Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1.
- Numerology House Numbers From: Laraine Turner
- 2.
- My First Year Of Network Marketing From: Paul Turner
- 3.
- Basic Blackjack Strategy From: Christopher Skinner
- 4.
- Life Is A Journey From I To We From: John Penberthy
- 5.
- Medigap Insurance Fills Holes Left By Medicare From: Earl Cronin
- 6.
- Three Tips for Holiday Shopping with Credit Cards From: articleannounce
- 7.
- Some Secrets You Must Know About Dog Training From: Clement Idahosa
- 8.
- Oh My Aching . Back Pain From: Jack Wrigley
- 9.
- Top 10 Celebrity Fears From: Silveral
- 10.
- What Is A Self Cert Offset Mortgage? From: Darren Carson
- 11.
- A Rundown Of The Best Anti Virus Software From: Edwin Hezron
- 12.
- Tips On How To Compare Payday Loans From: Jim Law
- 13.
- Offset Tracker Mortgages Can Be The Ideal Mortgage From: Joe Foster
- 14.
- Go Online For Photo Printing From: Carey Paris
- 15.
- Offset Mortgage Providers Are On The Increase From: Bobbie Carle
- 16.
- Help Older Adults Stay Connected With Easy Photo Printing From: Matt Smolsky
- 17.
- Discover Your Purpose - It's Easier Than You Think! From: articleannounce
- 18.
- Eight Heart Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating From: Anthony M Wilson
- 19.
- Why Flash Websites Are A Bad Idea From: John Maker
- 20.
- Golf - What You Need To Play From: Mike D'Auria
- 21.
- Boxer Dogs: Ten Things You May Not Know About Them! From: Avril Harper
- 22.
- Aset Graphics And Layout Services Can Help Internationals Impress Th From: Louis Perdo
- 23.
- Nine Keys To Unlock Opportunity From: articleannounce
- 24.
- Grandfather Clock Dials Do More Than Tell Time From: Mike O'Brien
- 25.
- 6 Bodybuilding Tips From: Gerry Marsh
- 1.
Numerology House Numbers
Posted by: "Laraine Turner" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 5:11 pm (PST)
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Laraine Turner
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Article Title: Numerology House Numbers
Author: Laraine Turner
Word Count: 635
Article URL: 222090&ca= Entertainment
Format: 64cpl
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Understanding numerology house numbers can help you discover
the vibrations your very own humble home is giving out. This is
because numerology works on vibrations.
Before language, the sole form of communication was symbols and
Numbers had meanings then, because of each one's unique
vibration or frequency. As time went by and the scientists
became the modern day Gods, the meanings of numbers became
forgotten and they were just used for mathematics, a means to an
end and nothing more.
The beautiful philosophy and psychology of numerology still
allows us these ancient insights and we can relate meaning once
again to all that is numerical in our lives.
For years; as a numerologist, I used to just consider the
number of a house for an address analysis but often found the
resulting reading incorrect. It wasn't until I used the whole
first line of an address that things fell into place and rang
When you think of it that does make better sense, as when
someone asks you for your address, you don't just give your
number do you?
Therefore instead of thinking about numerology house numbers we
should really be considering numerology addresses.
If you're used to how numerology works then you'll know that
all the letters of the alphabet are equivalent to a number.
For example; A=1, B=2 etc, all the way up to Z which equals 26.
When this numerological code is related to the first complete
line of your address (including the addition of the actual
number of your house), then you will come up with the number
that resonates with your home.
Always remember to reduce the final number to a single digit
though. I.E. 34 = 3 +4=7.
Unless, of course, the number is either 11 or 22 as these are
master numbers in numerology and should never be reduced any
As for numerology house numbers, on their own, I think that
they do still have some relevance but no where near as much as
the whole first line of your address.
So what does your personal house number numerology mean?
Number 1
This is a good place to live if you're after a fresh start.
Ideal, also if you are single.
If you are in a partnership, you may have to spend some time
alone in the house due to your partner's work commitments.
Number 2
This is a good place for females.
If male, look out for deception from females and/or don't
deceive a female as you'll definitely be found out here!
If the occupants of this house live positively, then this house
number bodes well for relationships.
Number 3
A lovely number to have for creating a happy household.
There will be much fun and laughter.
Communication will flow easily between everyone.
The only word of warning is to be aware of over-friendly/
interfering neighbours.
Number 4
An excellent home to settle in.
Expect to live here for a long time; you may even have
inherited it in the first place.
Traditional styles and furniture will suit this property.
The upkeep of the property is important so make sure that any
work done is `above board' and carried out to completion.
Find out the rest of the actual numerological meanings of each
number in my next article, "House number Numerology" which can
be found on my blog - http://www.namesnumbersnumerology. com
About The Author: Laraine Turner has been a professional
Numerologist for 15 years and has just made the leap to being an
international Numerologist with her website
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- 2.
My First Year Of Network Marketing
Posted by: "Paul Turner" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 5:11 pm (PST)
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Paul Turner
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Article Title: My First Year Of Network Marketing
Author: Paul Turner
Word Count: 525
Article URL: 222096&ca= Marketing
Format: 64cpl
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Okay, I made my first year of network marketing and now I'm sat
back on the beach counting my piles of cash. I don't have to
worry about going out to work and I'm waiting to move into my
Now lets get back to reality! I have in fact made it to the end
of my first network marketing year, but I am not counting the
piles of cash, nor moving into a mansion. But you know what? I
know why, and this year is already going better, and the year
after, well maybe I can see that mansion coming.
Like most people that start a home business, they don't
actually do anything. That may sound surprising to you, but
there is a 90% failure rate in network marketing. I found that
out after I joined a network marketing company by the way. A
little research into the subject and I've found out why. By the
way - most people fail in traditional business too - we only
have the same people to choose from you know!
If you think about starting a traditional business, you will
need premises, staff, fuel, heating, insurance and other
essentials such as book keeping and of course, tax liabilities.
If you start that, how motivated are you to make sure it works?
How much research do you do first to make sure you are doing the
right thing?
You can start a network marketing business for as little as a
few dollars. How motivated are you compared to the guy who's in
debt up to his eye balls because he had to buy a factory? When
you hit that first bit of resistance, which all business face by
the way, it's easy to say "that didn't work" and move on. The
guy with the factory can't do that he is motivated to pay his
bills and look after his workforce.
I've come to realise that just a little action each day can
make the difference in network marketing, also know as MLM, or
multi level marketing. Think of penny doubled everyday - you'll
be underpaid at first, but vastly overpaid a little way in. So
after my first year of network marketing do I have a lot to show
for it? Not financially, but I've learned something about myself
and I'm starting to build a good business now.
MLM and network marketing has come of age - it is making good
incomes for lot's of people. It is taught at Harvard business
school and if you head Donald Trump and Robert Kyiosaki both
recommend it as a means for ordinary people to make good
I make sure any business I am involved in is ethical, legal and
honest and of course, worth promoting.
If you're willing to take a little action each day, each week
or whatever to improve your life for you and your family and
you'd like to start for free, then why not read my bio box.
About The Author: My name is Paul Turner and I run a few
businesses. I am most concerned with my residual income at the
minute, becasue that pays me when I don't work. Check out and watch my movie for more
info about starting for free. Contact me and I'll give you 2000
leads to help you.
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- 3.
Basic Blackjack Strategy
Posted by: "Christopher Skinner" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 5:11 pm (PST)
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Christopher Skinner
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Article Title: Basic Blackjack Strategy
Author: Christopher Skinner
Word Count: 1386
Article URL: 222079&ca= Recreation
Format: 64cpl
Contact The Author: aid=222079
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Contrary to what many gamblers may think, blackjack is not just
a guessing game. Most casino games are guessing games. But with
any blackjack hand there is a correct strategy and an incorrect
strategy. Basic strategy is the correct strategy. The correct
strategy is the mathematically optimal strategythat is, it will
maximize your wins and minimize your losses on each hand over
You may have noticed that many other popular card games have no
basic strategy. There is, for example, no basic strategy for
poker. A poker player plays his hands according to whether or
not he thinks his opponent is actually holding a strong hand or
may be bluffing, and whether he himself is holding a strong hand
or may want to attempt a bluff.
A basic strategy cannot exist for any card game as long as your
opponent can make decisions, whether those decisions are good or
bad, on how to play his hand. For hundreds of years, there was
no basic strategy for blackjack because it was not a casino game
where the dealer had to show one card and play his hand
according to house rules. Instead, it was more of a poker-style
game where both of the dealer's cards were hidden, the dealer
could play his hand however he wanted, and players could attempt
to bluff the dealer with their own play.
When the American casinos changed the rules of twenty-one to
expose one of the dealer's cards and require the dealer to
adhere to a strict hit/stand strategy, an important thing
happened. They fundamentally changed the game from a poker-style
game based more on psychology, to a purely mathematical gameas
far as the player's strategy was concerned.
Why Basic Strategy Works ... The "Odds"
For our purposes, we're going to start with an assumption that
today's dealers are dealing an honest game. No sleight-of-hand,
no chicanery. We're not going to forget the First Rule of
Professional Gamblers, but we're going to momentarily disregard
it so that we can deal with the logic of the game, and reveal
the basic strategy that will kill most of the house's
mathematical edge. The fact is that most of the games you find
in casinos these days are dealt honestly, and if you bump into a
game that's not on the level, you're not even going to try to
beat it.
For the honestly dealt game, mathematiciansusing high speed
computershave analyzed every possible hand you might hold
versus every possible dealer upcard to devise the correct basic
strategy for the game. One thing that likely shocked some of the
first mathematicians to do these computer analyses was that a
nearly perfect basic strategy had actually already been figured
out and published by four GIs who had desk jobs and a lot of
time on their hands in the mid-1950s. They had no computers, but
they'd spent three years using old-fashioned mechanical adding
machines to run through all of the possible outcomes of the
hands dealt. This may have been the best value Uncle Sam ever
obtained from four GIs' salaries!
We also know that some pretty good approximations of correct
basic strategy had been figured out by various professional
gamblers in Nevada years before computers came on the scene.
These guys figured out the strategy by dealing hands to
themselves on their kitchen tables. Thousands, tens of
thousands, even hundreds of thousands of hands were required for
some decisions. These guys, like most professional gamblers ever
since, never published their strategies because they were pros.
Blackjack was their livelihood, and they'd spent hundreds of
hours figuring it out. Why would they tell anyone else what they
One thing that is certain is that the casinos did not know the
proper strategy for the game, and neither did the players who
had read the most highly regarded books on the subject. Many of
the old Hoyle's guides advised players to always stand on totals
of 15 or 16, no matter what the dealer's upcard, to split tens
and never split nines, and to stand on soft 17. The "smart"
players of the time, meaning those who had read one of these
books on gambling by one of these reputable authorities,
typically made all kinds of plays that we know today to be very
Many people don't get the logic of basic strategy. Let me give
an example. When my hand totals 14, and the dealer shows a 10
upcard, blackjack strategy says to hit. That is the
mathematically correct play. Sometimes you will hit that 14 and
draw an 8, 9, or 10 and bust. Then the dealer will turn over his
hole card, a 6, and you will realize that if you would have
stood on your 14, the dealer would have had to hit his total of
16, and he would have busted with that 10. So, by making the
"mathematically correct" play, you lost a hand you would have
won if you had violated basic strategy.
