green tea is the least processed and thus provides the most
antioxidant polyphenols, notably a catechin called
epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which is believed to be
responsible for most of the health benefits linked to green tea.
We'll talk about EGCG a little bit later, but it is this
component of green tea that makes it such a healing and
advantageous drink.
Green tea is made by briefly steaming the just harvested
leaves, rendering them soft and pliable and preventing them from
fermenting or changing color. After steaming, the leaves are
rolled, then spread out and "fired" (dried with hot air or
pan-fried in a wok) until they are crisp. The resulting
greenish-yellow tea has a green, slightly astringent flavor
close to the taste of the fresh leaf.
Green tea has always been, and remains today, the most popular
type of tea from China where most historians and botanists
believe the tea plant originated throughout all of Asia. Why is
this so? Perhaps because green tea not only captures the taste,
aroma and color of spring, but delivers this delightful bouquet
along with the highest concentration of beneficial
phytonutrients and the least caffeine of all the teas.
The key to the amazing health benefits that are derived from
consuming green tea is that the leaves are steamed which
preserves the EGCG compound from being oxidized. Other teas are
fermented which breaks down the natural EGCG and takes away from
its healing properties.
In fact, green tea has very long and storied history dating
back thousands and thousands of years. It can be quite
fascinating to know what the Chinese have known for centuries.
About The Author: Ainuddin is the Webmaster of
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- 5.
Entrepreneurialism And The Dwarf House
Posted by: "Scott Lindsay" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 1:12 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Entrepreneurialism And The Dwarf House
Author: Scott Lindsay
Word Count: 507
Article URL: 192067&ca= Business
Format: 64cpl
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================== ARTICLE START ============ ======
Entrepreneurialism is a dynamic that has two primary sources of
influence passion and necessity.
To become an entrepreneur is enjoyable when you have a passion
for a business idea you are passionate about. However, if you
have to become an entrepreneur in response to a fight or flight
mentality the story might be different.
This is the true story of a young man who served his country in
World War II, but had no idea what he could do to make a living
once he was discharged.
In 1946 this young man went into debt to develop the Dwarf
House restaurant with his brother, Ben. This young man's family
had been devastated by the stock market crash just a few years
before and it was those hard times that made it important for
there to be a success with the restaurant.
His father had been an insurance salesman, so the boy leaned
how to make a return on a simple investment and the importance
of responding to the needs of others. He could make a nickel if
he bought a six-pack of pop and sold them individually to
thirsty neighbors. This was the do or die mentality that drove
the man to create a restaurant from a building that was too
small in a less than idea location using money he could not pay
back if the business failed.
One of the earliest difficulties this man faced was trying to
find supplies to run his business. Wartime had made it difficult
to find enough supplies to keep a business going. It was even
more so with a new business.
The business would fall upon hard times when Ben died in a
plane crash leaving the young man to run the business alone.
When a second restaurant was opened and established, a fire on
the uninsured business was a huge setback.
At that moment the man determined he had no choice but to move
forward. Eventually experiments with making poultry a positive
fast food choice led to the development of a fast food chain the
serves no hamburgers.
A business that began as a simple entrepreneurial effort based
exclusively on the need of a war veteran now features nearly
41,000 employees and represents 1300 stores.
That businessman is Truett Cathy, owner of Chick-Fil-A. This
entrepreneurial effort remains a private company and Cathy has
instituted a policy that keeps the stores closed on Sunday so
families can be guaranteed a day away from work each week. Cathy
is also a well-noted and enthusiastic philanthropist.
Cathy provides some great advice for others seeking to fulfill
either an entrepreneurial dream or a business birthed in
necessity, "Contrary to what you may have been taught in
business school, your net worth is not the sum of all you have
managed to accumulate in your lifetime. When you die, those who
survive you will measure your net worth by what you have given."
About The Author: Scott Lindsay is a web developer and
entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other
web projects. Get your own website online in just 5 minutes with
HighPowerSites at: Start your own
ebook business with BooksWealth at:
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- 6.
Is Wellness Business Industry Right For You?
Posted by: "Zachary Thompson" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 1:12 pm (PST)
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Zachary Thompson
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Article Title: Is Wellness Business Industry Right For You?
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Word Count: 515
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Format: 64cpl
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If there was one single business to recommend as a single way
to make money online, the Wellness Industry would be winning it
all the way.
Though it is not an easy business to do, I choose this as the
preferred one. Selling vitamins and health related products, and
selling health supplements is very competitive and this business
is for serious people willing to devote more than just two hours
a day. But it is a very lucrative business field, for those who
are enthusiastic and prepared to put in the effort.
Wellness industry deals with real human beings, with real
problems and needs. You should always be available to your
customers by phone, in person, or even at the very least by
email to answer their queries and clear their doubts. You should
be sensitive to your clients needs and be prompt to their
questions. Your clients should have a good feeling doing trade
with you. You should strive to provide constant training,
support, and also if you have a distributor network, then
support and help to your distributors and they will go a long
way to ensure a long and profitable wellness business.
Here are some of the reasons why I presume the wellness or
health industry to the number 1 choice for entrepreneurs online.
1. Health and Wellness Products accomplish a Basic Human's
want. Fitness and Health is a #1 worry for many individuals - or
even food. If you are not as fit and healthy, it can make you
feel down and miserable. Many people will pay you their last
penny if they can genuinely find something which can give relief
to their suffering and pain.
2. Health and Wellness Products are Consumable.
Unlike most other products, like digital products that can be
sold only once to a client, healthy supplements, vitamins, and
medical prescriptions require regular monthly re-orders. Once
individuals start to use them and see its benefits, many times
they will continue to use them for a long time. If you are
treating your clients properly, they will buy supplies from you
week after week, providing you with a regular income and a
stable source of earnings.
3. Your Profits Grows Exponentially.
Most wellness opportunities also involve building an
organization, every product sale actually INCREASES your
potential for future income by growing your organization of
customers and potential distributors purchasing every month.
4. Wellness Business Opportunities give us a "Feel-Good"
One important reason why people are doing business in the
wellness industry is because it gives them a feel-good factor.
It really feels nice when someone writes or calls, telling you
how amazing your products make them feel.
5. Need for Fitness, Wellness and Health Increases with Age
Wellness opportunities are very much right to our seniors since
they have the prospective to accomplish all their wants- ranging
from economic security to superior health & individual
communication. Lastly, running a wellness business empowers you
to take steps to develop your own fitness and health.
About The Author: Zach Thompson is a Glyconutrients
Representative. His clients range from actresses to pro
athletes. You can get a free Glyconutrients consultation by
visiting nessint.
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- 7.
How To Grow Petunias
Posted by: "marigold1224" marigold1224
Mon Feb 4, 2008 1:16 pm (PST)
How To Grow Petunias
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Petunias are an old-time favorite flower. They bloom most
of the summer and have a nice fragrance as well. Petunias
can grow in pots, on balconies, in window boxes, hanging
baskets and wine barrels. These beauties add bright colored
flowers and bring attention anywhere they are grown.
Petunias grow twelve to fifteen inches tall except for the
tiny mini variety and the spreading new wave petunias.
Petunias can grow in most well drained garden soils. Dig up
the soil until light and add compost or manure or work in a
balanced fertilizer.
Petunias produce more flowers if grown in full sun but do
well in any area where they get at least 6 hours of
Petunias should be watered to a depth of six to eight inches
once a week. Plants in pots or other containers will need
to be watered more often.
Seeds can be planted indoors or directly out in the garden
but for earlier blooms start seeds indoors anywhere from 6
to 12 weeks before the last frost.
Sow the seeds and cover very lightly with one-eighth inch of
soil. Water thoroughly and keep warm.