Some players will argue that there really isn't a basic
strategy that is always correct. Blackjack, they insist, is a
guessing game.
To understand basic strategy, you have to start thinking like a
professional gambler, and that means you have to understand the
concept of "the blackjack odds."
Let me explain the logic of basic strategy using a different
example that illustrates how the mathematics of probability and
statistics works. Let's say I have a jar with one hundred
marbles in it. Fifty of the marbles are white and fifty are
black. You must reach in blindfolded and pull out one marble,
but before you do so, you must place a $ 1 bet on whether that
marble you pull out will be white or black. If you pull out the
color you guessed, you win $ 1; if not, you lose $ 1.
Is this a guessing game?
Absolutely. How could you possibly know which color marble
you're going to pull out in advance? If you win, it's just good
luck, and if you lose, it's bad luck.
But what if you know that ninety of those marbles are black,
and only ten marbles are white? Now, would you bet on black or
white before you draw? Any intelligent person would bet on
black. It is possible, of course, to pull out a white marble,
but you're much less likely to pull out a white marble than a
black one. This may be a guessing game, and you could still lose
$1 if you do happen to pull out a white marble, but if you bet
on black, the odds are in your favor.
A professional gambler makes his living by always thinking in
terms of "the odds", and only betting when the odds are in his
favor. With this bet, the gambler would bet on black because the
odds are 9 to 1 in his favor. If you bet on white, the odds are
9 to 1 against you.
So, getting back to that total of 14 you had when the dealer
showed a 10 upcard, you may lose if you take a hit, but the odds
are against you if you stand.
If you make your decisions by playing your hunches, you may win
some hands, but you will lose more hands in the long run. There
is only one correct decision for any given play, and that
decision is based strictly on the math. Whether or not you
should hit or stand, or double down or split a pair, depends on
what the laws of probability show your expectation to be for
each of these possibilities. Depending on the rules and the
number of decks in use, basic strategy will usually cut the
house edge to no more than about 0.5 percent over you. This
makes blackjack the least disadvantageous game in the casino,
even if you are not a card counter. It also worth mentioning
that in online blackjack the card counting argument completely
fails, since decks are shuffled after each hand, and the correct
basic strategy becomes even more important.
About The Author: The article is written and posted by
Christopher J Skinner, a mature and experienced poker gambler.
Read more at http://www.blackjackencyclopedia. com
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- 4.
Life Is A Journey From I To We
Posted by: "John Penberthy" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 5:12 pm (PST)
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John Penberthy
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Article Title: Life Is A Journey From I To We
Author: John Penberthy
Word Count: 628
Article URL: 221975&ca= Religion
Format: 64cpl
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One Saturday afternoon when my daughter was not quite three I
strapped her into the child seat on my bike and we rode down to
our neighborhood ice cream parlor. We bought a double scoop of
Mint Chocolate Chip in a cup and shared it. When there was just
one spoonful left I scooped it up and ate it, believing that
Erin was so small she wouldn't care or even notice. I laid the
cup down and she picked it up, scraped out the melted drippings
in her spoon which I thought she would put it in her mouth. I
immediately felt ashamed. Instead she held it out to me and
said, "Here Daddy, last bite for you."
That event happened 12 years ago and to this day I still cringe
and feel a hole in my gut every time I think about it. For it
revealed to me that despite all my spiritual endeavors,
somewhere deep in my core was a greedy, self-centered demon
willing to rip off even his toddler.
Posted all around the ashram of the great Indian saint, Sai
Baba, are little signs displaying spiritual aphorisms, reminding
visitors of the reason they are there. One sign reads `Life is a
Journey from I to We.' That message impressed me like no other,
to the extent that I still remember it 20 years later. Why?
Because it reflects a universal truth of all religions: the path
to peace and happiness is not about the indulgence of oneself
and one's ego, but rather is love and kindness toward others.
When we are born, we don't differentiate between ourselves and
the rest of the world. Everything is I.
As we become toddlers, we begin to realize that others share
our world and we learn how to make concessions and accommodate
When we become teens, peers become all important and we try to
subjugate our egos to fit in.
When we become adults, in order to make our way in a
competitive society, we often put ourselves first, sometimes at
the expense of others.
The time of greatest selflessness for most people is when we
have children, and we put the needs of our infants above all
else. We make tremendous selfless sacrifices for them, often
without a thought for our own needs. We do this because they are
innocent, helpless and beautiful. They need us. We love them.
They love us back. The I/we boundary is transcended and, as
those of us who have had children know, the results are
While most of us are able to take selflessness to this level
with our children, we have difficulty doing it in our everyday
liveswith colleagues, friends, strangers. We continually assert
our egos to ensure that "our needs are met" and that no one
takes advantage of us.
But there are occasional exceptions to this. There are the rare
few who are able to transcend their egos and see through the
egos of othersto see them as innocent, helpless and beautiful.
They are able to do with adults what most of us can manage only
with infantsthey lower the barriers between self and other and
become we.
Many of us have known someone like this. Despite the fact that
they are continually putting others first, they are
paradoxically yet invariably happy and at peace. Their lives are
rich and full. People are attracted to them like magnets, they
are not taken advantage of and good things continually seem to
come their way. They have completed the journey from I to we and
entered the kingdom of heaven, right here on Earth.
About The Author: John Penberthy is the author of the spiritual
allegorynow in 11 languagesTo Bee or Not to Bee (Sterling
Publishing). Available in bookstores, including Barnes & Noble,
throughout North America. View the 60 second Preview and send
free ecards at An andearing gift!
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- 5.
Medigap Insurance Fills Holes Left By Medicare
Posted by: "Earl Cronin" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 5:12 pm (PST)
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Earl Cronin
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Article Title: Medigap Insurance Fills Holes Left By Medicare
Author: Earl Cronin
Word Count: 523
Article URL: 221826&ca= Finances
Format: 64cpl
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We already know that health insurance should help us out when
it comes to medical expenses. A lot of people will require more
medical attention than others, especially those men and women
who have reached a certain age. With this, it is important to
have a back up plan in case medical help will be needed.
Medicare is one such example of the insurance that aims to cover
for expenses as necessary.
Medicare was enacted by the US government in the 1960's as a
means of providing medical benefits and support for retirees, or
those who are above the age of 65. Medicare has certain
provisions of which medical treatments are to be covered, such
as hospital stays, x-rays, tests, medications, and others. There
are specific parts in which the benefits are explained in
detail. However, because Medicare is provided by the government,
it can have some imposed limits as to what can be covered, so as
a lot more people can be taken care of.
Because of some limitations of the Medicare insurance program,
private insurance companies in the United States offer these
Medicare clients an alternative, and that is Medigap insurance.
Just as the name implies, Medigap bridges the gaps in the
coverage which Medicare can not take care of, due to certain
Medigap is only made available to current policy holders of
Medicare. They may apply three months before and three months
after their 65th birthday, with not medical check up needed.
Also, the insurer must be enrolled in Medicare Part A and B in
order to be eligible for Medigap. There are also some private
companies that give their retiring employees Medigap insurance.
The terms and conditions for the sale and purchase of Medigap is
different in each state.
Medigap benefits are labeled A to L, with each package covering
only specific aspects of medical treatments that an insurer
might need. Some examples are for hospital stays, physician
fees, foreign travel emergencies, preventive care, prescription
drugs, skilled care, and others. You may look at several other
websites that can provide more detailed information about
Medicare and Medigap as insurance options for people ages 65 and
Your Medigap policy generally fits together with Medicare Part
A and Part B. You still have to pay the premiums for Medicare
Part B, Medigap does not replace that, it's in addition to it.
The premium for Medigap is paid directly to the insurance
company. Also, please be aware that your Medigap policy is not
going to cover your spouse, each of you will need to have
separate coverage with individual Medigap policies.
Comparing Medigap insurance policies is easy. Each insurance
company must include standardized benefits allowing the
purchaser to compare related items in the policy and be able to
identify the best deal at a glance. Web services such as make it easy for you to compare costs among
numerous insurance companies. When you enter your information,
you will receive quotes from several local insurance agents,
allowing you to simply choose the best plan at the best price.
About The Author: To find out more about insurance: For information about alternative
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Three Tips for Holiday Shopping with Credit Cards
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Mon Feb 4, 2008 5:23 pm (PST)
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Title: Three Tips for Holiday Shopping with Credit Cards
Word Count: 560
Author: Edward Vegliante
Category: Finance & Investment
Article URL: http://www.submityourarticle. com/articles/ easypublish. php?art_id= 23934
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Three Tips for Holiday Shopping with Credit Cards
The holiday season is in full swing. As you join the ranks
of Christmas shoppers, you'll find plenty of ways to spend
your hard-earned money. Using a credit card makes shopping
easy; so easy, in fact, that many Americans will spend too
much this month. Yet Christmas shopping does not have to
lead to credit card debt. This year, you can take steps to
avoid a gloomy credit card statement in January.
Create a Budget
Before you set out on a shopping spree, think about how
much you plan to spend. Make a list of the people you need
to buy gifts for. Set a limit for each present. If you're
on the hunt for decorations, baking supplies, or wrapping
paper, add those items to the list. Then estimate your
total costs.
Using a credit card to buy the goods on your list can make
shopping easy. Just be sure that you know what the credit
limit is. Also, plan a way to pay back the credit card
balance. Some experts advise spending only what you can pay
off in three months. So if you can put $200 toward the
credit card bill in January, February, and March, then keep
your spending under $600 (you may have to pay a bit more
depending on your card's interest rate). Others suggest
running a balance that you can pay off within one month.
Whatever you decide, make sure your plan is practical and
works for you. With a budget set in place, you'll spend
within your means and feel better about it, too.
Get the Most out of your Credit Card
As you use a credit card for holiday shopping, you'll want
to make sure you get as many benefits as possible from it.
Check for rewards or cash back offers; these can add up
fast over the holiday season. If you plan to carry a
balance for a few months, use a credit card that has a low
interest rate. This will help you save on interest expense
in the coming year.
Many stores offer discounts, such as 10% off, if you sign
up for one of their cards. Before adding another card to
your wallet, however, consider the long-term effects.
Signing up for too many credit cards can affect your credit
score. It may appear to lenders that you are short on funds
or that you are overstretching your credit. Also, many
store credit cards come with a high interest rate. If you
do not pay off the balance right away, you could get caught
paying much more than you initially saved. Your best option
might be to stick with the Visa or MasterCard that's
already in your wallet.
Stay Safe Online
Shopping online for Christmas is convenient and fast. But
before you electronically swipe your card, make sure the
site is safe. A padlock on the screen indicates the page is
secure. You can also check for "https" at the beginning of
the web address - the "s" show that the page is safe.