Harden off the young petunia plants before planting outside.
Transplant petunia seedlings into your garden when they have
three true leaves and after the last frost. Space them ten
to twelve inches apart. Try to transplant on a cloudy day.
Plant the petunias at the same depth as they are in the
containers and water thoroughly.
When plants are about six inches tall pinch back the plants
to encourage sideshoots and branching to produce bushier
plants and more flowers. Do not pinch the tiny varieties or
the spreading types of pentunias.
Remove spent blooms to prevent the plant from going to seed.
This will keep the plant producing flowers until a hard
freeze in the autumn.
Petunias are susceptible to wilts and fungal diseases but
these are rare if plants are well drained and not
overwatered. In humid weather pick off any blooms that get
black mold or other symptoms of fungus. When the sunshine
returns the plants will recover just fine.
Aphids and slugs are about the only pests which attack
For more information on growing petunias visit: garden/petuniati ps.htm garden/slugs. htm
********************* ********* ********* **
Author: Marilyn Pokorney
Freelance writer of science, nature, animals and the
Also loves crafts, gardening, and reading.
Email: Current address on website
********************* ********* ********* **
- 8.
How To Get Rid Of Your Enemies Easily
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Mon Feb 4, 2008 1:24 pm (PST)
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Title: How To Get Rid Of Your Enemies Easily
Word Count: 665
Author: Brenda Shoshanna
Category: Business - General
Article URL: http://www.submityourarticle. com/articles/ easypublish. php?art_id= 25931
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How To Get Rid Of Your Enemies Easily
We all think the enemy is somewhere out there, that some
person, force or nation is out to harm us in some way.
Rather than live a life focused upon what they want, many
people's lives center around protecting themselves from
their enemies, devising strategies to beat them. However,
enemies consume time, attention, resources, well-being and
happiness in life itself. And the odd thing about enemies
is that even when we defeat one, ten more seem to
immediately appear. Even when they think they are winning
over their enemies, they are losing a life of freedom,
health and good will.
How To Get Rid Of Enemies Easily
The smartest, simplest and easiest way to get rid of your
enemy is to turn him/her into a friend. It actually takes
only a moment to do this. Stop for a moment and ask
yourself, who decided this person or situation is my enemy?
You did. Now you can turn that decision around and decide
the person is a friend. You can decide to become a friend
to that person, (or to that situation or condition), to
stop fighting and respond with kindness and care. You can
choose to see other aspects of that person, which are not
in opposition to you. Once you step out of the dance they
are doing, how can they hurt you?
The True Enemy In Your Life
The next step would be to take a deep breath and realize
where the true enemy is hiding. What exactly is it that is
keeping you in constant turmoil? This is the moment to
realize that your true enemy is within. It is your very own
hatred, anger, fear and upset. The true enemy is the
propensity we have for projecting our anger and fear
outside into the world, for pinning it on people and
situations and then battling with them. It is extremely
disempowering to project your darkness upon someone else.
It gives the other person power over you. Until we stop
this, more and more enemies will keep appearing.
Ultimately, they are the creations of our own mind and
Below are some steps to take, to live a life free of
enemies. Try them and see how easy and enjoyable they
really are.
Step 1: Make Friends With Your Enemy
Allow yourself a moment of willingness to consider the
possibility that your enemy wants the same things in life
and is, most likely, just as afraid of you as you are of
A)Say to yourself - "Like me, my enemy wants to be happy
and safe. Like me, me, my enemy has suffered and wants to
be free of pain. Like me, my enemy is lonely. Like me, my
enemy will one day face loss and death."
Step 2: Who Is Your Enemy
A) Make a list of those people (or situations) you feel are
your enemies.(You may be astonished to note that even those
you love are fearful to you).
B) Write down three valuable qualities this enemy has.
C) Write down three ways you have gained from knowing them.
D)Write down what is needed for you to see them as a friend.
Step 3: Reclaiming Your Power .
A) Upon whom have you projected most negativity?
B) What about this person is so unacceptable?
C) Can you see these qualities in yourself as well?
D) For just a moment, can you accept these qualities in
yourself? (This doesn't mean act upon them, just accept
them for what they are now).
Step 4: Turn It Around
A) Offer your enemy the gift of respect.
B) Offer your enemy the gift of really listening and
knowing them.
C) Stop judging your enemy. Let them be who they are.
D) Give your enemy what they want and need. Just one time.
E) Do it again now.
F) Notice how wonderful it feels.
G) Take time to notice how it feels to live in a world of
About the Author:
Learn to resolve difficulties easily and create a blueprint
for a constructive relationships where everyone wins. Get
Save Your Relationship, . Top
psychologist, relationship, family and divorce mediator,
speaker and Founder of Everyone Wins Mediation has helped
thousands resolve difficulties and find balance and
strength. Free ezine, articles, at .
This article is distributed on behalf of the author by is a trading name of Takanomi Limited.
Takanomi Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales.
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- 9.
Preparing A Direct Mail Campaign
Posted by: "Patrick Schwerdtfeger" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 2:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Preparing A Direct Mail Campaign
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Direct mail continues to be one of the most effective forms of
marketing available. I know it sounds crazy but it's true.
Just look in your mailbox and you'll see proof. I'm sure you
get at least a dozen pieces of direct mail every single day and
reason is that it works, at least in some situations.
There's no question direct mails is better suited to some
businesses than others. In particular, any business where
timing is a factor in the purchase decision is a good candidate
for direct mail advertising because you need to stay in front of
those prospects so they'll think of you when the timing is
finally right.
This alludes to the most important point. Direct mail is only
useful if you do it on a regular basis. And by saying that, I'm
not talking about sending your marketing piece to different
people each time. No. I'm saying you have to send your
marketing piece to the exact same audience, over and over and
over again. The key to a successful direct mail campaign is
Companies who do direct mail spend millions of dollars each
year analyzing their campaigns and how to maximize the returns
they get. In fact, this area of marketing is probably studied
more than any other area. And the consensus is that an average
person doesn't even realize you exist before they've seen your
marketing piece at least seven times.
This is an amazing reality and many would argue it's a function
of being over-marketed in our daily lives. Let me say it again.
The average person doesn't even realize you exist before
they've seen your marketing piece at least seven times. Seven
times! And there are some who estimate that number is actually
much higher than that.
As a result of this reality, there's absolutely no point in
doing a direct mail campaign unless you can afford to run the
mailer at least seven times before expecting any results.
Seriously. If you can't afford to send your marketing piece to
the same audience at least seven times, don't even bother
because you won't get a proper gauge of whether the campaign
will work or not.
You also want to consider a two-step approach. That means the
initial marketing piece invites recipients to get more
information by taking some predetermined step. They might be
invited to call an 800-number and hear some pre-recorded
information. They might be invited to request a free
information booklet or they might be invited to visit a website
with additional details.
Two-step marketing is a great way to pull prospects into your
sales funnel. By giving them an opportunity to get more
information for free, you invite them to take action. You also
have a way of getting their contact information so you can
follow-up afterwards. And lastly, you give yourself a second
opportunity to earn their trust by providing valuable
information. All three dramatically increase the odds of making
a sale.
In order to implement a program like this effectively, you'll
need to decide on a value item before you get started. What
additional information will you be providing? Whatever it is,
it should be something your ideal customer would really
appreciate. Think about what information your target market
really wants. Think about what would make their lives easier.
Then put it together before you even design the direct mail
piece. Doing it this way will add focus to your marketing piece
and save you time along the way.
Direct mail is still an effective way of touching new customers
but it won't deliver any results unless you send your mailer to
the same audience consistently. You'll get better results if
you use a two-step approach, giving recipients a way of getting
more information painlessly and the best way to prepare for the
campaign is to create the information piece first. Give it a
try and let me know how it works out.
About The Author: Tactical Execution with Patrick Schwerdtfeger
(http://www.tacticalexecution. ) is a strategic companycom
focused on growth marketing and program implementation across
business markets. Visit the website for more specific tips to
start generating revenue today.
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- 10.
The Game Of Footbag
Posted by: "Chris Riley" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 2:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: The Game Of Footbag
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Ancient footbag
Evidence of games similar to footbag can be found throughout
history in many different countries and cultures. Its roots can
be traced back to games such Kemari (from Japan), Sepak Takraw
(Malaysia) and Tsu Chu (China). These games often use their own
individual sets of rules and a larger ball, but the basic
premise of keeping a round object up in the air using all parts
of the body except the arms and hands remains the same.
Modern footbag
The modern game of footbag was invented in 1972 in Oregon, USA
by two men named John Stalberger and Mike Marshall. They gave
their first footbags the trademarked name of `hacky sack' and
proceeded to try (successfully) to spread their new sport across
the United States and eventually the world. Although the name
was sold to the Wham-O corporation in 1983, today the game of
footbag is still known to many people as `hacky sack' or `hack'.
Footbag in 2007 remains true to its roots. The majority of
players value sporting behaviour and there is a great sense of
group participation at all levels of the sport. It is a way to
meet new people as well as keeping fit and improving
co-ordination and flexibility.
International competition
Official global footbag competition is monitored and supported
by the International Footbag Players' Association (IFPA). The
IFPA is a non-profit organisation which sponsor 20-30
competitions around the world every year and publishes the
`Official Rules of Footbag Sports' where you can find full rules
for various forms of the game.
Popular forms of footbag:
Footbag net
As the name suggests, this game is played by teams of either
one or two on a court divided equally in half by a net five feet
above the ground. The court dimensions are officially set at 20
feet wide and 44 feet long with the court being split into four
equal portions by the net and a centre line running at right
angles to it.
Games are played to either 11 or 15 points, with the winning
team required to be two points ahead to complete their victory.
Players serve cross court from behind the service line and a
point is won on serve if the opposing team fails to return the
footbag within the allowed number of touches (two for singles,
three for doubles).
Fouls are caused by a player touching the footbag more than
once (singles) or twice (doubles) in a row, touching the net
during play, stalling the footbag on purpose or impacting a
player from the opposing team on their side of the court.
Moves often include a similar sequence to that found in
volleyball, with a bump, set and spike used to return the
footbag to the opposing side of the net. The spike is often a
highly impressive move performed with the kicking player's foot
stretched above the net.
Special footbags are often used for footbag net which are
harder and more durable than standard freestyle footbags.
A full list of the official International Footbag Players'
Association rules for footbag net can be found at: chapter/300
Footbag freestyle
This type of competition sees each player performing a routine
of choreographed tricks, sometimes to music. They are scored by
presentation, difficulty, variety, and execution.
The top players in the world can perform truly amazing
sequences of advanced tricks. The winning routine from the 2006
World Footbag Championships performed by Vasek Klouda can be
watched here: show/10103
In a typical competition the judges will be the competitors
themselves due to the high level of expertise required to
evaluate certain tricks. This means that players must adhere to
the values inherent within footbag from the street upwards, and
be fair in their judgement and scoring.
A full list of the official International Footbag Players'
Association rules for footbag freestyle can be found at: chapter/500
Street freestyle
The most common form of footbag. Players stand in a circle and
pass the footbag from person to person, trying to ensure that it
doesn't hit the floor whilst performing tricks when it is their
turn to kick the bag. This is not an officially recognised
competition form of footbag but is practised by almost all
footbag players, whether world champions or complete beginners.
There are a loose set of rules which consist of: always serving
to someone else in the circle, not apologising for dropping the
footbag and never using the arms or hands (unless serving).
A more detailed look at street footbag along with a selection
of basic moves can be found at: tricks
About The Author: Article by Footbag(AKA Hacky Sack) Supplier
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- 11.
Performance: Turbo-Charge Your Life With Powerful Self-Talk
Posted by: "Liz Labrum" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 2:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Performance: Turbo-Charge Your Life With
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Word Count: 549
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Self-talk is the inner chatter that accompanies us in most of
our waking moments. Your self-talk can be a powerful aid to your
performance, or it can be destructive.
What do you say when you talk to yourself? If you're like many
of us, your self-talk is a caustic mixture of judgments,
complaints, and verbal abuse, in the form of "tapes" - mental
recordings - that you've imprinted on your mind and play over
and over again. No wonder you feel down and depressed.
However, you can change the tapes you play, and your self-talk,
as soon as you become aware of what you're saying to yourself.
Changing your self-talk will turbo-charge your life and enhance
your performance in everything you do.
You can change your self-talk right now
Let's try a little test. Say to yourself, silently or aloud:
"That was a stupid thing to say. How could I say _________ (pick
any verbal blunder you can remember). I'm so stupid."
How do you feel? Perhaps you feel sad, or anxious. Take a
moment to track your emotions in your body. Perhaps you have a
sinking feeling in your tummy, or your face is becoming hot.
Your self-talk immediately affected your body, your mental state
and your emotions.
Now let's try some positive self-talk. Take a couple of deep
breaths, smile, and say to yourself, aloud or silently: "I'm
happy, strong and confident."
How do you feel now? Feel your emotions in your body. Repeat
the words "I'm happy, strong and confident" several times keep
smiling as you do so. You felt an emotional lift, didn't you?
You can give yourself an emotional boost at any time, just by
changing your self-talk. If you make it a habit to repeat
motivating self-talk to yourself, not only will you feel better,
but you'll perform better in everything you do.
Self-talk is powerful, and it's free. It's the best thing you
can do for yourself.
Erase old self-talk tapes: make new tapes
Affirmations are a form of self-talk, and you can create your
own affirmations to use as self-talk. However, the best way to
change your old self-talk tapes, is to make a new tape every
time you catch yourself replaying an old tape.
For example, if you hear yourself saying: "I'll never get this
project done. No one's helping me with it, I'm always left to do
the hard work and others get the credit "
Change your self-talk immediately. Write down your new
self-talk tape which will over time erase the old self-talk
tape: "This project's interesting. I'm going to have fun working
with it. I'll ask ___ and ___ for their input right away. I'm
taking charge of this project, it will be done in no time, and
I'll claim the credit because I deserve it."
Now repeat your new self-talk to yourself as often as you need
to, particularly as soon as you can hear any faint whispers of
the old self talk. Boost the new tape with affirmations, like:
"I'm confident, capable and strong. I CAN do this!"
Start today: use powerful self-talk to enhance your performance
in everything you do.
About The Author: Liz Labrum is a Master Practitioner in Neuro
Linguistic Programming (nlp) and hypnosis. Visit her Think Right
Now site at http://www.think-rightnow. for more info oncom/
performance-enhancing workshops and ebooks. Liz can help you
boost your career, increase energy levels and perform at your
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- 12.
3 Tips For Running An Effective Ppc Campaign: Strategies For Online
Posted by: "Chris Malta" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 2:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: 3 Tips For Running An Effective Ppc Campaign:
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Author: Chris Malta & Robin Cowie
Word Count: 648
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Pay-per-click campaigns can be incredibly effective traffic
generators. Although achieving PPC search engine rankings is
more difficult and competitive than when it began, the number of
online users that employ search engines has grown substantially,
so there is a significantly larger audience to be reached.