Finally, look at the total amount before you make the
purchase. Shipping costs and other charges may be added on
to the original price.
By following these steps, you can take charge of your
credit cards this year. You'll make smart, planned
purchases. And you'll avoid high credit card debts during
the upcoming year.
About the Author:
To Apply For A Credit Card Today click the following link: . Ed Vegliante runscom , a directory helpingcom
consumers to compare and apply for credit cards.
This article is distributed on behalf of the author by is a trading name of Takanomi Limited.
Takanomi Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales.
Registered number: 5629683. Registered office: 104 The Mount, York YO24 1GR.
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- 7.
Some Secrets You Must Know About Dog Training
Posted by: "Clement Idahosa" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 6:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Some Secrets You Must Know About Dog Training
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Definition: This is the process of teaching a dog to perform
certain behaviors under various conditions and in certain
behaviors on command.
Domestic dogs come in a bewildering variety of shapes and
sizes. They have been bred throughout most of their history as a
working dog used for hunting, guarding humans, helping fishermen
with net, pulling loads, herding livestock, as companion dog and
others. Dogs live with people and they must behave in a way that
makes them safe, pleasant and acceptable to people. Therefore,
dogs do not figure out basic obedience on their own; they must
be trained by their owners.
The most difficult part of training is communicating with the
dog in a humane way that he understands. From the human
perspective the handler is communicating to the dog what
behaviors are correct, desired, or preferred. From the canine
perspective the handler must learn what motivate the dog if the
optimum result is desired. You do not need to talk too much when
communicating with your dog. However, the principle of all
communication is simple: reward desired behavior while ignoring
or correcting undesired behavior.
A good handler must understand the communication that the dog
sends to the handler. The emotional state of the dog is an
important consideration in directing the training because the
dog may send a signal that he is nervous, confused, happy, and
so on. The dog that is stressed or distracted will not learn
There are four important messages that the handler can send the
* Reward or release marker.
Correct behavior. You have earned a reward. For example Free or
Okay followed by a reward.
* Keep going signal
Correct behavior. Continue and you earn a reward. For example,
Good or Come on.
* No reward marker.
Incorrect behavior. For example, Try again.
* Punishment marker
Incorrect behavior. You have earned punishment. For example. No
or Out.
These four messages need to be communicated in both words and
nonverbal signals. Also, hand signals and body language are
important in the dog training. If the handler gives the dog a
reward marker before giving the dog a food treat, the dog will
lean to associate the reward marker with receiving something
pleasant. Secondly, if the dog receives a punishment marker
before he is scolded or put aside for bad behavior, he will
learn quickly to associate the punishment marker with the
punishment itself.
Command learning is not an easy task for dog. A dog who knows a
particular command in one location may not recognize the same
command in another location. A dog who you taught how to "down"
in the bed room may be seriously confused when asked to "down"
in the parking lot. However, the down commands need to be
retaught in each new situation. The recall command is the most
important of all the training command. A dog who responds to
recall command should never be punished. Punishing a dog upon
recall teaches the dog that if he returns he will be punished.
It is necessary to correct a dog while training but never use
physical force or violent. This may lead to loss of interest on
the part of the dog, and in extreme cases even aggression.
About The Author: clement idahosa is a writer.For more
information visit: http://collar-dogtraining. blogspot. com
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Oh My Aching . Back Pain
Posted by: "Jack Wrigley" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 6:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Oh My Aching . Back Pain
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Chronic back pain can be intense or may be something that can
be readily taken care of with medical regimen. Numerous people
that have back pain from time to time assume they have chronic
back pain. Chronic back pain, howsoever, is back pain that the
patient has dealt with for longer than three months. Regular
back pain that has been present less than that duration is
considered acute pain.
Back pain can be an elusive and chronic problem that comes and
goes, or just stays and stays and stays. Like any lengthy
persistent pain, it can hamper with usual daily functioning and
cause emotional and psychological, as well as, physical
problems. It's back pain, but it's also pain that can take place
anywhere along the back or sides and create problems in the
legs. Nearly everyone has experienced some sort of back pain
from lifting a box that's too heavy or falling asleep on the
couch in an uncomfortable position. No matter how the pain is
defined, it's paramount to deal with all of the contributors to
chronic back pain. In other words, you may have a physical cause
for the chronic back pain, but the pain can be much worse due to
psychological factors such as stress or worry. The pain can
assume so many forms and some don't even feel like they are
connected to the back. For example, legs that have feelings of
numbness or tingling feet may indeed be the result of back
There are several approaches that can be taken to deal with
chronic back pain. A physician can prescribe medicine that
blocks the pain response in the brain. Surgery is occasionally
suggested, although it's hardly the first choice. Oftentimes,
the best course to deal with back pain is by increasing physical
activity on a prepared schedule. Chronic back pain can
oftentimes be briefly lessoned with simple measure something
like, ice or hot packs and massage. Back suffering should never
be minimized.
Back pain softening can oftentimes be found by following some
very simple guidelines. The best way to rest or sleep when
you're having back pain is on your side with your knees bent at
a 90 degree angle. This is the posture that puts the lowest
amount of strain on the spinal discs. You can also sleep on your
back with a pillow beneath your knees. There are some
over-the-counter medications that can decrease muscle swelling
and accordingly reduce pain. Many people employ ice packs or
heating pads in conjunction with the anti-inflammatory drugs to
supply relief. Exercise can also furnish back pain relief.
Regrettably, when people have back pain they tend to think they
shouldn't do any exercise. Still, strengthening the back muscles
is often the cure when the pain is due to injuries resulting
from weak muscles. It can also lower pain in backs with
vertebrae problems by creating a strong muscular support system.
Of course, if you can't resolve back pain relief using these
simple ideas, and the pain continues or gets worse, a doctor
should be consulted. One of the initial things the doctor will
have to do is know where the back pain is located. The doctor
may order more in-depth tests such as MRI or some sort of
ultrasound to discover if there is a more grave condition
causing the chronic back pain. There are several options the
doctor can offer to supply a break from the pain. They include
physical therapy exercise programs and massage, electrical
stimulation, prescription medications, nerve blocks and surgery.
The doctors generally don't suggest surgery except as a final
resort when all other method has failed. Numerous individuals
will fight the notion of surgery as long as possible, simply
taking it when it's the only answer for their chronic back pain
relief. Some sufferers are satisfied to take pain medication for
the rest of their lives if it gives them relief, but doctors
don't generally go along with this thought long-term.
About The Author: Jack Wrigley maintains a Back Pain Guide at
http://www.chronicbackpainhelp. with free tips, tricks andcom
techniques to prevent or relief back pain.
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Top 10 Celebrity Fears
Posted by: "Silveral" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 6:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Top 10 Celebrity Fears
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Have YOU ever had a panic attack these can be really scary and
may make you shake, sweat and breathe quickly. This happens to
celebrities too!
A panic attack can cause a you to think something awful is
going to happen, that you can't escape, or that you might lose
control. Some people who have panic attacks say that when the
attacks are happening, they feel like they can't think straight
or that they're "going crazy."
Such panic attacks only last a short time. But to a person who
is having one, they can feel much longer.
So what can bring on such a panic attack. Flying, heights,
spiders, the dark. Any or all of these can cause a phobia in
people including celebrities.
A national survey of 4,000 adults and 1,600 kids revealed that
56 percent of adults admit they now have a fear or a phobia. The
survey found that 86 percent of adults and 91 percent of
youngsters admitted to being afraid of something.
Nearly one in five adults also said they are scared of more now
than they were as a child.
You may not believe it, but even rich and famous celebrities
have common, everyday fears just like the rest of us.
So what scares the stars?
Top 10 Fears of celebrities.
1. If you suffer from Acrophobia: fear of heights you may
experience immediate anxiety when high up. This apprehension may
include a racing heart, shortness of breath, sweating, chest or
abdominal discomfort, trembling, and an emotional response which
involves an intense fear - of losing control, embarrassing
oneself, or passing out. If you suffer from this you are not
alone. Rock star Sheryl Crow says heights and hearing "scary"
noises frighten her the most.
2. How many of you hate flying or: Aerophobia With this phobia
you may have frightening thoughts (this plane might crash; I'm
trapped; I must get out). Did you know that Jennifer Aniston,
Cher, Michael Jackson and Whoopi Goldberg all hate and fear
flying too. Avoiding this feared situation, means not flying.
Such a sacrifice limits these celebrities lifestyles severely as
they will find it hard to travel long distances.
3. How about situations like being outside, or in a crowd, or
even being on a bridge. Such fears are known as: Agoraphobia a
fear of being in places or situations from which there is no
escape. You are not alone as Woody Allen and Matthew McConaughey
who is scared of tunnels and revolving doors also shares this
4. Anyone scared of spiders? Arachnophobia as they called it in
the film about the same dread. You can guarantee Justin
Timberlake would not have enjoyed this movie or Jaws as he hates
spiders, snakes and sharks.
5. Do you break out in a sweat in those little closed in
spaces? Uma Thurman is claustrophobic too. She says that in Kill
Bill: Vol 2 where she is buried alive in a coffin. "There was no
acting needed. Real screams available," "It was horrific. Nobody
wants to live that experience."
6. When the weather changes and the skies darken do your hands
sweat as the thunderstorm approaches? Well if you happen to be
with Madonna at the time she will be scared as she suffers from:
Brontophobia: fear of thunder!
7. The vampire slayer suffers from Necrophobia: a fear of
death. TV's vampire-slayer Sarah Michelle Gellar has a real fear
of graveyards, so real that she refused to film "Buffy the
Vampire Slayer" in a real one.
8. Do you hate your appearance in the mirror first thing in the
morning? Alternatively, maybe you experience undue anxiety when
you look at a mirror. This Eisoptrophobia a fear of mirrors is
irrational. However this fear is grounded in superstitions. You
may worry that breaking a mirror will bring bad luck or that
looking into a mirror will put you in contact with a
supernatural world inside the glass. Well imagine how poor
Pamela Anderson feels for she fears mirrors too!
9. If you get the spooks when you see a clown then you might be
suffering from Coulrophobia. Johnny Depp, Daniel Radcliffe and
Sean "Diddy" Combs are frightened of clowns. "Something about
the painted face, the fake smile," Depp said in 1999 when he was
promoting the film "Sleepy Hollow." "There always seemed to be a
darkness lurking just under the surface, a potential for real
10. Now here is a strange one! While there is no official name
for the phobia of butterflies, it has been linked to Mottephobia
(Fear of Moths), or a name such as Lepidopterophobia which is an
animal group based on insects butterflies and moths. Who could
be scared of such things? Well Nicole Kidman for one she says
her greatest fear is butterflies!
So there you have it the top 10 list of celebrity fears. Did I
mention poor the celebrity with the most phobias is well that
award goes to Woody Allen. He's afraid of insects, sunshine,
dogs, deer, bright colors, children, heights, small rooms,
crowds, cancer and anywhere except Manhattan. Imagine that!
About The Author: Silveral Celebrity Journalist ?p=50
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What Is A Self Cert Offset Mortgage?
Posted by: "Darren Carson" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 6:12 pm (PST)
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Article Title: What Is A Self Cert Offset Mortgage?
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A self cert offset mortgage, also known as a self certified
offset mortgage, combines the benefit of declaring your own
income with the freedom of an offset mortgage that allows
overpayments, lump sum payments, underpayments, and payment
A self cert offset mortgage is designed for people who find it
difficult to prove their income, such as: self-employed people;
seasonal workers; freelancers and contractors; commission only
workers; and temporary or agency staff. The term self cert means
exactly what it says you certify your income is enough to
repay the mortgage you are applying for without having to prove
your income or your financial and employment status. However,
self cert lenders will perform a standard credit check and you
need to prove your identity to comply with anti-money laundering
There area few differences between a self cert offset mortgage
and a mainstream mortgage: interest rates are slightly higher by
0.5% to 1.5%; many specialist self cert lenders will only deal
with approved independent mortgage brokers and not directly with
you; you need to be at least 21 years of age, whereas mainstream
mortgages are available to people over 18 years of age.
Income Multiples
The income multiples for a self cert offset mortgage are
usually the same as for a mainstream mortgage, approximately 2.5
4.5 times your annual individual income, or for a couple it is
approximately 2.5 4 times their combined annual income. It is
not worth exaggerating your income so you can get a bigger
mortgage because it is a criminal offence to lie on a mortgage
application, and it could be difficult to make the mortgage
repayments which could put you at risk of losing your home.
Loan to Value
The amount you can borrow (the loan to value or LTV) may well
depend on your individual circumstances, for example: if you
have been self-employed for several years and you can show a
regular income, you are likely to get a higher LTV than if
you've been self-employed for only a year or two. You will also
need a bigger deposit for a self cert offset mortgage as most
lenders tend to advance 85% of the property's value, although
there a few lenders that will advance 90% of the property's
Advisers tend to recommend people who are opting for a self
cert offset mortgage to have a short-term mortgage deal of two
or three years. Once the fixed or discounted term has come to an
end you may meet standard lending criteria and be able to switch
to a mainstream mortgage with a lower rate.
Mortgage Broker
A self cert offset mortgage can be complex, so it is worthwhile
going to an independent mortgage broker for advice as they will
assess your application and inform you what a lender requires,
as each self cert lender's criteria is different. For example:
some lenders will want to contact your employer (if employed) or
your accountant to verify the information regarding how long you
have been in business, but not how much you earn. Some lenders
will not want any verification. They will also know the best
deals in the market and have access to products that aren't
available on the high street.
A self cert offset mortgage is ideal for people who have an
unpredictable income and want to own their own home but can not
obtain a traditional mortgage. A self cert offset mortgage
allows greater flexible than a standard self cert mortgage, as
it allows you to make over and underpayments, lump sum payments
and even payment holidays.
About The Author: For more information, visit
http://www.offsetmortgagecentre. cert-offset- mortgage. html
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A Rundown Of The Best Anti Virus Software
Posted by: "Edwin Hezron" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 6:12 pm (PST)
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Quite often,what normally seems to us good,well liked or
admired doesn't always mean the best unless of course your
organization or company bases its character on being the best at
safeguarding computers from viruses.Every person can have his or
her own choice based on what is important to him or her.
Our ideas will not always be the same as we are all from
different cultures and backgrounds.So choicing the best anti
virus for your system may be based on what is more important to
you as a person.
From my own view and my partners, from our long years of
working with different anti viruses.Here is a list of some of
the best as we compare anti virus software available to help you
decide which may be the best fit for your computer.This will
definitely vary from individuals.Take that to heart, it will
make a whole lot of difference in your decision.All the best.
Norton Anti Virus
Almost certainly one of the most popular, and best compare anti
virus software titles on the market, is the Norton Anti Virus
offered by Symantec. Symantec makes a habit of fighting viruses
and they have one of the most all inclusive libraries of virus
removal tools on the market and they offer their updates free to
their existing clients.
It is a craving to fight viruses and the extra lengths that
Symantec will go to in offering their usual updates free of
charge to their customers that makes Norton Anti Virus one of
the best compare anti virus software titles available in the
market. The Norton name did not become accepted by accident, it
has taken years to develop the reputation of being one of the
top virus fighters in the industry and Symantec takes their job
very seriously and conciously.
Kaspersky Anti Virus
Kaspersky Labs offers Kaspersky Anti Virus and what makes this
one of the best compare anti virus software titles available is
their hourly updates to their virus protection files and their
interest in protecting laptops. With the Kaspersky Anti Virus a
laptop is protected even if it is not connected to the internet
to receive the hourly updates. Kaspersky also scans incoming and
outgoing email to detect any malicious code that has been
McAfee Virus Scan
McAfee virus scan has been around for a long time, and of the
other big names in virus protection is McAfee and they offer
their Virus Scan software as one of the best compare anti virus
software titles available in the market.
McAfee offers safe internet surfing by protecting against any
possible Trojan viruses or hackers that may be trying to crack
into your computer through your internet connection.
McAfee also pays extra interest to pop up ads and spyware that
may try and load itself on your computer or laptop. This is what
separates McAfee from many of the other titles and allows it to
be considered one of the best compare anti virus software titles
on the market today.
Spyware is malicious code that can load computer chocking pop
up ads, it can take your internet surfing information and send
it back to a marketing data collection agency for sale to other
internet marketers, or it can steal your personal information.
McAfee is one of the best anti virus software titles at fighting
annoying and potentially dangerous spyware we have around.
About The Author: Committed To Your Success, Edwin Hezron,
Visit http://www.remove-virus-now. Now For Yourcom/virusremoval /
Free Info On How To Save And Remove Any Virus From Your System
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Tips On How To Compare Payday Loans
Posted by: "Jim Law" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 7:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Tips On How To Compare Payday Loans
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Payday loans are short term loans made to borrowers using the
borrower's personal check or electronic access to the borrower's
bank accounts as security.
Payday loans are repaid on the next pay date with the original
amount borrowed plus any finance charge.
Payday loans size are range typically between $250-$1500 with
terms of 14 days or 30 days.
The single most important feature of any product and loans
being no exception is the cost associated with it. Typically the
cost of payday loans are measured through the Annual Percentage
Rate (APR%) which annualizes the interest cost associated with
the short term borrowing.
The average cost of 14 day term payday loans ranges between
400%800% with shorter term loans having higher APR. Although
APR measure is a useful measure for comparison purposes it is
also important to note the dollar costs associated with the
In comparison other forms of cash advances like credit card
cash advances incur an APR cost of approximately 60%.
Speed of approval is an important feature for most that seek
out payday loans. Payday loan lenders should state clearly how
quickly they approve applications for loans. You can expect
instant approvals with most good payday lenders. The deposit of
the approved loan is then deposited into the applicants account
The size of the loan is also worth comparing. Payday lenders
typically limit the size of cash advance to $500 or $1,000. It
may be worth choosing one with higher limit for future needs
instead of changing lender when the need arise. Further
flexibility a payday lender usually provides is the facility to
extend loan terms if requested.
The online application process should be smooth and while some
lenders require fax of documentation in order to approve the
lending, most lenders can approve applications without requiring
a fax from the borrower. The requirements to obtain payday loans
are minimal, with lenders usually requiring an open bank
account, steady source of income and identification. Full credit
checks are not usually conducted nor are detailed questions
Given the personal nature of the documentation required for
payday lending, the final and arguably the most important is the
security and privacy policy the payday lender enforces in
protecting your privacy. Identity theft and fraud is a very real
threat with the spread of the online business and the natural
tendency of consumers to drop their guard when they reach their
comfort zone. It is important that the payday lender you choose
has policies for maintaining high level of security and privacy.
The information that is shared with the lender are very
sensitive information that can also be used for identity theft.
In summary, the tips above are a very brief introduction on
what should be considered before choosing a payday loan lender.
It should be noted that the features of payday loans are very
much determined by the laws applying in the state that you
reside in. For example, limits on the maximum interest rate
charged for payday loans differ by each state. Payday lenders
must adhere to the laws or face revocation of their license.
Hence it is important to check the laws in that state that you
reside in to ensure that the payday lender is not breaking any
law and that you are not being ripped off.
About The Author: Find more useful articles at
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Offset Tracker Mortgages Can Be The Ideal Mortgage
Posted by: "Joe Foster" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 7:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Offset Tracker Mortgages Can Be The Ideal
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Offset tracker mortgages are fairly new in the market place.
They combine the benefits of an interest rate that tracks the
Bank of England's base lending rate, with the ability to
`offset' the interest earnt on savings and current account
against the interest charged on the mortgage.
The `tracker' part in offset tracker mortgages appeals to the
borrower who wants the security of an interest rate that can
start out fixed for a year or so, and then turn into a tracker.
The interest rates are charged at a set percentage above the
Bank of England's base lending rate for the rest of the mortgage
term. When the Bank cuts it base rate, the lender will pass the
full amount of the reduction to the borrower. On the flip side,
if the Bank increases it rates, then the interest rates go up by
the same amount. Some lenders offer the benefit of a 'droplock'
facility, which allows the borrower to drop into to a fixed rate
when the timing seems right.
Offset tracker mortgages should not be confused with variable
rate mortgages. Standard variable rates (SVR) are set at the
lenders discretion. They are generally 2 percentage points above
the Bank of England's base lending rate. For example: if the
base lending rate is 5.7% then most SVRs will be around 7.7%
The `offset' part in offset tracker mortgages allows the
borrower's cash savings to be set against the mortgage debt, so
they pay interest only on the balance. The monthly mortgage
repayments are calculated on the full debt before offsetting is
taken into account, and so the borrower effectively overpays on
the debt each month. This means the mortgage debt is cleared
much faster than with a conventional loan. For example: a
£100,000 mortgage with an offset tracker loan rate of 5.24%
would save more than £39,000 in interest repayments. The loan
would be paid off 5 years earlier than a mainstream mortgage of
25 years.
Offset mortgages are also flexible and allows the borrower to
pay off the mortgage early without penalty and make underpayment
and payment holidays; although the borrower normally has to make
sufficient overpayments throughout the year to qualify.
Offset tracker mortgages have higher rates than mainstream
mortgages because of the flexible features they offer the
borrower, and the high administration costs of calculating the
interest payments on a monthly or daily basis. For an offset
deal to be advantageous to the borrower, it is advisable for
higher rate taxpayers to have at least £10,000 in savings and
basic rate taxpayers to have at least£20,000 in savings to
offset against a £100,000 mortgage.
For many people the flexibility of an offset tracker mortgage
outweighs the higher rates that are charged. For example, one
borrower has had an offset tracker mortgage for seven years. He
said it was the flexibility of the mortgage that appealed to
him: he had remortgaged his home to release some equity for a
renovation property. He then paid some of the cash back
immediately so he could draw down the funds as and when it was
convenient to him. His wife was due to give birth in five months
time and he planned to make some lump sum payments so he could
take a payment holiday during his extended paternity leave.