Many eCommerce entrepreneurs have employed pay-per-click ads
and lost serious money simply because they didn't understand
what they were doing. According to Internet marketing strategist
Catherine Seda, of, you can avoid
blowing your budget by following some general guidelines in your
PPC campaign:
Chase the Tail
Stay away from broad keyword phrases, and even single keywords.
Cautions Seda, "They're too wide-ranging to hit a targeted
audience, and you're going to have significantly more
competition bidding." For example, if you sell car insurance,
bidding on the search term "insurance" will pit you against
other car insurance agencies, as well as health insurance, life
insurance, home owner's insurance, and the list goes on.
Dig deeper with your keyword list to find "tail terms" that are
made up of low cost, lower volume words, but that are
super-focused. Generally a tail term is made up of multiple
words: like the phrase "free car insurance quote." It might not
pull in massive amounts of traffic, but it's going to convert
very well because a user who types in that phrase is the precise
audience you're targeting.
Read the Fine Print
When you set up your PPC campaign, you're going choose not only
your keywords, but also your estimated budget. Once your bill
hits the specified amount, your ads stop appearing in the search
results for the remainder of that budget period. This allows you
to know exactly what your maximum bill will be.
It's very important to be aware that this is normally an
estimated daily budget, not an estimated monthly budget. Don't
just race through the set-up, plugging in numbers without paying
attention to what they mean. If $1,000 is your maximum monthly
budget, you want to make sure that you aren't topping out at
$1,000 in clicks each day. Not paying attention is an excellent
way to rack up serious charges that can sink your business in a
matter of days or weeks.
Make It Easy
Don't just dump your visitors on your web site's homepage and
expect them to do all the work. If they have to search around
your site, you'll likely lose them. If they found your ad by
searching for a particular product, take them directly to the
page that sells that product. If they clicked on your ad
promoting one dollar shipping, make sure the page on which they
land highlights the fact that you provide shipping for one
It's also important to ensure that the information that caused
the user to click on your ad is above the fold. (In other words,
make sure it's immediately visible within the constraints of the
monitor). Don't make users scroll down to the bottom of the page
to find it, because they might not. You want to instantly
reiterate the message that your ad promotes, and reinforce to
visitors that they're in the right place.
By implementing good PPC practices, you can help ensure the
traffic that you drive converts well, and that your campaign is
profitable. States Seda, "Any E-Biz owner can benefit from a
smart, well-run pay-per-click campaign. Just be careful to keep
your ads and your marketing message focused, and you'll see a
big difference in your bottom line."
About The Author: Product Sourcing Radio is Created and Hosted
by Chris Malta and Robin Cowie of,
Home of OneSource: The Internet's Largest Source of Genuine,
Factory-Direct Wholesalers for online sellers. Visit for more FREE E-Biz & Product
Sourcing info!
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- 13.
Public School Rankings How Poor Neighborhoods Affect Placement
Posted by: "Patricia Hawke" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 2:12 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Public School Rankings How Poor Neighborhoods
Affect Placement
Author: Patricia Hawke
Word Count: 466
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How schools fit into Public school rankings are extremely
important to many people. District and state officials,
principals, teachers, parents, and students are all concerned,
in varying degrees, in how their schools compare to others. In a
society that is increasingly trying to "keep up with the
Joneses", all investors in the schools (the same folks listed
above) are constantly monitoring how they stand in public school
rankings , and trying to be better than other schools.
Lots of factors go into determining where a school is placed in
Public school rankings. While the majority of the consideration
is given to test scores how well students scored, as well as
how many have taken advanced assessments such as Advanced
Placement tests consideration is also given to factors like
socioeconomic background. To be more specific, Public school
rankings are influenced by how many kids are receiving free or
reduced lunches each school day.
Kids who come from a low socioeconomic background, meaning
their families are at or below poverty level, tend to attend
schools that are not up to snuff and are in the lower end of
Public school rankings. It's not meant, by any means, that they
are choosing these schools. Maybe they have no other options;
it's easiest for their parent(s) to send them to the closest
school to home because they are working one or more jobs to make
ends meet. It's also possible that parents don't know that they
have options in where they send their children to school and
can find better ones by looking at Public school rankings.
Families who are simply struggling to survive may not have
school as a top priority. They probably don't even know that
Public school rankings even exist and are available to them;
they are too busy living day to day to even look into Public
school rankings. Often, parents at this low level of income are
themselves undereducated, and simply do not know that there are
better educational opportunities out there which are identified
by their placement in Public school rankings. As a matter of
fact, due to the 2002 No Child Left Behind Act, and the 2007
reauthorization of that Act, parents of students who are
attending low-performing schools at the bottom of Public school
rankings have the right to withdraw their children from said
schools and enroll them in places that are on the top in regards
to Public school rankings.
It is definitely to the benefit of all parents, whether they
are below poverty level or at the more affluent end of the
spectrum to consider Public school rankings whenever they are
making decisions about which schools their children will attend.
It is a decision that can have long-reaching, indeed
life-changing effects.
About The Author: Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools
K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and
private K-12 schools. For more information please visit html
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- 14.
Working With A San Diego Realtor
Posted by: "J Harris" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 3:11 pm (PST)
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J Harris
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Article Title: Working With A San Diego Realtor
Author: J Harris
Word Count: 468
Article URL: 179091&ca= Real+Estate
Format: 64cpl
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Choosing a San Diego realtor can be the best decision you ever
make. Everyone has a desire at some point to test relocation to
sunny California. Your San Diego realtor can help you make that
decision the best decision. A San Diego realtor should be chosen
carefully based on experience. The San Diego realtor should know
the area extremely well throughout the city, and not just select
parts. This selection will help your party find a home more
quickly. This will give you more time to enjoy the fun in the
sun. Who wants to spend months searching for a perfect location
when you can find it in days with the help of a San Diego
An experienced San Diego realtor will know where to look in
terms of placing you in a highly desired location when you
relocate. Basic questions can be asked and answered by both you
and your San Diego realtor. This will ensure that your interests
can be applied in finding a home in an area that matches your
lifestyle. You can do this easily and spend your efforts and
energy on more important things like soaking up some rays!
A San Diego realtor can help you find a home and make it easier
and much simpler. The San Diego realtor will make the relocation
as easy as possible for your party. Whatever the reason for
relocation, choosing a home in the San Diego area must start
with your interests and desired living preferences. A San Diego
realtor is the best person to help you figure these things out.
There are many questions that can be asked to help find your San
Diego dream home. Are you a shopper? Are you more of a homebody
looking for a quiet neighborhood? Do you prefer more serene
atmospheres such as parks or golf courses? These are important
factors that need to be addressed. A San Diego realtor can help
you figure out what is most important to you as far as the
atmosphere is concerned and start from there. The San Diego
realtor can show you the town so even if you choose a quiet
neighborhood; you will know where to find the entertainment.
Your San Diego realtor can quickly be your best resource for
finding the perfect home.
Overall, choosing a San Diego realtor to assist in your move is
the smartest move a person can make. Relocating to a different
area is enough to drive anyone up the wall. Make things a little
easier by searching for your San Diego realtor today. Get rid of
all the hassles involved in moving by realizing it does not have
to be difficult. When you find the San Diego realtor for you,
the rest will be as easy as pie!
About The Author: John Harris is a researcher and writer on
real estate topics such as economics, credit improvement tips,
home selling advice and home buying preparations. For more
information please visit san-diego- county.html
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- 15.
Overcoming Jealousy: What Is Jealousy?
Posted by: "Richard MacKenzie" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 3:11 pm (PST)
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Richard MacKenzie
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Article Title: Overcoming Jealousy: What Is Jealousy?
Author: Richard MacKenzie
Word Count: 448
Article URL: 145218&ca= Relationships
Format: 64cpl
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In a world that is ever changing and in many ways becoming more
clinical and sterile people are finding it more and more
difficult to express their emotions and thoughts with other
people. Passion, love and happiness are all things that for
certain people are becoming hard emotions to deal with, which is
ironic as they are all positive emotions at their very cores.
This is happening for many reasons and to many different people,
whatever their socio-economic or educational background; however
we really see this in the area of jealousy. This is alone an
epidemic problem leading to more and more broken marriages and
relationships year on year.
For the sufferer, jealousy can be devastating and can lead to
massive pain, upset and anguish that can and will take its toll
not only on the sufferer, but the people around them too. In
most cases a jealous person will hide their emotions well and
not let the outside world know what's going on, however they can
allow it to tear apart the relationships of the people that love
them the most their friends and family. Fortunately it is one
of those things that you can not even imagine unless you go
through it yourself of which I hope that you never will.
So what can a sufferer do to eliminate jealousy from their
lives? Well first the individual needs to understand why they
are jealous. In most cases it usually comes down to problems
with insecurity and low self esteem and also from an immense
love for their partner. This is not always the case, but it is
something that it usually present on some level. The immense
love for your partner is good, however low self esteem and
confidence issues are not. Just like cancer can play havoc with
your body, so can jealousy play havoc with the sufferers mind.
Jealousy also over time just becomes a habitual behaviour that
is present today because it was present yesterday. The best way
to break this habit and build your confidence is through the use
of hypnosis and self hypnosis. This successful approach simply
reprograms your mind and creates a new set of behaviours, habits
and beliefs. In doing so it boosts your confidence and makes you
feel secure in yourself. You see, hypnosis works with the part
of your brain that we refer to as your sub-conscious mind. This
is the part of your brain that makes you You and also houses
all the stuff that makes you jealous. By reprogramming this area
you can start your journey of success and get the results that
you both desire and deserve.
About The Author: Get more information on jealousy and
overcoming jealousy at Richard's website
http://www.richardmackenzie. jealousy- mp3.htm
http://www.richardmackenzie. htm
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- 16.
Globes A Way To Jump Start Your Child's Education
Posted by: "Jesse Akre" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 3:11 pm (PST)
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Jesse Akre
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Article Title: Globes A Way To Jump Start Your Child's
Author: Jesse Akre
Word Count: 522
Article URL: 192153&ca= Family+Concerns
Format: 64cpl
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We all want the best for our children, which is why we try to
do everything we can to give them everything they need to be
successful. For that reason, if you want your child to have a
head start in the education department, then you need to invest
in a few globes for your home.
Globes are wonderful education tools because they are accurate
3D representations of the earth. They are much easier to read
than a map and make pointing out all the important places on the
earth that your child should know about a breeze. Like,
continents, countries, bodies of water, mountain ranges, states,
and cities to name a few of the places. You can even get ones
that are raised relief where there are bumps that sit up right
off the globe with mountain ranges, so your child can feel the
difference in elevation between a tall mountain and an ocean.
Not only are these fixtures a practical teach tool for your
child, globes are also tremendously appealing to the eye because
of the different materials that they are made from. Some of the
options include acrylic, glass, gemstones, and wood. Plus, what
adds to their wonderful appearance is the different base
materials that they are paired with like wood and different
metals. So, this fixture would actually be a lovely, decorative
addition to any room throughout your home. Now an obvious one is
that you go with one that lights up and put it in your child's
room as a fun decoration. But, here is an interesting way you
could use one. Maybe you need some kind of eye-catching focal
point in your living room, well, a perfect one for you would be
one that is larger and stands on the floor. It would be great
for setting up against the wall or behind any sofa. Another
wonderful place you could put one is in your home office or your
office at work. A smaller one made for placing on your desk
would be a good choice, it could be a nice conversation starter
for new clients or employees.
As you can see, there are many globes to choose from and those
just listed are only a few of the options. For a great way to
check them all out, forget about going to your local department
store to see them because they won't have them. Instead, just
log onto the Internet for some shopping, you can compare all the
products on the different vendor sites. Then, when you do find
something you like, it will be shipped right to your door. Now,
it could not get any more convenient than that.
So, if you want the best for your child, then you know that it
is important to give them the tools necessary to be successful.
And, if you want to jumpstart your child's education, then turn
to lovely globes to do it. They are a fun educational tool that
also have a nice decorative element, perfect for adding to any
room throughout your home.
About The Author: Author Jesse Akre is the owner of many sites
dedicated to providing consumers with products and information
that will help them in making their next indoor or outdoor
furniture purchase. Click today to see all that fabulous options
that are available:
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- 17.
Stress And Alcohol - A Marriage Made In Misery
Posted by: "Jeff Foster" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 3:12 pm (PST)
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Jeff Foster
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Article Title: Stress And Alcohol - A Marriage Made In Misery
Author: Jeff Foster
Word Count: 550
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'She drove me to drink' used to be a popular phrase. Its
essential meaning is that stress induces people to consume
alcohol. While it's true that stress can be an incentive to
drink, it's equally true that heavy alcohol consumption causes
Moderate alcohol intake, to be sure, can have beneficial
effects. Research suggests that small amounts can even improve
mental functioning and increase performance in problem solving
while stressed. But, there are also studies that demonstrate
that large quantities, particularly when consumed for long
periods, actually worsens stress.
Large alcohol consumption stimulates the hypothalamus,
pituitary and adrenal glands. One result is an increase in the
amount of cortisol produced within the body. Another is an
increase in adrenaline. Both those, while they don't alone cause
stress, play a large role in the symptoms.
Extreme stress makes it more difficult to concentrate. One of
the obvious effects of high alcohol intake is to produce that
exact effect. Thus, heavy drinkers get a double whammy just at
the moment they need mental clarity most.
Other studies suggest that chronic drinkers have symptoms
similar to those seen in children with ADHD (Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder). Children of those drinkers, this
research concludes, have a higher incidence of actual ADHD.
So, it may also be true that as much as the stress of parenting
may lead to drinking, adult drinking may encourage the
circumstances that incent the parent to drink. It may be a
factor in producing children's symptoms that lead to adult
Exercise is known to help relieve the symptoms of stress.
Unfortunately, one of the additional results of excessive
alcohol consumption is decreased exercise. Few inebriated people
want to go a few rounds on the weight machine.
Similarly, high alcohol intake suppresses appetite. Thus, at
the same time alcoholic drinks pour in the calories, they
decrease the incentive to maintain a healthy diet. Once again
the drinker experiences a doubly negative reinforcing effect.
Those who drink excessively to escape stress motivated by money
concerns find it more difficult to cope with the problem that
caused the stress in the first place. Even simple tasks like
balancing a checkbook are clearly more difficult when drunk. But
beyond such minor details, the cognitive functions needed to
develop long term strategies are impaired. Drinkers literally
can't think their way out of the problems causing the stress.
In all these cases there is a vicious cycle established. Stress
encourages heavy drinking, which makes it more difficult to deal
with the internal and external factors that led to stress in the
first place. Though the specific numbers will vary from person
to person, when the average individual drinks more than the
equivalent of two or three shots of whiskey per day, the results
are inevitably bad.
The key to breaking this vicious cycle is to seek alternative
methods for dealing with stress. Both the symptoms and the
underlying motivators are subject to change in almost all cases.
Proper exercise and diet is a good beginning. A realistic
attitude about life's inherent challenges can go a long way, as
well. But, as with any psychological problem, admitting it
exists is the first necessary step.
About The Author: For more important health and wellness
information be sure to visit where we
provide for you a variety of health related topics. You will
find advice and tips on managing your health and wellness and
living life to your fullest extent.
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- 18.