In conclusion, offset tracker mortgages offer the benefits of
interest rates that closely follow the Bank of England's base
lending rate, while offsetting the borrower's savings against
the mortgage debt. Offset tracker mortgages are gaining in
popularity as more people realise the benefits it can offer
About The Author: For more information, visit
http://www.offsetmortgagecentre. tracker-mortgage s.html
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Go Online For Photo Printing
Posted by: "Carey Paris" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 7:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Go Online For Photo Printing
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While sharing photos electronically over the Internet is a
great convenience and time saver, there's nothing like holding
an actual photo and reminiscing about the special moment. That's
why photo printing websites can be such a wonderful resource.
If you pick the right website, getting your prints will be as
easy as snapping a picture with your digital camera.
The first thing to look for is a site that's focused on your
needs, and not simply trying to sell you more cups, party hats,
t-shirts and other photo paraphernalia. That stuff has its
place, but first and foremost you want to find a reliable photo
printing provider, not a party planner. Hint: If the site is
primarily focused on photo sharing, then they're likely going to
help you the most with photo printing.
Be careful, though, when choosing a web site that seems solely
focused on photo sharing. Sometimes those types of websites are
too technical and tend to fall short of quality photo prints.
The last thing you want is a website that makes it too hard to
print your photos online. The best websites are the ones which
allow you to easily upload your photos, choose your pictures in
a few clicks and order prints.
Secondly, look for a site that will deliver the prints directly
to your door. There's nothing easier than getting home from
work, opening your mail and seeing the fruits of your
photographic efforts in your hands. That's photo printing. If
you have to stop by a store to pick up prints, you'll likely
have to wait in line for your prints, and maybe even wait in
line to pay! There's really nothing easy about that.
Another thing to look for is an easy photo uploading process.
Look for sites that give you the ability to upload entire
folders of photos all at once. Then, photo printing is a simple
matter - all you do is upload your photos from a party or
vacation all at once, pick the ones you want to print, order,
pay and wait for them to come in the mail.
Of course, a selection of print sizes is important for photo
printing, but you don't want too many choices. Unless you are a
professional photographer, or aspire to become one, don't get
too caught up in trying to decide which print size is best. It's
more important that you get your photos printed.
Finally, keep an eye on price. While it's important to pay a
fair price for your photos, many providers lure you in with very
inexpensive per print prices, only to increase the price on
later orders. Also, the low per print price sometimes only
applies to bulk orders of the same print.
The most important thing to look for is an photo printing
service that understands how much you cherish your photos. After
all, these are not just photos you are entrusting to them -
these are your memories. And your memories are worth a lot.
About The Author: Carey Paris develops marketing programs and
has written articles for a variety of clients, including
Hoorray, a new website for easy photo
sharing and easy photo printing.
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Offset Mortgage Providers Are On The Increase
Posted by: "Bobbie Carle" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 7:12 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Offset Mortgage Providers Are On The Increase
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Offset mortgage providers are increasing in number, and it is
predicted that offset mortgages will account for 30% of all UK
secured lending by 2009.
What are offset mortgages?
Offset mortgages allow homeowners to link the balance on a
savings and current account with their mortgage, while still
allowing instant access to their money. The amount in the
savings and current account is calculated on a monthly or daily
basis and used to reduce or `offset' the interest payments due
on the mortgage. For example: your mortgage might be £200,000,
but you have £20,000 in your savings account and £3,000 in your
current account. This means you will only pay interest on
Choosing the best offset mortgage
There are over 30 offset mortgage providers in the UK market
and about 250 offset products in the market but with so many
to choose from, how do you choose the best offset mortgage deal
for you?
You could traipse up and down the high street visiting all the
banks and building societies, and obtain the latest information
on their offset mortgages. Or you could save your shoe leather
and consult an independent mortgage broker. They will calculate
whether an offset mortgage is suitable for you. They have the
latest deals from offset mortgage providers at their fingertips,
and they will help clarify which is the best offset mortgage
deal for you, as each lender is different. For example: two
offset mortgage providers offer different deals on a mortgage of
£150,000. One offers a two- year fixed rate at 5.29% and the
other one offers a two-year fixed rate at 6.33%. On face value
the offset mortgage provider offering 5.29% looks the better
deal, however the fee for the mortgage is 2.5% of the loan value
which totals £4,249. The fee on the 6.33% deal is £99. A
borrower opting for the 5.29% offset mortgage deal would pay
£1,430 more than the 6.33% borrower.
Who could benefit from an offset mortgage?
Self-employed people: the self-employed are often paid without
any tax deduction. They save their money over the year in
preparation of their tax bill and an offset mortgage offers them
a handy way to obtain maximum benefit from their money, but
still have it available when the tax bill is due. A Regulated
Mortgage Survey (RMS) revealed 21% of offset borrowers in 2006
were self-employed, compared to 16% of non-offset borrowers. For
the self-employed some offset mortgage providers combine their
self cert products with offset features.
Savers: A general guide is about 10% of the value of the
mortgage in savings. However in some cases, savers only need
about 5% of the mortgage debt in savings to make the offset deal
Higher-rate taxpayers: Higher-rate tax payers lose 40% of any
interest earnt on savings accounts to the taxman. With an offset
mortgage no interest is paid on accounts linked to an offset, so
there isn't any tax to pay. Some offset mortgage providers allow
ISAs to be linked to an offset mortgage. Although savers do not
receive any interest, they avoid forfeiting their right to save
up to £3,000 in an ISA per year. Once the mortgage has been paid
for, then they start receiving interest on the ISA. Some
borrowers have managed a 0% mortgage because they have enough in
their ISAs, savings and current account, to offset their whole
Offset mortgages are increasing in popularity as more borrowers
recognize the benefits an offset mortgage offers them. More
offset mortgage providers are entering the market, which is good
for the borrower as it offers more choice, however, without the
advice from an independent mortgage broker, it can be difficult
to choose the best offset mortgage deal.
About The Author: For more information, visit
http://www.offsetmortgagecentre. mortgage- providers. html
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Help Older Adults Stay Connected With Easy Photo Printing
Posted by: "Matt Smolsky" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 7:12 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Help Older Adults Stay Connected With Easy Photo
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If you're like a lot of people, you have older relatives who
aren't connected to the Internet. And if you're like a lot of
people, you email pictures back and forth, which means a lot of
older adults will be left out of the photos sharing fun. Well,
thank goodness for easy photo printing sites.
With easy photo printing you can keep older relatives in the
loop of all the fun things happening in the family. In fact,
nowadays it's oftentimes a lot easier than before.
Think about what it was like in the past for a moment. What
qualified as easy photo printing them was to buy film, load the
camera, take the picture, have it developed, get the prints back
from the developer, and then share them and usually, you only
had one or two copies of the prints. You see, with film, you had
to get the whole role developed and pay for prints you didn't
even want. That's not exactly easy photo printing.
But now, you take pictures with a digital camera. Even if you
use film, man developers let you have your photos loaded to a
CD, which means they're automatically made digital. This makes
easy photo printing a lot better for sharing. You can send
specific photos to family and friends, and they can use their
favorite easy photo printing site to order prints.
But what about grandma and grandpa? Well, here's the answer
simply make sure to include in your email a reminder to print
off a few extra copies for the older relatives. That way, cousin
Sue will be sure to think of her mom and dad when you send her
pictures of your kids at their violin recital. All she has to do
is order a couple extra prints at an easy photo sharing site.
Or, if you have an aunt or uncle, or even a parent, who lives
in a far off city, you can go to your favorite easy photo
printing site and have prints sent directly to your older
relatives. It's that simple! They'll be so surprised and glad to
get prints of family and friends they haven't seen in a while,
or who they don't see very frequently.
This type of thoughtfulness is especially important if you know
of older adults who are living in nursing homes or assisted care
facilities. Just thing, with easy photo printing, all you need
to do is upload your pictures, pick out the ones you think they
will like, and have them delivered directly to their room at the
nursing home with a personal note from you included.
Easy photo printing truly is a great way to stay in touch with
the people who might otherwise get left out of the loop. And
remember, you can even have prints delivered by next day air, so
if you want and older friend or relative to share the moment
right away, you can! And once you use easy photo printing to
share the moment, be sure to give them a quick call they'll
love to hear from you!
About The Author: Matt Smolsky develops marketing programs and
has written articles for a variety of clients, including Hoorray
( ), a new website for easy photo sharing
and easy photo printing.
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Discover Your Purpose - It's Easier Than You Think!
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Mon Feb 4, 2008 7:23 pm (PST)
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Title: Discover Your Purpose - It's Easier Than You Think!
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Author: Ada Porat
Category: Self-improvement/motivation
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Discover Your Purpose - It's Easier Than You Think!
"Seems lately I am constantly being reminded of how far I
am from living the life I want to live," said a friend over
coffee. "I don't even know what it is I want or what I'm
passionate about. I still haven't figured out what I'm
supposed to do with my life."
So often, we externalize our purpose as if it is some magic
existing outside of ourselves, and if we could only grasp
it, our lives would really begin. We think as soon as we
figure it out, we'd get that dream job, or we could start
our dream business, or we could change the world.
Trouble is, in all our trying to figure it out, we miss an
important truth about purpose. Our purpose is not a magical
solution existing outside ourselves; it is who we become
when we align with our innate potential.
The full potential of your and my purpose already exists
within each of us, just waiting to be discovered.
Yet, instead of living our purpose, we squander our lives
wondering what our purpose is. We squander our energy doing
things that drain us so that there's nothing left in us to
do the very things we love. We squander our relationships,
letting them slip away without honestly speaking our truth
or caring for them like the precious gifts they are. We
squander our time on tedium and routine without making time
space for the things we really love to do.
And while we are wondering what to do with our lives, time
- the currency of our lives - spills through our hands like
To know what we want to do or become in life, we have to
step back from the rut of blindly complying with society's
expectations. Instead, we have to question why we are doing
what we are doing now.
Society rewards us when we follow its messages and rules:
we jump when its bells are rung, mindlessly agreeing to
play the game for a paycheck, prestige or status.
While going around and around the game board of life, are
you abdicating your deeper call for authenticity? Is the
effort to fit into the mold undermining your values,
purpose and power?
To find answers to these questions, it is imperative to
remember who you are. You are not a flawed victim in need
of someone to rescue you - you are an eternal soul with the
ability to exercise the power of your free will and intent
to facilitate the great flowering of your potential. That
is your ultimate purpose in life!
The quest to find out what you are here to do, is
ultimately a spiritual journey that requires courage. You
must be brave enough to look at what you do not want to
see. You must have the courage to admit what you desire, as
well as what you fear. This journey into the core of your
being also requires honesty - an honesty that can detach
enough from desire and fear to acknowledge observable facts.
It further requires taking responsibility for your
thoughts, feelings and actions. Responsibility is
"response-ability" - the ability to respond appropriately
to what you see and experience. You must be brave enough to
look at what it is you do not want to do; and then to use
that insight to help you define what it is that you desire
instead. This response to your experience of the world -
your "response-ability" - thus shapes the emergence of your
own purpose and joy.
When you commit to choose your inner truth in the face of
what life presents to you, every experience offers
opportunities to align with your purpose.
Moment by moment, your choices transform the fodder of
denial, repression, defensiveness, tension, anxiety and
negativity into states of courageous openness, honest
awareness and joyful spontaneity. With each choice, you can
align with your life purpose to more fully live it.
Your purpose is not found in what you do from nine to five,
or your job title, or your status. Your purpose in life is
to be - as authentically and joyfully as you can; to be as
connected to your authentic Self, your unique talents and
your passions as possible. It is ultimately found in
aligning with and doing the things you love to do - the
things that bring you joy. Whether or not you do these
things for a living is irrelevant.
Your purpose lies in the living of your potential: To
connect... to grow... to live... to laugh... to utilize
your talents in whatever way you can... to touch the lives
of your friends and family... to express yourself... to
share your life... and to maximize your experience on this
When you do this, there is no need to "figure out" what to
do with your life. You are living your purpose in every
moment that you choose to align with your inner truth.
There is no figuring out what to do; there is only the
living of your purpose from moment to moment.
As you pay attention to the things you love to do, you'll
find them to be the keys to unlock your purpose. So instead
of resisting your inner yearnings, choose to align with
Do you love to paint? PAINT! Do you long to dance? DANCE!
Does communing with nature bring you joy? TAKE A WALK! Do
you wish you had more friends? MAKE FRIENDS! Do you wish
your life were different? CREATE A NEW LIFE!
Don't waste any more time waiting for your life to start.
Your life is now!
About the Author:
Ada Porat is a vibrational healer and life balance coach
with extensive international teaching and clinical
experience. She uses body/mind/spirit techniques to help
clients live their life purpose. For more information,
This article is distributed on behalf of the author by is a trading name of Takanomi Limited.
Takanomi Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales.
Registered number: 5629683. Registered office: 104 The Mount, York YO24 1GR.
Full contact details are at
- 18.
Eight Heart Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating
Posted by: "Anthony M Wilson" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 8:10 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Eight Heart Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating
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What you eat is one of the biggest determinants of your
coronary heart disease risk. A diet high in the eight foods
below will go a long way to maintaining a healthy heart.
1) Garlic
Garlic contains powerful chemicals that have been shown to
reduce cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and reduce the
risk of blood clots that can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
It has been estimated that a clove of garlic a day is needed to
obtain these health benefits. If the thought of eating a clove
of garlic a day is too much for you, odorless garlic capsules
can be purchased from most pharmacies and supermarkets.
2) Oats (Oat-meal and Oat-bran)
Oats are high in soluble fiber which have been shown in many
studies to reduce your levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL).
Research has shown that the higher your ratio of high-density
lipoprotein (HDL) to LDL, the lower your risk of heart disease
is. One cup of oatmeal a day provides enough dietary fiber to
reduce your LDL cholesterol levels significantly.
3) Alcohol
Moderate consumption of Alcohol (up to two glasses a day) has
been shown in most studies to reduce heart disease risk by
between 20 percent and 40 percent compared to non-drinkers.
Moderate Alcohol consumption has been associated with an
increased ratio of HDL to LDL, thinner blood (leading to reduced
blood clotting), reduced blood insulin levels and a reduction in
arterial plaque build up. Heavy alcohol consumption however
raises blood pressure and is associated with a greater risk of
heart disease.
4) Oily Fish
Fish such as tuna, salmon, and sardines contain high levels of
omega-3 fatty acids which reduce heart disease risk by reducing
blood pressure and increasing blood vessel elasticity. Medical
experts recommend a minimum of 2 servings of fish a week to
obtain the full benefit of omega-3, alternatively fish oil
capsules can be taken.
5) Nuts such as Almonds, Walnuts, and Cashew Nuts
Nuts are rich in polyunsaturated fats and contain omega-3 and
omega-6 fatty acids. A handful of nuts a day has been shown to
reduce LDL cholesterol by up to 20 percent.
6) Tomatoes and Tomato Products
Tomatoes, especially cooked tomatoes have high levels of
Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. In a study of 40,000 women at
the Harvard school of Public Health, women who consumed seven or
more servings of tomato-based foods were 30 percent less likely
to develop cardiovascular disease compared to those who consumed
less than 1.5 servings. Women who ate more than ten servings a
week were up to a massive 65 percent less likely to develop
cardiovascular disease.
7) Green Tea
A Japanese study of over 400,000 individuals aged between 40
and 79 found that those people who consumed five or more cups of
green tea a day were 26 percent less likely to die from heart
disease. Researchers also found that the effect was stronger for
women than men. Green tea is high in polyphenols which are
powerful antioxidants that are also found in most berry fruit,
apples, celery, broccoli and parsley.
8) Spinach
Spinach is an excellent source of Vitamins A, C, and K and is
also an excellent source of Folate. Folate helps the heart by
reducing homo-cysteine levels in the blood. High homo-cysteine
levels are associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular
About The Author: Anthony Wilson is the owner of, a daily updated news and information
website about many health topics such as heart disease, diabetes
and cancer.
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- 19.
Why Flash Websites Are A Bad Idea
Posted by: "John Maker" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 8:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Why Flash Websites Are A Bad Idea
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Flash websites... you know the type. They're the ones where
pages blip and fly across the screen, music blares from your PC
speakers and type is so small you would need to be bit-sized to
read it. These days, designers are everywhere trying to convince
clients and firms alike, that Flash gives them more options and
allows them to express themselves more creatively.
Well, when did a designer's creativity take precedence over
plain old effectiveness? Let's take a moment to pick apart Flash
websites and three major accessibility problems associated with
The first of our Flash site perils: User accessibility.
Let's talk Atmosphere, since that is what the designers will
try and sell you on first. Like a storefront or good restaurant,
atmosphere is probably the most important factor of a website.
How comfortable is your site? How intuitive is it on which to
find information? How easy is the text to read?
One of the most beautiful things about properly built websites,
is their accessibility to the public. Properly built HTML
websites are marvels of modern technology: accessible on the
web, by cell phone, with speech options for the blind, and even
changeable text size for the poor of vision. There are too many
ways in which professional website designers make sites
accessible to the broadest range of the public to go into in
this article, but they allow each visitor's experience to be
uniquely tailored to their own viewing needs and preferences.
The best websites provide quality content in an atmosphere that
entices a visitor to stay as long as possible, and promise new
content to keep them coming back.
Let me ask you, how many flash websites do you visit often, or
even have bookmarked in your browser? Probably not too many.
Having been a professional web designer and marketing consultant
for years, I can tell you with great certainty that no one stays
on a flash site very long. The format is cramped. The type is
small. The beeping gets old quickly, and although you may have
the most exceptional tastes in music, let us presume that not
everyone will share in your interests. I personally, upon
visiting a site that decides to play music, leave and never
While Flash is great at offering lot's of options to designers,
it's exceptionally poor at offering proportionate options to
site visitors. Flash powered sites are inaccessible by cell
phone (to date no phone that I know of can run Flash, not even
an iPhone, which has one of the most sophisticated web browsers
of any phone on the market). But, that's not even the worst
part, Flash is also inaccessible to anyone without ActiveX
plugins installed on their computer. Now, you may think that
everyone must have Flash / ActiveX on their computers by now...
think again. Most of people that will be viewing your business'
website, will be doing so from their cubicle at work, and
companies are exerting tighter and tighter controls over what
their employees can see or do over the web... and that includes
your Flash website. So, if your small business has some great
flashy website, kiss corporate America goodbye.
Here's the second thing that you can write off about your Flash
site: Search Engine Accessibility (i.e. being found on Google
and the like.)
No, I'm not kidding. With a Flash website, you can count
yourself out for ever attaining page one, two, or even three of
a Google search, and the reason is pretty simple: Google will
have no idea what your site says or is about. Search engines
base their ranking on two very important criteria: how many
QUALITY pages link to your site (you may still be alright there,
if you have been doing your SEO publishing) and how much
relevant content there is on your site for the search term in
question. Now, considering that Google and all of the other
search engines will not be able to read the text on your Flash
site, your chances of producing relevant content results are
less than favorable.
Here's the last of our Flash site perils: Administrative
Maybe you've already run into this problem. You have a great
site, but you need some changes made and you are no longer using
the designer that created the site for you. You call your
current designer and ask for the changes, only to have them tell
you that they just can't do it, because they don't have the
master file. Flash sites are notorious for this. There is a
public file that is accessed from the web, this is the file that
viewers see when they go to your domain and it is also the file
on your hosting account. This file is protected from import or
change. However, there is also a master file in which the site
was created and in which all changes must be made. Flash
designers guard this file with their life! They almost never
post it to the hosting account and never tell the client that
this file exists and is needed. For the uninformed, this can
lead to thousands of dollars as the previous designer is tracked
down or the site is rebuilt.
Wow that's a lot of problems! And that's only counting
accessibility issues. In part 2, we'll examine how these sites
affect your potential customer base and your bottom line, but
that's all for now!
About The Author: Good Work Marketing And Design is a New
Orleans marketing and design studio that specializes in
professional website design and development. To learn more about
New Orleans web design, please visit
http://www.goodworkmarketing. com
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- 20.
Golf - What You Need To Play
Posted by: "Mike D'Auria" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 8:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Golf - What You Need To Play
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I would like to offer some tips on equipment purchase and what
would be required to get started playing golf. Beside club
purchase, there are additional items necessary to prepare
yourself for play. The next most obvious items are a golf bag
and golf balls. If you are purchasing a starter set of clubs
many come with a golf bag included. If you like to walk and
enjoy a little workout as you play there are carry bags, which
are light weight and are slung over your shoulders. There are
other bag options for you to choose from and I would suggest
that you speak to the sales representative in your local pro
shop or golf store (ie; Dick's Sporting Goods and Golfsmith
would provide this service) and ask him to explain the different
types and price range to best suit your needs. Golf balls can
also vary dramatically in price - from about $9.99 /dozen to
$45.99 for the best balls on the market - Titleist Pro V and Pro
As a beginner I would recommend that you buy the more
economically priced balls. The difference in performance will be
negligible and you will have a tendency to lose more balls as a
novice so why waste money? As you improve, you can always
upgrade the type of ball that you use - I would recommend
purchasing about two dozen balls to get started. There are also
different compression golf balls made. 80, 90 and 100. The
compression selected is directly proportionate to how fast you
swing and your golf mechanics. I will not elaborate on this
right now but an 80 or 90 compression ball should be more than
adequate for now. If you have some power and a fairly quick
swing, I would opt for the 90 which may give you a bit more
distance. NOTE: The professionals and low handicap players use
the higher compression balls because their impact speed and
swing mechanics will allow the ball to compress properly, thus
attaining the maximum result in distance. Some other equipment I
would strongly recommend would be as follows:
A golf towel, golf shoes ( though not absolutely necessary it
will assist with stability as you swing), Golf tees ( Note:
there are different height golf tees made for different drivers,
woods and irons - I would recommend that you pick up an
assortment of sizes - 2 1/8" for woods and irons & 2 3/4" or 3
1/4" for Drivers depending on type and size. Check with golf pro
or sales person for recommendations if not sure), a golf glove (
not required but it will give you a definite advantage in
gripping and holding the club more effectively), ball markers (
used on the green to mark your ball so you will not to block the
path of your fellow player - a rule of golf etiquette), and a
divot repair tool ( used to repair the indentation made in the
green when the golf ball lands - one of the rules of etiquette
to be addressed in a future writing ). Although not required to
play golf, you may want to consider packing the following
ancillary items : Band-aids, sunscreen and insect repellent. You
never know when you may need them and it's better to be prepared
to allow for maximum comfort while you play. I think we've
covered most of the essentials and if you have any questions
please feel free to submit them to me. Now you've got the
Desire, you've got your equipment, next step is to learn how to
play- "The Right Way".