Finding An Effective Nutrition Vitamin
Posted by: "Michelle Bery" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 3:12 pm (PST)
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Michelle Bery
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Article Title: Finding An Effective Nutrition Vitamin
Author: Michelle Bery
Word Count: 340
Article URL: 160214&ca= Medicines+ and+Remedies
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In an ideal world we would get the proper vitamins and minerals
necessary for a healthy body through the eating of a combination
of optimum foods. But in the real world it is often a struggle
to maintain a proper diet one that supports a full day's
recommended vitamin intake. For this reason, it is often
necessary to supplement your diet with a nutrition vitamin that
ensures you are getting all that you need for a healthy body.
Finding an appropriate nutrition vitamin that works for you can
be just as simple as heading to the local health food store or
large retail outlet. But buying a nutrition vitamin without
first educating yourself on safety standards would be unwise. It
is a lesser known fact that the Food and Drug Administration
does not regulate the quality of vitamins in this country, so
it's sometimes difficult to know what you are actually getting.
Your safeguard in this case is not the government, but rather,
the manufacturing company. You can learn a lot about the
efficiency and safety of a vitamin by the manufacturing
principles of the company that makes it. Do extensive research
on the nutrition vitamin manufacturer to learn its standing in
the industry, history, and reputation.
A natural food store can also be a good source of information.
Owners and employees of a natural food store are often quite
knowledgeable about each nutrition vitamin and its success
ratio. In addition, keep in mind that these stores are committed
to offering natural products; a natural nutrition vitamin is
always a far healthier, safer choice than a synthetic nutrition
In preparation for finding an appropriate nutrition vitamin it
may be a good idea to visit your doctor for some blood tests. A
simple blood test can tell of any vitamin deficiency that you
are experiencing. And your doctor can guide you through
acquiring the vitamin through different food choices or
supplementing the deficiency with a nutrition vitamin that's
right for you.
About The Author: For easy to understand, in depth information
about nutrition vitamin visit our ezGuide 2
http://nutrition.ezguide2. com
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Apply Online for a Credit Card: It's Safer than Ever
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Mon Feb 4, 2008 3:23 pm (PST)
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Title: Apply Online for a Credit Card: It's Safer than Ever
Word Count: 563
Author: Edward Vegliante
Category: Finance & Investment
Article URL: http://www.submityourarticle. com/articles/ easypublish. php?art_id= 22964
The article is preformatted to 60CPL.
Apply Online for a Credit Card: It's Safer than Ever
Applying for a credit card has never been easier. Thanks to
the Internet, you can look through a wide variety of credit
cards, choose the right one, and fill out an application
right away. With today's security features, you don't have
to worry about your information falling into the wrong
hands. Here's what companies are doing to make applying
online for a credit card safer than ever.
Online Security Features
Protecting your privacy is essential for credit card
websites and issuers. Secure credit card websites use
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). This technology involves a
complicated encryption program. It protects your
information as it travels to the right place. SSL has been
improved over the years; today's version makes it virtually
impossible for the information to be intercepted.
To check for SSL, look carefully at your online credit card
application page. The site's web address on the top of the
page should begin with the letters https (as opposed to
http ' the s indicates the security measures). Also, you
should see a closed padlock on the screen. Many websites
offer detailed information on their security plan. Click on
the padlock or appropriate link to learn more about their
safety features.
In many ways, it's actually safer to send in a credit card
application through the Internet rather than the postal
mail. Consider this: your personal data travels through
cyberspace at lightning-speed. It lands, safely, in its
appropriate destination in less than a second. If you send
an application through the postal mail, it travels for days
between places. Numerous hands handle the envelope. Every
time it gets passed on, there are chances for identity
theft or fraud to occur. For these reasons, you might be
better off with an online credit card application.
Additional Online Benefits
Besides being safe, you'll enjoy other benefits when you
apply online for a credit card. First, you'll have the
chance to view many different offers. Credit card websites
are organized into categories such as "low interest,"
"balance transfer," and "rewards." All you need to do is
click on the type of card you're interested in and the
various options will appear. You'll be able to see
different credit cards right next to each other, making it
easy to compare their features.
For many credit cards, after you send in the application,
you'll get an email response. You'll know within minutes
whether or not you've been approved. This is much faster
than waiting weeks for the postal mail to arrive. It also
lets you start planning how you'll use the credit card
right away.
Filling out an application is just the beginning of what
you can do online with your new credit card. You can sign
up to receive your statements online. You'll also have the
option of accessing your account online. Making payments,
checking your balance, and redeeming your rewards can all
be done with a few simple clicks of the mouse.
Applying online for a credit card is another convenient
tool of today's society. With the safety features credit
card sites use, you won't have to worry about your
application falling into the wrong hands. And once the card
is in your wallet, you can continue to manage the account
through the Internet. It's safe, fast, and convenient.
About the Author:
To Apply For A Credit Card Today click the following link: . Ed Vegliante runscom , a directory helpingcom
consumers to compare and apply for credit cards.
This article is distributed on behalf of the author by is a trading name of Takanomi Limited.
Takanomi Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales.
Registered number: 5629683. Registered office: 104 The Mount, York YO24 1GR.
Full contact details are at
- 20.
5 Popular Dog Breeds For Children
Posted by: "Gerald Njuguna" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 4:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: 5 Popular Dog Breeds For Children
Author: Gerald Njuguna
Word Count: 468
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When choosing a dog for your family, it's an excellent idea to
keep your children in mind. This is because certain dogs are not
tolerant to children and can harm them. That said, there are
many dog breeds to choose from. All that is needed is to
research properly and see which dog works best with your family.
The Labrador Retriever is considered to be the best dog breed
for children. The reason why this dog is widely accepted is
because of its good dog nature and that its not very aggressive
or hyper.
It's a playful and intelligent dog and that's why its its loved
by the young and old people. Its also a first choice in working
with the handicapped because of its mild manner. The animal is
also very accommodating with people and can live up to thirteen
The Golden Retriever is number 2 in the list. Its personality
is similar to the Labrador in that it's mild mannered in nature,
kind & enjoys being around people. The Golden Retriever is a
good choice in working with the handicapped and the elderly.
This breed is great with older children who enjoy the outdoors
because of their playful nature. Due to their long hair, they
require regular grooming.
The third dog is is the Beagle. They are not aggressive even
though they have a baying bark. This makes them good watch dogs.
They have a friendly demeanor about them and you will notice
that their tails seem to be in an unending wagging motion. Due
to their friendly nature, they don't like being left alone and
become easily bored when left by themselves for long periods of
Another great dog is the Basset Hound. It's a docile animal but
is also known for its stubbornness. They are also known for
being gentle and are quite sweet by nature. They love being with
children of all ages and enjoy getting attention from them.
The German shepherd dog breed is another great dog. These dogs
are a good choice for older children that like playing outdoors.
Due to their huge size and strength, they are not recommended
for younger children. German Shepherds are famous for their
loyalty to their masters and are used for rescue missions. Being
protective and tolerant in nature, it's a good idea to start
training them as pups. Without proper training, they can turn
out to be a handful.
In conclusion, when choosing a dog for your family, do remember
that there are always exceptions to the rules. Just note that
though certain dog breeds are more friendly to children than
others, always be cautious with your child around unknown dogs.
About The Author: Gerald Njuguna is the owner of, a site dedicated to people that
love dogs. Get more info on dog breeds and learn more about
popular male and female dog names here: dog-names. htm
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- 21.