There are a number of different options available to learn how
to play golf. You can self teach ( read books and watch
instructional videos), ask a relative or friend who knows how to
play to teach you, if you are in a high school or college that
offers a golf program - enroll in the program, take lessons from
the golf pro at your local driving range, take golf lessons from
the professional at your local golf course, golf store, private
club or pro shop or enroll in a golf school. The method you
choose can greatly effect your results so be sure to make the
right decision for you.
About The Author: My name is Mike and I grew up in the Canarsie
section of Brooklyn, N.Y. I now live in Sayreville, N. J.. I was
always into sports but never played golf until I had a severe
hamstring injury. I took up golf and have enjoyed the game ever
since. Happy Golfing to all! http://guideforbeginninggolfers. com
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- 21.
Boxer Dogs: Ten Things You May Not Know About Them!
Posted by: "Avril Harper" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 8:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Boxer Dogs: Ten Things You May Not Know About
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Legend says when God was fashioning different breeds of dog out
of clay, he came to his final task and decided to create the
most beautiful dog ever and call it a `Boxer'. But this new
breed of dog was vain and rushed to see himself in the mirror
before the clay was properly set and bumped headlong into his
own reflection. That accounts for the flat nose characteristic
of the Boxer, and also proves that God really did accomplish his
design for the world's most beautiful dog! Here are another ten
things you may not already know about Boxer dogs:
* The Boxer Dog Who Cheated Death and Became a Television Star
In 1985, a white boxer dog called Bomber was snatched from a
vet's surgery by an animal nurse and later appeared in the UK
television series, Oliver Twist. It appears the dog's previous
owners decided to put the dog to sleep when they learned he
didn't quite fit new Kennel Club standards for his breed! In
filming he was made to look flea bitten, dirty and covered in
sores. Bomber even had a dressing room all to himself and was
congratulated on giving a superb performance. Well done Bomber,
and shame on those who gave up on him!
* A Boxer Dog With His Own Fan Club
A boxer dog called George was used in media advertisements in
the early 1990s and became so well known that he eventually had
a fan club all to himself. George's strange expressions appeared
in ads. for Coleman's Mustard and eventually the dog became a
household name and even made guest appearances at public
functions and schools.
* The Boxer Dog With The Longest T-o-n-g-u-e!
A boxer dog called Brandy featured on Ripley's 'Believe It Or
Not' due to her incredible 17 inch long tongue! Brandy, from
Michigan, USA, was bought from a local breeder in 1995 and her
new owner was assured the dog would eventually grow into her
l-o-n-g t-o-n-g-u-e! She didn't and on television she was shown
performing antics such as eating from a bowl 13 inches away. Her
owner, John Scheid, says brandy likes sunbathing and even gets
tan lines on her tongue, but says the beautiful Boxer is fit,
happy and healthy, so her unique feature isn't a problem at all.
She even has her own web site at:
* Zoe, The Boxer Dog Who Came Back to Life!
Zoe's owner, Cathy Walker, from Manuden, near Bishop's
Stortford in the UK, has been told by a medium that she is
surrounded by all the pets she has lost. That certainly seems
true of Zoe, a tan and white Boxer bitch who died several years
ago, aged eleven. The Daily Mail (November 6th 2001) printed an
amazing photograph of the bark of a tree under which Zoe spent
her last day, showing what can only be described as the image of
a boxer dog in the bark. Cathy tells how she is a great believer
in life after death and claims the image of Zoe has strengthened
that belief.
* The White Boxer Dog Who Received Hate Mail
To anyone who loves dogs in general, and Boxer dogs in
particular, Solo was as beautiful as any other of her breed. To
her owner, Joyce Lang, she was more than just beautiful, she was
a constant friend, a much loved family member. But not everyone
thought the same way and, surprisingly, in 1982, in Burgess Hill
in the UK, an anonymous letter arrived addressed to Solo,
saying: "I think you are the ugliest dog I have ever seen." What
sort of human could write such nonsense is beyond most people's
comprehension, and probably the letter was intended mainly to
upset Joyce, an objective the hateful writer most definitely
achieved. Letters continued to come saying: "Why don't you get
your master or mistress to take you for a face lift?". One even
contained a paper bag which the sender said should be placed
over Solo's head! When local newspapers heard the story the
headlines proclaimed that beauty is always in the eye of the
beholder and in Joyce's and other dog lover's eyes, Solo was
* A Little Boy's Tribute to His Pet Boxer, Lance
This story appeared in 'The Faithful Friend (Writings About
Owning and Loving Pets' and concerned dog owners in the United
States who often loaned their pets to the military in World War
Two. Lance, a Boxer, worked with Dogs for Defence which
eventually became the noted K09 Corps, and belonged to a family
with young children, one a boy who wrote this letter to Dogs for
Defence: `My Boxer, Lance, was in the army since last June. I
have not heard anything about him since I received a certificate
from the Quartermaster General. The number on it was 11281. I
love Lance very much and want to know if he is doing anything
brave. Can you please tell me where he is and what kind of a job
he does? Please answer soon because I can't wait much longer to
know what has become of him'.
* Origins of the Boxer Dog
What we know about the origins of most breeds, including the
Boxer, is largely owed to early sculptures, painting and
drawings. In the Boxer's case, a carving of a dog looking much
like a Boxer can be seen on a tomb in Arnstadt where lies
Elizabeth of Hohenstein who died in 1368. Flemish tapestries
from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries show dogs
resembling the Boxer engaged in stag- and boar-hunting.
* German Origins
Boxer dogs became very popular in Munich where the breed is
thought to have originated. But the history of the breed has not
been without controversy. In fact the first Boxer Club in the UK
was closed because of disagreements over almost everything
pertaining to Boxers. By 1905, however, the most enthusiastic
followers of the German Boxer met to develop a standard for the
Boxer which would be accepted by all. The Munich Boxer Club drew
up the standard which exists largely unchanged even today.
* Boxer Dogs in America
The first Boxer dog in America was imported in 1903 from
Switzerland. The new owner of the dog was New York Chief Justice
of the Court of Appeals, Irving Lehman who imported many other
Boxer dogs. The first Boxer dog registered with the American
Kennel Club was in 1904. The dog was Arnulf Grandenz, bred in
America by James Welch of Illinois.
* Boxer Dogs in Warring Nations
The boxer dog gained rapid popularity soon after the Second
World War ended, ironically more prominently in countries
formerly opposed in war with the Boxer's most likely native
home, Germany. Listen to what Rowland Johns says in 'Our Friend
The Boxer': `The re-emergence of the Boxer breed has added proof
that warring nations do not carry their antagonisms for long
into the relations between them and other nations' dogs. Both
with the Alsatian and the Boxer their popularity derives
directly from the contacts made during a state of war. In those
two wars the adoption of both breeds by members of the British
forces provided some personal satisfaction and uplift of the
spirit in long periods of exile from home, family, and friends.'
About The Author: If you hadn't already guessed it, Avril
Harper is a Boxer Dog lover, and webmaster of Visit for more information about Boxer
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Aset Graphics And Layout Services Can Help Internationals Impress Th
Posted by: "Louis Perdo" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 8:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Aset Graphics And Layout Services Can Help
Internationals Impress The American Market
Author: Louis Perdo
Word Count: 536
Article URL: 222108&ca= Business
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International marketers who want a competitive presence in the
United States face several barriers. For the most part, these
barriers are generated by their lack of mastery of the English
language and lack of familiarity with its business environment.
Because the American market is dominated by large businesses
that have the money to invest in making their name well known,
internationals are more likely to settle for one of them even
though less expensive yet capable alternatives would be more to
their advantage. Being an independent graphic artist, I realize
the importance of spreading the word about the smaller companies
that can deliver internationals more bang for their dollars. The
first such company I will write about is Aset Graphics and
Layout Services.
Aset Graphics and Layout Services is a company where
internationals can have their marketing and publicity materials
produced in English. Be they newsletters, sponsor reports,
advocacy items, brochures, magazines or books, Aset Graphics and
Layout Services will design an attractive product that will help
international marketers get the attention they desire. Located
in the nation's capital of Washington, D.C., Aset Graphics and
Layout Services is easily accessible to embassy staffs,
international advocacy organizations and immigrants who start
businesses that target the American mainstream. Furthermore, its
presence on the internet and high technology expertise makes it
accessible to internationals around the world.
In fact, Aset Graphics and Layout Services can handle a job
from beginning to end without requiring face to face contact
with its clients. Even though face to face contact is the best
way to get the service internationals desire, today's busier
than ever diplomats, organizers and entrepreneurs can appreciate
the advantage and convenience of operating in a manner that
maximizes their productivity.
Because its owner has several interests outside the United
States, Aset Graphics and Layout Services is able to understand
and feel the needs of international marketers. This and its
small company values enable the company to better provide
personalized services in the production and delivery of
promotional and informational materials. It doesn't matter if
the target group consists of consumers with money to spend,
businesses in search of new products or government officials
with contracts to award, Aset Graphics and Layout Services can
produce materials that will help internationals gain their
attention and garner their respect.
The business of Aset Graphics and Layout Services is to make
their clients look good. Its web site is representative of the
company in that it is small but classy and professional;
suggesting that the company prefers to stay in the background as
it projects an attractive image of its clients to the forefront.
It tries to not be intrusive; respectful of its clients yet
eager to help them reach their marketing and publicity
Even as it reaches out to internationals, Aset Graphics and
Layout Services continues to provide top quality graphics and
layout services to local and national clients. When diplomats
and business executives with high standards are in need of
graphics and layout services, it could be worth their time to go
online to and email Aset Graphics and
Layout Services a proposal.
About The Author: Louis Perdo has more than 25 years experience
as a Graphic Artist and Writer. He can be reached at
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Nine Keys To Unlock Opportunity
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Mon Feb 4, 2008 8:23 pm (PST)
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Title: Nine Keys To Unlock Opportunity
Word Count: 973
Author: Ada Porat
Category: Self-improvement/motivation
Article URL: http://www.submityourarticle. com/articles/ easypublish. php?art_id= 24541
The article is preformatted to 60CPL.