The Shoe Treatment For Your Foot Infection
Posted by: "Low Jeremy" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 4:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: The Shoe Treatment For Your Foot Infection
Author: Low Jeremy
Word Count: 425
Article URL: 125995&ca= Medicines+ and+Remedies
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If you want to avoid acquiring athlete's foot, the type of
shoes that you wear can also greatly help your cause. Athlete's
foot is a recurring problem for a great number of people. The
reason for this is because they fail to follow healthy foot
hygiene. This also includes wearing poorly ventilated footwear.
Athlete's foot is a fungus infection brought about by a fungus
known as dermatophytes, which attack dead skin layers. They
thrive in damp and dark environments. That is why they usually
infect the feet.
People who frequently wear shoes are more prone to getting
athlete's foot. So do people who frequent going to damp and warm
areas such as common showers, locker rooms and swimming pools.
Such areas also provide a good breeding ground for the fungus
that people can easily get athlete's foot this way. Such
infection is more common in athletes because they make use of
such facilities on a regular basis, hence the origin of the term
"athlete's foot".
Wearing shoes often can help bring about such infection. This
is because shoes causes the feet to perspire, a suitable
environment which the fungus needs to breed and multiply. A good
way of preventing such an infection is by choosing the type of
shoes that you wear. Consider using light and airy footwear to
make sure that your feet is always properly ventilated and
prevent excessive perspiration.
Increased use of sandals can also help prevent making your feet
a breeding ground for any fungus. Make use of thinner socks as
much as possible if you are really required to wear the shoes.
Also try to make use of talcum powder on your feet to keep it
dry when you wear your shoes. Talcum powder can help absorb the
perspiration from your feet and keep it dry al the time.
Other preventive measures for athlete's foot also includes
keeping your feet clean by following good foot hygiene.
Regularly wash your feet with soap and water to keep it clean.
Try not to walk around damp areas such as shower and locker
rooms on barefoot. You might be risking getting infected by
doing so.
Try also to avoid using towels as well as shoes or socks by
others. Doing this can help easily transmit athlete's foot as
well as other fungal infections from one person to another.
Practicing good foot hygiene can go along way of preventing
infections. Always remember that prevention is always better
than looking for a cure.
About The Author: Low Jeremy maintains
http://Athletes-Foot.ArticlesFor This content
provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with
all links included.
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- 22.
This Could Be The Start Of Something Grand!
Posted by: "Laura Lexington" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 4:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: This Could Be The Start Of Something Grand!
Author: Laura Lexington
Word Count: 766
Article URL: 191946&ca= Entertainment
Format: 64cpl
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I must admit I was a bit surprised. I was not expecting the
luxury, the opulence, the glitz, the newness that greeted me as
I entered the MGM Grand in Detroit for it's opening party. I was
fortunate to be among those previewing the casino and hotel
complex at a black-tie invitation only event, just a few hours
before the public was invited in.
Stunning! Everything seemed so.. so Las Vegas? No! I had just
returned from there where the crowds were so huge and
distances so great to get anywhere, not to mention airports to
maneuver, that taking a drive in my own home town and ending up
somewhere so spectacular was BETTER than Vegas!
MGM, you really outdid yourself!
The first stop on my tour was a lively bar blaring music,
chic chic people dancing champagne everywhere. The MGM Detroit
website described that nightspot
named V as follows:
"As the sun sets, the heat rises at V. Give in to temptation as
a vivid light show of sensual images dance around you. Escape
the boundaries of everyday life, where stunning servers present
a kaleidoscope of cocktails and create the vibes for an
exhilarating night out. Get ready to stir your desires, and
supercharge your senses at V"
Nearby the poker room was set to open in a few hours. Checking
out the bathrooms was amazing in and of itself gleaming white
huge squared off vessel sinks each of which resembled a water
But no time to linger we moved on through the edge of the
casino to the next lively nightclub. This time I was greeted
with a small, delicious shrimp cocktail. Altogether there were
five bars/nightclubs. The no expense spared interior design paid
off. One of them had huge oversized sofas each larger than a
double bed! Talk about chilling out. The expanses of glass lit
by changing colors was just one of the finishing touches.
But I haven't even mentioned the restaurants. Two famous chefs
Wolfgang Puck and Michael Mina are running incredible
establishments. Wolfgang Puck was preparing and serving the most
FABULOUS pizza. I'm not sure, but it may have had wasabi
seasoning on it. The restaurant Wolfgang Puck Grille was just
devine. But, with no time to waste, we moved on. Michael Mina
has two restaurants. One steak house and one sea food
establishment. They are named Bourbon Steak and Salt Water
But just in case you don't want to spend the time (after all,
you came to the casino, right?), there is a buffet oh.. oops..
sorry, a "dining studio" as it is properly called. The desserts
were enough to make me weep. Needless to say I had my chocolate
fix. And yet, I still was not done. An even less formal "food
court" was serving up delicious hamburgers and a variety of
other goodies.
Did I mention Starbucks? There are two full Starbucks operating
inside this resort (yes, I think it should be referred to as a
I haven't even yet mentioned the hotel. It's amazing. I went
into the spa which is full service. I was checking out the
fitness equipment. There were some machines I had never seen
before. I resembled a cross country skiing machine I'll have
to go back to try it out. The fitness gym had large glass
windows overlooking a beautiful indoor pool. With no time to
spare, we went up to see some of the hotel rooms. Honestly, I
just wanted to stay right there. Each room is beautifully
appointed with a TV right in the mirror of the bathroom (in
case you don't want to miss a minute of your favorite show).
Elegant, comfortable, every modern amenity: these rooms are for
All that, and I haven't even mentioned the casino itself. MGM's
website describes it as follows:
"Step inside a whole new world of dynamic gaming at MGM Grand
Detroit. Experience a new level of luxuries with spacious
walkways and plush chairs in our clean, cool casino. Feel the
excitement of over 90 table games and pull in all the excitement
with over 4,500 of the latest slots and video poker. Then go
all-in with a full house of non-stop action in Detroit's premier
poker room. Ignite your senses at MGM Grand Detroit."
So welcome to Detroit, MGM! *This could be the start of
something Grand!*
About The Author: Laura Lexington has been interested in hotels
and gaming establishments and writes for numerous publications.
She is currently writing for an
informative website offering maps and information on casinos
around the USA and Canada
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- 23.
Marriage In Ancient Greece
Posted by: "Rafi Michael" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 4:12 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Marriage In Ancient Greece
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Word Count: 589
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In the ancient Greek society, marriage was regarded as an
auspicious relationship. Marriage was very important to carry
family chain.
In the Greek culture, every respectable woman became a wife if
she could. In marriage, there was hardly room for choice.
Destiny played an important role in solemnizing marriage.
Woman had no alternate than marriage. The sacred wedding
rituals were interwoven by the various ceremonies. These
ceremonies had ritual meaning and overlapping rites.
There is great evidence for these formalities, both literary
and artistic, which helps to provide a complete account of Greek
Offerings, dedications and sacrifices were made by the bride
and the groom. Marriage consisted of a private contract where
woman was transferred to her husband. Marriage consisted of
transfer and transformation.
Transformation means actually giving the responsibility of the
woman. Many things pointed towards her transformation like
cutting of hair and offering them to virgin deities. Presenting
the hair locks to the goddess often signifies the attainment of
Greek society stresses upon the marriage of a girl at the age
of fourteen. Boys are found eligible at the age of thirty after
they have served military force. Girls are obliged to marry
where their father wants.
Various types of rituals are followed in the marriage ceremony.
Both the bride and groom take bath in the holy spring. On the
wedding day, girl is dressed in the traditional attire. She is
taken in veil to the banquet hall. She is accompanied by her
friends and relatives.
Groom attires in the best outfit reaches the bride's home with
a procession of friends, relatives and family members. Drums are
played and crackers are burst to ward away evil spirit spirits.