Nine Keys To Unlock Opportunity
In Greek mythology, Kairos was the god of Opportunity and
the youngest son of Zeus. A bronze statue of Kairos
depicted him as a youth with winged feet, a long lock of
hair hanging down his forehead, and no hair at all on the
back. The inscription beneath it read in part:
"What is thy name?" My name is Opportunity. "Why hast thou
wings on thy feet?" That I may fly swiftly. "Why has thou a
great forelock?" That men may seize me when I am come. "Why
are thou bald in back?" That when I go by, none can lay
hold of me.
The message of Kairos is clear: Either we grasp hold of
Opportunity when it approaches, or it passes us by swiftly
and leaves us nothing by which to detain it.
And every experience in life is indeed an opportunity. Life
is a precious gift that offers us the opportunity to give
something back by becoming more. Over the course of life,
each one of us is faced with a continuous series of great
opportunities, most of them brilliantly disguised as
impossible obstacles. Those obstacles that appear to be
most challenging, offer us opportunities to discover deep
resources within ourselves - provided we choose an
appropriate response.
How are you choosing to respond to the impossible
situations of your life? Will they become opportunities for
growth and healing, or will you blame others and become
The next time you are faced with an impossible situation,
choose to see it as an opportunity for your advancement and
take a look at some of the keys that will help you grasp
hold of it before the opportunity passes.
1. Commit. Success starts with a commitment to the desired
outcome. It has very little to do with luck and everything
with the commitment to be prepared when opportunity shows
up. The great Roman philosopher Seneca taught that luck is
what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
2. Prepare. One of the best pieces of advice I received
from a business mentor early in my career was to be
over-prepared and shoot straight arrows. This advice served
me well throughout my career, when I would often face tough
business negotiations without any prior knowledge of which
issues may come up. It is far better to be prepared for an
opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity
and not be prepared! Thomas Edison was willing to roll up
his sleeves and try out every possible scenario in his
experiments to find the solutions that worked. Over the
course of his career, he held a world record for 1,093
separate inventions. Edison said that most people miss
life's great opportunity because it shows up dressed in
overalls and looks like work!
3. Look For What Works. Sometimes we stare so long at a
door that is closing that we notice too late the one that
is open. Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on
what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward
toward finding the answer.
4. Focus. Focus on your potential instead of your
limitations. In the world of energy, whatever we focus on,
expands. Keep your consciousness totally focused on the
present moment so you can receive whatever gift, lesson, or
delight that moment has to offer. If you've lost focus,
just sit down and be still. Take the idea into your mind
and rock it to and fro. Keep some of it and throw some
away, until it renews itself. Once it is renewed, adjust
your focus and go for it!
5. Make The Most Of Every Experience. Learn everything you
can, anytime you can, from anyone you can. Stay present in
the process so that you remain aware of all the subtle
aspects. Own the process by reviewing what worked and what
did not; fine-tune your approach and let go of emotional
attachment to the process. When you do this, you are able
to distill the lessons you learn from every experience.
6. Be Grateful. Give thanks for the very lessons you have
learned during the times you have felt most constrained or
overwhelmed. Gratitude will help you stay positive. Time
flies by fast, people move in and out of your life, and
situations continuously change. Never miss the opportunity
to tell people how much they mean to you or to give thanks
for what is going right in your life now. Tomorrow
everything may look different and the opportunity gone.
7. Stay Open To Possibilities. Don't wait for extraordinary
opportunities to come your way. Seize common occasions and
make them great! Weakness waits for the golden opportunity
that may never show up; strength takes hold of the moment
and turns it into a brilliant opportunity.
8. Be Willing To Take Risk. Never fear risk. All
exploration, all growth is calculated. Without challenge
and risk we cannot reach our highest potential. Only if we
are willing to walk over the edge can we experience the
true stuff we are made of. It is by risking going 'too far'
that we learn just how far we can go!
9. Kiss Fear Of Failure Goodbye. Life's ups and downs
provide you with opportunities to determine your true
values and goals. You discover your values and goals by
exploring and experiencing what they are not - that is not
failure; that is learning. Instead of labeling your
learning as failure, think of every experience as a
stepping stone to build the life you want. The quicker you
release the limiting concepts of success and failure, the
sooner you will be free to grasp onto new opportunities and
to produce fabulous results.
The next time Opportunity knocks, may you be ready to grasp
it by the forelock and let its winged feet carry your
efforts to full completion!
About the Author:
Ada Porat is a holistic health practitioner and life
balance coach with extensive international teaching and
clinical experience. She uses body/mind/spirit techniques
to help clients develop their full potential. For more
information, visit or call (602)
283-4628 MST.
This article is distributed on behalf of the author by is a trading name of Takanomi Limited.
Takanomi Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales.
Registered number: 5629683. Registered office: 104 The Mount, York YO24 1GR.
Full contact details are at
- 24.
Grandfather Clock Dials Do More Than Tell Time
Posted by: "Mike O'Brien" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 9:10 pm (PST)
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Article Title: Grandfather Clock Dials Do More Than Tell Time
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Even in the days when the sundial was the primary means of time
telling, designers and artisans added flourishes and decorative
features. Many of these artistic touches were integral parts of
the sundials functionality.
Most of us take the dial face of a clock or other timepiece for
granted. The history of the venerable grandfather clock is the
history of clock faces. Based on a twelve hour cycle, early
clock faces had just one hand. The hand would simply indicate
the hour. As clock mechanisms developed, a second hand was added
to indicate fractions of the hour in minutes. As clock movements
became more sophisticated, a third hand was added that would
show elapsed seconds. The rest as they say is history.
The development of the grandfather or long case clock, gave
rise to dial faces that went beyond merely telling time. Just as
the designs of long cases became more ornate, the dial faces
became a canvas for artisans. From simple numerical markings,
many clockmakers in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
would use the dial face as a decorative and ornamental
embellishment. Floral patterns, landscapes and ornate scrolling
were popular subjects for the clock dial artist.
Before the introduction of stenciling and appliques, all clock
faces were painted by hand. Each artist might have added a
unique design patterns and illustrations. The presence of hand
painted illustrations on an antique clock greatly enhances not
its beauty but adds to the value of the clock. The painting of
clock dials became an art separate and apart from the tasks of
case and movement building. Dial painters and designers would
often sign their work often on the front or back of the dial.
One innovation in clock face design had a very utilitarian
purpose. The phases of the moon and the lunar calendar were
significant for several reasons. Farmers often relied on the
lunar calendar to determine the best time to plant their crops.
Sailors relied on the phases of the moon since the movements of
the tides were closely tied to the lunar calendar. In the early
eighteenth century, makers of long case clocks began to offer
clock dials that tracked the twenty nine and one half days of
the lunar calendar month.
The addition of what became known as the moon dial
revolutionized the grandfather clock industry. The importance in
the introduction of the moon dial can be compared with the
development chronograph watches.
Shaker style clock dials are simple in design, easy to read and
lack the artistic embellishments of more ornate dials. Usually
painted in black on a white background, shaker style clock dials
are characterized by the use of roman numerals. In a unique
twist, the numeric representation of four is simply four roman
numeral one characters. This is contrast to other clock face
designs that display the numeral four as a combination of the
roman numerals one and five. Some shaker style dials can be
found with Arabic numerals in place of the roman style.
Long case or tall case clocks fall into three general
categories, grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter.
Grandfather clocks are characterized by dials that are larger
than eight inches in diameter. In addition to not being as tall,
grandmother and granddaughter clocks usually have dials that are
eight inches or less in diameter.
Whether you own a floor clock, mantle or clock, the style of
the dial makes many clocks unique and collectible. If your clock
has a damaged dial, there are artisans who specialize in
restoring the clock dial to its former beauty. You can also find
replacement dials that can add a new look to an old clock.
About The Author: Michael O'Brien is the staff writer for the
internet shopping site Fine Web
Stores offers an eclectic collection of unique home furnishings,
bean bag chairs, bookends, mattresses, jewelry, and grandfather
clocks. Grandfather- Clocks_c_ 110.html
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6 Bodybuilding Tips
Posted by: "Gerry Marsh" articles_isnare
Mon Feb 4, 2008 9:11 pm (PST)
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Article Title: 6 Bodybuilding Tips
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If you are starting a bodybuilding program one of the best
things you can do is to study what the professionals do. You can
discover many tips and techniques from professionals that will
enhance your workout. They have done it, know what works and
have the great bodies to prove it, so why not copy them? You
really don't have to go it alone.
The following bodybuilding tips have been taken from experts
and cover areas that they say many bodybuilders tend to ignore
or overlook in their bodybuilding program.
1 Keep it all in proportion.
If you are trying for a truly sculpted look, proportion is
really important. One area that is often overlooked is the calf
muscles because they are relatively small to begin with and are
difficult to build. Just because they are difficult to work with
doesn't mean they are not important. The calves are just as
important as any other muscle in your body and can make you look
totally out of balance if they are ignored. Besides working them
with specific routines, using both wide and narrow stances when
lifting will help to hone the calf muscles.
2 Get a training partner.
This has been proven many times but is still ignored by many
bodybuilders. A training partner will help keep you motivated
and even share a few tips and advice now and then. And there is
nothing that stimulates you during a workout like a little
friendly competition that keeps you centered on your goals. Just
don't go overboard and end up with an injury because you let the
partner push you a little too much.
3 Don't bend over backwards for your deltoids.
The deltoids get a lot of work by most bodybuilders because
they are one of the most prominent muscle groups in the body and
respond very well to workouts. Good delts make you look
proportionally fit and trim. Lateral raises can pump up your
delts to new heights, but do these raises leaning slightly
forward. Many people builders have a tendency to lean slightly
backwards when doing lateral raises but the delts will not be
getting a full workout if you do this.
4 Proper nutrition is important.
A bodybuilder's best friend is what he/she puts into his body.
Get or develop a well-balanced diet and stick with it. Eat 5 or
6 smaller meals during the day rather than the traditional 3
larger meals. Maintain a good balance of proteins and
carbohydrates in your diet. A bodybuilder needs both. Carbs will
give you the quick energy and the protein builds the muscle
providing long-term sustained energy. And stay hydrated. Water
is critical to your metabolic process.
5 Supplements are important in building muscle mass.
The problem is that some bodybuilders want to cheat nature and
use a lot of chemical supplements. You do not need to do this.
The best nutrient you can put into your body to help grow muscle
mass is protein - not something from a drug lab. So look to
protein supplements. They will not only help pack on muscles but
they bring up your energy level so you will be able to do your
routines with more ease and feel a better sense of well being
during your rest periods.
6 Keep an open mind.
Always be open to new advice and tips. This does not mean to
jump from one program to another but we can always use a little
fresh insight now and then. Most bodybuilders love to share what
they have learned. Body building tips are everywhere. Ask the
buff guy at your gym for the one most important tip he can
offer. If you are sincere, you will end up getting many tips on
About The Author: For more tips and articles on bodybuilding
the way the professionals do, go to Gerry's website,
http://www.Muscle-Building- where you will
reviews of top bodybuilding programs and other free articles and
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