Music and dance plays a major role in the festivities. Bride and
the groom wear a crown or garland to mark the occasion.
The actual transfer of the bride from father to groom takes
place at night after the bridal banquet.
After the great feast the procession in a chariot takes place
from the home of the bride to the home of the groom. Bride
stands in the cart as her husband mounts it in preparation for
their journey. Families follow the chariot by foot bearing
gifts. Bride's mother carries the torch in the journey at night
to light the way.
Bride eats an apple as a part of the incorporation rites which
demonstrates her new union with her husband. Fruits and nuts are
showered on the couple which acts as agents of fertility and
One day the after the marriage, an outdoor procession of people
is held.
It is called the Epaulia. It is an outdoor procession of people
who brings gifts. Gifts generally include vases filled with
greenery, baskets, pots, furniture, jewelry and combs.
Athenian marriage is relationship between a man and a woman who
had the primary goal of producing children and maintaining the
identity of the social and political community.
In ancient Sparta, the ceremony was very simple. After a
tussle, to prove his superior strength, the groom would toss his
bride over his shoulder and carried her off.
Slaves in the ancient Greek culture cannot marry because
marriage was considered only for the privileged class.
Any children which were born from their masters were disposed
off because the slaves have no right to rear children
About The Author: Rafi Michael Babylon Productions Wedding
Center ( ) Wedding Photography &
Video Toronto - Ontario Canada
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- 24.
To Much Credit Card Debt Can Spell Disaster For Your Finances.
Posted by: "Salihu Ibrahim" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 4:12 pm (PST)
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Article Title: To Much Credit Card Debt Can Spell Disaster For
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Author: Salihu Ibrahim
Word Count: 795
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Credit cards make it very easy to live in a society that
promotes buy now and pay later. The are often misused as people
have the means to be able to buy various items they don't really
need. If this is a common practice in any household, the amount
of credit card debt can quickly result in a disastrous situation
on regards to credit.
While credit cards are very convenient to use they should be
something you rely on for emergencies only. It is acceptable to
use a credit card for all of your purchases throughout the month
as long as you are disciplined about paying it off in full. The
problem comes when the charges keep being incurred but the
balances aren't being taken care of. This can create a false
sense of security that will cause financial problems for you if
you don't take care of it right away.
The number of people that have turned to bankruptcy as a way to
take care of their credit card debt has continued to rise in
recent years. This shows that it is much easier to obtain credit
you really shouldn't have than it is to pay it all back. Think
about the amount of interest you have to pay on credit cards
while you carry a balance on them. If you are borrowing money
from one credit card to pay the minimum due on another you are
already on a road to financial destruction.
You can make changes to your spending habits though and do all
you can to recover from it. It is important to only rely on
credit cards as a way to pay for emergencies you can't cover
from your monthly budget. Don't get into a habit of relying on
them for regular use or they become a crutch instead of a
resource. Poor money management skills and living beyond your
means often results in over use of credit cards so pay attention
to where your money is going.
The higher interest rates you have on a credit card, the more
in debt you are going to become. It can be very depressing to
realize that $100 payment you sent to the credit card company
mostly went to pay the interest and your overall balance has
barely changed. This can lead many people to stress over their
credit card debt and think they have no way out of this dark
hole. Yet there are some ways you can take an active stand and
start wiping out the debt you have accumulated along the way.
You may want to contact the credit card company to see if you
can lower your interest rate. There is also the possibility of
consolidating those credit cards into one payment with a lower
interest rate than the average of your individual cards. During
this process you need to not use the credit cards to add up more
charges though. If you do, you will have those bills to take
care of again as well as the bill for the consolidation of what
you already owed.
Make sure you look into the alternatives you have to get your
credit card balances under control before you rush out to file
bankruptcy. This is a black mark that will remain on your credit
history for a very long time. It can make it almost impossible
to get any type of loan or future funds when you really need
them. The funds you can access will likely be at very high
interest rates which further compounds the cycle of financial
troubles. If you have several credit cards, cut up all but one
that offers a low interest rate. Put it in a safe place and only
access it when you have to.
Look for ways to earn extra money so you can pay more on the
credit card and lower the balance due. You may have to take a
second job for a while or cut back on household luxuries in
order to accomplish this. It can be a very hard less to learn
when your credit cards get out of control. Still, with plenty of
discipline and a plan in place you can recover from it without
ruining your credit.
Work hard to maintain a reasonable household budget, track your
spending habits, and take responsibility for your own financial
situation. Don't apply for all those credit cards as they will
only be a temptation to buy things you want or to go on trips.
The quality of your credit affects many aspects of your life so
fight as hard as you can to keep it on track.
About The Author: Salihu Ibrahim provides directory services
for webmasters at his website
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Prepaid Debit Cards: Your First Step toward Better Credit
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Title: Prepaid Debit Cards: Your First Step toward Better Credit
Word Count: 551
Author: Edward Vegliante
Category: Finance & Investment
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Prepaid Debit Cards: Your First Step toward Better Credit
If you're having trouble getting approved for a credit
card, a prepaid debit card may be just what you need.
Unlike many regular credit cards, prepaid debit cards do
not perform a credit check when you apply. So if you've had
trouble with credit or have no credit, you'll still be
approved for a prepaid debit card. And these cards come
with other benefits as well. A prepaid credit card can be
the first step down the path to better credit.
How Prepaid Debit Cards Work
Prepaid debit cards are similar to both credit cards and
debit cards. After getting approved for one, you're able to
deposit money into your new account. This is often referred
to as "loading." The amount of money you load on to your
card is equal to your line of credit. When you swipe the
card, the money is subtracted from the amount you
deposited. As long as you have money on your card, you can
make purchases. You can use the card anywhere that debit
cards are accepted.
Having a prepaid debit card is similar to opening a
checking account on a card. You can deposit money whenever
you need to, and spend within your account limits. This
system helps keep you far away from credit card debt.
Benefits of Prepaid Debit Cards
One big advantage of prepaid debit cards is that they are
safer to carry than cash. You can shop for groceries, get
gas, and purchase other items without the hassle of dollar
bills crowding your wallet. And prepaid debit cards are
accepted all over. If you have a card with the MasterCard
or Visa logo, it can be used worldwide.
Another benefit of a prepaid debit card is that you don't
have to worry about paying monthly credit card bills. Since
the amount at your disposal is equal to the balance in your
account, you don't spend money that you don't have. This
saves the headaches involved with high monthly bills and
It's easy to load money on to your prepaid debit card. Most
cards let you reload any amount of money by calling and
authorizing a transfer of funds. You can also do this
online or through an ATM. This lets you control how much
you want in your account.
Exploring your Options
Companies offer different types of prepaid debit cards.
Before you sign up for one, check for additional fees and
features. One card that lets you transfer money for free is
the ReadyDebit card. With no credit checks and no security
deposits required, you can begin using the card right away.
It's issued through Visa, so you can use it wherever Visa
is accepted.
Another one to check out is the Prepaid Visa RushCard. With
this card, there are no annual or monthly fees. You can use
the card online or over the phone to make purchases. The
Prepaid Visa RushCard also offers some shopping discounts
at participating retailers.
A prepaid debit card may be just what you need to give your
credit a boost. Check through the different options through
credit card websites. The application process is easy. Once
you get the card, you can start taking steps to get back on
track in the credit card world.
About the Author:
To View Prepaid Debit Card Offers click the following link: . Edcom/prepaid. php
Vegliante runs , acom
directory helping consumers to compare and apply for credit
This article is distributed on behalf of the author by is a trading name of Takanomi Limited.
Takanomi Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales.
Registered number: 5629683. Registered office: 104 The Mount, York YO24 1GR.
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